Dungeon Defense

00433 Proud of Being

“Liar! That disgusting traitor ―. ”

“Avenge His Majesty Pymon! ”

“Kill him now." ”

The sound of selling the Grand Duke and the sound of insulting Barbatos stirs up chaos. Finally, the square became one big noise, so I couldn't understand who was talking about it at all.

Everything was overheated and exciting. People shouted with a red face. The thick forearms flutter like pistons. Thus, the austerities were merely a whirlpool of meaningless, meaningless echoes.



Simple fun.


The emotions floated through the air as if the ingredients were swimming roundly in a cauldron with less soup. It used to be painful when I put it like this. It's different now.If emotions are complex, you can make decisions based on reason. I learned that.


Marvas commands silence. Obviously, the square was quiet.

“Barbatos has ordered you to assassinate Pymon. You testified to that. It must be true.”

“I think you know better than anyone that the Apostle did not tell a lie. ”

Four judges nod small.

“But it wasn't just that. In addition to the servants, Barbato gave orders to all the Grand Chamberlain. We gathered together to figure out how to assassinate King Pymon. ”

Citizens are causing a commotion in the square. But the Serpent Duke continued this time. The Grand Duke knew this was the time to push.

“Pymon is one of the villains who sought to abolish slavery that has been handed down for thousands of years, and a nightmare that has led to the destruction of every city and village in the magic world. That's what Barbato told us. He ordered us to kill King Pymon. ”

The subsequent exposures left the citizens in awe. The Serpent Duke stares at Marvas bitterly.

“… but I and the seven Grand Dukes couldn't accept it. King Pymon was more striving for the Horsemen than anyone else. Assassinating him was impossible. ”

“Indeed. Is that why you rebelled? ”

“Yes, Your Majesty. ”

As I listened to the conversation between the two of you, Zephyr's eyes narrowed. Zefar must have sensed that the Serpent Duke was telling the truth. I opened my mouth considering the atmosphere was sufficiently ripe.

“My fellow judges, As you've heard, Barbato assassinated the Demon King Pymon. We deserve the most severe punishment from Barbatos. But before that, I wonder if Barbato was the only one involved in this terrible assassination. ”

I stared at Zephyr.

“The Demon King Pymon was not just one Demon King, but a mountain harvest. In other words, Barbato didn't assassinate Pymon, but the Plains were planning to exterminate the mountain tribes…… This is a more reasonable play. ”

“Do you have proof? ”

“First, we have a strong symptom. ”

I looked around at tens of thousands of minds. I felt like some air was getting into my hands. It was this: I was confident that I would control myself and the masses. Whenever I tried to incite people, I was always captivated by this feeling.

“Immediately after the Demon King Pymon was assassinated, just three days ago, the plains made a move to exterminate the entire mountain tribe. Eight Demon Kings from the mountain tribe were killed in the process. After you assassinate the leader of a faction, you clean up the remnants...... It's quite subtle to say it's a coincidence. ”


Marvas nods.

“In fact, one of the eight, the Demon King Morax, showed a suspicious expression. Morax spoke to Barbato as if he had been promised a treaty in advance. ”

“Yes, esteemed comrades. Barbato's plan was: ”

I raised my finger.

“First, assassinate the Demon King Pymon and shake the mountain waves. This was revealed by the Grand Duke's testimony to be true. Secondly, the mountain tribes take up a shaking gap and recruit the traitors. We have a strong symptom of this. ”

A malicious trick was unfolding.

Barbato's assassination of Pymon was fixed as "to eradicate the mountain tribe." If there were any good lawyers here, they would have dug a hole right away, but unfortunately there were no lawyers for the Pyongyang. The truth was concealed one by one under Marvas and my hidden plays.

“The third and final thing. It also includes traitors to wipe out the whole mountain tribe. This is what happened three days ago in an abandoned building by the Demon King Pymon. Barbatos, despite the fact that even the traitors were purged, prevented his plans from leaking out……. ”

I made a sad, angry face.

“Even children know that the plain and the mountain tribes are at odds. However, no matter how desperately you want to crush your opponent's faction, Barbatos' means are too harsh. She assassinated Pymon. She encouraged her faction mates to kill each other. Furthermore, he brutally murdered eight Demon Kings. ”

I looked at the square from the front.

“I confess. If there is one sinner in the world who will never be forgiven, it is Barbato. Speaking of His Holiness, His Holiness Citri... ”

I pointed to Citri with my right arm.

“She asked Barbato for an apology until the end. Apologize honestly and seriously for killing Pymon. It was just a request from His Majesty Citri. But, esteemed comrades, What did Barbato say then? How did you deal with Citri, who only wished for one apology? ”

I clenched my lips and then frowned. He said as if he was vomiting his breath.

“I insulted you for being a piglet. ”

The people of the square died as if they were following my breath. My silent anger sank in the strangely silent square.

“She cut off Citri's arm and leg. Even then, Citri cried out in tears to apologize, to apologize for killing Pymon. But Barbato, once a warrior, now blinded by his desire for power to become a despicable politician, stepped on the back of Citri's hands, ripped off Citri's hair, spit on her, tortured her. ”

The quieter the anger, the more powerful it becomes.

I accused Barbatos of obscene wrongdoing in a blatant voice. At this moment, what I felt in my head was the laughter Barbato and I had many times shared. I continued, pushing the light laugh to the side.

“I watched that scene right in front of my eyes. ”

“ ……. ”

“Comrades. I'm sure you've seen it together. Someone has to punish this sin. I demand the beheading of all the Plains Demon Kings involved in the assassination and Purge. ”

All decapitated.

The square has once again become a commotion. However, it was not as noisy as before. Above all, the weight of the sinister, grim, and exposed truth overwhelmed the citizens. Marvas also let them go.

Next, the horseman, other than the Serpent Duke, stepped into the Witness Stone one by one. They gathered their mouths to testify that Barbato's order had actually been fulfilled. With this, Barbato's sin becomes evident.


“ ……. ”

“You are a key executive of the Pyramids and a close relative of Barbato. It's extremely unlikely that you didn't know that Barbato was planning to exterminate the mountain tribes. Let me ask you, were you aware of the plot to assassinate the Demon King Pymon in advance? ”

There are two ways that Zephyr can choose from this.

One is telling the truth. In other words, he had never heard of the assassination plan and confessed that he had never been involved. In this case, Zephyr will be released under the lack of evidence.

One other thing.

“Ah. I was aware. ”

He confessed to a crime he didn't commit.

I smiled in my heart.

- It's stuck.

Zephar was traditionally caught in my spider web.

“Being aware, in other words, involved in the crime? ”

“Yes, I was more involved than anyone in assassinating the Demon King Pymon, and I was practically leading the charge. ”

The square was buzzing.

It was a really simple trap. Zephyr never wanted Barbato to die in a place like this. It is even more impossible to leave Barbatos' death alone. In a situation like this, there is only one path a loyal man like Zephyr can take.

“But there is something wrong with the Grand Duke's testimony. ”

“Wrong place? What is it?”

“The one who gave the order to the Grand Dukes was not Lord Barbatos. I, Zephyr, gave the order to them. ”

He embraces all sins on behalf of Barbatos.

Zephyr chose his path of sacrifice, as he naturally did.

I frowned.

“That's hard to believe. The Grand Dukes clearly testified that they were ordered by Barbato himself. How can you claim that you have issued an order? ”

“I used Polymorphic Magic. It was simple.”

Zephar said in a big way.

“While His Holiness was away from the Imperial Palace for a while, I summoned them using your meeting room. The Grand Dukes foolishly believed that they were delivering Barbatos. It was easy to fool them. ”

“…… the evidence that you claim to be correct? ”


Zephar grins.

“It's about assassinating Pymon. I paid attention. He must have left some evidence. However, there will also be no evidence that my claim is wrong. I don't think so."

“ ……. ”

I was silent for a moment.

“I don't understand. Why did you have to impersonate Barbatos to deliver the order? Barbato himself makes no difference, whether you make him or you make him. ”

“No, there's a big difference. Because you were the one who thought and planned to assassinate Pymon! ”

Zephar looks at the square and shouts loudly.

“Lord Barbato has never been a part of this plan. Everything was done under the guidance of me, Zephar. ”

“What are you talking... …. ”

Citizens are confronted by Zephyr's provocation. I pretended to be shocked, too. In the meantime, Zephyr kept talking.

“Long ago, I didn't like Pymon, the spineless whore. I was told to abolish slavery by saving lives and making selections on the subject of the Demon King. Stupid little bitch! ”

Zephar was small.

“When I heard the whore was headed for the Magic Cube, I felt it was my chance. Ah, so I summoned the Grand Dukes. You impersonated Barbatos and ordered an assassination. Excellent plan, Dantalian, if you had died there, it would have been perfect! ”

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