Eagle Flag of Epirus

Vol 2 Chapter 23: Doria Gold Coin

"Greek?" Looking at Justinian and the others who appeared on his boat, Bantik's face showed a disdainful expression. He was already very unhappy after eating at Theodore, but now he saw Another Greek came under his nose to make trouble, and Bantik was very angry at the moment.

   "Take them down for me!" Bantik yelled, and the sailors on the boat were about to swarm on.

But at this moment, Justinian shouted at Christopher who was about to step off the deck: "Please wait Mr. Christopher, I have a friend who needs your treatment urgently now, as long as you help this, no matter what the request is. I can be satisfied."

   But as Justinian had just finished speaking, Christopher stopped his footsteps, and the old man let out a harsh sneer.

   I saw Christopher turning his face and pointing at one of his blind eyes and asking: "Anything is fine, so can you Greeks give me back my eyes?"

   For some reason, Justinian felt this old man's incomparable hatred, and the other party didn't want to treat Abdera at all.

   "Mr. Bantic, please drive them away, I don't want to see any Greeks!" After speaking, Christopher turned and walked away.

   "Mr. Christopher..." The unwilling Justinian wanted to try harder to stay, but the hostile Genoese sailors held weapons to block their way.

   "Knock them down, as long as they are not killed, those Greeks dare not do anything to us!" Bentic also coldly ordered, and a group of sailors immediately gathered to show Justinian some color.

   "I advise you not to do this! This is not your place!" Justinian, who was in the danger of being surrounded at this time, also felt his scalp numb, and he didn't understand why the old man had such inexplicable hostility towards him. But if it fails this time, the severely injured Captain Abdera must be more violent.

But Bantik completely dismissed Justinian’s warning, and sneered: “Joke, it’s up to you to say such big things. A group of unscrupulous Greeks.” In his eyes Justinian said just now. It's just the intimidation of the stern insider, he didn't put this young man in his eyes at all.

   But at this critical moment, Justinian suddenly appeared a seemingly unremarkable gold coin in his hand, but the moment it fell into Bantik's line of sight, he was stunned.

   "Doria gold coins?!" Bentic recognized what was in Justinian's hands at a glance.

   Undoubtedly, that is the famous gold coin of the Doria family, which means the motto of the Doria family: we will respond to every request. Anyone who holds this gold coin can get the full help of the Doria family. Generally, this kind of gold coins are only owned by core members of the Doria family. It is more suitable to give to outsiders. If there are real Doria gold coins in Justinian's hands, then this young man is absolutely not offended.

  Bantik is not a member of the Doria family, but he is a Genoese, and many of the consuls are from the Doria family, so he can't afford to provoke him anyway.

  Bantik was also nervous for a while.

Seeing the reaction on the opponent’s face, and the other Genoese crew dared not act rashly, Justinian nodded in satisfaction. As Muzfius told himself, Andrea Doria really gave it to It's something amazing as much as oneself.

"Who are you? How could that gold coin be in your hands?" Bantik asked, staring at Justinian. He had to figure out this matter. He was really puzzled. What's the matter, how could the gold coin of the Doria family's vows be given to this Greek kid.

   "How can it be in my hand, you won't bother you, this gold coin is true or false, I think you know it in your own mind." Justinian directly threw the Doria gold coin in his hand to the other party.

  Bantik was slightly surprised, and took the gold coin. When he saw the gold coin up close, he immediately confirmed that the gold coin was absolutely genuine. The craftsmanship of the coin is impossible to imitate except Genoa, and there are several letters carved on the edge of the gold coin, which is the name of the owner of this gold coin.

   "Andrea Doria?!" When he saw clearly what was written on it, the shocked Bantik suddenly shouted subconsciously.

   "Oh, it seems that you recognize him." Justinian was also a little surprised, it seems that the guy is really in an extraordinary position in the Doria family. "Then can I ask Mr. Christopher for help now?"

   Justinian looked at the reaction of these Genoese and finally felt relieved. Perhaps with this gold coin, he could persuade the old stubborn to go back with him.

But at this time, Bantik shook his head helplessly and said: "It's probably difficult. Even if you have this thing, Mr. Christopher may not give in. He and you Greeks... No, the Romans have blood and blood, he His eyes were caused by the search for Italians in Constantinople. Do you think he would be willing to help you? I am not qualified to order him." Bantik motioned to his men to go down, and he was also secretly at the moment. Looking at this young man, he really couldn't see how different he could get Doria gold coins, but it is certain that this kid named Justinian must not be easily provoked by him~www.mtlnovel. com~ Search for Italians? !

   Hearing Bantic’s answer, Justinian was also slightly surprised. Of course he knew what the other party was talking about.

During the period of Manuel the Great, the relationship between Constantinople and Venice became increasingly tense. In March 1171, Manuel suddenly broke off diplomatic relations with Venice and arrested more than 20,000 Venetians all over the empire, and their goods, ships, and commodities were confiscated. The enraged Venetian dispatched a fleet of 120 ships to fight against Byzantium and ransacked the islands of Seuss and Lebos, but was eventually defeated by Byzantium. During this period, a large number of Italians were persecuted because the inhabitants of Constantinople could not distinguish the difference between Venetians, Genoese and Pizzas. Many innocent people were beaten and even killed. Obviously, that Mr. Christopher should have been affected by that incident.

   No wonder the old man was so hostile to him before, and Justinian couldn’t help but be in a dilemma. Is there really no way?

   But at this moment, the old voice suddenly appeared, "Andrea Doria's oath gold coin?"

   "Mr. Christopher?" Bentic, who was startled, turned his head and saw that the old man who had just returned to the cabin had actually returned. Justinian was also surprised and happy. Could it be that the other party had changed his mind.

And looking at Justinian’s face, the single-eyed old man still has no good face, but he said to Justinian: "Well, I can go with you, just as a favor to that kid. !"

   To everyone's surprise, Christopher actually agreed to Justinian's request.





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