It is the 11th day since the invasion of Nonoichi City Hall began.

The Kanazawa Liberation Army is now coming to the Nonoichi City Hall to defend humanity with Walla Walla when the march and the formation have become routine.

If it is the usual flow, they will fire long-range attacks on each other, and a force-force collision will soon begin.

With power, the Astor Empire is superior to the Kanazawa Liberation Army, so there is no doubt that the Astor Empire will eventually win ...

"Tell the Kanazawa Liberation Army! My name is Zion of the Astor Empire! We struggled for 10 days! You have lost important friends, friends and family! The wise will have noticed already! Today! Tomorrow! The day after tomorrow! And the future you see ahead after repeating the same days!

I use a [loudspeaker] to cast words at mankind.

"Do not be silly!!"

"We don't succumb!"

However, human response to my words is abusive.

I know it. You don't respond to the recommendations ...

I spin words without worrying about the abuse of mankind.

"In the unlikely event that the Kanazawa Liberation Army is an Astor Empire ... is there any less than a possibility, but is there a way to win? The answer is-there is! You can beat me! Therefore, give me a big chance to pathetic you with a garbage-like leader who is timid, dull and abandoned!

Mankind is beating my words.

"Let's try to beat one! The opponent is me-Devil King Zion! How is it? It's the best opportunity for you who are outnumbered! My opponent is-"Sage of Kanazawa" or "Saint of Kanazawa" ... I would like to say, but I will not receive it anyway. It's a chance to save the lives of all of you, but you won't depend on your cuteness. So--the true leader of the Kanazawa Liberation Army, Mizoguchi! I want to nominate you as an opponent, will you accept me?

"Mizouchi-san and Demon King Zion's duel?"

"If Mizoguchi wins ... is it our victory?"

"Mizouguchi can win ..."

"... isn't it a trap?"

Anxiety and hope flow to humans who heard my proposal.

"Brave Mizoguchi! Is my voice heard? what will you do? How is the reply!

Hero Mizoguchi will not be able to answer immediately. You may have thought that the victory that came down suddenly was a trap, or you may be fighting the fear of dying.

He offered hope to mankind, and if he was afraid, the price of Brave Mizoguchi would crash.

"What happened? Is this a chance for you? If you weigh the possibility of losing your life and the life of a fellow friend, are you still the cutest? Or is it a way to continue the war and win? -Answer!

I increase my vocabulary as quickly as possible.

――Shut up!


What is this voice?

The answer to my suggestion came not from Brave Mizoguchi-but through a speaker at Nonoichi City Hall.

"Mizouguchi doesn't run away! He is our new hope! Devil King Zion! Your earlier words-there must be no lie!

"Sage of Kanazawa" through speaker: Hideya Ando asks me.

Hey, do you sell your friends to your cuteness? It's intrinsic waste ...

That's convenient.

"What is the previous word? Is it a matter of a single strike?

"That's it! Will you swear that you fight Mizoguchi one-on-one without disturbing anyone!

"Who should I swear? Is it a saint who forsook a friend? Are you a sage who is in a safe zone by sending your friends to the dead zone?

"... Huh, huh, huh, don't play around! !

I didn't like my words, I was angry at the voice of Hideya Ando.

"I don't know who to swear, but I'll keep my promise, unlike you, but I'm sorry that your response is so slow that my subordinates want to speak up."

I handed the [loudspeaker] to Takaharu who was calling nearby.

"Oh! Kanazawa Liberation Army! Tememera, isn't the insect too good to take the head of our general suddenly?

"――What !? It's not us who started a duel! Devil King Zion-

"Shut up! Peach-Piku-Purushi-Usena ...! If you want to fight Zion, first fight with me! The story starts from that!

"In other words, do you say that you must beat down Zion before defeating you!

"What? Pichige! Then you will not be able to beat Zion for a lifetime! For now, fight me! After that, the brave man should fight Zion!

"What, what ..."

Hideya Ando is upset by Takaharu's unreasonable demands.

"My subordinate is sorry. In other words, he wants to do a preparatory battle. How is it Do you accept this proposal? If you accept this proposal, I will also accept a duel! ”

"In the first place, the one-battle proposal is what you said-"

"Shut up! It's bad that the response was slow! If I answered quickly, I was able to feel like a single duel! You regret the slowness of your judgment!

This is crazy. However, there is no way for mankind to win without accepting this proposal.

"I want some time"

"5 minutes. Every five minutes, the number of outposts increases. And, after 30 minutes ... my proposal is considered abandoned and a total attack is launched. "


Thus, the right of choice for a duel was given away.

I decided to call on the executives to discuss future developments.

"The flow was different from what we expected, but it should be fine."

"Can I fight?"

"If the other side accepts a duel, you can fight."

Takaharu smiles ferociously.

"So, Mr. Zion ... Who will fight next after more than 5 minutes?"

Takaharu happily started shadow boxing and Kotetsu asked me.

"It's a sword"

"I've acknowledged"

"Hey! Hey! What's next? I'm okay?

Cetanta pops out from behind the trowel that has been nominated and nodded.

"Next is Lina."

"Okay. Is it better than Zion?"


"Even if Zion is about to lose, will we watch silently?"

"No, help me out"

"Huh. I understand."

Lina smiles bitterly when I tell her to promise to upset her.

"Hey! Hey! What's next? What's next for Rina unnie!"

"Sorry for the Devil King Zion. Our answer is decided! Your suggestion-accept a duel!

Setanta jumped like a spoiled child, but unfortunately the KOTETS didn't come and the Kanazawa Liberation Army responded within five minutes.

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