Dungeon Maker

Chapter 184

Chapter 61 # 2 The energy of death has stirred up. It was the power that caused the fear and fear of the living beyond the power of magic.
Yongho and his servants knew the energy of this death. There was a genuine energy of death that was different from the power that this dragon and other undeads emit.

The goat left, the demon buster of the massacre.
One of Mammon's twelve ministers and the incarnation of death from this world.

Someone swallowed a dry spit. So did Yongho. I looked at the skull with eyes mixed with tension.

The bigger is bigger. The black kang song and the sharpness that Richie combined had a sharp impression.
Ankwang, who lies between the skulls in the purple flame, was silver. Instead of flashing for a moment, it was a flame that would burn forever.


Yongho called carefully. It was a little bit mixed, but there was a sense of uncertainty as to whether or not the black kanggok had been consumed by the skull.

The subordinate workers were also concentrated. The connection that led around Yongho was shaken sharply.
Skull answered.

"Skull Skull. Skull curl. "

There was always a laughing voice in the same voice. There was a silence in the room for a very short period of time, and a smile soon followed. Yongho panted Ando's breath.

It was a skull. He inherited the death of Vaporetto and took the power of the rich and the sword, surpassing Death Knight and Rich, but his essence did not change.

'But still Skull Skull.'

I was glad but I was very sad. This time I was hoping that the skull would not say the right thing.

"awhile. Skull Skull? "

Yongho blinked. Katarina, who liked his ear and tail and liked it, also saw the skull with a surprised face as if he realized that he had realized it suddenly. Kaizan opened his lips.

"Did not sound different from usual? Now

"Skull Skull."

The skull again said, and the subordinates were surprised.
I was just saying it was a skull skull, but I could understand the meaning. It was a feeling that the meaning was transmitted directly to the head separately from the voice of the skull skull.

Why are you so surprised? I am as usual – it was roughly meaningful.

When Yong Ho and his subordinates were embarrassed again, this time the skull was embarrassed. He gently tilted his head again.

"Skull curl?"


Oh, jeez.

Yongho admired. Tiglius said, shining his eyes.

"It's a powerful telepath. Combined with Rich, Sorceress – seems to have awakened the power of innate magic. "


"It means magic that does not count arithmetically, but rely on will and natural strength. Super powers or … It's like that you're sparkling. "

Since I have been studying magic several times since I came to Yonghodo, I knew what magical magic that Tigris was talking about.


The skull's calculation of the magic by calculating it arithmetically was never imagined. It was much more skulking to put out super powers just by instinct.

"Skull, do you know what magic you can use?"

Skull questioned Yongho, blinking his eyes like a blink of an eye. After a little time, I answered.

"Skull Skull. Skull curl. "

I do not know yet – but I know what I can do – from the right hand of Skull I have a purple fire. The flame was transformed into lightning, and Yongho understood that it was a lightning that had the energy of death.

Lightning magic that a skull gets when it becomes a magic knight.
Skull handled the lightning as if Yongho was handling the flame. It was soon scattered in the air and caused a new flame.

This time again, the aura of death was difficult, but it was different from before. If the previous lightning was the power to kill the living, what was now was the power to cause the dead.

"It's not just Death Knight with Rich's magic. There is more to it than that. Kaji the king of the undead – I think it is not an exaggerated title. "

Tigrius threw a lot of excitement. Yongho, who came up with the title of "No Life King," also nodded his head.

But one question arises.
Why is it that skull can not speak properly and is skull scarred even though he is reborn as such a mighty being?

'Is this because of me?'

The power of evolution was the strength of Yongho. Therefore, the evolution experienced by the laborers reflects Yongho's unconsciousness.
The ears and tails of the catarina have changed much better than they were before evolution, as if the handle was behind the back of salami.

Yongho recalled the fluent talking skull for a while, and felt a strange awkwardness within a minute. Skulls were skulls, too.

The skull always laughs as if he knew the mind of Yongho. The sound of the skull curls was nice.

"Coalesced evolution is unified evolution, but … The consolidation is really amazing. I can not believe it with my own eyes. I'm giving artisfector the power of the worker …. "

As Ely Gos showed his admiration, Tiglius nodded fiercely. After a long time, he came back to the mage as a wizard, and he repeatedly stressed that Skull was the key force in the black belt.

Kaiwan grabbed his arm.

"As I said before, I must at least be a Dragon Heart. No, I want you to get Dragon Heart and strengthen it. Will you do that? "

Strengthening cohesion was able to give the power of the artifact to the laborer. If you could get Dragonhart to consolidate and consolidate as Kaiwan would have, it would have been possible to use dragon-specific powers as well as incredible magic power. Dragon breath, dragon peer, spelling magic.

Cohesion enhancement was possible in a much more diverse combination than coalesced evolution, which was possible only with some laborers such as undead and golems. Yongho asked Amon again as if it had come up.

"Amon, did all the 12 laborers strengthened the cohesion?"

[There are those who do, and some who do not.]
[To be honest, I did not intensify the union with the window.]
[It was not Mamon's will that I became a window.]

Catherine shook her head. As Amon mentioned, it was because he thought he had strengthened the unity with the spear.
Amon smiled like a gentle flame.

[Master, there is only one opportunity to strengthen cohesion in every ministry.]
[But it is only so that we can save the big deal.

I thought I knew what you were talking about. If you save the skill points for the skill to shoot later in the game, the process becomes difficult many times. In reality, rather than the game, it might not reach the latter part of the reality.

The Skull has gained the power of the black kang song by making the union with the rich and cohesive evolution. In other words, Skull still had a chance to consolidate.

'I can do it this way. It will take a while to collect the skill level enough to do the coalescence evolution once again. "

It was the skull who experienced the greatest evolution among Mammon 's laborers. Perhaps now the speed of accumulation of evolutionary skills was comparable to that of Amon.

But Yongho felt heartfelt. Skull still had room for growth. Skull still had the potential to solve it.

Yongho recalled the artifacts contained in Mammon's arsenal maintained by Asclepius. The artifacts that seemed to be good for consolidation with the subordinates were coming up in my mind.

And all the while, he rolled his eyes quietly and looked up and saw his hand like a student asking Katarina.

"Amon, can I inherit the power of Elune as Skull has inherited the power of 12 ministers?"

It was a fact that we were all amazed at the consolidation consolidation and the growth of Skull, but it was more than two things before the race.
Vaporet's death made the skull a successor. He delivered the essence of death to the skull.

12 The essence of the workers was asleep in Yongho's territory. So was the power of the already dead Ellen and asclepios.

It inherits that power.
It becomes the upright successor of Momon's 12 laborers.

Amon shed a small smile on the appearance of Catherine, referring to Cock-picked Elune. I answered without hesitation.

Especially because you have a very similar nature to Elune. If you are qualified, Elon's strength, Justice, will choose you.

At Amon's end, Katarina blushed slightly on her cheek. His tail was shivering like a beat slowly with his ears.

Kaiwan laughed.

"Are you 12 new employees? A mixture of old generation and new generation. 12 Yongho's workmanship is pretty good too? "

It was already done. Amon, who was the minister of Mamon, belonged to the seven subordinate ministers of Yongho. Gushion and Szahaha were also near Yongho.

"Okay, so I'll have to hit the 9th floor. Let's get on it. "

Yongho gave a strong impression, and Kaiyuan winked.

"I'll know."

"me too."

"Skull curl."

As Katarina snapped, Skull interrupted. Yongho should not have to intervene this time, but he told Ellogoth that he was okay and told everyone it was okay, including Ophelia and Tigris.

"I'll take a break today. I'll have to roll hard again tomorrow. "

In order to normalize the fortress of Cadiz and to reach the kingdom of the king of the horses, he had to take the 9th floor. Immediately, the king of the right side of the eye disappeared, and a strong army of the King of Fury was created, but Mammon still had a lot of work to do.

While everyone who was named Yongho was dismissed, Kaiwan grabbed his arm and dragged him. I whispered in a quiet voice.

"But Yong Ho."

Yes. it is.

"Who is more beautiful with me and the King of Fury and Katarina? No, is it beautiful? "

It was a word that was conscious of the imperative of the summit with the King of Fury. Kaizan laughed thinly, and Katarina laughed his ears.

Yongho gently kissed his forehead instead of facing the tapered Kaizan's two eyes and turned his head. Kaiwan was still hanging in his arms, but there were no problems.
Kaiwan slightly pinched the waist of Yongho, and Katarina soon followed Yongho's side. The skull burst into laughter on behalf of Yongho.

"Skull curl."

This time, telepathy was not transmitted. Yongho thanked the skull for saying that he was still skulking instead of saying the right words.

It has already passed twenty days since the death of the king of the shrine.

There were few things that Orlando, the deacon, could do, while all of the ten men, the core of power, were evaporating. He asked the three Caesars who guarded the border, the most powerful of the remaining powers, to do what could be done.

The three Caesars gathered their opinions in favor of the rightful successor among the sons of the king of slaughter, according to the wind of Orlando. There was no disagreement about the fact that we had to hide the king's death for the time being.

The owner, Orlando, was relieved.
And three Caesars were seated separately without Orlans. It was three people who disputed publicly under the king of the usual shrimp, but the king of the shrimp disappeared, and it was good enough to be surprised.

It was futile to build a successor.
None of the sons of the king of slavery had the sins of slaughter.

There were only six countries in the kingdom.
And this number was like the number of the six kings.

What does this mean?
It was simple. Without the 'king' it meant that the state could not survive.

The three Caesars did not think that they would defend the kingdom of the king. They did not have the ambition to become a new peak by fighting among themselves.

To whom will you dedicate yourself, dungeons, and laborers? Who can sell the best value?

It is natural that the meaning of the three provinces can be understood. Only those who could survive under the kingship of the shrine were only three generals.

I do not know how the king of the shrimp died, I could not move myself now. It was necessary to watch a little more movement to accept the meaning of Orlando.

But it was possible to exchange opinions in advance. The three Caesars made a point of talking about which king would be the most efficient, and this time they were surprised at each other.

The gaze of the three Caesars departing from different places became one at one point of evangelism.

The sky was red.
And under the red sky crimson spread its wings.

King of violence. Among the dragons is the greatest, most powerful being.

He was not in his rare. Most of the beings of the mystery were unknown, but they were standing on the most important land in the mystery.

It reminded me of Mammon's remembrance in greed of greed.
This was the land. Here, the great greed King of Mammon breathed.

The king of violence looked around again. The stairs leading to that high sky no longer existed.

Thousand years. Past events that have already been concluded. A man who rescues a man from a place where nobody knows and is lost in history by the traitors.

The king of violence lifted his head high. He raised his voice to the sky. The wind blowing from somewhere scattered the voice of the King of violence, the truth which the king of the sloth gave.

The king of violence no longer had any fears. The last breath of Mamon flew back behind the ground.

It crossed the red sky of the uncircumcised and never blue.

Chapter 61 – Cohesion Strengthening, Chapter 62 – Leading to Magnardon of Squire.

Chapter 61 End of # 2

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