Dungeon Defense

00282 Daeyeon

“Mr. President.”

I clutched Baron Bercy's hand with a shimmer.

If the nobles of Frank cooperate, this war is already a victory. We held hands and exchanged eyes for a while. How far is it? How far are you prepared to go? - Each other confirmed it.

It was not just an abstract exchange of minds. I checked Baron Bercy's status window. Joon-nam, who had a preference for 20 or more, had a brief psychological status. He was definitely telling the truth.

I told you.

“The Republicans should not be confronted. We must be one. ”

“There's a young bastard in the family tree. After making him king, the policy is to form a parliament and work it out. Your Majesty will be brought to the council to advise the Empress. ”

Constitutional monarchy. Congress holds sovereignty through the establishment of a weak and infantile king.

In terms of maintaining the crown in the Royal Party, the Republicans compromise in terms of ensuring the superiority of parliament. Queen Catherine de Medicis, respected nationally, will be the mediator. It's a reasonable scenario.

“This is not a guaranteed plan for a day or two. When did you get ready?”

“shortly after losing the Frank civil war. Duke Giz is dead, but his brothers are safe. ”

“Duke Giz's brother…… the High Priest of Lauren and Duke Mayenne. ”

I tilted my head.

At the time of the civil war in Frank, Duke Giz served as general commander of the Confederate Army of Brittany, aka the Divine Confederate Army. Henrietta is very alert due to her tremendous strength. Even after the civil war ended, the Giz family was thoroughly oppressed.

Both Lauren's High Priest and Duke Mayenne were assassinated without a word. It's unclear who the assassin was, but it's obvious. However, Baron Bercy stated that they had devised an epic plan. Why is this happening?

Baron Bercy looks down.

“…… the brothers of the Giz family have been thinking about their defeat. At this rate, I expected the nobles of Frank to wither and wither without much effort. A handful of nobles made a promise. I'd rather disguise myself as a national and deceive Brittany's eyes. ”

“In every country...? No way?"

I opened my mouth. Baron Bercy nods earnestly.

“It's not just the High Priest Lauren and Duke Mayenne who snitched on us. ”

“… Amazing. ”

The truth that Baron revealed was shocking.

If the nobles of Frank had done nothing, they would have slowly lost their power and perished by Henrietta. Once more, however, he was not confident of defeating Henrietta. There's only one option left.

The nobles pretended to be Brittany.

By tipping off Duke Giz's brothers to Henrietta.

In short, he betrayed his most powerful allies. Henrietta was willing to accept these traitors, frank, as far as she could tell. But the truth was different. High Priest Lauren and Duke Mayenne have deliberately sacrificed themselves for their colleagues...

Queen Henrietta raises her suspicions. And the rest of my comrades have waited until now, covered in the guilt of every country. I sharpened the blade of revenge…….

Frank was never incompetent. I put my head in the military splendor of Henrietta, but I was behind the scenes like this.

What if Emperor Henry III had been a little bit wiser? The nobles who are capable support the Emperor. It wouldn't have worked for Brittany.

Baron Bercy sips wine.

“Phew. The Queen of Brittany is not well. I had my doubts, but I stayed vigilant. That's why we sent out an army of our nobles, Frank, this time. ”

“Tell me about your power. ”

“Twelve cities are working with us. ”

Twelve cities.

Not very little, not very much Here, if I cooperate, seven cities in the north of Frank will be added. Together, there are 19 cities on our side.

Nineteen. Clumsy. There is not enough power to turn the tide alone. However, I can fulfill the role of King Maker…….

“Mr. President, we must be cautious about this operation. ”

I said with all my heart.

“The Queen of Brittany is powerful. Last time, we were convinced the Divine Alliance would triumph. And we lost. Now we're weaker than ever. ”

If you lose a battle, even if you have the advantage in politics, it's a horse-drawn trap.

“We shouldn't raise an army right now. You have to be as patient as you've been. We will defeat Queen Henrietta. After that, destroy it! ”

Baron Bercy's eyes widened.

“You're going to defeat the queen alone? Dangerous!”

“Mr. President, winning or losing is not guaranteed to win, given our alliance. We must always be prepared for what may happen. ”

I looked at Baron seriously.

“We are united. All is well. But what if we are short a thousand men and we are defeated? The Queen of Brittany will even more fiercely oppress the nobles of Frank. ”

“ ……. ”

“There's going to be a massive purge. At the very least, the seeds of rebellion that have sprouted are uprooted. That's the day Frank truly came to his end. Mr. President, we have to assume the worst. ”

Baron Bercy ponders over his chin.

In fact, this is not a bad offer for them. He would be very pleased to hear that we will wage war on his behalf. Baron Bercy must have no reason to refuse, since he looks like he's throwing everything over here.

“…… let me be honest. The conditions are too good. Why are you offering me a disadvantage? ”

“Mr. President, I'm in charge of the vanguard at all costs, but my essence is the Franks. I want to keep Frank from losing money. ”

I smiled bitterly.

“It's hard to expect the armies of Rudolf von Habsburg to necessarily have good intentions. Having barely driven out the Queen of Brittany, the Emperor of Habsburg enters the throne…… I cannot deny that possibility. Isn't that right?”


Baron Bercy nods. I just couldn't say it to my face, and I'm probably worried that you might, too.

“I told you to be prepared for the situation. It doesn't just mean that we've been defeated. Even if we win, we have to worry about the betrayal of Habsburg's emperor. Sir, Frank's army should conserve as much power as possible, just in case. ”

“So we don't go to war.... ”


Baron Bercy was greatly impressed. He stood up and hugged me. A man's voice, such as wooden stone, was amazingly mixed with crying.

“You are a true patriot. ”

“…… I lost the civil war and tried to draw the forces in somehow. ”

I also muttered with a voice that melted my tears.

“Rudolf von Habsburg is the puppet of the Demon King Barbato. And Barbato is terrified of the Demon King Agares. Using their fear, I was able to barely form an army…… Mr. President. Sorry I'm late.”

“Priest Jean Bole……. ”

Baron Bercy shed tears.

Soon I heard a familiar sound.

Baron Bercy's appeal rose 11.

I have a 50 preference. They 'trust' you.

We hugged again violently. Man's friendship was expressed as a hug. We drank wine until dawn that day, and when the morning sky came up, Baron Bercy slipped out of the crowd.


I squatted on the chair.

I got an unexpected harvest.

Baron Bercy will think I spoke purely of patriotism, but of course, not as patriotism about the Frank Empire as I once did. Just because the Demon Lord really shouldn't have coveted Frank.

“Almost as planned. ”

The Demon King's army was already powerful enough to take over the Mid-North Habsburg. If you take Frank from here, you may break the balance between the Horses and Humans.

The Demon Prince establishes when there is a human resistance. The Demon Lord's army will invade the entire country once the human race is destroyed. I don't think I'll ever see him like that.

The Plains, the Neutrals, the Mountains. It is ideal for three factions to coexist side by side as it is now. It is an obstacle that has been established in a way that is favorable to me. Factions compete occasionally and reconcile occasionally, every time I, the Demon King Dantalian, have to establish authority as a mediator…….

Three days after Baron Bercy's return.

Our vanguard and Frank's vanguard face each other again.

It was a meticulously crafted battle. Queen Henrietta still suspects the nobles of Frank. We needed to show them they didn't lose on purpose. For this reason, Marshal Gaspar de Tabanes sacrificed himself.

“To Frank! ”

This old man, over the age of sixty, has served only Frank his whole life. In his last year, he served as the commander of the Knights of Frank's Near Crisis Legion and was also deputy general of the Emperor. A general who has lived the most honorable life as a nobleman.

Enemy de Tavane, of course, was the number one threat to Enrieta. If that giant dies on the battlefield, then Henrietta's suspicions are quite dull. We were aiming for it.

As promised, as soon as the battle begins, Enemies de Tabanes charge in. It was crazy for the General to rush into the lead. Daisy runs out this way.

Enemies de Tabane and Daisy. The oldest and youngest warriors crossed in the middle of the battlefield. The blade flashes. Daisy pierces the chest of the enemy with a single blade.

“Fall back!"

“All troops, retreat! ”

Frank's army, which had lost its Commander-in-Chief in vain, immediately retreated. A quick retreat. Virtually no damage. The plan was made without deviation.

“ ……. ”

I looked down at the old man's corpse. The old man smiles widely. He was sturdy enough to see that he was over sixty. I felt like I could stand up and wield the Great Sword right now.

Daisy mutters beside me.

“He's been smiling since he met me. ”

“…… Is that so? ”

“Yes, Father. It was a human laugh that willingly accepted death. ”

That's why Daisy didn't cut the old man's throat. You stab yourself in the chest to keep the body clean. The girl was respectful of the other.

I asked calmly.

“There was no will. ”

“Thank you," he whispered to me. ”

Surely the old man lived a life without regret.

For the people, for the country...... and until the very last moment, even his death was dedicated to the people and the country. I thought it was the best death ever. Is that why he said thank you to us....

“Daisy, watch his end. ”

I covered the old man's eyes and said,

“Our kind is a death that cannot be met. Let's keep it in mind. ”

“…… Yes, Father. ”

Daisy and I looked down at the old man's corpse for a long time.

This was the end of one life. There was a peaceful and noble smile. One day, in the last moments, both of us will be jealous and jealous of the death of the old man…….

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