Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

: Push 2 friends' historical masterpieces

One is the author of "Bingjia Three Kingdoms", the new work of Shonan Xiaoxiaosheng, Song Mingyue, Xiaoxiaosheng was originally rewarded with a good score of three thousand subscriptions. This is also a hard work. It proves that the reader's vision is very accurate. Don't miss the friends who like Song Chaoshu. The introduction:

Various magic pills and magic props can be exchanged for merit value.

Pave the road to build bridges, heal the sick and save the people, and help the famine relief ... It is a merit to help the grandmother to cross the road.

It is the greatest merit to guard the thief outside the country and save the people from fire and water.

PS: 1. Have finished the excellent novel "Bingjia Three Kingdoms", the character guarantee; 2. This book is still a systemic text that is very high.

The other is a masterpiece of history that everyone should be familiar with, "Mythical Edition of the Three Kingdoms" in the graves and weeds. This book has been getting better and better in the past two years. The results prove everything, and it can definitely be called the top ten historical books in the past two years. Friends who like the Three Kingdoms and like to watch fantasy must not leave themselves with regrets. Attached introduction:

Chen Xi looked at the soldiers who left a huge stone of hundreds of kilograms, and looked at the sky silently. Is this really the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty?

Lü Bu single-handedly pierced through 10,000 troops, this is unscientific.

Zhao Zilong's true soul is possessed, and his sword is broken. Is this really a person?

Dian Wei singled out Cao Cao to kill the enemy camp, and slaughtered thousands of steps on the opposite side. This fighting power burst into the table!

Is there something wrong with it? Chen Xi touched a goose feather fan and waved it in a stern wind. He sighed, "This is a myth, I am not normal anymore."

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