Dungeon Maker

Chapter 138

Chapter 46 – The Elune on the Left of the Latter Chapter 46 – The Elune on the Left of the Latter The fertile loft under the glittering artificial sun was unfolded.
It is the nature of nature that grows and grows.
It was not different here either. Numerous life sprouted and grew fruit.

It was a sight to feel warm even if I looked at it. The golden wheat leaped like a wave in the wind, and the corn grown with thick eggs was shyly wrapped in green leaves. The mouth of the mouth is full, and the strawberry and the grape which I spread clearly show the presence with the color of each one.

It was beautiful. It was the sight of the greatness of life and nature. Except for a very slight disparity.

"Master, have you been a little too far this time?"

The owner of the garden of life, and the witch Scuzha, who is responsible for the healing of Mama's 12 workers, frowned.

The garden of life was full of death.

Nearly fifty skeleton soldiers were involved in farming with their farm equipment in their hands. There are a lot of guys who are not familiar with farming yet because they are new this time, but they replaced the skill with the undecided meticulousness and repeat action.

Undead in the realm of death, the life of the universe has brought an instinctive discomfort to Scarzha. Moreover, not all fifty were. A similar work was going on in all four circles on the first floor.

Some rooms concentrated fruit, and in some rooms they cultivated such things as sugarcane, cacao, and cigarettes. One of the most impressive of these was the room for growing medicines such as dwarves or poppies.

The beautiful gardens that healed the mind and body of those who visited them no longer existed. There was only a field of rice where the smell of manure was vibrated in every direction.

Yongho, who returned from the takeover, greatly increased the number of skeletons. The skeleton worker who could do the ministry was very cheap. One dragon's finger bone, which costs less than the pure dragon's bone, could be bought for tens of units.

A total of two hundred skeleton workers so purchased.

There was very little Caesar buying this amount of skeleton workers. It was natural to think of Skull when he first came to Mammon.
The skeleton worker was very bad in performance.
It was weak and slow to move. Although it has the strength of being able to work repeatedly almost without interruption, it is also difficult to see it as a strength because its work efficiency is too low. Learning ability was also not expected.

At this point, it was doubtful whether the unit price was cheap.
But still Yongho bought a lot of skeleton workers. Unlike the ordinary ones, there were measures.

Hum… I'm sorry. I'm blinking. What

Yongho, who was burying the whole body in a blue liquid, said with a half – folded eyes. The eyes are shiny.

Yongho upgraded the skeleton soldiers to a Skeleton Soldier that day. It was indeed a great nogada. But thanks to the Skeleton Worker, he had the benefit of getting two hundred Skeleton Soldiers with two hundred dollars. Later, considering upgrading to a Skeleton Warrior or even more, it was indeed a profitable business.

A few are good, but they also need numbers. It was Yongho who learned many things through the fight with Embrio. From now on, I intend to operate the power of evolution more aggressively.

Szaza eventually sighs again. Instead of sticking to the fatigue of yongho, the second factor causing the discomfort was turned to the eyes. I was once again impressed.

Dragon disease.
Beings that were different from ordinary skeletons gathered together and wore a field. The numbers were only seven, but each one was compared to half a dozen skeleton knights. In terms of a skeleton soldier, it was worth more than hundreds.

The height reached about 2 meters, and the spectacle of squatting down the hometown of things that were unusual even when it looked like it was really strange.
Usually it was impossible. When the disease was about to become self-esteem and pride. As undead, he would not refrain from his master's command, but he was likely to work with a disgusting tee.

However, the ejaculation in front of you was also very hot and humid. The reason was simple.
It is because a strong being is squatting and making a homemade quality so that they can shatter their pride.

"Skull Skull."

Dragon Bone Knight.

It is different from ordinary dragons.
It was huge. It was merely an appearance that gave a feeling of being magnificent beyond a huge one.

The color was pure white itself. The dragon's bone was the hardest and sharpest canine in the world, so it was slim and sturdy.

The horsepower was also excellent. It was obvious that the magic was ignorant. The glowing purple flame in the head part of the humanoid or dragon conjured wonders and horror.

Such a presence.
Skeleton Warriors can be called the pinnacle of the Death Knight in front of the great warrior to face.

"Skull curl."

The sunshine is so warm that it is a good weather to roll around the floor.

"It's really too much."

Scuza muttered a little. It was more so because I saw the process of rebuilding the skull as it is now.

Yongho really invested a lot in Skull.
From the process of making a dragon that will evolve into a union with the skull.

Once the dragon's teeth were picked, the best quality tooth was chosen as the material.
Like the other dragons, they did not recall using the scrolling of the summoning of the dragons, but one more process. It was the coalescing magic of Tigris.

Tigrius, who was invaded by Landoltga, used both the scrolling of the summoning of the dragon and the scrolling of summoning the skeleton mage. By combining power, we synthesized the two spells.

Of course it was not easy. It was not the magic used by oneself, but the magic contained in the scroll. Moreover, as a subordinate, the power itself was weakened Tigris.

Still, Tigris was successful. Although the scrolls of summoning the dragon and the scrolls of the summoning of the skeleton were wasted by two each, it was cheaper.

Thus, the dragon with the power of the birth of the skeleton mage.

This time, Ophelia came out. In order to prevent the situation, the ego of the dragon was weakened with mental magic. It was the first time that I kissed a skeleton but Ophilia complained. – Yongho was the only thought alone. – Finally, merged evolution that Yongho carried out.

I was satisfied. It seemed that I would be hungry only to see. Skull now has a magical ability that surpasses the battle mages and physical strengths that surpass dragons. Though the number of magic spells available was somewhat flawed, it was sufficient for battle.

The attack power is strong, the defense is high, and the magic of the enemy is ignored, but it is the birth of the all-encompassing all-weather magic warrior who uses the attack magic.

But it was still humble. The skull was a skull even though he was born a stronger being.

Tsutsui turned his gaze to Yongho again, who was scarred by his tongue. It was still a mongoose.

"Why do you think so? Tell me honestly. I have not slept properly for a few days? "

Yongho jumped in the scarcity of the scarifier. Then Lucia seemed to be waiting for her.

[Scarzha, listen to me!]
[Do you have to pay rumors to Dongbu?]
[So it is.]
[The fast pace.]

"Oh my gosh, you can do it!"

Scarcely lifted both hands on his cheek and screamed. Yong Ho shouted.

"You did not hear anything but the hurry! And I worked! Days

“Are you sure?”
Did you just work with.
[Did you just hang out with Lucia, the cute, pretty, poor and poor, and work a few days and nights all night?

I had a lot of pressure for a few days. Yongho put his body in the blue liquid and puked his nose.

"No, I will exercise the right to remain silent."

I was glad that there was no Ophelia here. And Katarina was asleep, surrounded by blue liquid, opposite her. It would have been really dynamic if I had been awake.

Scuza laughed at me. I told Lucy, who was in a lot of trouble, to say goodbye to Yongho.

"Do not be shy. It is a natural thing, and you are the king of greed. "

Scarcely blue eyes of the blue light, I gaze a little far away. I once again opened my lips.

"I want to make more money. I want to have a woman. I want to be strong. I want to raise a dungeon. I want to evolve my laborers – they are all greedy. And there is no deceit in greed. Because it is all hope and the wind. It's what I really want. "

Skazha's gaze, which circled the air, turned to Yongho again. It was like a mother.

"Greed itself is not bad. Greed is our life, of course, the driving force of development. So much desire. I hope and I hope. Do not be shy. Your strong wind will soon become your strength. "

It was a beautiful and radiant smile. Yoon-ho, who looked at the soul without even knowing it, seemed to be able to know why Sczagha had the power of life.

'Come to think of it.'

There was something unexpected. Yongho asked without delay.

"Scuza is 'life' and Vaporetta is 'death'? Is that the power of the other 12 workers? Not land, fire, wind … Like 'concept'? "

Scuzha hit his hand to make a sound.

"Our boss is very sharp? Sy! Our twelve ministers are using the 'concepts' that are often the result of the intellectual activities of lives with will and emotions. "

"Then what about Zion?"

It was a reflective question, but the more I thought about it, the more I questioned it. The 'concept' that goes well with Gion is not well thought out.
Scuza handed out his hand.

"Ask yourself later. Because we have the ability to be just like you. Oh, but it's not like 'cute'. You are avoiding crucial wrong answers? "

"No, I do not think that's going to be a candidate in the first place. … "

What is it? What? How cute when we are alone. I want to boast about others? "

Scarzha blushed red on the cheeks, and Yongho tried not to imagine it. When I was alone, I was so scared that I was pretty Giuseppe.

"What is the power of Elune?"

It was not just to turn the topic. It was an important matter because I was going to start attacking the third floor of the labyrinth of greed from now on.

"It's the best power for Elune. But at the same time, it is also a vague force. Depending on who gets it, the intensity will be very different. But – I believe we can use the power of Elune if it is not ours. "

I did not intend to tell him coolly.

Yongho pulled out of the blue liquid and collected the skulls and dragons. He also ordered Lucia to call Eli Gos and Ophelia.

And about 30 minutes. Finally, Yongho, ready to start, left the garden of life. I went to the third floor of the Labyrinth of Greed – the area of ​​Elune, who is chanting the night.

Dragon Peer.

One of the many powers born of the descendants of the King of the Great King, one of the greatest in history.

It was the power of overwhelming.
Just being there is causing fear. To instigate instinctive fear. The Skull, who was born into the Dragonbone Knight, was able to emulate a dragon-like force. It was a mighty force that could not even be compared to the fear of death that ordinary undead would entice the living.

The skull was leading and the road was opened. A dungeon monster resembling a monkey who controlled the entrance to the third floor – Wendigo did not even dare to go to the party. It was only to vomit and to vomit oldness.

As Bhakpalos, who carried the skull on his back, showed a sense of humor, he walked proudly. Beppelos was also promoted to 'Nightmare Vanguard' after the clash with Death Knight.

Beppelos looked back at him one after another, and he snorted a lot. It seemed like a meaningless move for others to see, but not to salami. The salami, which flooded his head as if he had been separated, winked at Yongho.

Yongho understood the wind of salami. So, he came down behind the back of the salami and lifted his hand lightly. Like Salami, who was stimulated by Beppelos, he briefly ordered Ellogoth, who had been struggling with the skill of the skull.

"Clean up."

There were hundreds of Wendigo herds. But the time it took them all to fall was never long.

"I think the third floor is a gambling place."

Chapter 46 – The End of the Elven Left

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