Earth's Greatest Magus

Chapter 1258: Preure

It had now been confirmed that Eehoo Nephilim would be the opponent Emery would have to face tomorrow in the quarterfinal, and from what he had hown jut now, it wa apparent that the Nephilim geniu had been training hard in the lat i month.

Although he wa a little nervou at the propect of fighting againt the Nephilim, Emery couldn't help but feel ecited about tomorrow' fight. But for now, he and hi group have another matter to focu on – the net match.

"Thra veru Zach Talon!"

The Thracian wa ready to fight. In fact, he wa eager to tep into the arena. However, there wa omething not right with him.

The weapon in hi hand wa indeed a Tier 5 pear, but the iue wa that it wan't a glaive. In addition, it wa a little too hort and much lighter compared to the one he ued before.

"I'm orry, Thra," Chumo aid a he lowered hi head in guilt. It turned out that he didn't have enough time to find one imilar to hi glaive, hence the reaon for the omewhat ubpar weapon.

It wa actually crucial for a warrior to bring a weapon familiar to him to a battle. Even o, Thra knew that he couldn't jut blame hi friend. He jut had to accept the ituation he got in hand and rolled with it.

With a mindet that he would give more than hi all, the Immortal Gladiator walked into the center of the arena with a confident gait. The moment he tepped onto the large tage, loud cream and hout immediately rang out all over the place.

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"Thra! Thra!! Thra!!"

The crowd once again cheered for him. For the lat Elite cla acolyte who had been fighting ince the very firt day.

All of them were cheering with high epectation, but many for different reaon.

Some jut wihed to witne the feat of winning againt impoible odd, ome jut imply hated hi opponent who wa a half-blood, while ome jut wihed to ee blood, the more, the merrier.

All in all, whether it wa poitive or negative, Thra definitely eemed to have more upport than Zach.

Hearing the cheer that welcomed hi arrival, Thra ubconciouly cracked a light mile on hi face. He reponded to the crowd of pectator by raiing hi hand in the air and tightly clenching hi fit.

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The crowd grew livelier when the audience aw Thra' action. On the other hand, the gladiator' love for arena fight managed to give ome amuement to the Dragon Prince Zach, who never found the meaning of uch action. For Zach, there wa no honor other than a real fight on the battlefield.

Seeing Zach' cold gaze a he tood a few meter away with the huge word in hi hand piercing the arena floor, Thra took up hi fighting tance and prepared himelf for the upcoming battle.

The two of them tared at each other, and the referee' voice rang out, announcing the tart of the match.

Thra claimed the initiative and kicked off the match by winging hi pear around, getting familiar with the new weight and reach, before he ued [Immortal Gate] and lammed the blunt end to the ground.


What he dicovered about hi current weapon wa a diappointing reult overall, but a a true fighter and gladiator, Thra could and would fight with anything he could get hi hand on.


Brandihing the pear forward, Thra kicked the ground and hot toward Zach, launching one of hi battle art that worked wonder with a pear like the one he wa currently wielding.

[Viciou Barrage]

The pear in Thra' hand blurred and uddenly multiplied. The air eemed to be pierced through a it wa raining down a torm of thrut upon the Dragon Prince.

Zach calmly unearthed hi greatword that wa embedded in the ground. The net intant, it diappeared from ight a he made a powerful wing, one that eemed to be able to take one' breath away.

The airflow pun back and forth a if omeone had turned back time, before a loud, eardrum-haking ound boomed through the air.


With jut one wing, Thra' battle art wa dealt with. Clahing with uch terrifying power, Thra felt hi hand throb violently. A painful enation radiated from both of hi hand, cauing him to almot let go of hi pear.


Thra wa irritated. Such a thing would not happen if he had a proper weapon. Ala, there wa nothing he could do now. He jut had to keep puhing until either he or hi opponent couldn't continue.

Regaining hi demeanor, Thra prepared himelf for a counterattack when he uddenly noticed an indecribable aura emerge from hi opponent' figure. The frown on hi face deepened when he aw it take form into omething.

The tranlucent figure of a huge crimon dragon appeared behind the Dragon Prince. It emitted an overwhelming preence that eerted a formle intene preure on the Thracian, cauing the latter' leg to tremble violently a he fought againt it.

[Draconic Aura]

What Zach had jut done wa far more than a mere pirit attack; it wa an eploion of battle pirit that would make all of thoe unworthy intantly kneel before it preence.<ub></ub>

"What the fuck?!!"

Being placed in uch a ituation, Thra' irritation grew even greater. What tood in front of him now wa arguably the tronget preence he had ever faced, and the fact that it came from Zach, who wa the ame age a him, eaperated him to no end.

Becaue of the preure, the [Draconic Aura] eerted, Thra wa tunned, unable to move for a econd, which wa definitely an opportunity Zach would not let go of a he mercilely lammed him with the ide of hi greatword.


The blow ent the Immortal Gladiator flying, hurtling everal meter before crahing to the ground.

That one blow wa trong enough to dilocate hi houlder, but the gladiator certainly would not top from uch little pain, he quickly fied it himelf and wa ready for more.

When he wa about to tand up, Zach once again eerted preure on him. Thi time however, he didn't trike and intead aid.

"Know you trength, jut Surrender"

Depite facing thi kind of ituation, Thra unepectedly let out a chuckle. "Hahhaha, urrender?" He lifted hi face and looked directly into the Dragon Prince' eye. Fighting pirit wa blazing fiercely in hi eye.


Depite the difficultie, Thra till truggled to tand. A he fought againt the preure that continued to uppre him relentlely, he forced hi ability out in pite of the fact he had no warm-up yet.

[Blood Rage]


Zach wa lightly urpried when he aw Thra' kill allowed him to completely break free from hi dragon aura.

With bloodhot eye, the Thracian charged at hi opponent and wung hi pear once more.

[Mighty Swing]

Ala, the fact that he could reit Zach' [Draconic Aura] didn't mean that he ha the trength to match Zach. The weep of hi pear which wa trengthened by hi battle art wa parried caually.

But of coure, Thra would not let hi failure top him a he continued hi aggreion, he continue by performing [Mighty Swing] in rapid ucceion.

Clankk Clankk Clankkk

The crowd wa bedazzled a they watched Zach perfectly handle each and every trike Thra threw at him. A if that wan't bad enough, Thra could feel the tabbing pain in hi palm getting tronger with each failure.

However, the bad new wan't over yet for Thra, a Zach finally decided to get eriou and ue hi own battle art [Hellraier].


The greatword truck hi pear with unmatched momentum, not only forcing Thra to let go of the pear and ending it flying away, it alo created a big wound on hi chet. The gah wa bloody red a blood guhed out.


Yet till the wound and diarmament didn't top the Immortal Gladiator, a he approached the Dragon Prince at cloe range, wanting to ue hi fit in combat.

All eye gaped at the foolih move, they all waited for the ight of the Thracian being cut again. However, what they epected didn't happen. Intead, Zach wa een giving a little mile before laying down hi word and uing hi fit to counter Thra'.


The fight uddenly turned into a brawl of fit, but once again Zach wa victoriou. He dodged and countered every blow Thra ent over, yet the ame couldn't be aid for the latter. A time paed, the Thracian' movement became more luggih.

It took a dozen punche to the body before the badly bruied and bloodied Thra finally dropped one knee, till the gladiator fighting pirit got him to tand once again, but not enough to throw another punch.

Zach topped hi punche a he aid, "I can ene the pirit of laughter within you.. jut like me… I hope to ee you in the frontline after thi."

After that, Zach gave another punch that knocked Thra down, and the referee finally called the reult.

"Zach Talon win!"

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