Chapter 98 With the star as the wine moon as the cup, the touched heretic Lei Yi!!!

Cross the long road like an eternal bridge, and you can see the large mass of the mass, which is both majestic and bold, full of shock.

The contours are precisely circular, even the same diameter as the Tower of Babel.

The inside of the arena is bowl-shaped.

The rock formation, divided into two layers, is stepped in shape, with a circular space at the bottom.

If it weren’t for the fact that there were no cheering spectators on stage, anyone would have seen this place as a Colosseum.

However, it is just crowded with monsters that make people’s scalps tingle, and there is no audience, and people and monsters are all participants.

They let out a never-ending roar of anger, mercilessly gnawing at their kindred, tearing their flesh and skin.

Not for competitive partners, not for grabbing food, not for competitive competition.

It’s just a simple repetition of the process of constantly fighting each other, turning this place into a nightmarish monster melting pot like raising cheats.

Are they trying to pick the strongest monster warrior? Or look forward to the birth of a monster king who can suppress everything?

Born of whose will, or is it the product of simple chance? Nobody knows.

In the guild’s records, this place was originally just a large cave with many huge rock plates overlapping, but it suddenly became the current [Arena] thirty years ago.

Unlimited wine glasses, unlimited struggles.

It begins with the reincarnation of monsters that are finally located at the same point.

The cunning wolf’s head was shattered, and the brain was overflowing.

The barbarian warrior’s head was cut off, and blood splattered on his clothes with blood flowers

The skeleton sheep was instantly unloaded without resistance, and there was not even a chance to release the attack.

Today, [Arena] ushered in an existence more terrifying than monsters.

“Hahahahahaha! That’s it! ”

“Liberate bondage, crush camouflage, abandon restraint and rational fight! Very satisfied! It’s really satisfying! ”

Su Luo stood on a mountain of broken corpses of monsters, his emotions entered a state of rage, and he laughed and watched carnivally.

The pent-up violence in the heart was unbridled and vented.

Any monster that dared to approach him would be slaughtered by Su Luo with the most cruel means.

Running out of mana? Lack of physical strength? Seriously injured? Don’t worry at all.

Even in the depths that were so far away that they refused the sun, Su Luo could feel the power gradually rising in his body.

The closer he gets to noon, the stronger his strength, mana, agility, and resilience become.

It’s really ‘thriving’.

“Such a pleasant thing, let it be fun with wine!”

[Eighth Movement, Lord of the Moon Cup Star, launch! ] 】

The nebula, which shimmered with brilliant brilliance, was summoned by Su Luo from far away.

The dim space is like stars in the night sky.

The night sky behind Su Luo was shrouded in an aurora shaped like a red lotus flame.

He stretched out his left hand to pluck the moon in the night sky and turn it into a glass cup to make wine with meteors and aurora.

After taking a sip of the Chinese wine, Su Luo smiled in admiration.

“Good wine!”

Although the time has not come, it is impossible to exert the effect of the increase under the moon.

But the fragrance and sweetness that almost made people drunk, and the burning feeling like burning, made Su Luo’s fighting spirit even higher.

Su Luo casually threw the glass cup in his hand aside, looked at the monster that was still rushing towards him, and smiled happily.

“Keep pleasing me, monsters! Hahahahaha! ”

Compete with skeleton sheep for agility, cunning wolves for dexterity, obsidian soldiers for endurance, and barbarian warriors for strength…

This place was supposed to be the sworn enemy of the adventurers, but it was used by Su Luo as a training ground and staged a performance that no one applauded.

No, there were ‘people’ who witnessed this scene.

A singer bird with beautiful golden wings is on a high pillar, shaken by this scene.

(Why did the adventurer stay with the monster) at first received an order to rush to investigate the anomaly.

When I passed through the thirty-seventh floor, I didn’t plan to stay, but I attracted attention to the incredible scene.

The handsome man rode on the body of the skeleton sheep, and in this deep realm full of dangers, it was like visiting his own palace.

The surrounding lizardman elites and even cunning wolves fought for him. (Is it a trainer)

She waved her long tail curiously, and pressed the feathers sticking out like fingers at the tip of her wings against her chin, revealing a humanized thinking expression.

Listening to Firth, there seems to be such a group of people on the surface, in order to one day let them live under the same blue sky as humans, trying to eliminate human fear by domesticating monsters.

But he had warned that there also seemed to be tamers with bad intentions smuggling monsters out to satisfy some strange human proclivities.

Firth’s intention was to keep them from trusting humans too much and to be basically vigilant, but the thought circuit in her little head was different.

What she cares more about is that humans also come into heat with monsters?

Why? It’s obviously of a different race, isn’t it? If not, even the body shape is very different.

If humans like monsters, will they also like heretics like them?

Such delusions involuntarily arose in my heart.

She secretly watches the adventurers in the dungeon, trying to find that kind of guy.

As a result, she has seen the terrifying existence of ruthlessly killing monsters, and she has also seen ordinary adventurers who flee when they see monsters.

Even she has seen bad guys trying to enslave monsters.

That time was so dangerous that even she was almost caught by the other party.

From the beginning, the expectations gradually became disappointing.

Maybe you like them, but the humans who like her don’t exist at all.

Until she saw this man living in harmony with the monster, ripples rippled in her calm heart.

She noticed that those monsters didn’t have collars or other restraints around their necks.

Firth said that even the best trainers on the ground could not get along with monsters without restraints.

So how did he do it?

The monsters also seemed to have reason and obeyed men’s orders.

Are they also heretics?

She almost exclaimed when she saw the man put his sword on the lizardman elite’s neck.

She immediately wanted to rush out to stop it.

That kind of injury can be healed if there are mermaid’s tears, there is no reason to give up so easily!

But the other party’s movements were too fast, and as soon as she was ready, the head of the lizardman elite had already landed.

She wrapped her arms around her body like wings and whispered weakly. (How so…) )

The birth of heretics is miraculously rare, even in mysterious dungeons.

Every heretic is considered a companion by them.

Watching her companion being killed in front of her eyes, she couldn’t help but complain about the man in her heart.

(It’s excessive…) How can you give him up like this… However, the next scene made her eyes widen.

The dead lizardman elite has truly [resurrected] again!

Not rebirth, not rebirth, but true resurrection!

This incident shocked her no less than meeting ‘mother’ for the first time.

You must know that although similar pictures of their past lives flash in their heads from time to time, they are extremely sure that they are not the same existence as before.

Race, personality, reason, and even gender are completely different.

Because of this, they regard their life as the only opportunity to cherish and enjoy, and do not hesitate to risk doing things for Firth in order to see the blue sky

But that lizardman elite did not have the slightest confusion after being resurrected, and also interacted with the surrounding monsters familiarly, which was obviously a real resurrection with memories!

Isn’t this kind of ridicule of reincarnation-like power a miracle that only the gods can exercise?

But how could the gods enter the dungeon?

Once detected by the dungeon, it will cause unimaginable riots, not to mention, there is even the possibility of direct fall!

But if he is not a god, how did he do it?

However, since he has mastered the power of resurrecting life, it is not as comfortable as resurrecting after death than making the lizardman elite suffer and wait for healing.

Looking at the lizardman elite also seems to enjoy it…

This situation made her a little unaware of what to say.

She looked at the man’s overly young face, her eyes showing apologeticism.

(Sorry…) Misunderstood you… )

The man seemed to glance at her suddenly, frightening her so much that she hurriedly slumped behind the pillar.

Until the other party gradually moved away, she hesitated for a moment.

Do you want to give up?

No, this may be our only chance.

The singer bird gritted his teeth, patted his chest with his wings to cheer himself up, and continued to quietly ‘sneak’ and follow while combing the feathers that had stood up because of fear.

She noticed a sudden change in their direction and immediately changed her expression. (No, that place will never go back)

She didn’t care about being exposed this time, and directly flapped her wings and flew over to stop it.

However, she was targeted by the wanderer’s skeleton sheep, and had no choice but to fight with it.

By the time she finally got rid of the monsters, the man had already stepped on the bridge to the [Arena].

The monsters roared and rushed towards the man.

She could already think of the scene where the man was torn to pieces. (Don’t, no!!) )

I finally saw the hope of harmonious coexistence between monsters and humans, is it going to be buried in such a place?

After waiting for a long time, experiencing countless lives and deaths, I finally waited for a man who did not hate monsters, but only to watch him being killed by monsters?!

The singer bird shed large tears, and his body trembled.

As a result, she was soon frightened by the other party’s performance again.

I saw that the tai knife in the man’s hand suddenly extended to an extremely exaggerated length.

The dazzling sword light that followed emptied half of the monsters on the bridge in an instant.

The overwhelming black tide is as strange as if a gap has been dug out of the air.

He’s so strong… Is he really human…

(Oops!) Oops)

Maybe it’s the other person’s unintentional behavior.

As a result, the pillar under his feet was also cut off by the other party.

The singer bird flapped its wings in a panic to stabilize its figure, until it grabbed another pillar with its paws, which was relieved.

As a result, after such a short period of effort, the man actually directly entered the center of the arena.

He carried the exaggerated long knife and cut from east to west, from south to north, without even blinking.

Every time he was almost hit by a monster, the singer bird trembled with horror.

Why did he kill those monsters?

The man who can be heartily kneeled by the rebellious monsters such as the lizardman elite does not seem to have a strong hatred for monsters.

What is the reason to enter the arena even at the risk of your life?

While she was thinking like this, she saw the most shocking scene she had ever seen in her life.

The bright light that illuminates the darkness shines in the air like a jewel, converging into a stream that seems to hide beautiful stones.

She knows! She knows!

That gem is called the stars, and the river is called the Milky Way! She cheered nonchalantly.

What Firth said is true!

The sky outside is incredibly beautiful! The singer bird was stunned.

The clear and bright light cluster that exudes pure brilliance like white jade must be the moon!

Bathed in a silver luster, as if looking at a scene that will not get tired for ten thousand years, can humans on the ground actually see it every day?

The long-cherished wish of all heretics was actually fulfilled in this way.

Even though knowing that it is false, even though knowing that there is only a moment.

The singer bird is still extremely moved by it, and tears are in his eyes. (Everyone.

He is really the one we are waiting for)

In his heart, Singer Bird wished him peace and health for the rest of his life, prayed for his triumphant return, and even couldn’t wait to meet him.

At the same time, she still has a small expectation in her heart.

How good would it be if one day I could look up at the real starry sky with him? It’s just that…… Will there be such a day?

Whenever a monster turns into a dead body, cracks burst out from the rock floor and from the wall adjacent to the [Original Arena].

Monsters of different races are born alternately.

The cycle of monsters being reborn as soon as they die can already be described as endless replenishments.

But Su Luo’s is also getting stronger and stronger, and his physical strength seems to be infinite, and the sword in his hand can easily take away the lives of several monsters with every swing.

And with the passage of time, his strength is getting stronger and stronger, and the efficiency of killing enemies is getting higher and higher.

It’s just not enough.

Although the monster’s corpse will dissipate due to the loss of [Magic Stone], the monster’s drop prop, minced meat, will still pile up into mountains and emit a strong pungent smell.

Su Luo frowned, feeling quite upset about it.

“Didn’t you even come out to wash the floor… It’s almost so foul that it makes me lose my will to fight…”

The slight cleanliness made him a little uncomfortable, and the sticky feeling of stepping on the carrion pile also affected the pleasant mood.

It’s just that until now, it is roughly estimated that more than 10,000 monsters have been killed, and the arena has not stopped producing monsters.

Is it really infinite?

Or is it just because he kills too slowly?

He doesn’t believe that monsters can really be created infinitely here, since one knife is not enough to kill, then another one!

[Fourth Movement, Civilization Flame, Launch! ] 】

A pure white flame was lit in Su Luo’s right hand.

It was like the dawn of dawn, dispelling the darkness and coldness in this space.

The effect is to create mortal-level creations out of thin air at the expense of mana.

That’s right, even a high-level craftsman of Tsubaki’s level, painstakingly and painstakingly crafting special weapons, can be perfectly copied in an instant.

This ability is so unreasonable.

The second ice butterfly appeared out of thin air.

Su Luo held a forty-meter knife in each hand, happily looking at the monster wave in front of him.

“Then, the second round begins!”

While Su Luo was reveling in the arena, the deeper regional Loki clans were also fiercely fighting.

Dwarf Grace ran desperately.

The human youth, who was carried on the broad shoulders of the dwarves, was emitting bursts of black smoke and stench at this time.

His hands drooped weakly, and from time to time he let out a “Whew… Ahh…”

These kinds of hoarse little moans.

The skin dissolved along with the light clothing he was wearing, and it also turned into a miserable state of purple and black

Countless giant worms behind them are chasing them frantically.

“Gotta get him treated as soon as possible!”

Finn calmly analyzed the situation.

The Amazon girl Theona suddenly shouted.

“Look, that monster is attacking the black rhinoceros!”

Finn narrowed his eyes.

“In addition to the adventurers, even if other monsters approach, will they react and attack…”

“It’s not hunger, don’t pick a target!”

“There are too few clues to judge, but my intuition tells me that it seems to attack monsters first.”

Tionne took the wood chips from his arms and handed them to Finn.

“By the time we arrived at our destination, [Cadmus Spring] had been destroyed. Even the floor master who guarded the spring turned to dust, leaving only the drop props. ”

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