"Canon, were you watching?"

"Yes .... blackout in a moment, so the details are unknown."

I call out to Kanon, who was watching the smartphone screen together.

"What is his identity?"

"Probably, but ... [Beast King]."

"[Beast King]?"

Beast King….

"It is one of the races in which the devil (beast species) can evolve."

"feature is?"

"Well, not only my knowledge but also the knowledge gained from Laplace, so I can't guarantee the accuracy, but is that OK?"

"It's fine"

Most of Kanon's identity has collapsed since learning about Laplace. However, Kanon strengthened his knowledge by reading Laplace without rot.

"[Beast King] is a body-specialized race. There is another body-specialized race called [Beastlord], but the two distinct differences are the battle style. That's it. "

"Battle style?"

"Yes. [Beastlord] is a type that evolved Kobold to the highest class. On the other hand, [Beast King] seems to be characterized by fighting with his own body using" Beastening "."


"Yes. These are special abilities that greatly enhance the special abilities that Hope had previously mastered. The biggest feature is that the hair on the body is hardened like steel, and the hands have sharp claws. In addition, he has sharp fangs ... he seems to be good at fighting styles that do not rely on weapons. "

"Awkward opponents ... Are there any weaknesses?"

"Is the weak point durable? Even if you say it hardens the body hair, its durability seems to be about the rank C item. …… It is information on“ Laplace ” ……”

The more I hear it, the more I hear it ... I don't feel like a Thaiman at all. In theory, physical ranks are the same for night only. Despite being covered with sharp claws and stiff body hair, I'm more likely to have better ground strength with a full set of B rank items. However, my agility and combat experience seems to be much worse for me

When it comes to numbers, you can only beat quality by number.

When it comes to challenging with the strongest members, it is quick to bring together your kin ... It is very likely that your kin will have dead. There is no point in losing one or more excellent subordinates if you get one excellent subordinate.

Then, it is necessary to carefully select the subordinates to take.

At present, the strongest subordinates are-conditional, but Isaiyoi.

I and Izayoi ... 10 Lilims with excellent long-range attacks and 12 Living Mails used as shields.

Lilim casts magic from a distance, and Living Mail bets on life to protect Lilim. Izayoi and Hunter hunt down the weakened area and approach Surrender.

How about this?

Do multiple simulations in your head.

If you feel dangerous or impossible, I and Isaiyo can withdraw.

There will be no one-shot death. Isn't it?

I was anxious, and I belonged to one living mail. Three living mails are deployed under him. He sprang out to his own living mail and gave him a complete set of Mithril equipment, and gave the remaining three living mails C rank items.

He was then sent to investigate the second time, the Demon King Takaharu.

The second hostility investigation was successful.

The four living mails survived Takaharu Demon King's onslaught for as long as 10 minutes. Although he was defensive, he did no damage but managed to read some of the attack patterns.

One thing to watch out for during the attack of the Demon King Takaharu is the swing of the claws aimed at the carotid artery. Dumpel, who disappeared in the first survey, was probably killed by the attack. If you are careful about that attack, you don't have to worry about being killed. I and Izayoi will be able to withstand more than 10 attacks. Of course, I'm not going to be attacked silently ten times.

In order to subordinate the Demon King Takaharu, the sacrifice spent was five subordinates to two people. No matter how much the maximum CP increases, the collation consumes all CPs. The sacrifice spent was great, but the gain was great-as I can say, I was fully prepared.

At sunset, I took Izayoi and 22 men to a territory controlled by the Demon King Takaharu.

"Sion. This is a beautiful moon tonight."

"Yes, the night breeze feels good."

I walk the road at night with the moonlight with Izayoi.

"Izayoi. Night is our time. I'm counting on you."

"Hah, unhappy, Izayoi-Sion. I will fulfill this mission in the name and the moon that illuminates us."

Izayoi hanging her head reverently. I was worried that I could carry out this operation successfully until recently. But looking back at the confident Izayoi and the moon shining in the air, that fear was dispelled.

After that, while quietly feeling the atmosphere of the night, he advanced into the territory controlled by the Demon King Takaharu.

One hour later.


I see in my eyes the scene I saw through my smartphone screen about half a day ago.

"Enemy Commander-Withdraw after three hours after the demon king Takaharu has invaded."

"Leave Zion's life"

It is my prejudice to say that Demon King Takaharu is the brain muscle. Like Yatarou, I may see my identity as a blood-sucking species and not set up at night.

I precede the twelve living mails and carefully step into the territory of the Demon King Takaharu.

In the peaceful countryside, we slowly progress through the dominant territory at a speed similar to that of Ushiho.

I don't want to be as far away from the exit as possible in the event of a withdrawal. However, if you are waiting near the exit, you may be suspicious.

I watch my surroundings and move on slowly. Proceed for about an hour, and maybe the Demon King Takaharu also has an aspect of intelligence? At that time when I was worried about ――-

"I'm walking!

A large man full of wildness on his way-Demon King Takaharu appeared in a lazy manner.

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