Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

: Recommend to leave the new work of God-I will be a gate valve

I do n’t need to say more about the **** of thorns Jingke. Friends who are concerned about the starting point of history should have heard his name. Previously, he had scores of five or six thousand in the urban classification. I will be the emperor in the original book, and it will create the history of the Western Han Dynasty. A genre, his masterpieces are strictly based on texts, fit the history, and the author has a very profound view of history. Tiandao also benefits a lot from it.

Recently, I was going to open a book at the same time as the Great God and Heavenly Dao. It is still the theme of the Western Han Dynasty. It ’s just that this time it was not an emperor. Instead, it was changed to become a gate valve. It has something in common with this content of Heavenly Dao. It is nothing to say, friends who really like history must not miss it.

Supplementary introduction: In the middle of the Western Han Dynasty, people's livelihood was difficult, and the country's momentum was declining.

Countless scholars, doctors, and celebrities shouted: Zhang Sheng could not come out, what is the world! ?

Then, the proverb said: Zhang and Liu, sharing the world.

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