Chapter 109: Don’t Take Me with You!!

Both Life and Chikusa were shocked.

“How is it possible, even the will of the gods can be twisted?!”

Lily swallowed her saliva as well.

“This is the truth, although I also think that Lord Su Luo’s power is a little too exaggerated ~ yes.”

Life and Chikusa face to face.

This is no longer a point of mental vacillation, but the worldview is almost shocked.

That man, their nominal master, was able to rely only on a contract to twist the will of an inviolable god in the absence of a person…

What a existence he is!

Shouldn’t it be even more exaggerated than the gods?!

Just as they were shocked by this news, a girl’s voice suddenly sounded behind them.


A half-goblin girl looked at the scene in front of her with a blushing face, and wanted to stop talking.

The little Terran girl lifts her pants (actually clothes), and the other two human girls stretch their heads to visit and exclaim from time to time.

She has already made up a big scene in her mind such as ‘let me be healthy for you’.

Aegina resisted the shame of her unclean deeds and said with a wandering look in her eyes.

“That I didn’t seem to come at the right time… You guys, you go on. ”

After that, Aegina wanted to escape.

Lily turned stiffly behind her, her face changed wildly, and she shouted hello to life and Chikusa.

“Quick, hold her, don’t let her sign!”


“Don’t be, if we let her escape, our chastity and reputation will be all ruined!”

Life also felt quite shy to be seen in that scene just now.

The confused brain simply does not have time to make reasonable judgments.

When he reacted, his hands were already tightly wrapped around Aegina Aegina and blushed shyly, and he struggled to see it desperately.

“Well, let me go, I, I’m not interested in that forbidden love! Don’t take me with you!!! ”

Lily was angry and shy, pounced on Aegina like a beast, covered her mouth at once, and said sweatingly.

“Quick, carry her into the house!”


Despite Aegina’s appearance of being sworn to death, under the tough demeanor of the three of them, all the struggles were futile.

The door slammed shut.

[Three girls carried a half-goblin into the abyss of depravity.] 】

Of course, all this exists only in Aegina’s delusions.

Lili naturally knew this responsible consultant lady, and after some inquiries, she quickly solved the misunderstanding.

“Are you saying you want to know where Lord Su Luo is going?”

Aegina sorted out her somewhat messy clothes and nodded tearfully.

Lily was a little embarrassed not to overdo it.

Life and Chikusa are even more directly ashamed to have no land.

To actually do that kind of action in broad daylight is simply against women’s morality!

Lily coughed softly and tried to say with a straight face.

“There are a lot of guys who pay attention to Lord Su Luo today…”

Aegina asked puzzled.

“Did anyone else ask before me?”

Lily waved her hand.

“It’s a god who looks ill-intentioned, but it doesn’t matter anymore. According to you, it is likely that Lord Su Luo is trapped on the thirty-seventh floor? ”

As she said this, Lily also glanced at Life and Chikusa.

According to them and Tucia’s explanation, Su Luo should have been voluntarily swallowed by the giant snake in an attempt to infiltrate the base behind the scenes.

Did the result be taken to the thirty-seventh floor…

On the bright side, the mandatory task is directly completed.

At worst, the shock was not done by Lord Su Luo.

The more Lily thought about it, the more she felt that her guess was reliable.

I’m afraid that only the half-goblin girl in front of her doesn’t know Su Luo’s true strength.

Ming hesitated and asked worriedly.

“We, don’t we need to go to support?”

Lily frowned slightly, looking at Tucia, who was still showing off potato balls in her mouth not far away.

Tucia swallowed the food in his mouth, paused for a moment, and said lightly.

“Don’t worry, the master is coming back soon.”

“Lord, master?!”

This particular word caused many impure fragments to flash in Aegina’s brain again.

At this moment, how much she regretted reading the novels that Missia recommended to her.

Aegina only felt that today’s self was really eye-opening.

If in the Hephaestus dependents only the worldview rushed to the impact, then in the Sumo dependents her view of love was almost distorted and reshaped.

Aegina’s face flushed and she stammered as she spoke.

“So, that young lady is…”

“Her name is Tucia, and you can understand that Lord Sullo… Maid. ”

After speaking, Lili quickly glanced at Tucia and saw that she did not object, and quietly breathed a sigh of relief in her heart.

“Female, maid? Is Mr. Su Luo an aristocrat or even a royal family of which country? ”

Aegina was shocked by Su Luo’s noble status.

After all, how could ordinary adventurers have a maid to accompany them.

Lili suddenly remembered the royal woman who Su Luo had mentioned in male clothes, and her words couldn’t help but smell of vinegar.

“Well, Lord Su Luo is a man who wants to become a king, and it’s not bad for you to say that.”

“Become king…”


I knew that Mr. Su Luo’s life was extraordinary!

Aegina understood the exact opposite of what Lily wanted to say.

She had already made up Su Luo’s brain into a prince who had been trained in the world with both eyes.

No wonder he seemed to be confident in the face of both the Celestial Gods and the superior adventurers.

His elegant and unhurried temperament is also completely different from those rude guys

It turned out that because he was destined to be the master of a country in the future, everything made sense.

Since it is the king of the people, it is a natural ambition to point at the black dragon just after becoming an adventurer.

So it is, so it is, I have understood everything.

And if it’s a king, then the harem…

I heard a sudden and polite knock on the door.

Lily answered despite muttering ‘why are there so many visitors today’.

“Please come in.”

“Excuse me.”

Walking in was a slightly chubby man with blond hair.

He was surprised to see so many beautiful women gathered in the room for a moment, but quickly looked away.

Lily was puzzled by his arrival, and she remembered that she did not know the man.

“Are you okay?”

The man saw that this group of people was actually led by the villain in front of him, although he was surprised in his heart, but he always had a polite smile on his face.

He saluted Lily before getting up and saying.

“That’s the case, I am Mo Sen, the president of the Mo Sen Chamber of Commerce, and I have signed a trade agreement with the former Su Mo family.”

“Recently, Olali’s situation has been endless, and the wife at home is also a little worried about my safety, so I came to see if the Hestian family who inherited the Sumo family can supply in advance so that they can arrange for the caravan to go home.”

“Of course, I also brought the final payment.”

Mowson showed the key in his hand and said with a smile.

“There are fifty million Farleys in the vault corresponding to this key, so… I don’t know how you guys are preparing? ”

The expression on Lily’s face stiffened.

It’s really that the house leak happened to be rainy, did you actually come to the door at this time…

However, the good performance of the good life has retained a large number of bad wine, otherwise I can only cry without tears at this time.

Lily said embarrassed.

“Originally, we had to supply in order, but since you are in a hurry, we can also humanely advance your delivery order, but…”

Mowson patted his chest and said proudly.

“It’s okay, I understand your difficulties, I can add another five million Farleys.”

“Five, five million?”

“Tsk, it’s a little less, if you can deliver today, I can pay eight million farleys.”

“Eight, eight million?!”

Lily immediately said obligedly.

“You wait here for a while, Lily will clear the goods for you right away!” Mawson himself is a good drinker, and rubbed his hands excitedly. ”

“Haha, then I’m really looking forward to it.” The last time I made a deal with the Sumo family, it took me half a year to supply. It’s still the Hestian family, worthy of the adult’s family. ”

Lily hurried to the warehouse with her life.

Aegina was curious about Sumo wine, and after inquiring, she also followed.

Because Tucia said that Su Luo was coming back, although she still had doubts in her heart, she was still relieved.

And she also wants to know more about the family members of her future job.

Lily knew her master’s thoughts.

Sooner or later, this half-goblin girl will also go to Su Luo’s bed, ah no, it’s a ship.

But in short, it is also a matter of time.

So Lily let her follow.

Pushing open the warehouse door, Lily said proudly to Aegina.

“Well, this is the Sumo wine I sorted out for Lord Su Luo, but thanks to the help of life, it was not destroyed.”

But thinking that the shaking itself might have been caused by Su Luo, Lili had a toothache.

Aegina looked at the glass bottles in an entire warehouse and said in admiration.

“I am worthy of the famous Sumo family in the market, although I don’t like to drink, but I often see the Sumo family logo on the counter of the store.”

Lily mocked unceremoniously.

“Oh, they’re good at that.”

Aegina walked to the wine rack and suddenly made a surprised sound.

“Is this also a feature of Sumo…”

Lily stepped forward in confusion.

“Something, let me see, it should be…”

When Lily saw the pool of melted glass, her head seemed to have been hit hard by a hammer.

—It won’t.

Lily looked trembling at the surrounding wine cabinets.

As a result, except for a few surviving suma wines, almost all of the rest were damaged to varying degrees.

Lily rushed to the wooden barrel in a panic, and when she lifted the lid, all she saw was the empty inner wall.

The expression on Lily’s face seemed to be crying, and she wanted to say something, but she couldn’t say it.

After all, Tucia used flames to force the other party back for them.

However, Lily only felt that her heart was so tired.

Previously, his own master suddenly had an earthquake that almost shattered all the suma wine, and finally escaped with the newcomer’s magic.

Later, there was no residue left of the servants of their own masters who roasted the Sumo wine with a flame.

Should I go to the oriental shop to tell fortunes, how

I feel that I am in conflict with the five elements of wine, and this calamity is destined to be unavoidable

Aegina looked at Lily with an embarrassed look, at a loss.

She felt as if it was her fault that made Lily so upset.

Lily muttered with a headache.

“How to deal with that guy now, obviously just boasted about Haikou…”

…… Oh, shouldn’t you ask me to sit down and apologize…

“What’s wrong, it looks like the sky has fallen.”

The three women looked back in unison.

I saw Su Luo carrying a large bag of things, leaning against the door with a smile and looking at them.

“Su Luo!”


“Lord Su Luo!”

Su Luo’s body was covered in blood, his clothes were tattered, and it was hard to imagine what kind of battle he had gone through to return to the surface.

Life was almost dizzy by the bloody qi coming from Su Luo’s body, and he quickly bit the tip of his tongue to barely stay awake.

Aegina pushed the glasses on the bridge of her nose, took a deep breath, rushed to Su Luo and raised her hand.

Su Luo subconsciously shrunk his neck.

As a result, the half-goblin girl just gently hugged Su Luo and muttered in a tone that was finally relieved.

“…… Just come back. ”

Su Luo felt the touch of the girl’s slender arms hugging herself, and a feeling welled up in her heart, and she also responded softly.



This journey to find Su Luo can be described as a twist and turn for Aegina, but thanks to this, she also recognizes Su Luo beyond the identity of adventurer.

The more she understood Su Luo, the more Aina gradually developed an emotion in her heart that she had never harbored before, and spread in her chest.

She was enjoying the hug with Su Luo a little.

Su Luo looked at the girl in his arms and said with a bitter smile.

“It’s dirty, it’s all blood, I haven’t showered yet.”

When the half-goblin girl with a cleanliness fetish heard this, she hugged Su Luo even harder.

Aegina suddenly said loudly.

“I don’t care!”

There was a pause before she continued with tears.

“…… I’m scared. ”

Su Luo was silent.

Aegina suppressed her voice and whimpered.

“Adventure leads the adventurer to death, and a moment of negligence and carelessness, curiosity, or even the courage to face greatness can become a scythe to reap life.”

“In my opinion, Wu Zhi and Mi Yong and [Adventure] are a billion thoughts.”

“I’ve seen too many die on adventure, and I want you to follow my instructions to safely navigate the dungeon. But every time something unexpected happens, fate always seems to be playing tricks on you, I don’t know what to do…”

Su Luo said softly with a firm tone.

“Don’t worry, it won’t be in the future.”

Next, he is going to take the initiative.

“By the way, you can take this to the guild to register first.”

Aegina quietly wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, took the bag and asked curiously.

“What is it?”

Su Luo chuckled.

“The drop prop of the thirty-seventh layer skeleton warrior, those guys in the guild should have nothing to say now.”

Aegina’s hand holding the bag clenched at once.

“You, you really reached the thirty-seventh floor?!”

Su Luo shook his head.

Aegina breathed a sigh of relief.

“I’ll just say that although your strength is strong, you are still thirty floors away. Su Luo said with a smile. ”

“It’s actually the fiftieth floor.”

Aegina froze at once.

“The fiftieth floor?!”

Lily’s eyes widened in shock, and after a moment she smiled wryly and shook her head.

“Every time I think I have seen Lord Su Luo’s strength, you can always surprise me… Single-handedly come back from the fiftieth floor, the strongest in the city is just that…”

Life is even more a five-body projection that admires Su Luo’s strength.

Originally, she thought that he was just an adventurer who was stronger than herself, but she didn’t think that he was actually an existence that she had tried hard several times and was far away.

The heart that was slightly complacent because of the successful performance of the [Parallel Chant] received another blow.

Fate sighed helplessly.

“It’s true that the Lord Monarch was taken to the fiftieth floor and can return safely… What a human thing to do… If memory serves, the level on the lord’s face is only Lv2…”

Lily heard the heartfelt admiration of life on the side, and thought in her heart.

That’s right.

Lord Tucia is very powerful, and the magic of life is also very powerful.

But the really terrible thing is that they can be included in Lord Su Luo.

“These things will be discussed later, I see that you guys just seem to be worried about something.”

Lili’s face turned red when she heard this, and she walked in front of Su Luo with an apologetic face…

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