Dungeon Defense

The Fall of Gold 00418

“ ……. ”

The left side is quiet.

Pymon has always led his faction into a generous net. A wide, albeit loose, mountain wave atmosphere formed. Citri's politics were the opposite. The politics of terrorism or intimidation....

Terrorism needed two conditions for it to continue to exert its power.

Number one, I am confident that I am safe in the Iron Mace.

I am safe, even if others die. Such faith should be shared with his subordinates. In other words, we encourage our subordinates to behave well by clearly informing them how not to be punished.

Secondly, they empathize that terrorism is indispensable now.

People were not stupid, so they knew that terrorism was just a subway... No, it was just a subway car. The realization that terrorism was close to the worst was needed. Unless you rule mercilessly, you will perish.

That's why it was the execution of the traitor.

Execution of the traitor provided a very clear set of criteria around the ages. Betrayal kills you, but betrayal keeps you safe. There has never been a cleaner standard. And now that the traitors are really here, the Mountain Demon Kings must be very alert to the current situation.

‘It was a good time. ’

Literally, the Demon King Belial betrayed me at the right time.

The first condition and second condition were met simultaneously. I didn't have enough evidence to know if he'd really betrayed me or not, but it didn't matter. Was yo needed politically? This was all that mattered. Citri's leadership had at least been recognized for a while…….

“Gentlemen, I feel responsible as a man on foot in the plains. ”

I took a step forward.

The key to fear politics is to recognize that the current situation is close to the worst. It was almost always the worst. It shouldn't have been perceived as the worst. There was a risk of losing control and speeding away.

'Perhaps the plains will try to exterminate us at this opportunity.' This was the right perception. 'The plains are killing us! I felt embarrassed when I became aware. The Mountain Demon Kings will make a run for it before they're destroyed.

Someone needed to maintain a tight line of perception.

“Belial had a secret encounter with Zephar, the Demon King of the Plains. Perhaps there are some Demon Kings in the bay who are thinking of dividing the mountain tribes inside the plain. ”

“Dantalian. Unfortunately, you're not free on charges either. ”

An old man with a big white beard said. The 21st place was Morax, called the Demon King of Horseshoe. If Marvas grows old with his natural beauty, Morax grows old with dark mushrooms all over his face.

“You're a plague, too. Not only was he part of your faction, but Barbato was the only one who allowed it. If the Flatlands had any movement to plot the insides of our mountain tribes, the executive among them you would not have known. ”

The Mountain Demon Kings nod at the old man's point. It was not a reprimand and encouragement, but an atmosphere for me to explain. It was quite respectful.

“Thank you for your high ratings. But inside the plains, my speech is much less than I thought. ”

“Cover the sky with your palms. You are not foolish enough to know the truth of the Plains. ”

“You know me very well. ”

“King Pymon has spoken many words. ”

I made a bitter smile.

I purposely silenced for a moment. Just hearing Pymon's name in front of me was painful. It didn't take long to silence. 5 to 6 seconds. That much silence was enough to convey the gesture around.

I measured the time in my head and then opened my mouth.

“Morax. Do you know where my power comes from? ”

“As old men know, the answer comes from Barbatos' favoritism. ”

“It originated from the favoritism of three people, to be exact. Barbato, Marvas...... and Pymon. ”

I looked down slightly. It was an instinctive gesture of guilt. People thought I had a serious guilt trip against Pymon, and I wanted to keep it that way.

“My power happens essentially elsewhere, not in me. That's the balance between factions. There must be moments when the mountain tribes, the neutral tribes, the plain tribes, must seek each other's cooperation. And that's when my role shines. In other words, the moment your faction's balance is broken, you don't need that... ”

“Isn't humility too much? ”

“I'm just telling you the truth. ”

The old man says nothing. I could not deny my words. Because it was the truth.

“I think the modern age has a golden balance. It's the worst thing that has ever happened to me. If there is a group that seeks to disrupt balance in the Plains, people, They are my enemies. ”

The old man narrows his eyes and looks this way. The snow creases up and down.

“What choice do you have? ”

“I have a brotherhood with brother Zephar. I will ask him directly about Belial. ”

“Maybe it's too simple. ”

“I'm confident in my methods. ”

I looked around slowly.

“I'll be honest with you. I'm begging you for your faith. But what you need to understand is that you don't need to give me eternal faith. Please trust me conditionally only when you and I are on the same page. ”

“ ……. ”

“And now is the time. ”

The eyes of the Demon Kings converged on Citri. You mean you'll do as the chief decides. But Citri didn't even flinch her eyebrows once.

“Let me be clear about this opportunity. I love Dantalian. ”

“ ……. ”

“But my personal relationship has nothing to do with our faction's work. ”

The faces of the Mountain Demon Kings changed. He looked surprised. The air in the office is a bit murky, but Citri speaks in a steady, cold tone.

“I'm not going to put my personal relationships ahead of my faction's agenda. Of course not. The mountain tribes are not mine. It's our place, where Pymon sweated all over us. I just want to protect my sister's memory and the remains of this place. ”

“Your Majesty... ”

“So let's all decide. Although Pymon isn't here right now...... Thinking about what she would have done. ”

Nothing moved people more easily than a single thought.

Citri knew how much she loved Pymon, even the boy in the horse system. Although it was fundamental to doubt the other party in politics, I could trust Citri's mood. That purity must have moved the Demon Kings' minds.

“I agree. ”

“I agree. Dantalian certainly fits the negotiating station. We have nothing to lose. ”

“I agree."

The line of the Mountain Demon Kings speaks.

At the end, Morax nods. Even if you want to oppose it, you can't oppose Citri here. Instead of causing unnecessary commotion, you think we should focus on citrus. It was the right decision.

“Thank you, everyone. ”

I put my right hand on my chest and bent my waist politely like a butler.

“I'd like to review the roles I've been assigned. I try my best to find out if there are any factions that really want to divide this side of the plains, and make sure that the balance of gold doesn't collapse. Is this my role? ”


The Demon Kings have agreed.

From the moment I entered the room, I never made eye contact with Citri and left the door. And I immediately turned around to the office assigned to Brother Zephyr.

* * *

The Imperial Palace was largely divided between the East and the Libraries.

Among them, copper was assigned to the Plains and libraries to the Mountains. The near-Central Zone was occupied by the Neutral Party and the Involved Demon King. It was easy to know placement.

The Habsburg Empire's imperial palace was originally worthless. The former emperor, Elizabeth and Rudolf's father, was the most wasteful monarch in history. When I had a chance, I heard about the palace being renovated, but the nobles were greatly repulsed and disbanded.

Moreover, Elizabeth burned down the capital and destroyed much of the imperial palace during the War of the Wolverines - yes, she removed all the priceless ornaments and statues! It turned out that President Elizabeth was also a very bad mouth-breather - and she was guilty of misleading people.

Now the scale has changed.

The Goblins and Dwarf craftsmen who brought the base goalkeepers from the Magic Cube worked extensively. It is so large that it is considered to be a small town. Thanks to this, I had to walk for several minutes straight from the library where the mountain tribes are located to the east bank where the plains are located.

“Welcome. ”

Brother Zephar welcomed me. His face is as solemn as ever, but his voice is slightly loving. Zephar put down the paperwork and laughed.

“It's not bad to see your brother these days. ”

“It must be difficult to take care of the territory. ”

“To be honest, it's a lot easier than dealing with the Knights of Brittany. ”

We laughed small. After a little chitchat, Brother Zepar bites his servants in the office. I took my face seriously and said,

“Brother, from now on, what I'm about to tell you must be kept strictly confidential for now. ”

Immediately, his face became serious. He was a man who could be serious whenever he needed to be.

“Something serious has happened. Don't you think?”

“Yes. The Demon King Belial was just Purged. ”

“ ……. ”

Brother Zephar's eyes widened. Then I stayed a little longer and slowly closed my eyelids. Zephyr's fingers point at his nose.

“…… Purge? ”

“Perhaps Citri cut off the head of Belial himself. Just a little while ago, the Mountain Demon Kings were gathering in the countryside office in Citrus. They might still be there. ”

Brother Zephar sighed with his eyes closed.

“Things have gone haywire. ”

“No, it may not be as serious as I thought. Citri has asked me to negotiate. ”


“The mountain tribe thinks the Demon Lord Belial has betrayed them. I had a secret meeting with my brother for that... ”

Brother Zephar's eyebrows were crumpled.

“What nonsense. In this situation, at a time like this, what good is it to accept a child like Belial? You're just creating a disagreement. ”

“The hillbillies aren't so stupid either. They're thinking the same thing, as Jeopardy thinks. It's just... ”

“However, there is a chance. Worried about it. ”

I nodded.

“Sir, this is my fault. Let me take responsibility. ”

“What are you talking about? ”

“You were originally reluctant to meet Velial. I was the one who advised my brother to meet Belial. This is all because of me. ”

I bow my head.

Yes, it is.

The Demon King Belial betrayed me at the right time.

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