Dungeon Defense

00258 Farnese in blue water

Whoever it is, I feel sympathy for the enemy who confronted Laura.

Raid as a Knight. It looks easy when expressed in words. The reality is that the most important troops to defend the fortress are all at once. As soon as the siege is complete.

An ordinary commander will stand by and watch. Even if the fort is surrounded right now, at least half a year can survive without any problems. It's never easy to get out of a safe fortress and fight a monster army.

The commander decided that the longer the time, the more meaningless it would be. The central government was currently lacking the capacity to dispatch military personnel. It would be better to ambush them right after the siege is complete. You have to be careless about 'Are you already going to ambush me?'...

That's why the commander assembled and attacked the Knights of the surrounding city.

Boldness, judgment, negotiation, none of which were lacking. I discovered this with just one word: Laura. Habsburg's military forces are 'competent'. They will definitely ambush me because they are capable.... And he predicted that the next time he would walk the fireworks.

“I don't know, but we can get rid of the oncoming tribe, right? ”

Citri wiped the cream off my mouth.

“We can use the Lizardman and the Water Spirit to destroy all the oars. ”

“I'm afraid I can't, Citri. Enemies must choose a windy day. Weather that can be advanced by the strength of sails, even if all the oars are destroyed. Because these kinds of raids don't tolerate failure. ”

Laura naturally says, as if the other party's thoughts were in their hands.

“One unsuccessful attempt will make this side even more vigilant.... You only get one shot at this. The enemy must think so. We will be careful. ”

Less competent. It always aims for the moment when an ambush is most effective. That's why Lau argued ironically that he would expect the enemy to judge.

“The Neckar river flows from east to west. The closest city to Heidelberg Fortress is Heilbron.But the harbor is too small. It's inappropriate to hide a light ship. In other words, it's probably Stuttgart. ”

She finds a stream painted on the map.

“Enemies will use their maneuvers to power a three-stage galley. Eight hours on a three-stage galley from Stuttgart. It takes about nine hours to include a short stop in the Heilbronn. ”

We stare blankly at Laura. Laura twists her fingers around her side head, looking down at the military map, making sure she doesn't notice our gaze. Her mouth is still muttering.

“At what time exactly do you depart? This is the problem. The enemy is once again likely to use the night to avoid our scouting. They want to be here around 11: 00 p.m. to 4: 00 a.m. Conversely, the time of departure from Stuttgart is one o'clock to six o'clock p.m. ”

“ ……. ”

“But a poem of daylight is too bright. The enemy will want to be as dark as possible when they make a short stop in the Heilbronn. That is, we will depart between five and six in the evening. ”

Laura looks up at us.

“On a windy day, between five and six o'clock in the evening, it's time for the enemy to complete their mission. ”

“ ……. ”

“If a three-stage galley ship is spotted when these conditions are met, it's a ten-foot-field light bulb. ”

I smiled bitterly, and Pymon frowned. Citri opened her mouth.

“Huh?... Hmm? Huh?”

“Perhaps the enemy is preparing for an underwater attack. There is a good chance that an army of wizards is on board. Even if all the oars are destroyed, the wizards will somehow hold the sail and smash the crew into the bridge…… That's the enemy's prey. ”

Laura smiles happily.

“We don't need to play with our enemies. The fleet is aiming for the moment of docking at the Heilbronn. Hilbron is a small fishing village without even a castle. We recommend that you burn the fleet to the ground. ”

Citri carefully raises her right hand.

“So... you want me to attack the town? ”

“Yes, on a windy day, around 10 p.m. to 11 p.m. Please lead the Star Guard and ambush the Hilbron. ”

Laura simply pushes back. We understood nothing of what we said, and it was natural to understand.

“You have no idea what we're going to do at the docks. It's going to be a little bit more difficult than slitting a child's throat. ”

You guys, this is so easy, I thought I would hear a hallucination somewhere.

Pymon and Citri were anti-Semitic. Laura's plan was to complete the bridge, complete the siege, and stop the ambush, but this is still too accurate a prediction.

After the meeting, Pymon secretly told me.

“Dantalian. Even though the girl is not unique in tactics, I've learned something from going through such a mess. What matters in war is not ingenious imagination or computation. Strong judgment and control over the soldiers. ”

“You're right. ”

The brave and powerful regiment of those who try to come up with a brilliant idea. Strong judgment. At what point in time will this regiment be put in place, and at what point will the preceding regiment be pulled back? Where to Build Barracks This is much more important.

Combat is hardly a headfight. This is where many books are mistaken.

The scribe is like an orchestral conductor, to say the least. It is the musician who actually plays the music, but never the conductor. The conductor only opens a space for the musicians to pull out one song correctly.

Likewise, a soldier who actually fights in war is not a scribe, and a scribe must provide the battlefield so that one soldier can fight the bravest and most orderly. If we do not realize this, we will be defeated someday.

By the way, that's why I was defeated by Queen Henrietta.

Suddenly I'm sad....

Pymon gives you a worried look.

“Miss De Farnese is clearly very talented. But the depth of the battlefield won't be thin enough for an 18-year-old human girl to see through it. War doesn't work with my head...... I want you to teach Miss De Farnese that. ”

“I completely agree. ”

Pymon gave me some very common sense. It was a common sense and precious warning. If I didn't know Laura was the military that would stir up bloodshed in the history of the continent, I would have walked away peacefully.

Iron merchant Laura de Farnese.

It's never a good nickname. It is actually an alias created by the enemies of Brittany. 'On the topic of finance responsible for a country's government, he drives the bloodshed around the battlefield.' That's roughly what it means.

“But, Pymon, I'm her guardian. It's not that I don't want to bet on her talent. ”

“…… Is the prophecy really coming true? You gotta be kidding me, Dantalian. ”

“Yes, I'm kidding. I'm just saying there might be a possibility. ”

I smiled beautifully.

“A guardian is someone who believes in such possibilities to the end, right? I want to believe her, even if I don't believe anyone. ”

“Really, I'm confused whether people are good or bad. ”

Pymon is amazed.

“Dantalian. As one of the commanders, I cannot accept tactics too far in the road. ”

“Here you go. Pymon, look at me from here. Think about it in a nutshell. It's a one-off zone, at most. ”

“Hmm. But yes. ”

Pymon was still reluctant. However, people's personality was revealed at this point. It was a magical act of caution for hundreds of years to build a republic.

I said it quietly.

“How about this? If Laura succeeds, Pymon grants me a wish, and if Laura fails, I grant her a wish. ”

“…… A wish? ”

Pymon blinks.

“Yes, anything they can give you. ”

“Whatever……. ”

Pymon considers his debts.

“For example, if I say I want a necklace with Dantalian fingers... will you listen to it?" ”


My voice went up without me knowing. What is this girl talking about?

Pymon shifts his debt gently.

“Just give me an example. I was wondering if you were prepared to put out a finger and offered to bet on a girl. ”

“No, no, no. Of course you can. It's not worth a thousand dollars on my finger...... and I can make it grow back anyway. ”

But he's too perverted.

There is one necklace that I made for Barbato. Don't tell me Barbato's bragging about it to the Demon Kings, and it's just spreading. With the feeling that a necklace made of fingers is fashionable.

...... It's hard to say that such a thing can't be fashionable. The Demon Kings are all perverts.

It's a scary neighborhood. When she saw me now, she knocked on the floor and said, "Why did my good son get along with such perverts? 'You'll be sad. I'm sorry to be a nuisance.

“Okay, Dantalian. I'm willing to take that bet. ”

“… Thank you. ”

One corner of my heart felt bad, but I expressed my gratitude.

During this season, westerly winds came from the white sea. The east wind was rarely blown, and it lasted more than two days, more rarely. However, about two months after the fortress was surrounded, there was a strong easterly wind.

Laura immediately asked for a military physician.

“Today is the deadline. Please take good care of Citri. ”

“Yeah. I still don't know what you're talking about, but just smash it anyway and make a mess, right? ”

I'll be back, and Citri stepped out strong. Five hundred Dark Elves on the wolf escaped.

Pymon's face was still clumsy. Pymon agreed with Laura's plan, but separately, he was preparing in case the fleet approached. There were sixty water spirits placed near the bridge.

After half a day Citri returned.

Citri was covered in blood.

“Wow! There really are plenty of galleys in town! I fired a couple of fire arrows to see what was in there. I didn't swing a knife a few times, but they got burned up. Heh heh, what a sight to see on my own. ”

Citri proudly discusses her past while smiling in the room.

He glances at you, forgetting to cover you with debt and opening his mouth.

“By the way, there were nine wizards. ”

Citri threw what was in her left hand onto the floor of the barracks. Nine heads were tied together in a rope.

“I tried to take you prisoner, but I didn't want you to fight me until the end, so I just killed them all. Did I do well?”

“Yes, well done. You must be Sister Citri. Perfect performance. I can even sneak a peek at Citri's aesthetic level from just getting her own supplies. ”

Laura smiles brightly.

“ ……. ”

Pyrmon looks at Laura with a look on his face, even if it's a ghost. She whispered a few times as if she didn't want to say anything, but then looked at me. I smiled.

I moved my lips silently.

‘Me. chi. Remember, you have to listen to one later? ’

Pymon's face is filled with despair.

This is why we have to keep an eye on our subordinates.

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