
“But then again, don’t they have an old saying in the Dragon Kingdom that the ship of ten thousand years will sail with caution??”

“I guess they knew they were going to pass through the chaotic zone, and they must have made some preparations. But maybe they will miscalculate this time. We just want to let them know that being careful may not make the ten thousand year ship!!”

A Marine sneered and then said aloud.

“Yes, in the face of absolute power, any strategies and preparations are useless!!”

When another Marine heard what he said, he immediately smiled and then said aloud.

“You all, please be careful. If something goes wrong, haha, you know what will happen.”

After the two people finished their discussion, they spoke out to the thugs from other forces.

When the thugs from other forces heard what they said, they immediately nodded in frustration and dared not speak out in anger.

Time passed little by little.

From morning to dusk in the blink of an eye.

And at this time,

Five Marines were already standing on the trees on both sides.

Observe the situation below, while the rest of your thugs are waiting for the arrival of the merchant ship from the building in the darkness of the river.

According to their news, the Daxia Merchant Ship will arrive here in about an hour! !


“The old captain is coming to the chaotic zone soon!`々!”

And on the other side,

Daxia’s merchant ships are not far away from the chaotic zone! !

At this time, the crew member walked up to the old man with a serious face and said in a deep voice.

“Okay, everything is ready. Let’s try not to conflict with them. These people are extremely vicious people. It’s impossible to say they can do anything. If they want more money, give it to them!”

The old man nodded, then frowned and said seriously.

“Don’t worry, the old captain is already prepared. If something unexpected happens, our attack power can barely cope with it!!”

The crew member nodded and said.

“By the way, you have that guy. Is this guy still sleeping in? Let this guy get up and help. He is so young and strong. If something like this happens, he must be in front!!”

Suddenly the old man didn’t know what he thought of, and he frowned and asked.

“This Li Yong seems to be still sleeping, but he has come with us in the past two days, asked about the situation, and then took a weapon back. I guess, this kid still knows something in his heart. You usually Don’t blame him too harshly, you also know about his father, he still…”

CrewHe shook his head helplessly and said, but he paused mid-sentence!

He suddenly realized that he had said the wrong thing. After all, everyone on the ship knew that, whether it was Li Yong or the old man in front of him, that person was a very special being and would not be mentioned unless it was an emergency. his! !

Sure enough, after hearing Li Yong’s words (Qian Qian Zhao), the old man’s face suddenly changed slightly, and then turned gray. He couldn’t help but said to Dao Hu,

“¨`Yes, the first thing was really terrible. No matter for him or me, no one can accept such consequences!!”

“I’m sorry, Captain, I…”

The crew member’s face was full of guilt, and he gritted his teeth and said.

“It doesn’t matter. This is a fact. There is nothing to avoid.”

The old man smiled.

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