Dungeon Defense

00367 The Second Fire War

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“Why aren't you moving your troops, Duke?" ”

The young man slapped the table and shouted.

“The equator is looting Fabia. All night long, uninterrupted! He's playing Sardinia like he's walking around in his own room. This is ridiculous...! ”

The young man had dark curly hair and was cut short. The white forehead was beautiful.

However, the beauty of the young man was not on his peculiar forehead. On the forehead, in the forehead, even at the tip of the eyebrow, life was violently twitching. But his eyes hardly restrained all blood vessels.

There was the beauty of this young man. He was full of vitality that wouldn't be strange if it exploded right away, but the young man caught it with incredible control.

The young man was like a rider on an aggressive horse. Just as the fiercer the horse, the better the rider to control it, the young man proved his will by suppressing his natural blood.

“Don't worry, Grand Duke. Empire forces are running low on supplies. ”

“Citizens are dying, aren't they, citizens! The Duke is disregarding his duties as a nobleman! ”

A young man 26 years old this year.

His name was Koshimo de Medici, owner of the high-ranking Medici family behind the king in Sardinia, and the Grand Duke of Florence ( ).

“The Empire army is strong and the defensive forces here are weak. What can this old man do? ”

“It is the king's duty to deal with it in any way possible! ”

“The king has ordered me to guard Milan. ”

Duke Milan shakes his head.

He was faintly projected onto the crystal sphere. The Duke of Milan, over the age of sixty, the Duke of Florence, twenty-six, and the two great nobles were currently in a meeting.

“Fabia's tragedy is that she can't commit sadness or a small squadron. ”

“Sotam? Did you say" Sotam "? ”

The Grand Duke of Florence frowned.

“I dare tell you what a cattle prowler is. ”

“This old man will listen. ”

“Even though the brother city is being destroyed, the troops are too weak to let the soldiers go. ”

The Grand Duke's black eyes tingle.

“You can free the prisoners, but you don't give up your wealth because you don't have any money, and you don't respond because you're afraid that your existing operations will get messy even if you lose your military base. These are the cattle!”

The Grand Duke of Florence thumped the table.

“Remember your shame, Duke! Do you know what the Duke is saying in the Royal Road right now? The Duke of Milan says he looks better on the safe house than the whore of Farnese! ”

“ ……. ”

Duke Milan sighs.

“Listen carefully to the old man's words. Empire forces are low on supplies. I don't even have enough money to pay mercenaries. ”

“…… Keep talking. ”

The young man listened, suppressing his anger.

He has a higher noble sequence than the elder before him. However, according to the owner of Milan or the owner of Florence or the dominance of Florence, it boiled. Nomenclature is superior, but equally practical. The young man was not stupid enough to be proactive when dealing with such opponents.

The kingdom of Sardinia suffered a civil war only a few years ago. About half of the nobles have fallen from the civil war. The nobles who survived that hell were equally competent.

Duke Milan and Duke Florence built a revolutionary air force to exterminate the Duke of Farnese in the last civil war, although they were many years old and young. Both of them excelled.

― Excellent, recognizing each other and being alert.

“If we continue to defend and remain calm, the Empire army will be exhausted by the Empire. I've never been as easy to deal with as a mercenary who hasn't been paid. ”

“ ……. ”

“They will soon raise rebellion or leave. Just as Dirty Fertilizer is needed to grow Wheat, some insult is always needed to grow glory. We must survive! ”

The Grand Duke of Florence tapped the edge of the table with his finger.

“What makes you so sure you don't have enough supplies for the equator? ”

“The Imperium is in a hurry to negotiate. ”

Duke Milan was convinced and said,

“I'm struggling to hand over the citizens of Fabia for nothing. It means they need to be fed right away. ”

“…… we don't have enough evidence, Duke. ”

The Grand Duke of Florence frowns.

“Maybe they're just reluctant to feed on the prisoners, so they want to pass it on to the duc. If you take 20,000 prisoners, Milan will surely suffer from food shortages. ”

“My city's food depot can last three years. ”

“…… how would the enemy know that? We can't stop what they're after. ”

The Duke of Florence quietly rebuked and shoved his tongue in his heart.

I can't believe you have the strength to feed an entire citizen for three years and put him to sleep. The Duke of Milan must have been preparing for war a long time ago. The walls must be fortified as well.

‘Tsk, did you have a reason to be so passive? ’

No matter how powerful the enemy may be, he is confident enough to defend his own city. On the other hand, I am not confident to win in the field. So whether a brother city is pillaged or destroyed, I don't know...

‘That's disgusting.’

The young Grand Duke was bitten by his heart.

‘How can a man who cannot protect his citizens be called a nobleman? What disgusts me more than incompetent evil is incompetent evil. If you have ambitions, protect your citizens and achieve them at the same time! That's the basic posture of the nobles! ’

The Duke of Florence became more and more resolute.

The duc's strategy was understood. However, the rationale was too weak. I could not operate the army by leaning on idle assumptions. I had to dispatch the army of that whore who invaded the kingdom of Sardinia one day early.

The Grand Duke insisted.

“I find it hard to agree with the Duke's strategy. ”

“Grand Duke de Medici! ”

“This is Sardinia, we are Sardinians, and they are invaders. What we need to do is not sit back and watch people's wealth be taken from them. Duke. Intercept the enemy by aligning with me. ”

Duke Milan's face distorts deeply with wrinkles.

“It's best to face the Empire army in the field! I'd forgotten how the Knights of Brittany ended. ”

“The Demon King's army defeated the Knights, not whores. ”

“That's what the Imperial Army wants. Against you in the field! ”

The Grand Duke gazes directly into the Laborer's eyes.

“Here's what we're going to do. Whether an enemy invades Milan or not, the army under my command will not move. Take on the Empire army alone! ”

“What……. ”

The old noble's face is flattered. Then the Grand Duke of Florence became even more furious.

“If you think you are unfair, why force others to do unfair things! ”

“ ……. ”

“Earl Fabia was a martyr for us. Who was the person who suggested that House Farnese should enslave the second princess? That's us. That's what we agreed to. Earl Fabia did it for me! ”

The Grand Duke kicked the glass on the table with the back of his hand. The glass smashes into the floor and breaks frantically.

“I can't believe you're forcing someone who graced you so early...! The Earl's people have been brutally slaughtered, and yet you're stuck in a room like a coward! ”

“The Grand Duke! You speak too harshly! ”

“Be honored! ”

The two nobles stood up almost simultaneously.

“I command you as his deputy general. Join me! ”

“The Grand Duke has no right to command my citizens! I, the commander of the Northern Army of Sardinia, am Ludovico de Sforchai! ”

The two stared at each other fiercely, not backing down.

“Even if His Majesty comes, not you, you cannot rule over my citizens! ”

“Stupid old man who doesn't know the sky is scary...! Fabia will curse you forever! ”

The Grand Duke grabbed the crystal ball and threw it on the floor of the room.

The crystal ball was shattered. It was an expensive artifact, but the Grand Duke wanted to wipe the cheeky old man's face right away. I have no regrets.

The Grand Duke of Florence trampled a piece of crystal ball with his boots.

“We call her a whore, but we're the ones who are ashamed! ”

Protect the citizen.

Help your brother.

Defeat the invaders.

It was a natural and obvious obligation. If there was a problem, it was' heavy 'for the enemy. Ordinary human beings, every day was hard work and too heavy for difficult human beings.

There was a nobleman to carry this heavy burden instead.

Nobles, of course, carry the burden on behalf of others. It was nothing else. What nobles are so precious that they collect taxes if they're not burdened. What is a noble like that?

It's nothing!

And the nobles must prove that they are nothing...

The Grand Duke of Florence has been wary.

First of all, he did not ignore the information that Duke Milan gave him.

If Duke Milan's conjecture is correct, he will be angry, but only if he opens his agricultural palace as the Duke has said. Therefore, the Grand Duke of Florence devised a plan.

The Grand Duke sent an envoy to the Imperial Army. He offered to buy the prisoners of Fabia on behalf of the duc.

‘If the Imperial Army needs a payday, I will accept my offer. ’

The Grand Duke has made his decision.

‘I would refuse my offer if it were not for the need of a feeding frenzy, but only to cause food distress in Milan. ’

And the Imperial Army refused the Grand Duke's offer.

Death failed and returned. The Grand Duke did not blame the Apostle. Rather, I awarded a generous prize. It is because I am confident in my judgment.

"The Imperial Army is not suffering from a shortage of supplies! ’

What they want is not a short-term fight, but a long-term one. It's forcing the agriculture of Milan.

“Summon the captain! ”

The Grand Duke of Florence has summoned the commander of his regiment.

The charisma of the young and beautiful Grand Duke has already fascinated the commanders of the regiment. The mercenary commanders, including Franks, Habsburgers, Sardinians, and Polytunians, were all indigenous. Duke Florence was captivated by the use of seven languages as free material.

“Sound the march trumpet. From now on, we will destroy the Emperor's army! ”

The Grand Duke of Florence Kosimo de Medici, 35,000 Sardinian royal troops.

North phase.

* * *

“I'm stuck.”

I sent the envoy away and smiled.

Laura smiled at me.

“There is no reason for Duke Florence to pay the ransom on behalf of the Duke of Milan. The Duke is not the Duke who allowed Fabia to fall. However, the Grand Duke sent an envoy.... ”

“Why do we want to surrender prisoners for cheap? to decide why. ”

We grew small.

“Enemy command looks splintered, Lord. If I miss this opportunity, I'm a fool. ”

“You're absolutely right. Let's act magnificently... ”

A competent commander's enemy is not his incompetent ally, but his own. I learned that from Queen Henrietta. Let's spread this good lesson to others.

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