Just got the reward of the elf center and resigned and ran out to travel, which is very unkind.

But in fact, the elf center also recommended him to travel, so that he could increase his knowledge, and he could also stay at the elf center without pay, leaving him a way back.

In addition, there is a monthly stipend, which is considered to be some investment given to him by the elf center.

The elf center is a behemoth in this world, but it does not dislike its many friends.

Moreover, the elf center still casts a wide net, if one of them becomes the champion of the league competition and achieves results in the championship competition, this is definitely a sure profit for the elf center.

So Natsuki is also a fish, but he is willing to eat the bait.

After all, this bait is not poisonous, mutually beneficial things, why not agree.

Therefore, Xia Shu is also going to leave the elf center, leave Hualan City, and go to the outside world.

“So, we’ll be competitors in the future, do you want to travel with me?” Konah invited.

Hearing this, Xia Shu was surprised: “We are opponents, you actually invited me to travel together?” ”

Konah smiled: “Traveling with you, I can observe you on the road.” When it’s time for the league tournament, I’ll know you have those elves. ”

“And you are an elven doctor, you need companions like you when you travel, and I will be very relieved if I have you!” Konah doesn’t shy away.

The trainers who come out of the elf center are all people who love elves, and most of them are not bad people, so you can feel at ease when traveling together.

If it were other trainers, Kona wouldn’t invite it, because he didn’t know at all, who knew if it was a good guy or a bad guy.

And the wild is not as dangerous as the city, where it is quite dangerous, and if there is a doctor there, it can solve a lot of trouble.

Therefore, instead of inviting other trainers to travel together, Konah is more willing to invite Natsuki to travel together.

“I didn’t expect that the elf doctor still has such an advantage, when are you going to leave?” Natsuki smiled.

It is indeed very convenient to have an elf doctor pass, such as Xiao Gang who travels with Ash and Xiaoxia.

Xiao Gang’s goal is an elf breeder, but he is also proficient in some medical skills.

Therefore, it is Xiao Gang who is helping Ash on the journey, and it is precisely because of Xiao Gang’s existence that Ash can train without worrying about other things.

But now, Ash seems to be only a few years old, far from the age to travel.

And the age of travel in this world is not ten, but sixteen.

After all, the wilderness of this world is quite dangerous, and even if you have an elf, it is impossible to trust a ten-year-old child camping in the wilderness.

Therefore, it is stipulated that after the age of sixteen, you can travel and challenge the league competition.

Now both Connor and Natsuki are sixteen years old.

“I’ve made an appointment to challenge the Hualan Dojo, I can fight tomorrow, and I will leave after getting the blue badge!” Konah is confident.

Xia Shu looked at Kona and said, “It seems that you are very confident!” ”

“But don’t be careless, the owner of the Hualan Taoist Hall is not a role that can be solved so easily, if you are careless, you will suffer!”

Now the owner of the Hualan Taoist Hall is not Xiaoxia, nor is it Xiaoxia’s sisters.

And their father.

At this time, Xiaoxia’s father had not yet taken his wife out to travel around the world, and he was still a serious working dojo trainer.

But when his daughters grew up, the father also began to stop working, and ran out with his wife to travel the world, leaving the dojo to his daughter.

This is unusually similar to Mubi City Xiaogang’s father.

However, there are few Taoist hall owners who are responsible, and they have other side jobs.

Even for them, the Taoist hall owners, the Taoist hall is their side business, and other things are the main business.

For example, Sakagi, the trainer of Tokiwa Dokan, is a trainer of Tokiwa Dokan on the surface, but in fact he is the boss of the premier rocket team in the Kanto area.

Therefore, as a dojo trainer, you are embarrassed to go out and meet people without a bit of main business.

Hearing this, Kona patted his chest and said: “Don’t worry, I will definitely not lose, I am a woman who will become a champion in the future!” ”

Hearing this, Xia Shu secretly said in his heart: “I’m sorry, you can’t become a champion!” ”

After Dr. Ohki, the champion of Sekido, retired, it was the era of the Four Heavenly Kings of Sekido.

But if you want to become the champion of Sekido, you need to defeat the other three.

There are restraints between the four heavenly kings of Guandu, among which Yulongdu can’t beat Konah, because the dragon cancer’s Yulongdu is restrained by Konah, and it can’t be this hurdle at all.

And Kona is just another person, which is really mutual restraint.

So when Ash went out to travel, Imperial Dragon Du and Konah were still the Four Heavenly Kings.

However, later Yulongdu still got his wish and became the champion of both Guandu and Chengdu.

“Then I’ll congratulate you here on getting the blue badge of the Hualan Taoist Hall, future champion Ms. Konah!” Natsuki smiled slightly.

Hearing this, the corners of Kona’s mouth also raised slightly.

Natsuki’s words obviously entered Konah’s heart.

“Hey, hey!” Konah put the egg on the counter and said, “In order to avoid being ugly tomorrow, I will go back to the room now to recuperate.” ”

“Wait for me to come back and report the letter!”

After that, Konah ran away with a puff of smoke.

Looking at Kona’s back, Xia Shu muttered, “It turns out that Konah was like this when he was young!” ”

In fact, Xia Shu is not a person from this world, but from another world, because he was killed by a mud truck on the road, and then woke up and came to this world.

And became an orphan.

However, he did not give up on himself, worked hard to get admitted to the civil service of the alliance, and got Eevee and Xiaofu.

At the same time, he also obtained Goldfinger, the Power of Bonds, and the Encyclopedia of Elves.

After the bond between the elf and the trainer reaches a certain level, the power of the bond can be used, and the power of the bond can be used to increase the strength of the elf, and the elf can also undergo mega evolution.

As for the elf encyclopedia, he can know all kinds of elf data, including the cultivation methods of elves with different attributes, as well as the matching moves of elves.

There is even a way to make an energy cube maker.

You know, there is no such thing as an energy cube in this world!

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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