Eagle Flag of Epirus

Vol 2 Chapter 39: The Venetians on Corfu

Corfu Island-This is supposed to be the territory of the Roman Empire, but with the expansion of the Venetians, this island close to Epirus has become an important stronghold for the Venetians to guard the Adriatic Sea. The island is towering. The bunker monitors all passing ships.

   Nowadays, the Venetians have become the unquestionable maritime hegemons. No one dares to challenge his authority, whether Genoese or Pisa or Saracens.

   But the sudden appearance of a Genoese fleet made the Venetians instantly nervous. The relationship between the two countries has always been the same. The approach of the other side made the Venetians immediately vigilant, and saw the heavily armed Venetian militia preparing a trebuchet at the port, and the ships guarding the island on the other side also raised their sails to enter the battle at any time.

   The fog in the early morning was very heavy, and only a large number of ships were already close, but the red cross flag on it was still very obvious. It was a Genoese ship, and suddenly every Venetian's heart couldn't help but tighten.

   "Fire warning bombs to keep them from approaching!" Under the command of the commander, the soldiers pulled the cork trebuchet and fired a flaming cannonball that landed in the sea in front of the Genoese ship.

   After a while, the sailing boat in Genoa stopped. Obviously, he dared not move on after being warned. This made the Venetian on the shore a sigh of relief, but the other party did not retreat and the tension did not abate.

   "Captain, look!" a sharp-eyed soldier pointed to the sea and suddenly shouted, only to see a small wooden boat carrying a few people who appeared to be negotiators slowly rowing over.

   This makes the Venetians completely confused, what is going on?

   At the same time, the fog finally dissipated under the early morning sun, and the appearance of the previously unclear ship finally appeared in front of the Venetians, not the warship they originally thought, but a group of merchant ships!




   "It's still easy to hide from these Venetians. After spending a little money, let us leave like this." Bantik watched his fleet go smoothly under the eyes of the Venetians and couldn't help but sneered.

"I'm afraid now those Venetians will never think that these ships are not cargo but heavily armed Turkic warriors!" Justinian sitting in the cabin could not help but tease, such important Corfu islands. The Venetians are so slack, it seems they are still immersed in the joy of conquering Constantinople.

"I have taken you to the Adriatic Sea according to your request. How are you going to find those elusive pirates?" Bentic asked, looking at Justinian with his arms around him. He really did not expect Justin. This is what Ni borrowed the transport ship from him. After the cooperation with Genoa, Ilophane didn't have to worry about pirate attacks. Justinian could still insist on destroying the remnants of pirates who had attacked the village not long ago. But the key is that there are countless long narrow straits and bays in Illyria, where to find those pirates!

   But at this time Justinian put a blueprint in front of the man, "These are the blueprints for the locations of the pirate's lair, so it should be fine!"

"Is this the hiding place of the Croatian pirates?" Bantik looked at the nautical chart in Justinian's hand with some surprise. It should be known that the Croatian pirates have always been a headache for the Italian city-states, although they are very weak. , But their whereabouts are uncertain, no one wants to spend their time dealing with them.

The Genoese chose to take money to eliminate the disaster, while the Venetians simply bought the merchant ships they let them attack the hostile forces. But now Justinian is riding on a Genoese warship and leading the Turkic mercenaries to prepare to destroy the pirates. Several strongholds were removed.

   This is why Justinian wanted to keep the pirates before. After a long time of torture, he finally pried out the locations of the pirate strongholds from those guys.

   But if you want to eliminate those pirates, you need elite fighters, and this important task is naturally handed over to the Turkic warriors led by Murad.

   "I'll take care of you next." Justinian didn't have any navy in his hands to transport this army and naturally depended on Genoa's help.

But Bantik completely dismissed Justinian’s plan. “The number of pirates in Croatia is like fleas on a cow. Even if you pull out one or two, it’s a drop in the bucket. What’s the use? If it’s so easy If you don’t, we’ve already thwarted those bastards. It’s a waste of the help I provided you—"In his opinion, Justinian’s decision to eliminate the pirates is simply stupid~www.mtlnovel .com~ The gain is more than the loss.

   But Justinian seemed to be indifferent to Bantic's ridicule, and replied, "It won't bother you to care about it, Your Excellency Bantic."

While standing next to Justinian, Murad, a Turkic native, gave him a cold look and said, "After this incident is over, we will be separated, right?" The reason is still there. The reason for not leaving is because of his previous promise to Justinian. Since he was hired, the teenager has not issued any orders to them, and Murad has already been impatient to wait.

Naturally, Justinian knew this well, and saw the young man saying to Murad: "I speak my words. After all this is over, you can leave here safely under the **** of Genoese. All expenses will be paid by me. Come and bear it, I do what I said." He once again spent a lot of money, and Banteke and Murad couldn't help but be surprised again, where did this kid get so much money.

Seeing that Justinian had said so, Murad nodded and chose to believe the boy's assurance to him, "Well, my people will follow your instructions. I still have this professional ethics." He also There is no other way, after all, what he needs with so many people under his hands is money, and this kid is like a money bag with no bottom line, as if he can take out as much money as possible.

Seeing this situation, Bentic also understood that Justinian had made up his mind before him. Of course he was too lazy to say anything. A Genoese’s first priority is always business first, but he somehow felt a little uneasy in his heart. He always felt this kid. He seemed to be doing something secretly that he hadn't noticed.

   For some reason, Banteke regretted having agreed to Justinian’s request to be here... but now I can only continue to see what medicine this kid gourd actually sells.

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