Dungeon Defense

< -- Guardian --> 『 491 』

“ ……. ”

When I opened my eyes, it was all dark.

For a while, I stared straight ahead. Without the self pity of looking ahead. I hit the plank as I moved my body. I moved my arms and legs a little more, but they were blocked everywhere. What is this place? I muttered. Then I realized.

I was lying in a coffin.

I didn't understand why I did what I did. However, sometimes I did not understand my actions, so it was not particularly special. I pushed the tube cap away.

“Ugh, ugh. ”

I feel like I've been asleep for a long time.

I spent more than five years of my life wondering if I was going to sleep once every three days. Even if I could sleep, I could see a lot if I closed my eyes for three or four hours. It's been a long time since I slept so well.

I yawned like a bear that came out of hibernation. But strange things caught my eye. Children like white and dreamy cotton candy encircled the palace. The Spirits of the Eye.

─ You're awake.

─ It's amazing you survived the night in this weather.

─ Humans are very wild these days?

─ I have a feeling that musclemen are going to be trending.

The spirits are gone.

Did these guys make it to the cabin...?


I scared him with my arms wide open. The spirits were startled. Caw, caw, caw, caw, caw, caw, caw, caw, caw, caw, caw, caw, caw, caw, caw, caw, caw, caw. But it was when I tried to get up after sighing.

─ …….

They didn't run away, but they didn't make it outside the hut. Keeping a radius of 6 meters, the spirits glance over this side. The spirits whispered in a small voice-but I heard them all.

─ Looks like he's just as fickle?

─ I don't have any heroism, but I feel scared for no reason.

─ If you're not prepared for war, you need diplomatic compromise.

It seemed like I had already figured out my disposition in one day.

This is why it was so difficult for the spirits to deal with. I couldn't tell if it was pure or clever. I started avoiding blings and fairies at some point because their clever purity was unbearable.

White has depressed people like me by itself.

I waved my hand.

“Don't bother. Go. I'm a busy man. ”

The spirits tilt their heads.

─ What's the rush here?

─ We're just staring at it out of curiosity.

─ If you're a reckless, twisted psychopath, you already have no answer?

“ ……. ”

It's because it's a snow spirit. It's colder than the wind or the children living in the forest. If this guy had done something wrong, he'd have gone into depression again.

I ignored the spirits and packed my things. The cabin was equipped with all sorts of equipment for a similar occasion. I thanked Ivar in my heart and decided to use it to my advantage. I unpacked and crumpled.

The spirits approach again, sadly.

─ That's odd.Only a Wizard can understand us.

─ This person's heart won't spin. He's not a wizard.

I packed quietly.

Now the spirits sit on my thighs, hanging in my arms. It seemed to agree to treat me as a new toy. They'll react here more like water ghosts. The spirit essentially loved creatures that communicate with it.

─ What is the identity? What the hell is that?

Oops. One of them went up in my head. That's not the top of Everest, kid. It's not worth conquering.

─ A man who is not even aware of the reason for separation. After 15 years of military service, she came back, a child without a father for some reason to her village. The woman who frowned when she saw the man who came back. Where is the truth?

─ Latest plays that cannot be seen without tears. It's opening here.

─ Give me a lot of cases. Once there's a lot going on, the audience is going to be amazed. That's where the audience finds what they love. I can hide my skills in not handling a single case properly.

─ Critic of the Great, coming here.

─ In doing so, the theater system was at peace?

What kind of culture do these spirits usually enjoy?

My lips were itchy because I wanted to bet on something else. Still, I managed to remain silent for more than an hour. Though the spirits created a new art division with my hair called Quackbae Artra, my forearm became a swing, and my back became a sliding frame, I kept silence no matter what.


I grabbed a square leather bag.

The appearance was ordinary, but since then, it was an artifact with spatial magic and lightening magic stacked. Spare doll parts to replace if body is damaged, money equivalent to 50,000 Libra gold coins, and items that will help you in real life. Everything was in a little bag.

Ready to go.

I get up from my seat. The spirits playing in my body slip.

─ Gaaah.

─ Go down the life curve.

I left the hut smiling.

I was about to leave, ignoring the spirits, but I came up with an idea. I trusted Ivar's oath, but there were some things in the world. What if Ivar had some kind of tracker on my doll? I wonder what would happen if I found out where I was and came back someday.

Use the Spirit.

“Girls, if you do me a favor, I'll play for a while. ”

─ What kind of favor?

─ We are a class that does not skip white checks.

─ First you have to listen and then take the attitude to decide.

“If I leave a trail, do your best to erase it. I'm actually being chased by scary guys. These guys just eat Humans and eat Spirits.They might find my tracks and come running. ”

The spirits confront each other.

They were holding their own roundtable meetings.

─ Any traces of Mana, footprints, etc.?

─ I brought something useful to play with, but I think I'll be okay with that.

I was also treating myself as a toy.

After the spirits held a brief meeting, I happily accepted my offer. We left the hut and went down a snowy mountain pass. I asked him where the nearest Human city was. Spirits lead the way, telling you to trust only yourself.

Ivar's doll was definitely sturdy.

I walked all day, but it didn't hurt. Strength and strength were originally better than my body. Like the Demon King's body, this body had no reason to sleep, so I walked all night for three days.

I mean, I've been talking to the spirits for three days.

The spirits really don't rest for a second.

─ Why is Jacomo running away from you guys?

“I've killed a lot of humans. ”

I took a light step. The spirits have cleared your tracks.

“Killed too much, bought too much grudge. ”

─ Did you kill a lot of people because you didn't like them?

─ We don't like Humans either. They're complaining that it's too cold to meet.

“I don't hate it. More like my favorite. ”

- Why did you break something you like?

I smiled small.

“Well, I don't know why I broke it. At first I thought I had to kill him, but then I didn't. Actually, there's a lot I don't know. ”

─ You don't know or you don't want to tell me?

“ ……. ”

─ Or is it unspeakable?

I walked quietly.

The spirits didn't dig any deeper about it. They were sensitive to the emotions of the people around them. I was so moved by my emotions that even the spirits kept their mouths shut for a while. Of course, it was only for a short time. After about five minutes, the spirits start chatting again, as if to when.

Now I was thankful for the commotion.

The voices of the visions constantly muttering are buried in the tales of the spirits.

As time went by, there was less snow. I wanted the ground to be sparse, but from the third day, there were more brown than white. In contrast to the weight of brown, the spirits of the eyes gradually fell out of the company.

─ It's hot.

─ Melt! Melts like summer's first love.

─ I'm done. If it's just you, you have to go all the way. I'm happy with that.

─ You were a great soldier.

The children with weak magical power turned into dripping ice cream and went somewhere. Probably back the way we came. I would stay there like a migratory bird until summer came and winter came.

The spirit endured for three days, which was quite magical. But by the fourth evening, there was only one Spirit beside me. This spirit lay on its mattress to see if I liked it even when my head cracked.

─ Walk straight this way and you'll find an armed city.

“Do you know the name of the city? ”

─ Novgorod.

Novgorod. Definitely a city under the mountains of the Moscow Kingdom. A center of commerce and art grown mainly in trade with the Kalmar Federation or the Kingdom of Polytunia. However, the age was diminished compared to before, and I was walking the path of decline.

A city in the north that is declining.

I felt like I had a similar angle to my position. You'd better set up a nest there and watch the market.

─ Ugh, I'm afraid this is as far as I go.

I hear voices howling over my head.

I picked up the spirit and put it in the palm of my hand. The spirit was sweating red.

“Can't it get any hotter? ”

─ Feeling that it reduces the limits of your birth.

“Thank you for bringing me this far. Thanks to you, I didn't get lost once. If you have anything to ask of me, let me know. I'll do my best to listen to you. ”

─ Make me the richest man in the world.

He was a much cleverer spirit than I expected!

I shook my head trembling.

“That's a pretty hard wish to hear. ”

─ It's not a universal desire?

“I don't know if I could have done it before, but now I'm a little bit. ”

─ incompetent man.

There was nothing to argue with.

Because it did.

─ Then kiss me!

“Suddenly, the difficulty of my wish dropped.... ”

After the dream of becoming the richest man in the world, kiss me. I don't really know the spirits.

I lightly conformed my lips to the white forehead of the spirit. The cold feeling stayed on my lips. The Spirit liked it like a child. Then I got out of the palm of my hand and flew around in the air once.

I waved my hand small.

“I'll see you later. ”

Then the spirit smiled widely.

─ Yes. See you again, Dantalian!

And the spirit flew away towards the foothills.

I stood there gawking until he disappeared. I felt like I took an uppercut.

“...... Did you realize that in the middle of it? ”

I thought I might have noticed it from the beginning.

Thinking about it, Ivar could have asked me to lead him. I should have known when I saw Ivar wandering around the hut he had built with great care. Ivar was so meticulous that he didn't have any defenses in his hut.

“I can't get enough of this already. ”

I smiled bitterly.

I repaired my bag and slowly headed into the city.

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