Dungeon Defense

Morning Rome 00128

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The verdict was made as previously discussed with Parsi.

“Despite the signs of rebellion in the neighbouring village, it is a grave mistake to neglect your duties without reporting to me. But I see you have no intention of plotting against the traitors in that you have dealt with them quickly. Therefore, I order the three chiefs to exercise discretion. He also gives back three people's property. ”

I've taken the chiefs' wealth. I didn't accept anything from the village as tribute. People praised my judgment aloud, saying that it was a generous procedure.

From the villagers' point of view, the chiefs made sacrifices on their behalf. I could almost see where most of the tribute I returned was headed. I feel blindfolded and dazzled, but thanks to the chief's face, I also faced the lord.

You sent a group of Goblins to the rest of the village.

Three days later, an army of villagers came to the Castle of Marwan. At the entrance to Marathon, they begged me for help. Please forgive me.

They had already tasted that 'a life where monsters do not invade'. You can focus solely on farming without caring about anything else. We don't need vigilantes.You don't want to go back to the way things were.

“Performances are set at 7: 3. ”

Although it is a common tax rate in this age, it is clear that it is medieval ( 31237;). The elders of the village are clawing their heads to thank you for your forgiveness now, but complaints will erupt quickly. Do I have to pay 7 halves of income just to prevent the Goblin invasion? It naturally raises questions.

I wrote a letter here.

The more you participate in labor-like activities like pulp construction, the more you decide to eliminate taxes.

“Working for the territory reduces taxes. Work for everyone. ”

Substantial taxes are levied against private servants. All you have to do is give me four quarters of your income.

The sardine was generous enough to make the lyrics of the lord our lord. Since then, my territory has pushed real taxes into the civil society. Well, there's no tax in a town that hasn't committed treason. It would be appropriate.

In addition, Grugal did not lay a hand on the barley. Usually farming works are harvested by planting wheat in a year and also by planting barley. harvest twice. I only paid taxes on the wheat harvested that year.

“You're not going to starve to death, are you? ”

I talked to Laura. Laura is the Duke's sweetheart. I wanted to rely on them to be taxable.

“I'm sorry, Lord. The girl is completely ignorant of ruling the territory. ”

It turns out Laura was also outnumbered inside the Duke. It was excluded from the education of its successors. Lee Man-Mao participated in high-end work such as governance. There was nothing to rely on....

“It's because people are so incompetent that their names are unique. I'm disappointed.”

“Knng... A cow and a girl help the lord in the army." Isn't that enough? ”

Laura's face flushes red.

But you are a natural born prodigy of the British Empire. A nation's monarch has mastered military affairs, so politics is always cold. I'm worried about the future of the country. Ah, the Kingdom of Brittany is doomed at Dungeon Attack. Why did I want to be destroyed?

“We don't need an army right now. It's a long way to go to war again. It means that Laura is useless until that day. Excellent eater.”


Laura stares at you with a furious look on her face. It was cute.

I shrugged.

“I can't help it. There's only one thing Laura can do now. ”

“What is it? The state. Tell me right now, she's going to be devastated. ”

“As long as Laura's head was worthless, Laura was left with only her body. ”

Laura's expression settles. It was the face of a man who had lost his country.

“Well, I can't. ”

“Push your butt in here. ”

“No! I specifically said no more, Lord! Ugh, huff! ”

Laura desperately rebelled, but eventually collapsed into a single meal. At that time, I heard a cheerful sound in my ears.

Raise Laura de Farnese's job level (sex slavery)!

Sex slavery, one of Laura's job levels, rose from Class C to Class B. It was a garbage job that gave Dimerit an effect on political and glamour stats. But I discovered the hidden advantages of sex slavery.

That is…… perhaps the sex slavery level determines the quality of the parties with respect to sex. The higher the level, the better the taste!

Unlikely. As soon as the level rose, the pressure surrounding my lower body became steady and strong. It was a strong surrounding sensation with a hot slime.

That day I crashed six hours.

“ ……. ”

Laura, the warrior. I fell on the corner of the bed. It was a fierce end.

“Hehe. I defeated the enemy. ”

“ ……. ”

I spit out the words of contrition, but Laura doesn't react. I felt fainted. The energy to knock out a 17-year-old girl so lively. I felt a sense of conquest for some reason and drank water out of my mouth.

After the lust swept through my body, all that remained was a realistic concern. What should we do about the territorial business?


I know how to draw a picture as a whole, but I was not confident in the practical work.

This is not Von Rosenberg. The procedure, which is already a tax rate, has been firmly established through hundreds of years of tradition. I just had to sign the paperwork coming up.

On the other hand, the mountain village around my Castle is different. Humans have come this far because they were driven by the tyranny of the lord and the invasion of monsters. A place so remote that the lord's power is not as great. At the same time, only Goblins are monsters. I can't think of a better position.

This is when I appeared. You have to build a tax system from scratch. As there is a saying that the beginning is half, the picture of my territory will be determined in the future depending on how we do it now. I can't neglect anything.

Here comes the Savior.

It's been three weeks since I escaped from the Moon Blind Army. It was a girl with pink hair who visited Marquis Castle.

“I'm sorry, we're behind on our supply run. ”

Lapis bows politely and says.

“Starting today, I will become a merchant for Dantalian. Please take good care... …. ”


“Princess Lapis!" ”

Laura and I rush in at the same time. We grabbed Lapis' crotch and wept.

Laffith is a chauffeur who boasts an ice mask that never looks back. The owner and Gasin cried alongside each other - even naked - and were not embarrassed at all by the commotion. She raises her eyebrows slightly and looks down at us.

“…… What's going on? ”

“Territory! Taxes! The law! I don't know where to start! ”

“The Lord is colourful! Hundreds of times a day, he hits a girl. I can't take it anymore. Prince Laffith, please stop the Lord's fever! ”

Laffith sighs.

“Let's take it slow from one. ”

It was the moment she was selected for the best in her territorial life.

Laffith first heard the idea I had devised through the verdict. She calmly listens to me and nods.

“That's fine. But there are some things that need fixing. ”

“I hope so, too. ”

I smiled.

“First of all, compassion is a problem. It's a good idea to reduce taxes through labor. But how do you measure exactly how much territory they served? Appoint and report to your supervisor. You can't do that. ”


I was blind.

Construction called Ministry. Let's think about making reservoirs. Dozens of people rush into work at once. At this point, how exactly do you calculate who did how much work to make a reservoir? It becomes obsolete.

“I... can't let the chief do this." ”

“Yes, it's going to be a distribution of power. ”

If you leave it to the chief, the chief becomes too powerful.

The villager must be very impressed with the Chief. Even though we did the same work, the chief and his best friend are calculated to have more labor, and eventually they are more discounted. What about those who have been freed? I'll give half to the chief.

In the end, the chief not only oversees the town's work, but also becomes Toho. That's why I'm so skillful and the chief has all the money.

“What do I do?”

“There is an effective and simple way. Don't go personal, go village by town. rate of reduction for an entire village. ”


My eyes grew on their own. It was a fantastic solution.

In short, I give the order to build this, to build that. Once you've done that, you'll be safeguarding the village as a whole. This eliminates the need for complicated calculations.

“In addition, the laziness of one's work disappears. ”

“What are you doing working for the whole village, coming out like that? Indeed!”

“If someone goes wrong, the village loses money. It comes naturally to solidarity. ”

Easier to calculate, less laziness, more obstinate weaknesses in labor. It really was a double shot. I had no choice but to admire it.

“Fantastic. How did you come up with that? ”

“It's a compliment. It's just a solution. ”

Laffith replies silently. It seemed like nothing really mattered.

But Lapis prevented a lot of damage just by slightly changing the direction of policy. It's not a trick for ordinary people. …… if Parsi and I are using the power of the hand sanitary arts in a fairly dark sense, what Laffith just showed us is politics in a genuine sense.

‘Status window.’

I recognized Lapis' abilities.

━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━

Name: Lapis Lajuli

Race: Half Circubus: Kunkuska High Prize

Attribute: Neutral (-10)

Level: 25 Reputation: 194

Occupation: Merchant (A-), Witch (B), Swordsman (D)

Tong Sol: 59 Power: 32 Power: 57

Politics: 76 Charm: 50 Skills: 2

Likeability: 50

Loyalty: 82

* Title: 1. Survival 2. Kunkusa Merchant

* Ability: Transaction B +, Accounting B +, Arithmetic B, Supply C, Swordsmanship D

* Skill: -

Current Psychology: '... He praised me. ’

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1. Entrepreneur. I started at the bottom of society and took over for myself. Politics +10, Charm +10, Skill Growth Speed x1.2

2. Kunkusa Merchant. A merchant belonging to the Grand Chamber of Commerce. TRADE Ability +0.5, Accounting Ability +0.5, Reputation +50

━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━

Politics are over 70. Laura's political strength was outstanding compared to that of 10.

Perhaps Laffith's political power focuses mostly on practical work. I would have specialized in sleight of hand and tactics.

Even with the same political power of 70, it depends on where the character is specialized. For example, Barbato presumes that the majority of political power is aligned with faction rule. You're as skilled as a ghost at faction to faction to faction to faction members to arbitration. But they will have little use for territorial rule.

‘Glad I recruited Laffith as a partner. I'm sure of it. ’

Laffith cautiously told me that I am pleased. She has an unfamiliar look on her face.

“Dantalian. Obviously, the agenda I told you about is nothing. ”

“Huh? No. Awesome. Good job. Hey, thanks to you, I'm alive. ”

“So, can I ask for a little reward? ”

I nodded.

“Of course! Say something! I'll take anything.”

“…… anything. ”

At that moment, Laffith's eyes lit up.

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