Dungeon Maker

Chapter 188

Chapter 63 The dungeon # 2 was like a castle or a fortress if it were handed over.
The residents of Majyeong built a center of life around dungeons, and natural villages and cities were also located near dungeons.

Therefore, it is possible to conceal the internal facilities and scale of the dungeon, but it is almost impossible to conceal the fact that the dungeon exists. The kings knew where the dungeon was located in the territory of the other country, and even though there were some errors, the total number of dungeons was also overtaken.

There were six dungeons and forty cauldrons, all combined under the king of slaughter. It was accurate information that can be known because it was the dragon who robbed all the king of the shrimp.

The fifty-six dungeons were again divided into four zones. With the central, ruling, king of violence and violence and the three Oman bordering each other.

Most of Mammon's network was lost, but there were still alive. There were five of them in the king 's territory, and Yongho decided to use the door of the space near the territory of the king of violence.

The plan was delicately established. Yongho drew a list of nearby dungeons from the door of the hidden space at the foot of the rocky mountain and decided the order of attack.

It was different from the dungeon battle in the South vacancy. All of the dungeons in the king's territory were on one side. When targeting one dungeon, it was not only the force of the dungeon that needed to be fought. It was clear that a long period of time would send reinforcements from other dungeons.

'You feel like a banker?'

Time Attack was important. Yongho companions should be able to stand in earnest after at least four shots of the dungeon.

The moon was a bright night.
Passing through the door of the control room located on the 9th floor, Yong Ho stood in front of a cave located deep in a rocky mountain. It was so well hidden that the doors of space could be maintained even after a thousand years. The remaining networks of Mammon, probably alive, would be located deep in the mountains, which are similarly uninhabited.

Yongho, who swallowed the cold airs coolly, turned over the mask of the red dragon. It was for reminiscent of a king of violence that I chose the shape of a red dragon.
Of course, it was not possible to turn all the charges toward the King of Violence with just this small piece. It was too shallow for that, and Yongho did not want to be a king or a chief of violence.
Just a little confusion was enough. And such a shallow number was the best way to cause such confusion.

Yongho looked back at the subordinate ministries that were placed over the gates of the space. It was three people who were scheduled to accompany this operation.

"Skull Skull."

The skull, wearing the whole body with a silver armor, vomited quite a reminder. Although it was the king of the undead that could be considered an incarnation of death, he was a paladin without a soul because he was wearing a silvery armor that completely shielded his entire body. In addition to hiding red and gorgeous cloaks to hide his identity, he heard swords and shields with colorful decorations instead of hammerheads.

Katarina also wears a silver armor like a skull to hide the fact that it is a dark elf. The tail, which reveals the emotional state of Katarina, was wrapped around her waist so she could not be exposed.

And the last member, Kaizan, frowned.

"I feel like playing a penalty game."

"I usually wear the same."

Kaiwan, a red leotard figure found in the 5th floor armory, kicked off Yongho's shin, and Yongho gently avoided the attack.

Kaizan roared once and then took a whip instead of a plaincloth. She once wiped her gold colored hair and put on a sword-shaped butterfly mask. It was a costume and a mask that really suited Kaizan.

Yongho looked at the time. It was time to move slowly.

The dungeon closest to the rocky mountain was the goal of today. Yoon – ho, who descended the mountain like a fly, ran toward the dungeon entrance without any hesitation. The dungeon Mearcats heard a rattling sound, but they ignored it lightly and destroyed the entrance to the dungeon as a result of learning from Gucion.

The entrance to the dungeon that detected the intruder was turned off. From the deep inside I heard the urgent stepping sound of the laborers.

Kaiwan threw a light fixture hanging from her waist dancing and drove the darkness. At the same time, Yongho concentrated his consciousness. I opened the door of the space in search of the key from the magic of the food.

Five vampire rods, led by Wicross, were captured by Yong Ho. Death Knight Open stood with the arms of each of the skulls behind the back.

It was not the end here. Yongho ordered, and as a result of true education, Yi Choung, who was born as a loyal lord, summoned a unit-sized skeleton with vampire rods.

At the time of the first invasion, there were only four people, but now the number is a funny one.

Yongho grabbed his fist lightly. Amon grabbed the sword picked at the armory instead, said Najik.

"I travel at the shortest distance."

It was a declaration and an order.
The smoke of greed rose from the body of Yongho.

Skeletons and zombies threw themselves generously, dismantling the traps. There were hundreds of dungeon workers in the rally, but they were ready to defend themselves. Death Knight 's attack with skulls was a disaster for the defenders.

The Death Knights all entered the Skull Corps. Thanks to that, I was able to synchronize with Skull, and Sync has created more than Yong Ho had expected.

Death Knights were able to reach a higher level by sharing their combat experience. Moreover, this time, the skull has also benefited. The Death Knights' battle experience has made the skull stronger, further strengthening the combat power of the entire skull unit.

In front of the Death Knights, who wielded the sword in sync with the monstrosity of the dungeons, the dungeons became desolate.

The act of greed again showed the correct way. Yongho and Yongho, who broke through the defensive troops centered on non-biological workers such as living armor and golem, reached the heart room of the dungeon instantaneously.

"Who are you guys!"

Kaewan rushed toward the dungeon Caesar, who spits out the usual ambassadors. As usual she was uncovered, but instead she had a whip in her hand. The scarlet leather scarf cuts the body of Caesar through the space faster and sharply than the plain sword. Kaizen shouted, lifting up the lad, caught in the end of the whip as always.

"Time to punish-" Kaizan rolled his eyes, not to mention. As expected, Yongho and Katarina were not fighting, but they were staring at Kaizan himself.


The horses were blurred, Kaiyuan huddled down the dungeon Caesar on the floor, then flashed his face in the mask. After a few more times, I caught a little excuse as I excused him.

"Just because I'm in a role?"

Yongho just laughed instead of asking what your role was. It seemed more interesting to annoy Kaiwan, but the dungeon was the first priority.

Catherine lost her consciousness and recovered her water from the dungeon dungeon. Yongho also went into the dungeon's heart room to evade the essence of dungeon. Since the soul of the dungeon was already dead, there were no obstacles other than the dungeon shield.

Yongho, who captured the essence of the dungeon that gives a bright light, gave the following command. The goal was not only the essence of the dungeon.

The act of greed led to a new way according to the wind of Yong Ho.

As soon as they reached the Dungeon treasure hunt, not far from the heart room of the dungeon, the vampire rods summoned new skeletons. It was to have the goods of the treasure hunting in the prepared leather bag.

When the prepared leather bag was full, Yongho returned the vampire rods and the Death Knights to the "summoning room" made by the king of food. Each skeleton had its own leather vest, which was followed by the vampire rods of their masters, so when it was summoned, there were only three such as Skull, Catharina, and Kaizan.

No reinforcements in other dungeons have yet appeared. Yongho commanded him with a glance and exited the dungeon by himself.

The night was still long. The road was also far away.
The king's royal dungeon still remains fifty-five.

When Yongho was pounding the king 's territory without hesitation, Ophelia and Tigrius had no intention of strengthening the Fortress of Cadiz.

The guerrilla attack of Yongho was sure to help the destruction of the king 's power. It would not be an exaggeration to say that the disintegration of forces by the action of Yong Ho was at least a month earlier.

So I had to rush to prepare. There was not much to worry about in the west thanks to the embryonic oogenarization. The East has now stabilized, and the South has long been in the grip of Yong Ho.

We had to prepare the troops to "conquer" the kingdom of the king of food while maintaining the northern part around the fortress of Cadiz. The Kadis fortress was closer to a bridgehead than an axis of defense.

Majyeong is a society of medicinal rituals.
The King of Fury was only a friend. It was not Mammon. And it was also the king of violence that did not know.

The strength of the servants' servants who could be called the king and his sword was enough to face the other kings. But the forces have not done so yet. The chaotic period of the collapse of the king 's power of food was a great opportunity for Mammon to build new forces.

When other kings saw it, they had to show a swift motion to feel a surprise. The reason why Yongho decided to attack dungeons close to the King of Violence or King of Fury instead of dungeons near Mammon was simple. It was to reduce the number of dungeons that the two kings could later conquer.

The guerrilla attack of Yongho was not only a surprise to the king of the shrine. On a broad scale, it was a surprise for kings, including kings of wrath and kings of violence.

Mamon, who was buried in history losing the past movies. The counterattack from below the surface has already begun.

On the surface, it was relatively peaceful.
In the north, the armed forces of Oman and the forces of the Jilin continued the war every day, but elsewhere, peace was maintained, even though there was tension.

But it was just a surface on the water.

Mammon was not the only one preparing to counterattack under the surface of the water. Others continued their invisible movement in their respective domains.

The three Caesars, with the strongest powers in the king's power, gathered their wishes and wrote a letter. They dispatched the envoys to the king whom they had designated as their nation.

Abraham, who boasts the strongest horsepower among the five directors of the dungeon, once again met with the King of Oman. The secret deal with the king, who was originally in the northern part of the country, was to be performed by Orobas, the strongest force, but not everyone who had a meeting thought of it.

Bifronz, the ultimate intellect, had a meeting with the king of lust. The secret deal was originally what the king had to ask the five directors, but this time it was different. Bifronz first requested a secret transaction to the king of lust.
The king of bitterness wanted to refuse the request but could not. Because Bifronz made an unmistakable offer to his or her lustful King.

The fastest wing, Samael, discovered that one of the riches had disappeared from the storehouses where the defects of the dungeon chiefs were stored. Among the five directors of the dungeon chief, she is proud of her best intelligence and was able to find out who had taken the leech without difficulty.

Citi. It is no exaggeration to say that he was the oldest of the five directors and had just existed for a long time. She has been active in recent years. And at the center of that movement was a new house of Mammon.

She remembered the warning she had given her at a special auction house. But she still had no intention of stopping.

Kang Yong Ho of Mammon County.
There was something for him. Something else unknown to the.

Samal took out a letter from the office desk drawer and unfolded it. It was a letter related to a secret deal that was not finalized, the King of the Meat King finally asked for.

Under the surface of the water, those who could move history showed their own movement. And some of them have an organic relationship with each other.

It was peaceful on the outside. It seemed as if the present condition would continue in the future.

But it was different.
The movement under the surface of the water soon became a large watercourse that would affect the surface of the water.

The King of Violence, who returned to his rare, read the letter from the King of Fury late. The story of the alliance with Mammon, and the story of the future of the king of violence.

'What do you think of Mammon' s house? Do you think he's okay? I think I'm a good person. '

The king of new greed. The king of violence dropped the letter. Instead of writing a reply, I looked down on the world as the king of the greatest dragon dragon.

There was a calm ripple over the surface of the water. It was now clear that the water below the surface of the water would shake the entire mystery.

'This time, I do not think I will be able to get away with it.'

The king of violence remembers the king of sloth. He was a long-lost secluded king from the world, but he was already involved. A contract with the King of violence proved this.

I have settled where I should have originally finished my decades of outing. The king of violence closed his eyes with a relaxed mind. The past works that stimulated his suspicions became a grand theorem. Now his stimulating curiosity is the things that will unfold in the future.

The king of violence called for a short sleep.

As an observer of the world, I waited for an era of not so great upheaval.

Chapter 63 – End of Surprise, Chapter 64 – King of the Arena.

Chapter 63 End of # 2

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