Dungeon Defense

00133 Autumn of Abundance

That fall, I was hungry.

It is a season when golden wheat should overflow. But the field was spicy....... The bodies of the soldiers and Asaza lie in wait.

One young man dug a grave to bury his father's body. Next week, the man is invoiced. The plague has been removed from the corpse. On the other hand, those who left their families and fled to live as one body survived.

Humans loyal to their families and neighbors fell first. The more neighbors and citizens in the city, the plague thundered. The less ethical people were, the more they fled to this side of the continent and that side. Evil becomes virtue and survival becomes a cruel joke.

One hand was definitely lacking. The grain was not properly cultivated and withered before it grew. The Great Plague followed by the Great Plague...... Humanitarian monarchs were embarrassed by this unprecedented catastrophe.

I see the plague is killing farmers. I see you've lost a lot of hands. However, the brothers and sisters ( ) also decreased. Feeding ten members and feeding three members. Clarify which one will be convenient. Why does Asaza spread to the entire continent?

The problem lies with the monarchs themselves.

At the time of the Monthly Blitz invasion, the lords of each country declared that they would effectively recruit recruits:

─ Dispense the Black Herb preferentially to the troops.

─ Volunteer to become a soldier if you want to get special medicine!

As soldiers fight the Demon King for humanity, rewards must be followed, of course. Logic itself may be flawless. But while people were getting sick and dying overnight, the monarchs couldn't figure out how much of a wavelength such a declaration would cause.

“Supplies haven't arrived yet! ”

Princess Elizabeth von Habsburg was agitated as she struck the table.

“They must have made a pact to support the main force. This is a violation of international cooperation! ”

“I'm sorry, Your Grace. ”

The ambassador from the Anatolia empire is sweating cold.

“If you just give me three more days.... ”

“Four days last time, a week last time. Another three days? Ha. Tell me you'll deliver supplies after the war. ”

It was not just the Habsburg Imperial Army. This landscape has been created in every faction in the United Nations.

It's too late for the War of the Monthly Blinds to take place. Even if the war grows longer, if you want to harvest in the fall, you can easily survive it. Under such calculations, supply plans were developed in each country. However, the actual yield was unbelievably small compared to what was calculated.

It was because there was almost no labor in the countryside.

Otherwise, even the strongest workers joined the army because of the plague. What remained in the countryside was mostly old men and women who were powerless. The yields were half as good as last year...... or two.

The wise monarchs realized they had fallen into a vicious cycle.

You need an army to stand up to the Moon Blitz. In order to maintain an army, we need to pull people out of the countryside. Extracting the workforce from the countryside will reduce the yield. If the harvest is low, the supply will decrease and eventually the army will be unable to maintain…….

After returning the ambassador, Empress Elizabeth grabs her hair. Beautiful silver hair was blurry, unlike before.

“No. The Moon Blind is not the problem. The fundamentals of the country are crumbling...! ”

She mutters nervously.

The princess has become more troubled all night. There were numerous concerns about the war against the Lunar Army, the supply problems, the political turmoil in the system, and the rebellion in the Second Palace. But the real reason was the nightmare.

When he fell asleep, he must have had a dream. My eyes fell down and tears began to flow constantly from there. She screamed and repeated, "Sis, I can't see you, Sis, help me."

She panics and searches the ground for her brother's missing eyes. But the ground is already flooded with tears. I don't know where my eyes are. Desperately digging for the eyeballs, her hands, arms, and whole body are all wet with blood.

When I finally found him and looked at him, he was already drowned in the sea of blood...... and it was a horrible nightmare.

“Your Majesty, Queen Brittany is here. ”

The guard outside the barracks says. The princess answered, delighted.

“Ah. Tell him to come in. ”

“You don't have to tell him. I heard it already.”

A woman walks in through the barracks. My hair was blood-red. Henrietta de Brittany. Ruling the Kingdom of Brittany.

“You look very tired. Did you sleep?”

“No... it's not time for sleep. ”

Queen of the Habsburg Empire and Queen of Brittany.

They became friends in this war. The hero recognized the hero. If the continent was dominated by human forces, the two heroes would have fought over each other.

But now, no matter how good we say it, the human condition was not good. Internal and external currency, plague is seeping in and the moon army invades from the outside. It even overlapped with the evil of the Great Famine.

- Perhaps humanity will perish in this war of the Monthly Blind.

Two heroes came to a desperate conclusion. And I was glad that I had a comrade who thought the same. An enemy makes me nervous, but I've never had a stronger opponent than this. It didn't take only a week to become friends with the queen and the princess.

“I'll be honest with you. Elise, do you have any supplies left? ”

There are no horses. As soon as she sits down on the table, she brings the matter to light. She thought, "The queen is just as distressed as she is."

“No. I don't have any spare time at all...... I'll save as much as I can for a month. ”

“A month, something like that. This is a month and a half. This is also calculated except for the period of return to my kingdom. ”

The two of them sighed. The timing was the same as I promised. Then the two of them looked at each other and laughed.

The princess thought it was strange. Somehow, I was able to be much more honest in front of this man than the underlings. It's because I'm carrying the same destiny of a country. I was sad to see her now.

“Okay, then we only have one option left. ”

“Ah. Short-term fight. ”

Queen Henrietta nods.

The two of them tried to lead the war into a long war. They were aware that the Moon Blind military's persistent weakness was its supply. Monster armies cannot withstand without a human corpse. Avoid fighting as long as you can until they're exterminated by a giant. ― ― That was the original plan.

“I can't believe the supplies are halfway below expectations. I can't even imagine.”

Queen Henrietta pounces as if it's not funny.

Things are different now. The Humans are suffering from supply problems. No matter how long it takes. We must finish the war within a month. They'll force an unusual amount of damage on the soldiers. A fierce hellfire will unfold...

“But that's not the only problem. ”

Queen Henrietta narrows her eyes and looks at the princess.

“Let's be honest. What do you think? You think there's going to be a revolution in Habsburg? ”

“Huffing... ”

Queen Elizabeth groans. I wanted to deny it. "If the opponent were a common monarch, he wouldn't hesitate to deny it. But the Queen of Brittany was special. It's useless to bluff in front of her.

“I have to say it's dangerous. But she's been working with the Republicans for the past five years. Almost all the Republicans in the islands support the Maine. ”

“Dangerous, but controllable. So... I envy you. This is a bad situation. ”

Queen Henrietta smiles bitterly.

“As you can see, I've become king with the body of a woman. It was essential to work with the nobles in the process. Even if my power is maintained by nobles, it's no exaggeration. Well, not in any country. ”

She pours a glass of wine on the table.

“You okay? Have a drink. ”

“God created alcohol to drink like this. ”

“Hm. Then don't drink the Mainlander. ”

Her eyes widen as if Queen Henrietta were surprised.

“Hey, drinking at night is bad for your health. ”

“You can't keep your health a secret while making friends lonely. ”

“Friend? Friend. ”

She listened to the word and followed the wine to the princess. The two of them smiled and toasted. The queen soaked her lips in wine and said.

“I've been secretly meeting with the people of the Republic of Batavia. And I got a rough description of what the republic they're talking about looks like, what reforms it needs…… too much. The nobles were not very convincing. There will be an uprising. ”

The princess's expression became serious.

“But what can I do? We should at least show them a demonstration of reform. The complaints of ordinary soldiers only escalate every day. The nobles, the commanders, are getting anxious. I'm very optimistic that there won't be a war going on as a soldier. ”

“So are you. ”

Queen Henrietta sighs.

“The common people want change, and the nobles want to keep it. There are different armies in the army. I can't say it's the right army. Did you know? Training is the same as before. The soldiers themselves are desperate to fight. I'm still on my way to decapitate three deserters. ”

It was actually twelve, "the Queen added. The large number of deserters can itself be a detrimental factor. Only three were publicly executed, and the other nine were buried in secret. It was the Queen herself who instructed.

“An army that has to fake the number of deserters, I'm not kidding.... ”

The two of them drank wine silently. The princess had a big mouth. The bitterness is not only because of the wine.

Military morale does not rise. Who to sacrifice for. Do they really fight for humanity, for their families?...... Questions are spreading like mushrooms among the sick. The more doubts there are, the slower the army becomes. It also has a huge impact on combat power.

It was fortunate to have distributed the black herb first. The soldiers considered it a favor. The nobles can no longer be trusted, but I won't go against Narat for sharing the Black Herb. It was that much atmosphere.

“Declaring reform will cause rebellion from the nobles. If we don't declare reform, the common people will complain one day. Lose the soldiers' support, too. It's a disaster.”

The queen swallowed the moan.

“If only this had happened when my kingdom was powerful. ”

I empathized with the queen's concerns. If the crown is strong enough, it can push reform.

However, it was far from the woman's body, Enrietana, Elizabeth, who created a coup in the position of a third princess, and the powerful kingdom. It was an accurate expression that he was barely able to endure his individual charisma.

Ten years. Ten years from now, we would have stabilized power.

Make a hero from the common folk. It makes the nobles complain so much that they can't complain. The nobles wouldn't be so much of a rebel if they used that hero as a charm to reform gradually. The kingdom is strengthened and the support of the common people is increased. The country grows stronger.

Why now? The princess couldn't help but think a few times. It was already spilled, but I was so sad. Everything would have been different if it had been 10 years. Why now…….

The two of them talked until late at night. Rather than conferring on each other, I was more like complaining to each other. The queen and the princess were both national saws. I couldn't tell anyone what I was thinking. We could only be honest with each other.

Standing up, Queen Henrietta said,

“I, for one, will annihilate my army. ”

“Excuse me?”

“Reform is impossible anyway. There will be a noble uprising. I'd rather kill the common folk with a whirlwind. Only soldiers have listened to that speech in my kingdom yet. I'm going to wipe out the sprouts of the revolution. ”

However, as she tried to say, the princess kept her mouth shut. The queen's eyes are filled with grief. She wanted a country richer than anyone else. Nation is fundamental to people. The queen was furious with the fact that I had to kill those people myself.

“The king is the father of ten thousand people. In other words, I'm going to kill my son. Or Dantalian, for that matter. He forced me to take over.... I will repay this grudge someday. ”

The queen left the barracks with the words.

“ ……. ”

Elizabeth remains alone and lost in thought. She was thinking about the person the queen just mentioned. I was reminded of what the Devil King Dantalian, in 71st place, said.

─ That was the boy's last breath. Why. Those who try to kill themselves, they don't end up with anger or grumbling... just because.

─ Boy really didn't get it. Why your beloved sister kills herself. The boy truly loved his sister.

─ Four years is a filthy and disgusting garbage killer.

As a genius, she remembers the words of Dantalian without fail. That's how the wound came to life. Every time I woke up with nightmares about my brother and sweating all over my body, Princess Elizabeth couldn't help but ask. Why did he know everything? What the hell is he?

“…… Dantalian. ”

She mutters. But the questions remain unsolved, only deeper. The princess fell asleep at the crack of dawn, reminiscent of the image of Dantalian. That night, my younger brother appeared in a dream, and the princess woke up feeling the sticky blood on her palms.

“Robert, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Robert. Sorry... ”

Elizabeth pounces on her pillow and steals her tears. Meanwhile, the princess had to bite her teeth so that her crying wouldn't leak out.

The next day, a battle broke out in the Bruno Plain.

The First Battalion of the Moon Alliance and the British Royal Army of the Human Army clashed head-on. Monster armies led by the Demon Lord Citrus have been devastated, but have been successfully surrounded by the British Imperial Army. You eliminated the Imperial Army. It was a fierce battle only the Queen of Brittany and a few of her closest allies could escape. On that day, the queen left the Allied forces and returned to her home country.

On her way home, the Queen of Brittany wept over the soldiers several times.

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When Queen Henrietta and Queen Elizabeth swallowed tears, Dantalian was having a lewd and joyful day with Laura.

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