
In the port of Dead Leaf City, a luxury cruise ship is docked in the port, and passengers carrying bags and suitcases continue to board this luxury cruise ship.

And this luxury cruise ship is the famous Saint Teanu, today is the departure day of the Saint Teanou.

At this time, Natsuki and Konah also came to the pier from the elf center.

At this time, the crew of the Sant’Anou was checking the ticket at the door to prevent anyone from mixing into the ship, after all, the Sant’Anou is a luxury cruise ship with a great reputation, and if people enter the ship to make trouble, it will ruin their reputation.

“That’s a lot! If you know early, you will come early! Konah looked at the team ahead.

There are quite a few passengers lining up to board the ship, and many passengers are taking photos here, including many training homes.

Although the tickets for the St. Teanu are not cheap, they are nothing for the trainers, and the elves do not know how many tickets they can buy for a month’s meals.

“It should be our turn soon!” Natsuki smiled.

At this time, Xia Shu saw a somewhat familiar person on the team, this familiar person was not someone Xia Shu knew, but his clothes made him very familiar.

“Is that the guy?”

In the original work, Ash, Xiaoxia and Xiaogang also rode the Saint Teanou and met a gentleman on it.

And the person in front of the queue was also wearing exactly the same clothes as the gentleman Ash had met, and he didn’t know if it was the same person.

I only know that Ash fought with that guy at the beginning, and also exchanged elves, exchanging Rada with Bada butterfly, and then Ash couldn’t bear Rada and exchanged it back.

But Natsuki wouldn’t do that kind of thing, Eevee, Lucky Egg, and Coco Dora were his guys, and he wouldn’t swap with anyone else.

After a while, it was Natsuki and Kona’s turn to check the tickets and board the ship.

After making sure that the ticket was correct, Natsuki and Konah boarded the luxury cruise ship, the Saint Teanu.

And on the cruise, the staff was led to their rooms.

Natsuki and Konah share a room for each other.

“Let’s go to the lobby of the cruise ship later! I heard that every time the Sant’Tiannu will hold an elf exchange conference, where you can exchange elves to your heart’s content! Connor said.

These things are written on the flyer, so Cona knows it.

Although Kona is not prepared to exchange elves, it is good to see, it may increase in knowledge.

In addition, the Sant’Tiannu will have elf battles every time it sails, and the prizes are quite rich, the first prize is an elf egg, a water elf egg.

As for what kind of water system the elf egg is, the captain of the Sant’Annu will not say it, and he will naturally know it after birth.

In the past, some trainers won the first place to get the elf eggs of the water system, and after hatching, it was actually the Jani turtle, one of the three royal families in the Kanto area.

There are also people who open a small saw crocodile, one of the three families of the water system in the process of the capital area.

The elf eggs of the Royal Three Families are nothing to the wealthy Saint Teannu, because the chaebols behind them have some deep cooperation with the alliance, and they are just a fairy egg of the Royal Three Families.

Therefore, many trainers participate in the voyage of the Saint Teanu every year, just for this elf egg.

After all, the elf egg of the white is still one of the three royal families, and no trainer does not like it.

Trainers like white the most.

“And I remember that this voyage on the Sant’Anu will hold an elf battle again, and the first place can get a water system elf egg.” Natsuki smiled.

Cona nodded, “I know this, but I’m not going to participate, my goal is the ice elves.” ”

Hearing this, Xia Shu was a little surprised: “Isn’t the dumb beast an elf of the water system?” ”

“I accidentally saved this kid, so I took him in.”

“Although I have subdued the Dumb Beast, my goal is still the ice elf.”

Konah does not lack elves, just an elf egg from the three royal families, she can get it anytime, anywhere.

So she was not prepared to have an elven battle on the Saint Teanu this time, she was ready to go fishing.

See if you can catch ice spirits.

Ice baby sea lions, ice dragons, and ice spiny shells.

These elves she wanted to subdue.

“Thank you!” Xia Shu thanked him.

He knew that this was the elf egg that Konah did not want to compete with him for this royal family.

Of course, Xia Shu is also very confident in himself, even against Kona, he will not necessarily lose.

Konah waved his hand, “I’m not for you, an elf egg, it’s nothing to me.” ”

“So don’t rob you of your chance!” Konah smiled.

Natsuki and Konah then went back to their rooms, put their things down, and then met in the hall of the Saint Teanu.

At this time, many people had gathered in the hall, and these people were showing their elves to the surrounding trainers.

If the other party takes a fancy to his elf, and he also fancy the other party’s elf, then the two trainers will exchange their own elves.

This exchange is very normal in the trainer’s world, and even some elves need to exchange if they want to evolve.

Swapping elves’ special radio waves allows some elves to evolve again.

Among them, the electric shock monster needs to be exchanged for evolution, and it needs to carry a power amplifier when it evolves.

However, the figure of electric shock monsters can also be seen in the wild, because electric shock monsters like to live in stopped power plants, and the remaining electricity and radio waves in the power plant can make electric shock beasts evolve into electric shock monsters.

This is also after researchers discovered this in the wild that they learned that elves actually evolved in this way.

“There are so many people!”

“Little Fu Egg, Eevee, Coco Dora, don’t get lost!”

Here, you can let the elves relax together.

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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