Dungeon Defense

00151 The Age of Tyrants

“The situation is extremely disadvantageous to us. ”

Elizabeth von Habsburg. The third empire princess opened her mouth.

In the barracks were the Imperial generals. Most were young. The elders who originally led the Empire army were slaughtered in the last Austerlitz battle. It was the current Habsburg Imperial Army-young generalists who came in on its behalf.

Who listens to the Queen Dowager's operation expressionlessly. Serious takers. Those who chew the wheat shell and put their feet on the table at all times. All sorts of people gathered. Some of them were not properly dressed. But no one pointed out that it was rude.

They came up here purely with their skills.

“Finally, the Qingdae tactics began to work, and the legions of the Demon Prince were scattered in different directions to supply their food. The moment of intercept is coming. ”

Tak, Princess Elizabeth, knocks the map with a silver stick.

“Our human army has finally had a chance. ”

Like she said, the Demon Lord lost his nerve. From Legion 2 to Legion 6, the troops were growing distant from each other.

It was typical of operating a troop without a certain supply unit. There were no supplies, so I had to pillage the food locally. The battalion splits apart and finds a way to live.

Then the young man with a frowny face opened his mouth.

“But, Your Grace, ”

“Get permission to speak first. Kurzschleigh Maher Chairman. ”


He scratched his blonde head as if he had forgotten.

“I'm sorry. I'm not familiar with the examples yet... I beg your pardon, my lord. ”


“Yes. It is clear to us that the Demon Prince has been torn. But that's the same for us humans as well. ”

Some longevity nodded at the young man's remarks.

The Demon Lord was not the only one who lacked food. Humans were also suffering from an absolute food crisis. Mercenaries went on to demand contraband instead of gold coins for employment, and the militaries in each country asked their home countries for supplies a day in advance.

In this situation, Empress Elizabeth kept the Ultra River.

─ Plunder the people using Cheongyeong Tactics as a designation.

He ordered his army to plunder his own people. In this age, the idea that the army still has to protect its people was sparse. Soldiers were the king's soldiers more than anyone else, and the people they were supposed to protect were the dynasty.

However, the horde following the princess was also mixed with many Republicans. They gallop to the Empress's command.

─ Military Attacking Citizens is no existence!

─ Even an army that cannot defend humanity is unwilling to exist. Answer me, do we have any other options besides audiovisual tactics? Then she too will bite the decision.

─ …….

The princess' talents were talented. I knew there was no answer because I was competent.

The Habsburg Empire moved its people in the name of, 'If we do not stay here, we will die in miserable death to the wicked hordes of demons.' Horses were migrating, like forced expulsion. The villagers protested that they would die defending their homeland even if they died, but the Empress insisted.

─ Resistance is governed by military law.

─ Your Majesty!

─ Sir, even Maine has a heart.

The attendant finds the pain sticking out of the princess's eyes. I had no choice but to stop gossiping about it. Yes, he was the Lord of the people more than anyone before the war. She also had a human heart....

The Empress's army slowly retreats from the central Habsburg area. In the pursuit of the Demon Prince, he reacted as a guerrilla. Forcing the delay as long as possible, the Empress went out with a plan to not leave even a single grain of wheat in the central area.

One more step back. - Just one more step back.

Finally, there is no turning back.

We've reached the capital city of the Empire.

“The Crown Prince's forces are now gathering here in the islands (). Maybe the second squad will arrive first, about a week later, and then the line will arrive at the bottom of the barrel. Hmm. Well, that might be a problem. ”

A young man called Kurzschleigh Maher scratches his cheek.

“Though the enemies are scattered at once. They have a clear goal: institutions. It's going to come together over time. Humans, on the other hand, don't have one such goal…… Well, how hard people from other countries are to protect our system……. ”

That wasn't the only problem.

Another general raises his hand.

“I invite you to speak. ”


“Yes, Your Majesty. In Songdao, it seems that foreign armies will entrust us with our supply responsibilities. The Demon Prince has been replenishing supplies everywhere and is heading here now. Even if we can't, we have to assume that the Demon Prince has the power to survive for a month in the full moon. ”

However, General Gao said:

“Our empire army doesn't have that much food. ”

“What are you talking about? The Imperial Army can hold out for another three months. ”

“…… only if you consider the Imperial Army. ”

The general swallowed the saliva.

“But we need foreign soldiers to defend our institutions…… we can't afford to feed foreign armies at all. Therefore, we have only one choice in the Habsburg Empire. ”

The princess smiled, interested.

“Hoho. What is that? ”

“We must not keep our institutions. We have to be aggressive. ”

The general empowered his voice.

“The Demon Lord's forces are approaching at all times. But they're not arriving at the same time. Each of us will arrive in a short time gap…… The Habsburg Empire defeats its enemies, aiming for a gap in time. ”

Destroy them separately. Five legions of the Demon Prince.

It is the only way to protect the institution and, furthermore, the destiny of the empire.

“ ……. ”

“ ……. ”

The crowd is silent. They understand how absurd this plan is.

Currently, the Habsburg Imperial Army has barely sustained 10,000 troops. Whereas the Demon King's army ranged from thousands to tens of thousands, one by one.

‘Hmm. Impossible. ’

The blonde man, Kurz Schleierma, smiled.

Comparing a human soldier to an Orc soldier, the latter was certainly powerful…… that is, even if the hordes of the Demon King Army were only thousands, they would never fall behind the Habsburg Empire. It's just a draw if you're optimistic.

‘Win five times in a row against an ally with the same power... Oh my. Even if the goddesses help, it's not enough, Lord. ’

Kurz shakes his head. No matter how much I thought about it, it was impossible.

The Habsburg militia fought well after the Lunar Alliance and the Human Alliance fought for the first time. I struggled. It was a compliment.

Elizabeth III was a tactical genius, and her genius became sharper rather than lighter as the war grew longer. Almost every human army was as victorious as the Empress led. Given the impact she took on the speech, it was a great feat.

‘There are still things in the world that are possible and impossible.' ’

Even Princess Elizabeth had difficulty intercepting the Demon King's forces one by one. Kurz was convinced.

‘This is bad, this is bad. Haha.’

He was not particularly impressed by the destruction of his country.

Even if humanity perished, he would shrug his shoulders, "Oh my goodness." To him, humanity was nothing but a vain pun. Most of those pun jokes were seriously boring.

I was just curious.

"What will you do, Your Highness? ’

He glances at the princess's face. Kurz knew she was the most talented genius in the world. I couldn't imagine anyone better than her. To Kurz-- the Empress was the pinnacle of humanity. He was the most valuable human being.

The pinnacle of the world is how it's going to respond to this.

Kurz was curious and couldn't stand it.

If the princess is willing to face an impossible challenge, then fine. Kurz is ready to accept it. He will gladly jump on the front line with the princess and cut off the Orc's head and crush the Goblin's chest. Maybe there he will die...... Maybe even the princess will die, the capital will fall, and mankind will perish... But what does it matter?

That's the human limit.

It was humble to accept that Humans were such a species after all.

‘No, I don't think so. You're not going to despair or sigh, Your Grace. ’

He secretly smiled. I was also looking forward to it. It's like the pinnacle of human despair! Humanity's own despair and solitude. It is the most cruel artwork in the world, and therefore the most beautiful masterpiece.

When Kurz saw the princess's face,

‘ ……! ’

He was stunned without a sound.

‘There's no expression...... What time is it? ’

There were no emotions or fragments of emotions on the princess's face. Only the coldest expressions were there.

‘Nonsense. ’

Kurz couldn't understand. He knew how much she loved her country, how much she loved the people, and, furthermore, how much she loved humanity. In short, the situation facing the Imperial Army was a crisis that perhaps the most precious things to the Empress would be destroyed.

Everyone fears the destruction of what they hold most precious. Perhaps humans are at risk for their lives. Because there is something more precious to him than life.

However, there is something more precious than life...... such as a goddess for a priest. Yes. Funny, but let's say a goddess dies before her eyes. Can a priest still be expressionless? He tortures his father in front of his son and slaughters his wages in front of the faithful. Can a person still be expressionless?

I can't do that.

But the princess was a brute. He did not give up everything to be a fool, he was a fool to control himself. Is it really possible for such superhuman patience and self-control to be merely mortal?

‘There's something! ’

The current rushed to Kurz's spine.

You have a plan to defeat the Demon Prince! ’

It wasn't just Kurz who felt the strange air currents. As the princess remained silent no matter how much time passed, the generals slowly raised their heads. They look at the princess, slightly embarrassed.

Meanwhile, the princess opened her mouth.

“She has a way to stop the Demon Prince. ”

In a voice that was never high, she said.

“I give up the system. Soldiers of Habsburg leave the entire army immediately and retreat to the rear. ”

A terrifying sound of breath erupted throughout the barracks.

Kurz said without my knowledge. I forgot to ask for a comment.

“I, Your Majesty. What's that supposed to mean? Abandon the capital?”

“I'll say it again. As of today, the Habsburg Empire abandons the VindBona Islands. ”

The chiefs stand up in unison, making sure it's a clean shot. Their faces light up with excitement.

“Your Majesty! I can't! ”

“The islands are the heart of Habsburg! No country breathes without a heart! ”

However, the princess continued to speak without shutting down.

No, I just didn't nod. Kurz found a smile on her lips that was hard to recognize.

“If the system is the heart of Habsburg, I will move it. ”

“Your Highness, I can't help you.... ”

“Expel all the people. Forcibly relocate. Together, we dig the tombs of generations of emperors to secure military funds. And to leave nothing for the Demon Prince. ”

The princess said.

“After the eviction, the entire capital will be burned. ”

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