Dungeon Maker

Chapter 216

CHAPTER 74 # 3 [DREITARASTRA, the King of Fury, welcomes the King of Greed strongly.]

It was a voice in a video recorded with magic, not voices heard in real time. Furthermore, the background of the video was the back of the Shinseo Astra, not the fortress or the field barracks.

Yongho, who is in the Captain's seat of Red Giant Thiamet, narrowed the gap. The king of the rage in the image was nervous in a cool smile. She made this video while she was heading to the battlefield. Because the offensive of the enemy was so sudden, there was no time to meet forgiveness.

"What's going on?"

[It seems that the battle is about to begin.]
[Communication is not smooth due to unfolding of powerful horsepower field on battlefield.]

After completing the answer, Lucia unfolded a miraculous evangelism next to the image of the King of Fury.

The area where the current battle took place was the plains located in the northeastern region of the rage. The King of Fury chose to spin literally to stop the sudden appearance of the Northern Army.

It was a matter of course, but as the size of the army grew.

The northern army was a large army that counted hundreds of thousands, and the southern army did not miss the massive movement of the army. If the results were observable, the battle should have taken place three to four days later.

However, the forecast has fallen. Suddenly armed with the armed forces of Zion and lust, beside the army of the food that was originally nearby, was added. Half of the northern troops started marching at a terrific pace, forcing the South to fight.

It was the result of adding a dungeon over distribution channel and various magic spells that were installed throughout the North.

Yongho himself used the dungeon distribution channel to surprise the army of slaughter but could not hide his surprise. Moving a few hundreds of barely-rounded elite and moving tens of thousands of troops was a different difficulty.

Samal, one of the five delegates to the dungeon council, was also perplexed.

Yongho, who once vomited an eulogy, changed his mind immediately. The important thing now was the rotation of the Northern and Southern forces. There was a possibility that the King of Oman or the king of lust would suddenly appear because the scale of the mobilized forces was great. The King of Fury should not have been left alone.

"The supply unit is the main unit, and the main unit is the battlefield."

The fleet of Mammona, which embraced the sky, was divided into two. Battleships, headed by Red Giant Thyamat, have accelerated toward the north.

The wind was strong. The King of Fury squeezed a giant piece of brute force on the floor, wielding a speculative armed weapon made of red speculation.

Behind the back of the King of Fury was an army of army troops stationed on the north with combat stances.

Asura and Yaksha were in full swing. There were dragons that taught the giants of all kinds, and the galura and the gangbingers were ready to fly at any time with their spears and bow. Especially in the middle of the arm, Deva, who has a strong magic power, manipulated Majongpo which shoots magic with shells in the last room. Mahorahs and Gandaravas were placed in various army units according to their aptitude.

The number of the southern armies that the King of Fury rushed to turn was about 30,000.

The number of northern counties was estimated at about seventy to eight million, and in fact, it was less than half.

However, the southern army was not made up only of arms. There was a powerful alliance of dragon corps to the King of Fury.

The king of the rage kept his gaze away. It seemed that the flow of horsepower shook roughly under the red sky. It was the influence of the magic field that the northern military side opened to obstruct large-scale magic.

In the battlefield of magic, magic was always a miracle. It was a factor that should be excluded from the northern military position, which had an overwhelming number of troops.

There were huge laborers among the various infantry, such as Skeleton, Orc Warrior, and Goblin Rider.
The Cyclops, a not-for-sighted giant, grabbed a rock that looked like a house, and it seemed to be as big as if it were in the sky. The lion, the gryphon, and the chimera with the head of Drake vomited vicious cries, and the nine heads, the hydrants with the poisonous poison, and the nameless masseurs showed off their presence.

It was one of the reasons that the King of Fury gave up the Dungeon Fortress and started to spin. In front of the dozens of extra-large workers, the high wall of the dungeon fort was meaningless. Instead of gathering in one place and beating one-sidedly, it was better to spread the spin on a wide plains.

The King of Fury bit his mouth with a big horn. I counted the numbers as I stared at the northern army that started to rush toward the south.

The dirt was dark. Despite the distance, the goblin riders' hot breath seemed to touch their nose.

The roar of the northern army covered the sky. The earth was shaking in the clouds of tens of thousands of troops.

The southern army persevered. I grabbed each other's weapon and held on to the tension.

And at any moment.

The King of Fury finally blew horns. A large, grand sound penetrated the roar of the Northern Army.

It was not an assault order. The South was patient this time. The horn sounded to the sky, and the second reason the king of the rage chose to spin was revealed.

It was a dragon corps. Among the red skies, a striking blue dragon Anchor Blossa pierced the clouds. Dragons dragon dragons dragged her back on her back.

It was good not to use large-scale spells because of the magic field. For dragons, the strongest weapon was never magic.

The shadow overshadowed the northern army 's head. Dragon breath of dragon legion poured out of the sky swept the ground.

Light, lightning, and sparks broke the ground. At that moment the King of Fury blew a second horn. The southern army rushed to the northern army, spewing fierce shouting.

The King of Fury hurled his horn. He stood at the forefront of the southern army, lifting the wall of the wall.

The King of Fury knew what he was good at and did not do. Instead of commanding the corps, she chose to fight at the forefront. The southern army was overseen by the Garrua bureaucrats in the sky.

The order of the Garruah Vice-spur was delivered to each unit. It was not just a battle that ended in a head-on collision, tens of thousands of times. Both the southern and northern armies had their own formations.

The southern and northern troops finally collided. The King of Fury, who was at the forefront of the South. The upper body of the ogre, who had been furious for the King of Fury without fear, exploded. Between the scattering blood, the flesh and the bone, the King of Fury waved the wall again and took the land this time. Thunderbolts around RBI penetrated dozens of Orc Warriors around Ogre.

Screams and explosions filled the battlefield. The battle for killing and killing in the whole plains began.

The King of Fury moved his eyes more than his hands. I tried to put the entire battlefield into view not only on the ground but also in the sky.

In the sky, the dragon corps and the northern military fleet launched air combat. Giant eagles inhabited only in the north, and they attacked the dragons, and the battleships that seemed to be the dungeon were flooded with the fire of Majungpo. The attack of the flight fleet of the northern military fleet was also unexpected, as was the brutal saturation of the dragon corps. Both sides were the result of concealing the public power.

The king of the wrath of Anc Blazas, who saw the scene of tearing down the head of a seven-headed monster and biting his neck, immediately rolled his eyes. It was to find and support the southern army in the long line.

Huge monsters rose from both the sky and the ground, and tens of thousands of them collided, and it felt like a mess all around. But it was not. Looking down from the heights of the sky, the king of the king of Karula knew that both the South and the North had a big picture. The heat of the two forces pushed each other to a strange balance, and the left and right wings, as well as several divided units, started a complex maneuver.

"Kiritimuka! Help the left! "

The King of Fury wielded the strength of the wall at the same time as the sounding. Six of the Orc Warriors were shredded, and the SS, headed by Kirtiumuka, flew to the King of Fury.

The left wing was crushed. There was too much of the right arm of the Northern forces moving to intercept the southern left arm. It was a little pushy yet, but I did not know what would happen if I left it as it was.

In the battlefield, the flow of time became curious. It took a moment longer to separate the life and death from each other.

The King of Fury grabbed the wall. I inflict a stronger force on the wrath of the fury that grabs the wall. And the King of Fury saw. In a lengthened moment, King Garrao cried. The joy of communicating with the ear was introduced through the legal notice attached to the ear.

[They are here!]

"Skull curl!"

The bizarre roar sounded like a lie neatly to the ear. The King of Fury swallowed his breath. I was cheering for the army that ran from the rear, which did not look at the forefront and only the left and right.

A bunch of troops landed on the right side of the northern army that collided with the left arm of the southern army. At the forefront was the incarnation of death that rises above the pitcher of the darkness.

Avatar of death.
The ultimate evolution of the skull achieved through consolidation.

The purple light glowed among the skulls of a pure white without a tee. The purple light near the black between the sacred armor and the red cloak, distorted the surroundings like a fireworks.

Skull wielded Vaporet's sickle. It has taken over the power of the incarnation of death that came down to the distant past. He gave death without discrimination to all beings at the end of the sickle.

It did not matter whether Orc or Ogre or Troll. Even the mighty monsters and even the masters were daring to keep their heads open. And after such an incarnation of death, the corps of death made a roar without sound.

Death Knight was a skull unit led by a dozen. Armed with a magic power source, they synchronized with the skull. I rushed, crushed, crushed, crushed, and trampled.

It was gruesome destructive power. The right wing was struck by the side of the skull unit, but it could not break down. Moreover, the speed was too fast. Only a few hundred skulls were destined to annihilate the right of the northern armies over ten times their size.

"Skull curl!"

The skull went out. The spirit of purple death covered the floor, and then horrible and amazing things happened. The northern army, which broke down and broke down the floor, became an undead and raised itself. So far I ran toward the friendly army.

The northern army was killed. Undead and stood up again. As the northern army dies, the number of undeads increases as the army dies, and the number of northern armies dying is increasing. Indeed, it was like a nightmare chain.

But that was not all. The King of Fury felt the throbbing heart. I was thrilled to grasp my heart without knowing it. I turned my head toward the southern sky following the throbbing.

"The King of Greed!"

The salami, which became a dragon for the massive heat, flew toward the rear of the skull. Above it was the King of Enlightenment – the King of the Dragon Dragon Armor, standing by the wind of the King of Fury.

Twelve lights symbolizing 12 workmanship emerged from the court in the left hand of Yongho. The greetings of greed rose from the unity of greed and Amon.

Yongho stared at the front. I waved Amon toward the back of the Skull unit. It brought the legend of the past to reality.

Amon Mang Chang of the Red Flag.
I swallow it once and burn the heaven and earth and evaporate the sea!

It could no longer be called a wave of green salt. It was a tsunami. A gigantic and enormous flame swallowed the whole skull. I passed them and burned the right side of the northern army.

"Skull curl!"

The skull ran through the flame. In the flames of greed, skulls and skulls did not suffer any injuries. He massacred the northern army with the flames of greed that would not go away.

The salami sprang up and turned. Yongho broke the air through the thrill of heart and the guilt of greed. The land of salami landed near the King of Fury spurs.

The King of Fury saw Yongho. Yongho saw the King of Fury. And at that moment, the blade of the shadow and the blade of the blade were swept around the king of Yongho and the rage. It made the northern army in the surrounding blood. It was almost evaporation.

It was Katarina and Kaizan. It was not the end of them. Red Bullets Red bullets were fired from Tia Metro. It was like Zion, who fled like a cannonball and jumped into the middle of the Northern Army. Next to him was Ellogoth and Ophelia, who, like skulls, had joined forces. Each of the enemies of Gusion, which may be the final crystal of Red Demon, exploded.

The air force, commanded by Samal, the fastest wing, supported the dragon fighting. The dragons gathered one by one to defeat the dragon legion, and the dragon army was defended. I was dealing with the northern army with them.

It was according to the words of the monarch Ancablo. The might of the army of greed was simply not numerically valued.

"It's a little late."

Yongho told the King of Fury. The King of Fury severely shook his head. I shouted with a flush of faces.

"It's all right! I really welcome you! "

Even though it was easy to drag the dragon yonghwa. If it was not for the battlefield, it might have been true.

Since the fact that Yongho was the king of greed changed a little, Kirti Muka became a complicated expression, and Katarina focused on the circumstance surrounding her armor in shadow. Kaiwan is a jaebyeongjae I put the back of my sword and I grabbed it.

This was the battlefield, and the battle was still in full swing. It was not time to share this with leisure.

Yongho brought out the power of greed and salvation at the same time. The seven horns of light were opened at once.

The King of Fury was amazed and looked at Yongho. It was only two days before the two of them fought against the king of lust. However, the horsepower of Yongho became much stronger than then.

Yongho waved Amon instead of explaining, and the King of Fury also put a smile in his mouth instead of a question. I poured my heart into the heartbeat of the fury that once again began to pound. I tried to get angry while I was still smiling.

The fighting continued. Both the sky and the earth were drenched in red light.

And how much time has passed.

Yong Ho suddenly saw his head and looked away. It was the intuition which can be called intuition. Not only Yongho, but also the King of Fury and Citizen.

The eyes of the three kings crossed at a distance. Yongho and the King of Fury did not know why, and she was thrilled. It was a screaming sigh.

The air broke apart.
There was a huge twist on the head of the Northern Army.

Chapter 74 End of # 3

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