Chapter 104 Su Luo, you don’t want to die!!

“Did he find me…”

The dull hair on the top of Rei’s head slumped weakly.

“Can I see him again…”

Lei Yi hugged herself tightly with the wings of her arms, as if this was the only way to relieve the sudden loneliness.

Behind him, I suddenly remembered the man’s voice.



The feathers of the whole body were so frightened that they exploded directly.

Ying Yi quickly turned his head.

A figure wrapped in black quietly appeared behind her ~ back.

Seeing the comer, Lei Yi was relieved, and then said in a complaining tone.

“Firth, can you please not be so scary every time.”

Firth said unapologetically.

“Sorry, next time definitely.”

He said in a serious tone.

“The mission is temporarily canceled, I have informed the others to go back, and now continue to explore the people who may bump into the Loki family.”

“I don’t think they were almost killed twice to the point of being wiped out, and there will be room for communication when I see you in this state.”

Lei Yi’s expression suddenly became nervous.

“I, I see.”

The great name of the Loki family is thunderous in their ears even if they are heretics, and they are absolutely unprovoked existences.

In the judgment of Firth and Reed, the attitude of the Loki family will directly affect the life and death of the heretics.

After all, monsters are rational and can speak, which directly overturns the adventurer’s natural killing of strange physics.

Not to mention the deep feuds of the past sea of blood, whether you can calmly continue to explore the dungeon and upgrade by killing monsters is a torturous decision.

Ying Yi’s heart was a little stunned.

After all, not everyone is like that adult.

Firth asked suddenly.

“After watching his fight, what kind of person do you think that person is? Ying Yi did not answer immediately, but asked rhetorically. ”

“Are you asking on behalf of the gods, or yourself?”

Firth was silent for a moment and said in a deep voice.

“On behalf of the great god Ouranos.”

Ying Yi said straightforwardly.

“That adult will not be anyone’s pawn, and if you try to induce or force him into your plans, it will end up like that.”

She pointed her feathers in place of her fingertips to the distant arena that had been completely shattered along with the abyss.

Firth was dumbfounded for a moment.

After Rey finished speaking, she crossed Firth and rushed back to the secret base to tell her companions about it.

Firth’s voice suddenly sounded again.

“What if I represent myself?”

Rey paused for a moment and said meaningfully.

“That Lord is the one who performs the miracle of God.”

Without saying a word, she fluttered her wings and disappeared into the darkness.

Firth muttered as he looked at her distant back.

“Performing the miracle of God… Did he do anything on this floor? ”

Firth’s surveillance of the dungeon is not around the clock.

【Eye Crystal】This expensive and special magic item cannot be mass-produced even by him.

For what Su Luo did at this level, it was almost impossible to guess.

The information he has now is only suspected that he can release extremely powerful power in an instant.

When the moon is empty, the tengu eclipse day.

It seems that every major event is inexplicably related to him, but there is no conclusive evidence.

Firth lifted his hood to reveal a skeleton-like face.

There are only dark hollows and empty eye sockets at the pupils.

Rows of teeth and bones are exposed, and they are extremely hideous.

“What exactly does Rey mean by miracles…”

He looked at the skeleton soldiers who had obviously had a discipline before marching from a distance, and suddenly had a bold idea.

“Could it be that…?!”

“…… Finally finished writing. ”

Aegina closed the information she had been flipping through.

The notes next to it are full of Juanxiu’s handwriting.

The detailed information and strategy instructions of all the monsters on the way to the fifty floors of the dungeon must have been enough for him.

Worried that the text description would be wrong, Aegina also intimately marked the weaknesses of each monster in detail with cute drawings.

The responsible, half-goblin girl stretched languidly. The guild’s uniform is a suit top and pants with a black tone.

The collar is decorated with a butterfly-shaped ribbon.

The tailor-made uniform can be clearly identified as the high-grade material of the fabric even without touching it, and even has superior functionality comparable to the dexterity of the adventurer’s combat suit.

The slender figure and slim uniform give the impression of being slim, showing the delicate curves characteristic of half-goblins.

Many adventurers once confessed to her, but she politely refused on the spot, so colleagues often used this kind of thing to ridicule her unkindness.

If you gently give euphemistic reasons such as ‘I don’t want to be in love for the time being’, it will make the other party continue to have unrealistic expectations.

That’s another kind of cruelty.

Aegina thinks so.

Don’t make ambiguous promises where you can’t do it, and if you do, you must do it.

Ina narrowed her emerald green pupils under the lenses and muttered.

“I don’t know how he discussed with Goddess Hephaestus, but Commander Tsubaki is experienced in expeditions and should give reliable guidance.”

Looking at her figure faintly reflected on the glass window, Aegina’s eyes were a little confused.

“It’s been five years…”

The spring of the year when I was fourteen years old.

She joins the governing body of Olali, who rules the Labyrinth City, and becomes a member of the [Guild].

Supporting adventurers who are not afraid of death is her job from now on.

The reason for choosing [Guild] as a workplace is, to put it bluntly, for money.

It should be said that it is worthy of being the central organ of the labyrinth city that is praised as the [center of the world], and the salary of the [guild] is very high.

Needless to mention, laborers will even earn more than some lower-level adventurers, depending on the situation.

In other words, guild clerks are high-paying jobs.

But Aegina is not the kind of woman who sees money.

The fundamental reason for wanting money is to send living expenses to the family who stayed in the hometown where she gave birth and raised her.

As a high-breed goblin, Aegina’s mother actually came from the forest of the most noble royal family, and sneaked out of the village with a certain royal daughter who yearned for freedom.

It’s just that the mother’s body doesn’t seem to fit well for the outside air, repeating every day of being often sick in bed.

In order to support Aegina and her sister, his father was the only male laborer who earned a daily wage, while juggling family and childcare.

Aegina thanked her parents, who had educated themselves even in such an environment, and was determined to repay the favor by gaining more knowledge and experience for the sake of her beloved family.

Unsuitable for martial arts, she pushed her theoretical knowledge to the limit through diligent study, and became a powerful candidate to enter the guild.

Eventually achieving good grades in the school district, she won a recommendation, crossed the dragon gate, and managed to obtain the best position that a clerk could get in Olali.

But now, she’s leaving the place she’s been struggling for five years.

If it was a lie to say that there was no nostalgia, if her salary was based on the suffering of adventurers, then she would rather give up.

Even half-goblins have a noble soul.

The guild’s obvious injustice towards the adventurers in charge of her made Aegina extremely indignant, and even argued with her peers many times.

But it’s a pity.

The obvious so-called fairness is not worth mentioning in the majesty and benefits of the guild.

In the final analysis, the guild is not a law enforcement agency in charge of justice, but a monopoly group that grabs profits.

With the indispensability of the gods to the dungeon, the guild rightfully sucks blood from all adventurers who risk their lives to explore the dungeon.

The contribution is not for nothing, but in the final analysis, its purpose is only to keep the adventurer safe and get more magic stones in large quantities.

At least the guilds under Leumann were such an institution.

Without the force of violent suppression of the entire city, the guild ruled Olali by relying on balance in addition to monopoly.

The Apollo dependents, who pay a lot of taxes every year, and the unknown newborn dependents are measured on the scales, even if an ordinary businessman knows what to choose.

Just delay the reaction time a little and let the Apollo family fight the newborn family.

Intervene in time before it has caused a bad impact, and it is really calculative to use this as a reason to fine the Apollo dependents and to do justice, claiming the jurisdiction of the guild.

But it’s a pity that they met a guy who didn’t play cards according to the routine and directly overturned the table.

The weak newborn family they thought could be ravaged by others was actually a Heavenly Dragon that was awakening.

Unwilling to admit their mistakes, they were embarrassed and angry, and could only forcefully blame Su Luo for all the reasons.

This made Aegina completely disappointed in them.

I used to join the guild not only for my family, but also to increase my knowledge by working as a guild employee.

I thought that I would definitely be able to reap the great deeds that I could only see in books before, and even the discoveries and touches that were not recorded in the books.

But in a way, she did discover a story that the book didn’t tell.

The first adventurer in charge of himself went from contempt for himself at the beginning, to change and trust later, and even finally become a friend who talked to him about girls.

I originally thought that I could witness her continuous growth until she achieved great things, but I didn’t expect that all I was waiting for was a cold dead body.

Aegina understood from that day.

Those who die in obscurity are not eligible to ascend to the hero Tan.

There may be many things in this world that are more important than life, but for her, she only wants the adventurers she is responsible for to live well.

But “Live Well” is a great problem for adventurers.

Later, the adventurers he was responsible for all died one after another, and even the higher-level adventurers failed to return after heading to the [Middle Level].

The senior had warned her that it was better not to invest too much affection in the adventurer.

“There were safer jobs, and even then those guys became risk-takers. For money, for fame, and then asking for the excitement of [unknown] that kind of stupid guys, we can’t help them at all. ”

Every Miss Window in a false mask was once as enthusiastic as Aegina.

But just like a doctor who is accustomed to seeing life and death, if you don’t let your mind become numb, then I am afraid that you will be the first to collapse.

This job is too hard, but as long as you put your heart down, it is indeed a safe and high-paying iron rice bowl.

Abandoning everything that exists and following an adventurer who could die at any moment can make such a decision, even I am surprised.

Su Luo was different from all the adventurers he had seen before.

The reason they take risks is for wealth, for fame, for someone or even for the gods, and ultimately it is to give their lives for their own goals.

But Su Luo’s will is to live at all costs for his own goals and for the people around him.

Aegina was both angry and worried about Su Luo’s initiative to set off a war game against the two dependents, and even secretly cried in the bed at night.

But the result shocked everyone’s jaws, and the way to take death that was originally ridiculed ended up burying the two dependents on the opposite side in one fell swoop.

Aegina was proud of Sullo.

She also gradually understood Su Luo’s thoughts, not seeking death, but fighting to survive.

This made Aegina suddenly have an idea.

Su Luo may be able to [live well] all the time.

Including the later formation of the Acadian Grand Alliance, she had never seen anyone make such far-reaching plans for adventurers who were in a precarious situation.

She wanted to witness more miracles in the nearest place to Su Luo’s side.

From that moment on, she had such an idea.

Of course, if the salary is not enough, she will not change jobs.

While thinking so arrogantly in her heart, Aegina glanced up at the clock.

“It’s almost noon… I don’t know how Su Luo is preparing…”

She always felt a little relieved.

“The equipment, props and food that need to be prepared for the expedition need to be accurately calculated, and the Hestian family has just been established and is short of manpower, should I go and take a look, maybe it can help.”

Sonorous——, sonorous———!! The bells of the bell tower rang loudly.

This was followed by a strong shock that almost blew the entire guild away.


The sudden shock almost caused Aegina to fall from her chair.

“What, what’s going on, is there an earthquake?”

She hurriedly sorted out her glasses and barely stood up straight.

The information on the desktop was scattered to the ground.

After Aegina exclaimed, she directly lay her body on the table and pressed the documents.

“Damn, the notes I worked so hard to put together!”

The tremor lasted for more than half a minute before it completely subsided.

Aegina quickly got up and sorted out her clothes, collected the information on the ground briefly, and rushed out of the room holding the notebook.

The hall was already in chaos.

The building structure of the guild is extremely strong, and only some cabinets and exhibition shelves collapsed, except for a few accidentally smashed into the unlucky eggs, there were no large-scale casualties.

With a panicked look, Missia rushed over and hugged Aegina.

“Aegina, are you all right! Me, I’m so scared! ”

Aegina took her classmate into her arms and gently patted her back, softly soothing despite being quite nervous herself.

“It’s okay, it’s okay already.”

Missia looked like she was about to cry at any moment.

The petite body squeezed desperately into Aegina’s arms.

“Whew… I almost thought the dungeon was going to explode, I like. ”

I have seen the scene of monsters gushing out of the surface and eating themselves clean. Aegina was a little helpless.

“Also, it’s not so exaggerated…”

Missia desperately asserted her fears.

“Olali is so dangerous, I’m going to think about whether to continue to do it,” Aegina rolled her eyes and said angrily and funny.”

“You don’t just want to approve documents that are as tall as mountains.”

Missia’s figure froze, accusing her boss weakly.

“Who, who let them arrange so much work for me.”

“It’s obviously the fault of Missia, who delayed the work until the last moment…”

Aegina sighed, saw the seniors passing by, and quickly pulled to ask.

“Excuse me, what the hell is going on outside?”

Senior said anxiously.

“It’s not clear, it’s just that the adventurers who escaped from the dungeon exit seem to have said about monster riots and the like.”

Aegina took a breath and quickly asked.

“What about the riot floor?”

“It’s not clear, it is said that the entire upper and even middle layers have been affected, and according to the detection of magic props, the center of the earthquake should come from the thirty-seventh floor.”

“Thirty-seven floors…?!”

Aegina was stunned.

Su Luo’s mandatory task was to ask to reach below the thirty-sixth floor, but now it was exactly the thirty-sixth floor.

Is it a coincidence?

Not good, Sullo?! Ignoring her friend’s obstruction, she directly squeezed through the panicked crowd and rushed out of the guild…

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