Dungeon Defense

00389 The Country of the Dead Nobles

The cavalry has fallen, so the fire must have fallen on my feet by now.

The royal army of Sardinia is in full force. Duke Milan himself marches out and encourages the army. I guarantee you, "Kill your own kind or whatever you want!” I shouted. The inspirational voice was more powerful than the newborn man.



The Imperial Army will be defeated if we don't break through to our infantry. Now that our cavalry has left for a picnic far away to finish off the imperial cavalry, it is clear that they will turn their horses in search of more appetizing prey.

You want to put an end to this before it gets done. The Imperial Army has made even more strides, only advances. The more I did, the more my troops retreated - naturally drawing the enemy deeper.

A feverish battle broke out. My troops of civilians are now at their limit. It was like the watermelon was about to burst into pieces for the enemy to endure.

“Let the enemy break through the center, dividing the troops on either side. ”

“Yes, Mr. President! ”

The deputy gave the order. This order was already scheduled before the battle began. Behind our troops, we have four brigades lined up. Now all I have to do is hand them over the barrel.

“ ……? ”

I was tactically disbanded when my troops spoke nicely, and something strange caught my attention as the fever collapsed and I was fleeing to another troop. Soon I realized why I felt strange.

This was the same as the destruction of the Grand Duke of Florence.

At that time, our troops surrounded the Sardinian Empire as we now do. As soon as the siege is complete, Lau gives an elusive command. Let the enemy breach the center.

The obsessed Grand Duke of Florence saved his life. I escaped through the front of our army. I was sorry I missed my chance to get rid of the Grand Duke. Whatever Laura told me.

‘A perfect victory is as harmful as a perfect defeat. ’

And Laura from military society yesterday said,

‘Duke Milan is a smart man. ’

‘The wise man in the unknown tries to learn from his past failures. ’

‘Duke Milan will analyze thoroughly why the Imperial Army has been defeated. ’

I felt like lightning struck me in the head.

If Duke Milan was wise, as Laura said, and he wanted to learn something from past failures and apply it again,

At the end of the day, I was able to break through to the Grand Duke of Florence and see past battles ― Laura's intentional release of the enemy, just as' the central infantry of the Imperial Army was weak and allowed to break through '.

Suddenly everything became clear.

‘One sees and the other does not. ’

‘The Duke of Milan has walked to the limbs himself. ’

At that moment, Laura deliberately missed the Grand Duke of Florence.

The reason was simple.

To make the enemy mistaken for our military's weakness in the Central Infantry.

Laura had not already treated the Duke of Florence as an enemy. It was just a precaution to prepare for the next battle. Prepare for a battle that will happen again someday, a battle of greater magnitude.

But how?

How Laura knew the enemy would learn from past failures. After the Grand Duke of Florence resigned, it was not determined who would be appointed the next Commander-in-Chief. How do we know that a fool who didn't learn from failure has become the Commander-in-Chief?

“Ah……. ”

And I realized... Ah, I told Laura! We assured him that we would one day face an all-out battle with President Elizabeth in this war!

Laura knew how high I valued Elizabeth. I absolutely trusted my judgment of Laura anytime, anywhere. In other words, Laura…… thought that an enemy commander who was highly rated by the Lord could not possibly be a fool to look back on his past failures!

The abandonment of the Grand Duke of Florence in the Battle of Trebbia was a trap, camouflage, and lie he had planned for the future of the battle against Elizabeth.

Who could have imagined?

To ensure the capture of the next Commander-in-Chief, he gently let go of the current Commander-in-Chief who was surrounded in front of his eyes!

No one believes that. Even another military genius, Queen Henrietta, had to have disbelieved. The mercenary captains of Helvetica, the commanders of Brittany, would blame it for their outrageous strategy.

- Hence, no enemy can imagine.

The Duke of Milan and the nobles and generals gathered around Sardinia are unaware. The less foolish the opponent is, the wiser they are and the more they dive into Laura's cobwebs.

‘The nobles of Sardinia are capable. ’

Laura muttered one day. Maybe Laura wanted to say, "No one is easier to use than a capable enemy."

I declared before this battle. We're done fighting President Elizabeth. So the strategy Laura de Farnese devised was not for Elizabeth von Habsburg, but for Ludovico de Sporscha….

“ ……. ”

I felt something hard to pronounce.

The joy and repentance were mixed up in a mess. This was my lover. She was the woman I swore to corrupt and be with forever. What a spectacular talent. How dazzling a human being I had broken irresponsibly and quickly…… but this was my lover…….

“Deputy, I'll leave the rest of your command to you. ”

“Mr. President?"

“Our troops are already misunderstood. You're in command, but you're in command. Take care.”

The deputy shouts something from behind, but I can't hear him. It was because he hurriedly ran backwards with his cloak flying. My left thigh aches horribly, but I don't care. Pain to the Demon King was only temporary after all.

The blue arithmetic. The vigor I gave Laura is pulsing over there.

I ran away limping like a cripple. It's still a long way away, and Laura knows exactly where I'm coming from. She came running to me, too. The deputies followed her around in a daze.

“Lord, what's the matter! Did you hurt yourself? ”

I laughed carelessly. I was still calling him Lord. I don't know how to live with myself if I'm so careless in a place where I can hear everything around me. You don't want me to stand by your side for the rest of my life. She was a troubled girl.

“Lord? Are you all right? ”

This is what worrying looks like, looking at Laura with a depressed look on her face, I said, gasping for breath.

“You're a genius, Laura! ”

I hugged Laura's shoulder tightly.

“Joo, Joo? ”

“No one knew. No one will ever know! You're a genius!”

The description was uttered as it turned out. But there was no need for more conversation between us. Laura's worried face suddenly bursts with joy. You knew right away what I was talking about.

“Yes, I thought the Lord would know! ”

“It's stupid. No one knows about this. ”

The deputies stopped at a distance and looked at us with embarrassed eyes. Suddenly, you want to see the First Row Commander approaching. Suddenly, you talk to him about something you don't understand. Suddenly, the two of you smile brightly. No wonder it was confusing.

It didn't matter what this battle was. Only two people will ever know what it really was. Laura practically killed Elizabeth! It was Elizabeth, not anyone else who would fall in this plains!

Laura is now the continent's greatest tactician and strategist. That was the real meaning of this battle. I felt anger and pride at the same time that I was the only one who realized this.

“Laura, you're the best now. You killed President Elizabeth…… I won't forget that. ”

“Ah……. ”

Hearing my words, the perfect joy rose from Laura's face.

“Are you sure? For the Lord, is the girl the best...? ”

“Of course. What are you asking me? Laura was always the best for me. ”

“ ……. ”

Laura buries her face in my chest. For some reason, Laura was crying. Laura whispers rather quietly in a voice filled with tears.

“Hmmm, I will always try to be the best for my master... … When I try, he must know like now. Yes. That's enough for a girl... ”

We gently embraced each other as if the shouts and screams of the battlefield were lullabies. My Laura, my sin...... Proof of how I lived. It was my testimony, which reminds me that I should never die carelessly.

The General's sudden departure from the command, but the victory and defeat of the war has already been decided.

The allies have flawlessly surrounded the Sardinian Empire army on three fronts. The enemy makes every effort to break through the center, but the new reserve makes a steady move.

As time went on, our cavalry finally returned.

Duke Milan was not a fool either. I knew immediately that the situation could flow this negatively. This is why Duke Milan has deployed elite mercenaries in the rear. The mercenaries skillfully composed a dedicated cavalry bay.

Duke Milan was only a little careless. The cavalry of Brittany, led by Queen Henrietta, was not just a 'negative' force.

It was a nightmare.

In St. Denis Plain, Frank's army is three times as numerous as the Brittany. I built it thoroughly with my bare hands. And yet, they were not able to defeat the invasion by the Brittany Army. You're gonna stop Henrietta with 5,000 mercenaries at most?

Well, I would advise against being so unwise.

Brittany's cavalry in Henrietta doesn't even consider cooperating with her allies. After destroying the enemy cavalry, you rush back without rest. Perhaps the blessing of Saint Longgwi brought the horses and men to life.

There is only one sharp attack, and victory and defeat is decided.

The mercenaries who were regarded by the royal army as the best elite were not even able to stop Henrietta from striking. Changshan's camp collapses badly, and the enemy flees behind him in horror.

It was the same royal army blocking their escape routes.

The enemy does not fight back, nor does he flee. Our empire forces surrounded our enemies on all sides, while the British imperial forces continued to charge on the other side. It was an attack that led to a single gunshot after I was devastated.

The royal army of Sardinia is slowly under siege, surrounded by allies and enemies.

And then the massacre began.

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