Dungeon Player

Chapter 469: Surrounded (5000 words please vote)

Sylvanas woke up.

Where is I? Did you take me to the basement? Why is it so dark? I'm so angry that I can't send a message to Brother Arthur and the others!

After Sylvanas sat up, she immediately thought of this.

Regarding the fact that she was captured, Sylvanas immediately went to the forum to complain, scolding Chang'an City bloody.

However, doing so can only arouse the sympathy of individual players, as well as the condemnation of some guilds who have a good relationship with the Pioneer Alliance. However, it is still a bit unrealistic to ask Chang'an City to release Sylvanas.

Arthur soon told Sylvanas about their plan to attack the guild stronghold in Chang'an City and rescue Sylvanas in the guild's WeChat group.

Of course, the prerequisite is that Sylvanas is also a guild base in Chang'an City, but this possibility is not very high, considering that players can now freely establish bases outside the scope of the Eternal Kingdom dungeon, and only need to do so once With the reputation and the cost of gold coins, Sylvanas is likely to be imprisoned somewhere outside the Eternal Kingdom dungeon by the players in Chang'an City.

It's just that most ordinary guilds are unwilling to build strongholds outside the dungeon, because those are not safe zones. Other players can steal and destroy their strongholds outside the safe zone without any punishment.

Moreover, there is no benefit in building a stronghold outside, because all daily tasks are completed within the scope of the Eternal Kingdom dungeon. If you want to earn magic stones as quickly as possible, you need to go to Winterfell to work, and in Players cannot establish a stronghold in the area surrounding Winterfell because there are patrols from Winterfell. To put it simply, if you build a stronghold there, the patrols from Winterfell will come, and then We will dissuade you and forcibly demolish the illegal building you built, and you may be fined.

Of course, there are not many players who have been fined. Whenever they reveal their identity as citizens of the Eternal Kingdom dungeon, the Winterfell patrols will show awe-inspiring expressions. It is obvious that they have experienced many major disasters. After the plot, players have already raised Winterfell's reputation to respect.

This is true even for players who haven’t been playing for very long.

This can't help but make players suspect that the reputation system of this game is made separately and is divided into two types: collective reputation and personal reputation. However, the game official does not have any explanation or confirmation, so players are not sure whether it is true or not. has this setting.

But Chang'an City is not an ordinary union after all. Even the very Buddhist Pioneer Alliance plans to build a stronghold in the above-ground city. It is understandable that Chang'an City would establish a non-safety stronghold in the wild somewhere.

One of the important reasons why ordinary trade unions do not choose to establish strongholds in the wild is because they cannot guarantee that their strongholds will not be discovered and destroyed by outsiders. After all, in the game world, every player can basically become a gangster. without being condemned or discovered by anyone.

It doesn't matter even if he finds out, is it possible that others can come along the network cable and beat him to death?

Of course, Arthur can also use the same method to know the location of Sylvanas and the wild stronghold in Chang'an City.

The premise is to spend a little money. After all, there is almost nothing in this world that money cannot do.

After Sylvanas failed to determine her location through the surrounding environment, Arthur quickly contacted individual union members in Chang'an City, and even directly posted an announcement on the forum offering a reward for the address of the Chang'an City field stronghold. and the location where Sylvanas was imprisoned.

It didn't take long for Arthur to gain something. Hundreds of players claimed to know where Sevanas was imprisoned and the wild location of Chang'an City, and gave detailed locations. However, most of them just wanted to deceive players who were offering bounties. , and after screening and on-site confirmation of a small part of them, Arthur and the others identified two strongholds in Chang'an City and an address where Sylvanas might be imprisoned.

It has to be said that the decision-makers in Chang'an City are still very talented, and the wild stronghold they chose is not a map that players often go to.

Instead, he chose a corner somewhere outside the Ogre Fortress map.

The Plains of Sighs where the Ogre Castle is located is not a closed plain, but a place connected by many underground passages. Among the passages that players have explored, most of them are only wild spiders or dire wolves. Strange.

A guild without any strength would have no way of clearing out those passages to build its own stronghold.

The other wild stronghold is on the scene where the Eternal Kingdom Dungeon and the Merchant Alliance signed an agreement, but it can no longer be called a forest farm. Not long ago, the last tree was cut down by the players. Where is it now? The bare area is more like a desert than a forest farm. And now all the wood in the underground city of the Eternal Kingdom relies on imports from the Victoria Free City in the surface world.

Players in Victoria Free City also earn a lot of income by selling wood.

This is also the reason why Arthur and the others want to build a new wild stronghold on the ground. Instead of spending a lot of money to buy these woods from the Victorians, it would be more convenient to cut them themselves.

After learning about the secret stronghold in Chang'an City and the news that Sylvanas might be imprisoned in a stronghold near the Wilderness of Sighs, Arthur quickly gathered the members of his union and began to formulate a battle plan.

The news that the Pioneer Alliance is about to start a war with the Chang'an City Guild has also spread throughout the game server. Players from other guilds and individual players are all looking forward to the upcoming guild war, and this has also begun. From the beginning of the game, the first attack and defense battle of the wild stronghold is about to take place.


When the war between Arthur and Chang'an City was about to begin, the players who were ready to go in the Free City of Victoria set out again, led by Lancelot and his pseudo-mother wife Guinevere, towards the Duke of York. go ahead.

As for the flying dragon, since Zhuo Genbao and A Fei cooperated with each other in a secret operation to capture the flying dragon, the flying dragon has never appeared again.

Although Queen Lilo's order is still valid and players still need to capture the flying dragon, most players have given up hope. After all, the adventure mission to capture Genbao has already happened before, so it is very likely that The flying dragon will no longer appear.

As for Lancelot, he only needs to take a small number of players to the Duke of York to build a portal stronghold.

As the protagonist in the Feilong story, Zhuo Genbao is enjoying a paradise-like life these days.

Except for logging off the game when he goes to bed at night, whenever Genbao is online at other times, he will undergo training that is so cruel that it is almost unbearable. Almost every training session is a breakthrough in physical and mental limits.

Not only that, but I often get bruises all over my body, broken bones and so on.

What surprised Zhuo Genbao was that this wanted captain of the kingdom's guard, in addition to being a warrior with profound combat skills, also possessed the power of the Holy Light. Whenever Zhuo Genbao was injured or fractured during training, When this happens, he will heal his body with the power of the Holy Light.

This is the first time that Holy Light has a therapeutic effect on humans. This is the first time that Zhuo Genbao has discovered this. He quickly shared this discovery on the forum. The human players excitedly did the experiment. It was indeed as Zhuo Genbao thought. That way, the power of the Holy Light can heal their bodies, not only humans but also elves and the like.

But in the Eternal Kingdom dungeon, there is no such good treatment. Their holy light can only fight, but cannot heal the bodies of their companions.

As for the reason, they asked Senior Beast, the mentor responsible for the Paladin's job transfer in the Eternal Kingdom Dungeon:

"This is our curse as underground creatures. Because most underground creatures do not love learning, we have been abandoned by the Holy Lord. As long as we persist in studying, the Holy Lord will accept us one day. Have time to think about this. What is impossible is not as good as learning more, striving to become a knowledgeable person, and gaining the favor of the Holy Light is the truth."

The above is what Senior Beast taught the players.

No matter how you look at it, Zhuo Genbao's current state in the game is very similar to what A Fei once encountered. The person who trained Zhuo Genbao was a very powerful warrior. In addition to training, he also tutored him in his homework. It seemed that It was intentional to train Zhuogenbao to look like a paladin.

And the reason why this legendary wanted criminal named Tomato is willing to teach Zhuo Genbao is all because Zhuo Genbao begged and expressed his hatred for Tudou II. He would kill Tudou even if he sacrificed his own life. II.

It seems that from Tomato's point of view, Zhugenbao, who doesn't feel any pain, will be a blessing in disguise because of such a curse. Maybe he will be able to defeat Potato II in the end.

Zhu Genbao's weapon proficiency level has been rapidly improved due to Tomato's careful teaching. In just a few days, it has reached level 9, second only to A Fei. When will it be raised to level 10? It's just a matter of time.

As for the little flying dragon, it is still locked in a cage and fed with wood every day. Only occasionally can it be released to interact closely with Zhu Genbao. This is also Tomato's request.

Tomato seemed worried that the flying dragon would come looking for the little flying dragon, but there was no similar sign for several days.

Even Tomato thought that the flying dragon had given up on the lost little flying dragon, but he was still wondering why a creature like the flying dragon would be so friendly to Zhugenbao.

When this little flying dragon saw Zhuogen Bao, it was like seeing its own mother. It’s what Yizhuogenbao said: “Everyone who sees this eggshell creature for the first time after birth will think it is their mother.” This theory seems like fart to Tomato.

There must be some special reason why this little flying dragon is so close to Zhu Genbao.

However, Tomato doesn't know the reason. This probably has something to do with the kingdom's King Tudou II cursing the root treasure. He plans to explore these issues in the future.

Just when Zhuo Genbao woke up and planned to continue his day's training, he discovered that Tomato was not in the hut.

He quickly stood up and looked around for tomatoes. Just when he was about to walk out of the hut, someone suddenly covered his mouth from behind. He immediately felt that the person behind him covering his mouth was Tomato.

He did not shout loudly or ask any questions, but obediently followed the person behind him and slowly pushed into the target. At this time, he finally heard some movement outside the window.

In the dawn, which was not yet completely bright, several figures were wandering outside the window and flashed past.

It was obvious that someone came outside the hut and surrounded the entire house.

"I wanted to wake you up, but there was no way I could do it. You seemed to be dead after you fell asleep, except that you were still breathing."

Tomato said this behind Zhuan Genbao. He seemed to be complaining about something. Tomato had said it many times that Zhuan Genbao slept too deeply.

Especially for a soldier, staying alert while sleeping is the most basic requirement, but Zhaogenbao cannot do this anyway.

Just when Tomato was about to give up on Genbao and his little flying dragon and leave alone with the two forest wolves, Genbao woke up at this time. I have to say that Genbao's luck was quite good.

"Who's out there?"

Zhuogenbao asked in a low voice.

"I don't know either, but they are definitely not people with good intentions. They destroyed the traps I set around the perimeter and the alarm devices. They obviously sneaked in quietly."

Tomato said while holding the crossbow with one hand, and with one hand, I grabbed an arrow.

And his two forest wolves were in the living room, one on the left and the other on guard. It seemed that because of Tomato's order, the two forest wolves remained surprisingly quiet.

Tomato glanced at Zhuogenbao, and Zhuogenbao quickly came to his senses. This was Tomato's intention to back off.

Zhuo Genbao retreated towards the inside of the room, while Shi Hongshi came to the middle of the living room and pressed one hand on the corner of the table.

As if a switch was turned on, the wall that was originally between the living room and the room suddenly rotated. As the wall rotated, the original ground rotated up, and then exposed a hole below that was only for one person to enter and exit.

Tomato called softly, and the forest wolves who were on guard on both sides quickly ran over and took the lead in diving through the passage that was only for one person.

Zhuo Genbao stared at everything in front of him in stunned silence. He had been living here for several days, and he didn't realize that this wall could actually open the entrance to the underground passage.

Although Zhu Genbao was surprised, his actions had no purpose. He opened the cage holding the little flying dragon, then released the little flying dragon from the cage, and instructed the little flying dragon to get into the passage. It seems that he can understand the movements of grabbing Genbao and what he said, and also knows that the current atmosphere is very subtle. The little flying dragon just softly shouted a few words of "sand sculpture", and then walked out of the passage very obediently. After getting in, Zhuogenbao also got in right behind the little flying dragon.

The last person to enter was the wanted Tomato. After entering the passage, he patted a certain brick on the wall below the passage. The originally opened passage quickly closed again.

"Let's go faster. If they can crack the warning outside the house, it's not difficult to crack the mechanism of this passage. Get out of here before they find us."

Tomato said to Zhuo Genbao with a serious expression, and quickly walked in front of Zhuo Genbao, leading the two forest wolves towards the front.

Tomato looked experienced. It seemed that this was not the first time he had to deal with these people grabbing root treasures. Although he was very curious, he still followed him without asking immediately. After all, the current plot was so tense. If he asked rashly, , it always feels like it will break the current tense atmosphere.

They walked along for about an hour, and the long passage finally came to the end.

Zhu Genbao, I wonder if Tomato dug this tunnel by himself. If he dug it by himself, it would be really amazing. After all, how long would it take for him to dig out such a long tunnel by himself? ah?

Not to mention that there are forks in the passage that extend in all directions. Those forks seem to lead to different places, and there are no signs. Except for Tomato himself, I am afraid no one can know the specific way to go through this underground passage.

"Who were those people just now? Are they here to hunt you down?"

After walking out of the passage, Zhuogenbao realized that he and Tomato were in another unfamiliar forest, and he asked Tomato.

"It may be sent by the Kingdom, or some bounty hunters. It's possible. In fact, to tell you the truth, I was once involved with the Kingdom of God, and I am willing to teach you because of my past experience. , Potato II must be overthrown, and I can't do it, but your words may be able to achieve this goal, of course, as you said, you may have to be prepared to die."

Tomato said unceremoniously:

"Let's go. We have to leave this forest. We still have a long way to go. By the way, take this with you. He can hide our aura and prevent the fairies in the forest from discovering us."

Tomato said and sent a cloth bag wrapped in something unknown to Zhuogenbao. There was a special smell in it.

But just when Zhuogenbao took the package handed over by Tomato, a piece of magical energy suddenly gathered above his head. Tomato pushed Zhuogenbao away, and then a series of magic missiles landed on The place where they both stood just now.

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