Dungeon Maker

Chapter 203

Chapter 70 – Thought Chapter 70 – Thoughts Several events have been held simultaneously. Moreover, the speed was quite fast.

Recovering his consciousness, Samal never stopped thinking in extreme mental shock. The information gained through Mammon, the things already known, and the dubious chapters of the dungeon gathered clues from all the words spoken by Abraham Sachs.

The battle between the five directors was the beginning of dominoes.

The king of Oman has made a connection with the king of Jilshi. On the surface it was still a northern war, but it was just a deception. The majority of Jillian's armies were still unaware that their king was dead.

Samuel's own dungeon, a special auction house for the dungeon, was dropped. Although the king of Oman would not have absorbed all of Samaria's own power, it did not matter much in the circumstances. The territory of Samal was a territory of food. The territory of the Jilchy and the rage in the midst of the ups and downs was the region of Bifronz and Abraham Sachs, respectively.

The army of Sikatsu began invading the territory of the rage. The King of Fury went to the East as she had always done, and attacked the dungeons of the Dungeon Chamber of Dungeons as they stood there.

The information gardimundi gained through his family's bibo was so fragmented, but Samah, who was one of the five delegates to the dungeon faction, guessed the situation again.

The dungeon chancel properly pulled a knife. Even if the Caesars did not watch out for the dungeon, it was impossible to capture all the dungeons in the territory of the rage in just one day. Therefore, the most reasonable strategy that the King of Oman can take in the present situation was selection and concentration. It was clear that most of the power was put into some important points, including the Falun temple.

The mystery was wide. I could not find out all the situations by dispatching a rush to a war zone. The information that can be found in real time was only about the military movement in the street. It is impossible to find out what happens in deep places in real time.

On the surface, the King of Oman and the King of Jishi were still at war. Moreover, it took less than three days for all of this to happen. It was also natural that the King of the Wrath wielded because of the colony of the King of Oman, the privatization of the dungeon.

Mammon was at the southern end. It took at least a few days to get to know what happened in the north. I would not have known what was happening without Citi and Samal.

I had to stop the domino that was starting to fall. I had to stop the King of Fury from breaking down without interruption.

'The king of greed.'

Samal laughed at the smile unwittingly. As one of the five directors of the Dungeon Chamber, I was confident that I was observing the entire mysterious world, but I could not imagine that I was crouched in the South. Moreover, beside him, there were 12 ministers of Mammon. Where was it? She was the king of laziness. Whenever the meetings of the five directors were held, no one else, not even a laughing person, thought of themselves in front of the seat, saying, "The King of Sloth is still in seclusion."

'I can stop it. I can keep it. '

The power of the King of Oman was truly terrible. He overcame the northern part and got the dungeon chief.

But this one was too hard. It was never lagging behind.

Samuel closed his eyes. Recalling the faces of subordinate servants, including Carrot, he vomited.

The army temple was burning.

The number of enemies perceived by their wide-spread patience exceeded hundreds. Moreover, thirtieth to thirtieth of them had unusual aura. According to the criterion of the dungeon chiefs, it was the workers who were equivalent to the five grade.

And there was one added to it.

The fundamental reason why the Falun temple was forced to collapse without a break. It has created a decisive power gap between the two sides.

Gion Zion gained fondness. I did not have to glance at the left and right with a small hand gesture.

Ophilia was the first to understand. Mammon 's generals were led by their respective laborers. The battle against dungeon fighters spreading throughout the temple was started. Gardimundi, who led the way from the door of the space to this place, made desperate wings in search of his father's impassive spurs.

After Ophiria and Elijah, no one left behind, and Gion took his steps slowly. Those who stood nailed at a distance of a few hundred meters also began to walk toward such Gion.

The surrounding area was noisy. However, the two people who walked around felt calm. Gion was silent, and Orobas trembled with joy.

It did not take long for both of them to stop stepping. A distance of about a dozen meters existed between the two.

Orobas swallowed the mouth. Many times I stared at Gusi, standing far beyond the distance where I could talk, and suddenly I laughed.

It was not a ridicule. It was a delightful laugh from the end of the pulpit.

"Oh my God. He's right. That person is right. The strongest red daemon I've ever seen in a video I accidentally found in my childhood. "

It was the same as the video. Especially the horns of bulls that sprouted over my head.

"Gion Zion of Power. It is called the strongest among 12 Mama's labor ministries. It was my goal for many years. "

Why is he now in this position? No, how do you live in the first place?

I was ahead of doubt. I wanted to take away all those details and fight at first. I wanted to prove myself. The details were not delayed even after the fall of Gushon.

Orobas put the horsepower on the six horns that were already open. It led to enormous forces that were not even comparable to the time of the slaughter of weak arms.

There was no more calm. The atmosphere could not shake and screamed, and the small and light things around it shook violently. It was as if the whole world was thrilled with the power of Orobas.

Orobas was taken for pleasure. He said with a smile on his face.

"I am the strongest force" Orobias. As you can see, it is the strongest Red Daemon ever. I will break you today and prove it. "

It was an arrogant voice. The eyes of self-gratification were already seeing a glorious victory.

"The strongest."

Gion defeated the horse. Instead of making a shameful sound to tell you the true best, I opened up six horns. Long words were not needed in the fight.

Gonna go.

Gion Zion fell to the ground. He disappeared from Orobas' view.

Amon broke the air. The rhyolite that rose along the trail once again had to rise up to fill the whole.

The king of bloodshed receded. She saw rust in her eyes that she could not believe. The hand gripping the lust of the lust was shaking constantly.

Mahon Amon of Honglun was obvious. The sin of greed was evident.

Did he come back? Does he close the door of the heavenly gates and appear before him for over a thousand years?

"The King of Greed!"

The king of bitterness shouted again. Then, Yongho penetrated the green salt. Amon's sharp spear tipped out toward the heart of the king of lust.

I missed it. Just before hitting, Yongho twisted his arm. Amon pierced the air that was far away from where he was originally aiming, and the king of lust was standing nailed and looking at Yongho.

"It's not Mammon."

The king of despair said. At the same time, Yongho retreated, capturing Amon. I tried to pour in a fight, but my body did not listen.

"It's not Mamon. Greed, but not Mammon. It's not him. "

The king of bitterness said again. Her hands, which shuddered, gradually regained its stability. In the head of Yongho, Amon shouted.

[It is the power of lustful seduction.]
[Take charge of the subordinates. It must be the king and master of the rage!

The trembling of the king of lust has ceased completely. Her face was overwhelmed with amazement and her anger was young.

Yongho took the land. He once again caused a lot of rusting, which hindered him from lewdness and himself. It was the flame that caused the original lusty king to attack, but she could not harm her. I kept thinking like that.

'Katarina! Stay back! Join Kaiwan and the front line! '

I conveyed my conviction through BriGida. Katarina, who was about to land on the ground following the dragon, lifted the altitude again, and Kaiwan, who was riding on the salami, headed toward the army of the rage while clearing his lips. Skulls and scarfs in Buchelos were also the same.


The King of Fury shouted. Yongho hurriedly lowered his posture, and over the head of such a dragon, the squirrels passed away. The rust attack that Yongho caused was also divided like a lie.

[Awaken the power of the wrath!]
[It is only the king who has the magic to be able to face the King with the King!]

Before the end of Amon's words, the king of lust seemed to move. I rushed toward Yongho with a force several times stronger than when I drove the King of Fury.

Amon was in conflict with the witchcraft. The dragon of Mamon, who is in the left arm of Yongho, started to shine in a luxurious light. Yongho looked at the king of lust for his wife. I thought I did not know.

No. I do not want to hurt her.
It's better for me to kill her!

The hand holding Amon was weakened. The wonder of lust has not missed the gap. I wanted to slide over Amon 's window, and suddenly I drew a curious trail. He flashed like a glare toward the empty neck of Yongho.


Amon shouted. And lightning exploded. Yongho did not get up until he put the pieces of lightning over it. There was a King of Fury in the seat of Yongho who bounced out. She wielded a bigger ax at random than her own and kept the king of lust.

The power of temptation was so strong. In particular, Yongho, the opposite sex, was hardly able to withstand the power of temptation.

The King of Fury did not reach the king of lust. It was not like giving up defense at all like Yong Ho, but she could not attack properly because of the power of temptation. The white limbs were instantly bloody.

Yongho hurts this. Not only did the six horns soon rise up, but they invoked the heart of the king who drank. I pulled up to Oma at once and stepped forward. It was not the king of lust, but he stabbed Amon with his arm around him and exploded his magic power.

A tremendous explosion of flames on both sides affected both the king of lust and the King of Fury. The king of lust has wrecked the explosion and shockwave by wielding the lust of witchcraft, and the King of Fury was thrown out because he could not hold it properly. It was the street of Yongho.

Yongho took Amon on the ground. At the same time as Yongho 's army, he infused the power of greed to Amon, a servant' s servant. It caused intense flames that were not even compared to now.

Yongho was picked up and swallowed. The king of lust is reflexively retreated, and Yongho left Amon and fled toward the King of Fury. Immediately after grabbing her waist in the air, Brygada led the magic of Catharina. I spread the wings of the shadow and fly as it is.

Scarborough said. Amon also confirmed.

It was likewise only a king with a wonder that could confront a king with a wonder.
It was not enough for Mamon, who is still incomplete. In order to overcome the temptation of the lusty king, Yongho had to get a mysterious pair with sin.

The time to earn by the flames of Amon was short. Yongho, who crossed over the head of the army of the shrine, landed on the ground.

The king of the rage that stood out of the arms of Yongho staggered. Yongho caught her bloody shoulder and said urgently.

"Look at the waistband."


The King of Fury saw Yongho with a blank face. Everything was confused. Despite being in the midst of battle, my heart was pounding like crazy. Moreover, the king of greed? Is the kingdom of Mammon the king of greed? And is it true that he was just in the arms of Caesar of Mammon? really? What does it mean to untie the waistband? In the middle of the battlefield, not anywhere else!

The face of the King of Fury rose red. Then Yoon realized his mistakes and acted instead of correcting the words. He took out the wrath of the wrath on his right arm and extended it to the King of Fury. He no longer hides the wrath of the power of greed. He did not hide the sins of the slaughter.

The King of Fury became a hollow face again. And instinctively understood. From the inside of her chest, the fury of the rage erupted violently.

The sin of fury wanted the wrath of the fury.
I hated and longed for the sins of greed and food that appeared before my eyes.

The king of the rage loosened the wonder of the garment that had been hung on the waist. Yongho said quickly.

"Let's exchange."

"Yes, an offering?"

This time, Yongho was embarrassed. The King of Fury, Dritarasutra, quickly came out of the wisdom of eating.

"Oh, nothing!"

There was no time. Yongho put on the waist of the witch. The King of Fury put the wrath of the Fury in his right arm.

At last, under the command of Amon, the green salt was scattered. The king of lust has been rushing toward this side of the army itself.

Yongho grabbed the air. After summoning Amon who had reconciled with the flames of Honglun and disappeared, he looked at the king of lust. The King of Fury grabbed his chest with his left hand, holding down his throat. It was embarrassing that Mammon's lord had not only greed but also sin at the time of slaughter, but it was not time for that.

The king of lust has wielded the wonder of lust. Then a giant quaver that seemed to split the world rushed to the King of Yongho and Fury.

Yongho concentrated. The explanation was not necessary. The King of Fury also understood with instinct.

Slaughter and rage.
The two sins that faced their half beyond a thousand years roared with a loud voice.

The power of true sins was revealed.

Chapter 70 – The End of the Boxing

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