Dungeon Defense

Age of Tyrants 00155

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The Sixth Legion of the Monthly Blind marches on Barbato.

Despite his considerable strength, Commander Barbato has no intention of slowing down. Her tactical doctrine was very simple. Move faster than the enemy. It was just this one.

“Why don't we wait for the other troops to arrive and march together? ”

Zephar, the 16th Demon King, has spoken. He was a careful lodger. Rare, white and bleached hair did not humble this man. The white-haired scent of combat has lingered for centuries.

“We don't have to wait another three or four days for the Second Legion to join us. It's almost doubling the power. We can defeat Humans more easily. ”

Barbato shakes his head.

“While your allies are getting ready, your enemies are doing everything they can. If an ally attacks with incomplete status, the enemy also gets attacked with incomplete status. What's the difference between an ally and an enemy? An ally knows when and where to attack, while an enemy is ignorant of the time and place of battle. ”

She said decisively.

“Rather, speed up. Humans expect us to march together in one piece. That ignorance creates a gap. Zephyr's opinion is rejected. Veled!”

“Yes, commander! ”

Bellet, the 13th Demon King, replied gracefully. Veled was a man as tall as an ogre. As he shouted, the weakened Demon Kings flawed unwittingly. The beast-like echo echoes in Veled's voice.

“I command four hundred knights of death. My knights need neither strength nor rest. Run with them day and night. And...”

Barbato pulls out his dagger and throws it. The dagger is planted in the ground. The ground was projected with a map of operations that Barbatos had magically reproduced. On the place where the dagger was inserted, it said "Krams."

“Raid and take down Krams. ”

The fortress city of Krams. It was the last line of defense for the Habsburg Empire. Behind the fortress lies the Danubeus River, a long stretch across the middle of the continent. Beyond this river was the capital of the Bindbona - the Habsburg Empire.


The Demon Lord Veled vomited a hot breath. Veled's coppery muscles glisten like a ragged skin. He was clearly excited. The Danubeus River. In the last two thousand years, the Moon Mercenaries have only crossed it twice.

The Demon King, who first crossed the Danube, now ranks first, Baal. The second Demon King crossed over was not only Barvatos, the eighth ranking commander of the Legion in front of his eyes. Now, third, the 13th place, Veled, was named in the book of history.

“Commander... No, Mr. Barbatos. You see? My body is thrilled. ”

After Zaggemachi Baal and Barbato, his name stood. Veled couldn't help but be touched.

“Give the order for anything...... Destruction. Exterminate. Defeat. Regardless of what kind of victory the commander wishes, I will move forward with that victory. ”

“I, Barvatos, wish only one thing. ”

The Demon King girl smiles.

“Extinction. Extinction beyond measure. so that humankind will never again be able to resist our minds, so that at the sight of our toes they will bow to fear and fear and fall to the ground, and that life will now mean nothing to them but gray skies. And that's what I want you to do. ”

“That order -- I definitely heard it! ”

Veled roars at the sky. In the cloudy gray sky, the voice of the Demon King resounded ominously. Veled immediately led the Four Hundred Age Knight of Death. Originally, the Demon King didn't need much rest. Muutopine Veled was even more so.

Veled and the Knights of Death ran for three days and nights like they had never felt fatigue before. Instead, the wolf monsters who burned them, Heilang, were exhausted and fell out. Veled doesn't mind. I was afraid of this. I brought three Heilang per person. When one Heilang got tired, he switched to the other.

After running for three days and nights, Krams, the city that stood out to them, came in. It was a fortress that naturally made the moat out of river streams. Veled's forces were, in fact, like a hurricane.

“Well, the Demon Prince has already appeared! ”

The current commander shouted in surprise. The messenger told me.

“Yes! Enemies, about four hundred centuries. Four hundred centuries are all death knights. ”

“Four hundred lifetimes of the Knight of Death……. ”

The commander swallowed the moan.

Barbato's prediction was right.

The Empire was expecting an enemy to arrive no matter how fast it was a week later. Elizabeth, the current commander of the Imperial Army, was a tactical genius. However, even Elizabeth did not know the nature of the Demon King named Barbatos.

However, the Empress wrote an order in case of an incident. It was the gathering of elite Knights of the Habsburg Empire in advance of the fortress. She places talented knights in Krams and sends a message as follows:

─ Survive three days of any hostile attack. Understood. Defend the fort with your lives for three days.

Just three days.

The strength of the knights gathered in the fortress to earn that time was spectacular.

There were two first-class Imperial Bladers. Thirty Second Class Bladers. More than 500 Class 3 and Class 4 Bladers. Together, there were 550 martial artists stationed in the fortress, and they were a strong force, albeit small.

The man who commands the fortress is also the owner of the sword. It was the ultimate power to quickly join an army. If the enemy in front of the fortress were not the Knights of Death, he would certainly have taken it easy with a snort.

The commander bites his teeth.

“Four days...... If there were four more days, the reinforcements would have arrived. ”

The whole plan fell apart. Empress Elizabeth is currently running her own operation in the capital. It was a move across the entire capital. An enormous force has been mobilized to maintain security.

In four more days, Empress Elizabeth will send reinforcements to the keep. But Veled, or Barbato, took a quick step.

The keep had to stop Veled with only 500 knights. There were over a hundred guards, but they were regular soldiers. You won't last a second in front of a blade from the Knight of Death.

‘We must stall as long as possible! ’

The commander judged quickly.

The entire fortress bells blare. The knights who were resting comfortably in the barracks quickly put on their armor. On this day, the servants moved their hands at the fastest pace of their entire lives. It was surprisingly difficult to wear solid armor.

Meanwhile, the Fortress Commander has sent another Sword Master outside the fortress, in addition to himself. One-on-One Duel. It was a delay in the General's War.

“You little devils! Who will take my sword? ”

The owner of the sword stands outside the castle, shouting.

What the commander is after is simple. Dispatch the owner of the sword to induce diary soil. If we send death knights in turn in response to the diary, the Humans will buy us that much time. Then it was an agent who wanted to buy us more than half a day. I did my best as a commander.


However, the Fortress Commander's impulse did not work.

“Gentlemen! Perhaps the humans know some manners, too. I sent a beautiful young lady to greet us. ”

The Demon King Veled clearly saw the intent of the Humans. He was a warrior, but a general at the same time. You're not obsessed with fighting and ruining the battle. Veled raises his right hand.

“I was polite to my opponent. No gentleman can ignore it more than anyone else. ― ― Show us how our witches respond to courtesy! ”

The dark red magic shifts around Veled. Immediately after, a huge axe was summoned from the air.

“Let's go, gentlemen of the throne! ”

The Knight of Death and Heilang cry out.

Like iron scraping iron, the monster's roar scrapes the skulls of the humans. The Knight of Death makes a sound through his magic, not through his mouth. Imperial Army swordsmen also have magical powers in their bodies. There was something ominous in the monster's roar that caused it to shake.

─ Khhhhhhhhhhh!

Belled and the Knight of Death charge for 400 centuries. There were no lectures, journals, or customary fighting manners. The knights of death screamed like barbarians, as if they had forgotten something like that long ago.

“Yi, this is against the rules of the battlefield! ”

The owner of the sword cries out in panic. The voice is echoing in the plains.

“Rude bastards! If you're a warrior, you should respond to my duel. ”

“Hahahaha! Human girl! Our greatest courtesy is to plunder your opponent with excitement! ”

Bellet cheers as she raises her axe.

“Enjoy the taste of my meat! ”

“You cowardly son of a bitch! ”

“According to my brother, a son of a bitch is popular these days! Kuhaha!”

The sword owner is forced to retreat. She steps over the wall, boom, and climbs up the keep. It was a trick that could unfold at a certain point in time.


The Fortress Commander has shifted his teeth.

The delay didn't work. The Demon King turned his head around after looking like an Ogre. As commander, I had no other means at the moment. Now, as the Queen Dowager has commanded, we have protected this place for three days with only blood and sweat.

The shouts of the Human Commander and Veled intersect.

“Everyone, defend the fort! ”

“Make the most of it! ”

The Knights of Death quickly approached the Wall. They've been partners for hundreds of years. I jumped out of Heilang and climbed the wall at the exact same moment. The knights of death, wrapped in black armor, also flew their black cloaks like batwings.

“Stop him! Assist the companion next door! ”

“The terrain gives us an advantage! Don't let them get to you! ”

The Knights of the Empire have drawn their weapons together. They leaned against the wall and fought against the knights of death who were attacking them, like a hunting falcon. The Knights of the Humanity and the Knights of the Magic System have brawled.



No one here was dull. I didn't win the battle in one piece. The Knights of Death have not secured space on the Wall. Some succeeded in pushing humans away, but gave up neatly. There were too few successful climbers on the wall. They jump down the wall again, aiming for their next chance.

“We've stopped it! We can stop it! ”

“Assist your colleagues! Don't forget to keep up with your colleagues! ”

A little cheer rises among the knights. They are not as immature as they would be for a small fight. However, this was the beginning of the battle. I needed to raise morale on purpose. They deliberately cheered to cheer each other up.

The Imperial Consort's orders have passed through the commander's head.

Hang in there for three days!

‘Yes, you can. Your Highness, three days and four days, and I will kill every last one of them! ’

He looks around, slightly excited. The Knights of Death were attempting to climb the Wall a second time. Suddenly, he realizes he doesn't see the most dangerous among the enemy forces.

‘Wait, where did the Demon King go? ’

At that moment, the whole fortress trembles like an earthquake.

The bastion commander is skillfully balanced, but quickly figures out where the vibrations occurred. And it was frightening. The vibrations were echoing right through the castle gate.

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