Dungeon Defense

00206 Lily War

Sancti Longgwi opened her red lips.

─ Only I can prove my strength.

The woman's voice opens the air. She waited for this moment, keeping silence throughout the battle. Only one person in one country, and only twelve on the continent. Now that the Habsburg saint was killed for treason with the Demon King, only eleven girls began to sing.

─ Earlier the mind was a god, but it became a commoner and a slave. Blessed art thou, goddess, that thou shalt be sung here once more. Dance with the feet of a great tribe again, and let all living things rejuvenate.

The cavalry marches in line.

The sound of the saint's song seeps through their crushed and broken armor, between their helmets and their torso armor, between the dust and the weary horseshoes of blood. Even the spirits who fled into the forest were startled by the battle cry.

The remaining cavalry for Henrietta is 6,000. It was never easy for all of them to regain some strength, no matter how holy she was. Sancti Longgwi suffered from needles all over her body.

She was, however, a saint. I didn't even frown. I prayed softly and quietly as if I were in peace.

─ Surely death is far from our day. But today we are willing to embrace the only freedom that we are given, the freedom to face death. That's why mortals are the only ones who enjoy immortality. Goddess Athena.

A swarm of blue light lingers on the soldiers and their horses for a moment before fading away. The cavalry rushed into the enemy camp more than six times, feeling momentarily revived like a traveler who drank a sip of cold water in the desert. The horses roared low with the beast's cry, whether it was six hours ago or not.

The holy woman held her hands together.

─ Allow these people to die today.

At the end of the sentence, the Lady Longgwi fell. You are confused. The nearby acolyte receives the body of the fallen saint safely. Even though it was just for a minute, she was soaked in sweat.

“Excellent, Jacqueline Longgwi. My friend.”

Queen Henrietta takes a step forward.

The red-haired queen turns her horse's head back. Thousands of horsemen stare at the queen in front of them. The red-haired queen smiles lightly at the steaming gaze.

“My dearest lord. When will soldiers be defeated? ”

The queen said, activating the sacred magic engraved on the necklace.

“When a soldier loses a battle, does he lose? When a soldier loses a war, does he lose? When you lose a commander, does the soldier lose when the weapon is looted? Not at all.”

The queen shakes her head.

“Warriors. Your fight is somewhere else. ”

She taps her nose with her hand.

“Right here. This is where we fight. Whether or not to look away when your colleague is in crisis, your battlefield is right there. Whether to close your eyes to the whirling spear of the enemy or not, your battlefield lies there. Whether or not you will accept your own death in the face of terrible pain. Only there is your battlefield. ”

Queen Henrietta points to the ground.

“Let's say there's a human being here. He lives a normal life. I am born ordinary, I communicate with my family normally, and I spend sixty years dying. And...”

I raised my left hand to the sky.

“There is one human being there. She jumps from the moon's height. Slowly, but with good will, it falls to this earth. She falls for sixty years -- eventually falls to her death. A human who died sixty years on earth, sixty years away from the sky. What's the difference between two deaths? ”

The Queen's 6,000 soldiers listen quietly. Henrietta's tone was firm and cheerful, and she firmly grasped pieces of horse that would otherwise be scattered like leaves, such as hard tree roots and twigs.

“Maybe there's no difference. The life of a normal sixty years on earth and a life that just crashed, are probably the same for both of them. Gentlemen, this is a question of humanity, an eternity of questions. What's different? You're falling, too. Something is rotting and decaying. ”

The queen breathed a single word and continued.

“Today, you stand on the battlefield. You will be forced to ask questions. It is because the battlefield is the most intense and forceful place to force the question. Woe to you! You may want to avoid questions today, but you'll never be able to avoid them. ”

Queen Henrietta laughs.

“Every moment. Every moment will be a storm of questions for you. Will you look away when your colleague is in crisis? Will you close your eyes when the enemy spears you? When you are dying from a terrible injury, will you turn your eyes away from death? ”

Thousands of horses start rolling their front legs. A pale dust cloud touched the hoof of the horse. The cavalry gasps and burns their hearts. Queen Henrietta shouts as she looks at it.

“My lord, you have lived so far, but not yet. Here today, you will be tested to see if you were alive or just dying. This is your victory and defeat. Combat is war. Combat is just a secondary piece of debris when compared to the question! ”

Henrietta's black warhorse raises his front foot high. At eye level, the queen looks down at the soldiers.

“Will you slowly fall for the remaining decades! Or take one more step, one more step! Warriors, be human again on a continent where the dead roam! Take a step and face adversity. A life truly worth living is beyond those hardships! ”

Queen Henrietta raises Lance to the sky.

The cavalry roars as they can no longer stand it. The horses howl. Six thousand lances stab into the air, and twelve thousand of their front legs stomp the ground.

“So the man who wants to die today will live, and the man who wants to live will die! I never thought my army had been defeated, and it will be forever. Warriors! Daughters of Palace Athena! You who will triumph as great paradox! ”

Queen Henrietta turns her horse head forward. Twelve thousand Franks in that direction. There were twice as many soldiers as there were in the queen's army, and there were no fatigue at all. The queen shouted.

“― Charge! ”

The queen stepped on the hoof first.

The cavalry clamors and pounds its waist. The horses walk forward exhaling wildly. Among them were Brittany, Frank, Bernice and Castilla. There was a knight and a mercenary. But at this moment, they served only one king. Henrietta de Brittany. Only one man leads them.

Against him, 12,000 of Frank's horsemen moved. Duke Giz, the general commander, was there as well. The duc joined his cavalry as an honorable knight and a great nobleman. The duc gave a speech as well, and Frank's cavalry dared to ride. The relationship between the two groups has been gradually narrowed.

“Enemies only! ”

Queen Henrietta screams. She lowers her weight magic so that only the nearby nobles can hear her.

“Twice as many men! Scary, boys! ”


“We break through twice and tear the enemy into four pieces. Destroying 2,500 enemy pieces in turn. Understood. There's not twice as many hostiles. We're doubling down! ”

Queen Henrietta roars.

“I've never had a siege where twice as many men can't crush an enemy! ”

“Yes, Your Majesty! ”

“If you have a general who can't even pick ten branches, make sure you know it's business day! ”

The queen closes the helmet lid. The noble chiefs also closed their helmets behind them. All but a few chieftains who were not defenders followed the queen.

A horse led by Enrieta was an unrivaled fine horse. I naturally leapt forward. The noble commanders on fine horses, though they were no more than the queen after that. After that, he followed six thousand troops. They used the queen as the lead, running through the plains in a triangle wedge.

Trot. A distance of 200 meters from the enemy, the cavalry rides on the breaking news. The screams of the soldiers stir up dust winds.

Canter. A hundred metres away, the cavalry hits the ground. The sound of the horses hitting the ground starts to ring louder than the screams of the soldiers. Lance's spear moves forward.

“Long live the Queen! ”

“Hail Henrietta de Brittany! ”

Gallup. Approximately forty meters, the horses hit the ground at full speed. A flag hanging from a spear strikes the aurora. One second was trampled under the hoof of a horse and the two of them rushed forward.

─ Kwajijik! Kwazak!

The cavalry clashes with the cavalry. First, Lance, an eight-meter knight, swirls his error and pierces the heart of the enemy into his chest. The rest of Lance's three to five meters pierce each other.

The iron scepter falls authentically into the right chest of the soldier named Pierre. Pierre plunges into the power of the spear and slams his face into the dirt.

A spear pierces through the back of the Temple of the Knight Maximilian, and the big Maximilian falls to the ground. The corpse's spectacular armor resonates for a long time.

A soldier named Deoreh dodges Lance, but fails to withstand the shock of the tidal wave. The deore burrows in the dust, breathing heavily. Theore looks for his comrades and reaches out his hands. At that time, a horse stomped on Theore's belly button, sweeping the dust. The hoof creaks the boat without cause, and the entrails burst and spill to the ground. Deolet turns her eyes upside down and dies.


Henrietta throws Lance and pulls out the curvature. Every time the curve glows blue, the chest of the enemy breaks and his forearms soar into the air.

The red blood is rotting. A cracking sound echoes through the spear's armor and through the sword. Warriors make noise. In a single brawl, the plains are covered in blood and intestines. The screams of slaughter are staggered everywhere, paralyzing the ears of Enrieta de Brittany.

The queen turned the curve as she became Moore's heir. The horse bites the enemy's horse, tramples it down, and throws it away. The queen and the horse became a mile and shredded things in front of them. After the queen passed by, the wrists, forearms, and headaches were rich for a moment, drawing a bloodshot line. And it lay flat on the ground without cause.

“Your Majesty! ”

A nobleman shouts. The queen regained her senses.

Suddenly, the enemy was gone. You can see the enemy's carpenters and spearmen from afar. We're through! Queen Henrietta wields her sword, turning her horse skillfully.

“Reverse! Follow me! ”

The queen's army crosses 12,000 Franks. The human tabernacle was covered in layers like a large sword. Now it's your turn to tear the enemy into four pieces. Then something appeared in the Queen's vision. Among the enemy. A flag engraved with white roses.

Queen Henrietta is small.

“You were there, Henry de Giz! ”

The horse protrudes out into a giant bullet. I didn't need an order. The Black Crow of Henrietta was instinctively sensing that there was some of the most tasty prey there. The horse with the monster as its father charges forward, spitting out a eerie cry.

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