Dungeon Defense

00121 Longest 15 Minutes

The same was true of the disgrace of the Holy Spirit. She glares at this side with her mouth closed. Are you out of your mind, and her gaze was blaming her.

Pymon smiled and said.

“Life is sophisticated. Holy Gratia.”

“…… the gods will never forgive you. ”

“Oh, no way. They're not compassionate enough to care about girls. ”

Pymon shakes his right hand.

“memorya-recordatione. ”

An image was projected into the air. Just like the scene where I tortured Jack, Pymon and Gracia appeared this time....... Two people sat across from each other in the sunny stone room.

─ The Demon King Dantalian is the one who spread the plague...

─ Yes, I am.

─ The evidence seems clear. But why? I don't know if I want to provide this data.

In the landscape, Pymon smiles politely.

─ Gracia.Girls know your habits. You need a scapegoat, right?

─ …….

─ The complaints of the commoners are getting worse, the division between nobles is getting stronger, and even the military is getting harder to maintain. In this situation, we must protect the royal authority and, furthermore, the authority of the temple... … It's not easy.

The Lady Gratia coldly rebuked me.

─ None of your business, Demon King Pymon.

─ Yes, I'll give you the same answer. It's not your concern why the girl wants to bring down Dantalian. Does what the girl has to offer suit your interests? Just consider that.

─ …… Good. Then, I swear.

─ Yes, I swear. A promise without a lie.

The magic footage ends there.

I'm completely frozen. I was distracted by the sight of the two of them sharing the treaty. It gives me the creeps of how deeply rooted Pymon is in the human world. I wanted to work with Princess Elizabeth III, but this time I assisted a famous saint…….

Up until now, I thought Pymon loved the mere mortals, so I acted for the warriors. But was there something else hidden? It's not just humanity, it's what politics...... where the roots have gone so far that you don't know where they've gone.

Then it was even more difficult to understand. A connection like this. A man of strength. I just laid it all out to expose my innocence. No ruler of humanity will ever trust Pymon again. It is hopelessly impossible for her to regain her trust.

What's the matter with you?

Why he dug a trap and helped me. There is also a degree to giving a bottle and medicine. In other words, Pymon blew the trust he had built up in the human world over hundreds of years, maybe a thousand years, to save me. It can't be considered rational…….

“The Demon King Pymon. ”

The voice of the Holy Gracie rings.

“The coexistence of all rational beings. I thought it was your cause...... but I must have been mistaken. Did you know? You're done. ”

“Nothing is over. ”

The princess snorted.

“God bless. ”

The image of the saint faded in the plains. Speech magic has ended.

In my speech, the nobles of the Human Army were struck. Elizabeth the Third fell as a Savior. Even the last firefighter, Saint Gracie, fell. The speech ended with a trifecta of the human army. No human can turn this heat upside down. I was devastated.

Pymon shouts with his right arm extended in front of him. Her black cloak flares in splendor.

“Humans! This is what nobles and priests look like! To win, we sacrifice our people for false sweets, and to power, we attack someone with false evidence. Will you fight to protect those people? ”

Her cheerful voice spreads across the atmosphere.

“The gods have given you life. That life, it was never given to lead a false life. The red blood that flows through your flesh does not exist for lies. Your hands are not there to catch a lie. Your two feet, they're not there to turn your eyes away from deception. Our hands are on the truth. Our two feet are there to really move forward. And so we're walking towards the truth that everybody knows, that must come. ”

Pymon shouts decisively.

“Nobles are deceivers. This is the truth everyone knows! A world where all men cultivate their own land must come. This is the truth everyone should strive for! We have been given life to realize this clear truth, and no powerful nobleman and no razor blade can deny our truth. Mankind! Mankind! ― ― Fight in the name of God! ”

A swarm of white light surrounds Pymon and me. Our speech magic was over.

I glanced back at Pymon. She gasps quietly. A small breath sounds out loud. Before I could say anything, she said it first.

“Do you have a handkerchief? ”


You stare at Pymon because you don't know what it means. She smiles as if she knew. It was a weak smile somewhere.

“Please keep your handkerchiefs handy from now on. The shrine of a gentleman.”

“What nonsense.... ”

Pymon coughs violently. An ominous cough erupts, and a blood clot spits from her mouth. She bends and crunches to the ground. It was not just any blood. Every time she coughs, a dark red mass pops out.

I panicked and forgot that he was the enemy of the crippled. I couldn't identify the shape because it was crowded, but at least it was clear that it wasn't a good thing to come out of the hole. What Pymon spits out is no longer a cough. There was a mixture of painful moaning and screaming.

“Hey. What's the matter? ”

“Mana backflow. ”

I heard a familiar voice. Turning his head to the side, Barbatos approaches one day. She snapped her tongue and said,

“A wizard is scarier than a dead man. The more senior wizards with circles, the more fucking twisted they are. Seven circles are throwing a frenzy banquet inside her right now. Tsk, you stupid bitch. ”

Barbato glances down at Pymon with his extremely cold eyes. She may have understood it all, but I didn't.

“Damn it, make it easy! Manago Circle. I don't know anything! ”

“In a word, the Wizard's life is over. I've been training for 2,000 years and it just flew away in one blow....... If I was a human, I'd still be a corpse. Well, I'd rather die than endure that kind of pain. It must feel like the Department of Six Six is getting hacked to pieces. ”

“What……. ”

Everything as a wizard becomes meaningless.

It was hard for me to feel as a non-wizard, but I could only guess that it wasn't a normal situation. In short, he who lived as a warrior loses all his limbs.

In the middle of a zinc tint, Pymon in my arm vomited blood again. My clothes have awoken with her black blood. The scent fills my nose. Unlike human intestines, I didn't feel any stink at all. Only the smell of blood.

“Why on earth……. ”

“I don't know. Maybe he swore an oath to pay for the circle when he made a deal with a saint or something. So, what are you gonna do? ”

I asked him what to do. I couldn't afford to question it out of my mouth. Someone vomits their intestines in real time in their arms. No matter how hard I tried to keep my head cold.

Barbato grumbles.

“It's clear this whore watered you. What are you doing here? It's okay to break down immediately. ”

“Immediate disposition. The mountain tribe's opposition.... ”

“I'll take care of it. ”

It was a decisive voice.

“I didn't have any evidence until a few days ago. But now the proof is in hand that no one can deny. Dantalian, you're only number 71, but at the time of your appointment as keynote speaker, you'll be representing the Moon Blind Army itself. In other words, Pymon betrayed the Moon Blind at the time he framed you. ”

“ ……. ”

“It's not just me. ”

She points to the back with her chin. About ten metres away, Marvas, Gamekin and the top Demon Kings sat down. They nod slightly as they look at me.

“Agares, Gamegin. We agreed to inspire Marvas. No matter how inspiring the mediator may be, it's too obvious. I made a deal. Dantalian, I will leave everything to your choice. ”

Barbatos makes eye contact with me. The golden eyes were ruthless. Without a rush or a cry, she was just quietly asking the doctor over here.

“You were betrayed, and you were saved. You're the judge of that. If you want to get rid of Pymon, I'll rip her head off right now. ”

“ ……. ”

“Dantalian. Let me explain something in particular, since your head doesn't seem to be working." This is a great opportunity. If we miss our chance now, we're less likely to kill Pymon. ”

Why, I didn't have to ask out loud. She told me why.

“I have something to make up for from Pymon's perspective. Every time I made a pact with a holy woman, I tried to confuse the enemy. When a saint believes in this side and frames you, a toast and Pymon appears to denounce her. Consequently, it greatly discourages the morale of the human army. There's a scenario like that. ”

Pymon's mountain tribe has not been publicly convicted, but has not been cleared of charges. That's why we stand at the forefront of the Moon Blind. If you want to prove your innocence, you have to shed the blood of your hands to prove it, and that was the conclusion.

Here, Pymon gives up his magical power for his allies, deceiving his enemies. If the scenario goes that way...... the mountain tribes will be found completely innocent. As well as standing at the forefront, the leader of the faction sacrificed. What more do we need to prove?

No one has yet claimed such a scenario. At this moment, the only truth was that Pymon was in contact with his enemies. If you want to kill Pymon, this is a curious...... maybe the only chance...

“The choice is yours. Dantalian.”

Barbato said.

My head didn't work. Maybe it's a good thing we killed Pymon here. No, but why would Pymon in the first place help me at this risk? I don't know if he expected me to feel sympathy. Shit, yeah. I feel sympathy. If I vomit my guts out in front of my eyes and have no sympathy for words, it's a lie.

The feeling of compassion makes me not a great person to miss an opportunity...... Nevertheless, I felt very skeptical about Pymon's actions, not just compassion. I had a strong feeling that there might be things I didn't know about Pymon, and things I didn't know all over the world.

Is this an excellent opportunity.Or is it a mysterious explanation? Either way, you'll regret it. Then it is a question of which option leaves less regrets…….

“I……. ”

I opened my mouth. My lips were so heavy.

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