Dungeon Defense

00445 DAISY

“You……. ”

I clenched my teeth. Maybe now my face is badly twisted.

I strangled Laura de Farnese with my right hand. The military secretary groans in a bitter manner. Not yet. Not long enough. This was nothing compared to what my father had suffered. I wanted to snap her slit throat right away.

“You, father.... ”

It was that moment.

My heart was pounding. My eyes were spinning. The sudden pain takes its toll on me. Laura de Farnese breathes heavily, panting.

I grabbed her breast with my left hand.

“Hah, ugh…. ”

My heart still trembled in agony. I stared down at the palm of my right hand in horror. It was your father's slaver who hindered my actions.


Why can't I kill this woman?

No, I know why. I know too well.

If Laura de Farnese dies, he will despair. You curse the world. Because I know that too well, knowing that the future will harm my father, I can't kill this woman...!

Not only that.

I will never tell my father what Laura de Farnese has done wrong. Because he's gonna curse himself. He said it was his fault that made the Military Registry like this and that he would take full responsibility for it.

Oh, I see.

Ah, ah.

“ ……. ”

I stood up empty-handed. Laura de Farnese was staring at me, but I think she's feeling better now.

I escaped from the military bedroom like a dead corpse. He shouted something behind his back. But I couldn't even hear what he was shouting. I was stuck in my corner.

What should I do?

The dice have already been thrown. He had to choose between Barbato or Pymon. But that was not the point of the problem. No matter who your father chooses, the balance of the Demon Prince's power will be broken.

The Plains - Neutral - Mountains. A new horseman system of three factions collapses immediately. His power comes from that balance. Your father loses power, whether he kills Barbatos or Pymon!


“ ……. ”

I felt blood on the tip of my tongue. I looked in the mirror and suddenly I saw blood dripping from my mouth. I was biting my lips hard with my teeth while I didn't know. With an expressionless face.

...... My father will deal with both Barbato and Pymon.

That's the only answer. If only one person dies, the Demon Prince's power will be monopolized by mountain rangers or plains. Kill no one. Kill all of them. There are only two options. As Barbatos begins fiercely hostile towards Pymon, the choice to kill no one is lost.

Everyone dies.

Both his beloved lovers will die.

“You can't do that. ”

Suddenly, a soliloquy pops out.

I know him well. If he had to kill two lovers, he would definitely kill them 'by his own hand'. Of course he did. He would commit murder on purpose to engrave upon his soul the magnitude of his evil deeds.

Can you take it?

Is it possible to carry that kind of guilt, even for your father?

No. Your father will perish unbearably. He suffers from nightmares just because he slaughtered humans he had nothing to do with. Such a man could bear the death of his lovers.

Even if he manages to endure it somehow, he won't have any humanity left.

In fact, it is a miracle that my father hasn't been ruined so far. If you kill lovers, all you have left is a puppet covered in your father's hide…… just a machine that moves according to ethical and rational judgment…….

Can you forgive that ending?

Your father, who is more noble than anyone, is finally crushed by his own weight? It's the terminus of your father's path - inevitable? In the end, that's all there is to it?

Don't be ridiculous.

I want him to win. The whole world and your father. The one who deserves to be victorious is you. What did the world do? What the hell does that have to do with the world?

After all the pain you've caused your father, now you're going to give me something to lose.

I will not tolerate that ending.

What should I do?

How can I protect my father's throne and his soul?

Think about it, Daisy.

There's got to be a way.

Nothing is impossible in the world. If there's anything impossible, it's that the 72nd Demon King beat the No. 1 Demon King. He actually did this. The exit I'm looking for is nothing compared to that.

Think about it.

He devised twenty-seven schemes, but they all turned out to be failures.

Think about it.

I came up with nine options, but I considered them all to be lacking in power.

I thought about it again and again. Somewhere along the way, one night passed.

But I was sitting in a chair full of nothing. My eyes stared at the air as if they had forgotten to even blink. I turn my head and look in the mirror. There was a girl with black eyes.

There is one way.

― ― ― I can sacrifice myself.

Covers up Laura de Farnese's mistakes. Instead, I disguise myself as if I was secretly pursuing a military bill.

This gives Laura de Farnese immunity. There's no reason for your father to feel guilty. Even if your father kills Barbato or Pymon in the future, all of that is on me. It is not your responsibility, but solely my evil deeds.

My father will curse me to death.

She would blame me for breaking her lover and even getting her killed. So I will be remembered in my father's heart as a man I will never forgive. And I, Daisy, will remain the Devil's Pronoun for all eternity to you.

But it doesn't matter.

If only I could save him.

I don't care what happens to myself if it is possible to save my father from destructive terminus.

I decided early to save him from the world.

I've known for a long time. What he needed was not to love, but to unleash hate. This time, the hatred just got a little bigger. 'My role' does not change in nature.

I'm not in a chair, so I've come up with a plan.

More than ever, my accident was transparent and also clear. I don't know what to do. How to compensate for the flaws in the plan. As if a magnificent architecture had been built, all policies were in place.

I grabbed a bottle of wine and escaped Castle Marwan. At the end of the night, dawn's glassy gloom envelops the earth. I took a deep breath of fresh dawn air. Perhaps this time, even my heart was bitten with cold glass.

It's good.

From now on, I cheat history.

Ordinary people, even if they have a plan, do not implement it perfectly. because they carry 1,000 intentions and 10,000 objectives on their shoulders. I can never reach my destination with such a heavy body.

Whereas I am different. My purpose is only for your father. Trick the world and history for just one person....

I took a sip of wine. My mouth was filled with a sinister aroma. I used it to wash the blood off my mouth all night. And I threw a glass bottle on the ground. The glass broke brightly.

Only for Dantalian.

No, for my father.

I dedicate all my life and soul.

* * *

First, we embarked on the first step.

I let my father kill Pymon. Both the mountain tribes and the plains needed to fall anyway. Saving both factions was too much.

Moreover, it was clear to me that Pymon would threaten my father in some way. It has always been difficult to think that the balance of the Pyramids - Neutral - Mountains will continue. In that sense, Laura de Farnese's assumptions were not only wrong. Of course, the military secretary was a blonde girl who wasn't stupid enough.

The moment he tried to kill Pymon, he looked me in the eye and said, "Get out." But I replied with a dumbass answer.

“I am your father's escort. As long as Miss Ivar is gone, she can't leave until I do. ”

“If so, go to the entrance of the banquet hall and keep an eye out. ”

“Surprisingly, wasn't my place always right next to your father? ”

He kept his mouth shut. It was an implication that allowed me to stay.

Your father would want to kill Pymon by himself, purely. I want to bear solely the responsibility for Pymon's death. However, I have a duty to watch over the evil deeds of my father. Your father acknowledged that...

Pymon says without knowing anything.

“I'm not sure if the ducs will choose Dantalian over Barbato, or a girl... Ah. Of course, it's not that I don't trust Dantalians. You'll take care of everything, Hehe. ”

“You have nothing to worry about, Pymon. It's all true.”


Blood splattered into the air.

Your father killed Pymon and then kissed her long. And I tore the bottom of Pymon's clothes a little. He drenched the hem of his clothes red with blood and put it in his arms as if he were storing a handkerchief.

It meant that I would live with her death in my heart forever.

“ ……. ”


At this moment, I was thinking of something completely different from my father.

All six of his commands imprinted on me.

Don't hurt me.

Do not harm my loved ones.

Never turn your back on me or on them when they're in danger.

Obey my orders.

Put my life before your own.

Always obey the above commands. '

Just now, your father killed Pymon. The act of disobeying the command, 'Never turn away when my loved one is in danger', was done before my eyes. Nevertheless, my slavers did not react.

It had a deep meaning.

If my father voluntarily wanted to kill a 'dear one', my slaver would not move. In other words, the slaver perceived him as more important than the man he loved.

This is what I wanted to see in the first stage.

Luckily, the first hurdle went very smoothly. He didn't even notice what I was thinking. You think you're just acting as a bystander. It started well.

Next, step 2.

I started experimenting with Luke as a scapegoat.

I purposely hid you under my bed. And then I called Luke in.

It would have been an accidental and impulsive thing for him to see. In reality, it was a thoroughly planned crime. I used cruel words to destroy my brother's spirit from the root.

“That's why I decided to tell you the truth today. Luke, my brother. ”

“Ah, ah… ah… ah…. ”

“He's the son of a bitch who raped his brother for five years. ”

My broken-minded brother couldn't help but be destroyed. While all this was happening, my slaver did not react.

Therefore, I was successful in coming to two conclusions.

Number one, Luke was "your father's best friend." I hurt Luke in defiance of my orders. Nevertheless, the slavers did not respond. That is, if the priority was you, I could hurt your relatives as much as I wanted.

Second, even if you watch me do this right in front of your eyes, slavers won't react.

Even Luke's discovery of the truth was contrary to his father's plan to raise him as a warrior. But I disobeyed your father's doctor and broke him.

Even if he hated it, even if he opposed his plan, if I decided that I needed it...... I was able to go beyond the slavers.

In short, the slavers are controlled not by your judgment, but by my judgment.


Following phase 1, step 2 was also successful.

I felt sorry for my brother. But it was important to realize what he had done. He has wronged me indirectly, whether he was aware or not. From now on, I needed to take responsibility for it.

Hence step 3.

“I'm sorry, brother. ”

After a while, I told Luke the truth.

Laura de Farnese's mistake. About Pymon, and the fact that he's going to be destroyed at this rate. I told him everything. Luke listened to me calmly and consistently.

I asked you to look him straight in the eye.

“For your father's sake, go to hell with me. ”

“… then. ”

Luke opens his lips with difficulty.

“That should do it, Daisy. Will you forgive me? ”

“I never blamed you in the first place. So there's nothing to forgive. ”

“ ……. ”

Luke closes his eyes. The silence settled for a long time.

Luke opened his eyes and looked at me. His jaw moved small.

“I've been granted a life by my father and you. Then it is only natural that my sword should move for you and your father. Daisy, I'm following your orders. ”

Phase 3, too, succeeded.

Our brothers and sisters hugged each other lightly. I stroked Luke's back, and he held me in his arms and wept silently. There was sin. There was forgiveness, but most of all, there was a will of steel for only one person in this world.

This led to half the plan being achieved.

My drama ran relentlessly towards the other half.

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