Dungeon Defense


The square became a wasteland.

Citizens and soldiers groaned in the footsteps of their two brothers and sisters.

A pit has been dug, and a large amount of blood has flowed around the body. Two minutes. No, maybe less than a minute. Hundreds of casualties occurred in such a short time…….

“ ……. ”

I accidentally touched the back of my right hand.

You can still feel the kick on Daisy. But even worse, it wasn't the back of my hand. It was my heart.

I thought this would happen one day. Ever since the day I left Daisy alive, I've been drawing these scenes in my head, out of nowhere. I did not kill a warrior because I was born the Demon King…… That is, I have been thoroughly rewarded.

Daisy didn't do anything wrong.

Likewise, Laura did nothing wrong.

After all, it was my responsibility. I took Laura and I took Daisy. A little while ago, my head was burning with rage at Daisy, but I quickly recovered my calm. That was purely my fault....

“Oh, he ran away. ”

Gamekin grunts from behind. I turned my back and looked at him. Marvas and the other Demon Kings listened to her, not just me.

“Running away. Did you escape the pursuit?" ”

“Yes. As soon as I left the city, the moment before the magic evaporated. They fled just before the Wyvern attacked them. He's been trying to do this from the start. ”

I was cheap and kicked in the tongue.

“Tsk, clever bastards. First, we organize a pursuit party around wizards. We'll be able to chase them behind us if we have to. ”

“I don't know. Those kids with their heads rolling around like that, they probably spread their trail a couple of times. I personally don't recommend it since it will be a problem. ”

“Still, I can't let go of my hands. ”

I groaned as if it was horrible and cheap.

“We have taken Barbatos. Besides, it's not a good place. In the middle of Nibbleheim, you snore at the humanoid babies in the stable. I can't imagine what kind of wavelength this is going to cause. ”

“ ……. ”

“Dantalian. I blame you. ”

The bartender looked at me. Then I noticed the attention of the Demon Kings.

Even in this situation, or even in this situation, I was coldly evaluating the cheap behavior. And now I'm wearing a gun on purpose.

There are very few Demon Kings who can blame me publicly right now. Marvas, Citri, Gamigen, Bazaar, there were only four of them. Gamicin and Citri were openly taking my side, so they couldn't rebuke me. Then Marvas and Bathago are the only ones left.

What if Marvas blames me? It soon becomes a political deterrent. A picture like that can come out of the Neutral Wave, which takes the lead. That's why I was protected by a footstep ahead of the neutral wave as if it were flowing like water.

He said in a cold voice after being cheap.

“Those traitors are your foster daughters and foster sons. The fault of a child is the fault of a parent. You're not going to make excuses for being free from responsibility. If your tongue still flaunts my skills, then fight your way out. ”

Now was our best chance.

I hereby absolve you of your sins. I'm sorry I didn't take care of my foster daughter properly. He apologizes firmly so that no one will ever look back on the case. If you wanted to minimize the damage to politics, now was the time to be curious.

Thank you, you're cheap. I will never forget this grace. I swear, in the future, even if you betray me, once and for all, I will not ask you anything.

“I don't have the courage to make excuses. ”

I opened my lips calmly.

“I was responsible for Barbato's execution. I'm the one here who was betrayed by her stepdaughter and made an appearance. Everything is my virtue. There's no argument here. ”

“Hoho. You've admitted quite a mistake to yourself. ”

The bargain grows thin. His strong presence keeps the other Demon Kings silent.

“It's time to take responsibility. How are you going to take charge of this Satan? ”

“Give me an axe. ”


I barged in and frowned and looked around. One of the escorts steps forward in response to his gaze. The soldier politely offered a standing axe. The bargain took the axe and handed it over to me.

“ ……. ”

I slowly knelt on the ground.

You hear loud noises from far away in the square. The citizens are almost gone. Only the injured and the wounded remain to clean up the debris. Four Neutral Demon Kings who were ambushed by Daisy have recovered moderately and are being supported by their minions.

I took a light breath.

Then I raised my hand axe and took a quick shot down my left thigh.


Someone vomited. Garmigin and citrus, maybe. I raised my axe to the grave and slashed my thigh again. Blood splashes across the floor as it seeps into the blade of the axe. Cutting the thighs was quite difficult. Once, twice, three times, mechanically, eleven times before finally cutting.

I have never changed my face color.

It was pretty painful, but that was it. After an arrow hit my left thigh in the fire war, I felt extremely pale in the vicinity. It was one of the areas where my senses became dull, like my back. Something lumpy was cut off, and at most it felt that way.

But from the Demon Kings' point of view.

“ ……. ”

As I looked up and looked at the Demon Kings, there were quite a strange gaze. The Demon Kings gaze at this side, their eyes wide as if they had seen a horrible monster.

There will be a bizarre angle to how someone slashes their thighs without looking. I thought I should pretend to be a little more sick. But now it was important to dominate the atmosphere of the left. Perhaps I was right.

“Signed Dantalian. I swear in front of all the goddesses, I promise you that I will live as a cripple for all eternity. ”

I put my hands on the ground and bowed my forehead.

“You will never use renewal to reclaim your legs. Considering the weight of Bondi's sins, I can lose my life on one leg, not on the other, but I want to find out the rest of my sins in ignorance. Mercy to the slain. ”

The static came over.

I kept my head on the ground, so I didn't see the look on the Demon Kings' faces. Just a moment later, I heard Citri's voice of embarrassment as if she had just woken up from the shock.

“What are you talking about? You don't have to! It's all her fault! Why is Dantalian responsible? ”

“The traitor's successor was Dantalian. Of course I have to take responsibility. ”

I said it in a weak tone for some reason. It was absurd.

“Dantalian's guilt is absolutely right. I forgive you this much. However, as Dantalian himself said, he has a condition that he needs to take full responsibility for the situation. ”

“Heh. It sounds like you're telling the story at your own pace. ”

Garmigin wedges in. Garmigin's voice remains slightly feverish.

“Was it Dantalian who was on guard duty today? Not that I recall. What kind of bitch betrays her stepdaughter or whatever, and even if Dantalian's responsible, who misses her like a winter mule? Marvas, didn't you oversee security today? ”

Gamigine laughs.

“The Demon King has surrounded four people, unable to defeat a human child, and is barely out in a single blow. I need you to reflect a little bit on how ugly you look. ”

― ― Excellent.

Gamigin just assumed responsibility for the neutral faction while pretending to be a bargain seller. He realized the importance of the basigo and snuck into it.

They were sluggish as if they were opposed to each other, but in fact, they plundered and attacked the Neutral Leadership one after the other. Citric intervention between the two was also appropriate. Citri may have been purely outraged without noticing the political struggle, but the link between Basago and Gamygin was inconspicuous.

This is the balance of the new Demon Lord I envisioned.

Neutral gangs on one side, mountain and uncharted princes on the other.

In the middle, as I have so far, I control the balance. The role of the neutral party has previously been worthwhile.

It was perhaps a more stable balance in that the relationship that was still unstable but extremely conflicting with the plains had disappeared in the past. Because ideologies are excluded and only politics remains.

Not to Marvas, not to Bashago, not to Citri, not to Gamekin. No one had an ideology that Barbato or Pymon were passionately obsessed with earlier. All that's left is personal relationships and political calculations.

This was my stop after all.

“…… acknowledging my mistake. Dantalian's sins are abundant and sufficient. ”

Marvas opens his mouth.

“Solving the situation is just as important as asking for responsibility. There's no one like Dantalian here. Dantalian, raise your head. We accept your sins. ”

“A generous gesture for your comrades. ”

I slowly raised my torso.

“Thank you very much. ”

“You swore that you would live a lifetime in a frenzy, but you didn't have to do as Citri pointed out. You are the face of the empire before you were a single Demon King. How do you want to live as a cripple? ”

“Thank you again for your generosity. ”

I looked up at Marvas.

“But I've already sworn an oath to the goddesses. The new bees are serious, so I can't let my responsibilities go. Please accept my apology. ”

It was a play for a bargain.

It was also cheap to ask me for forgiveness, and it was also cheap to be the first to admit that I would accept it. Accepting Marvas' offer here is a cold price to pay.

In the future, the role of the Basago in the new Demon King army will become important. There were only cheap people who could open their minds freely, regardless of whether they were neutral or harmless. I had to give the bargaining power to be as cheap as possible.

Basago has the authority to punish Dantalian. Such appearances were important.

“That's ridiculous. Dantalian, that's...! ”

Citri tried to scream something. Before that, Marvas sighed.

“If you're comfortable with it, you have no right to object. But if you change your mind, we will never blame you. I want you to know that.”


I got down on the ground again and gave an example.

“This incomplete. I'll make it up to you.”

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