Dream Realizer

Chapter 57 Extreme Training Methods

The environment changes personality, and suffering makes people grow.

Without being pushed, you never know what the future will grow into!

The role played by Li Mu was the devil who pushed the little loli behind his back, and he pushed the little loli down on the edge of the abyss.

Post-traumatic psychological counseling is something that psychologists do, low-level and naive.

Li Mu's method is simple and quick.

I don't know what Wei Ziqi will be like after returning, but now she quickly walked out of the shadow of death.

Follow the local customs.

In an R-rated movie, it is impossible to be a good boy!



Dad and Super Killer arrived at Dave's house as scheduled and picked up Li Mu and Wei Ziqi.

It turns out.

Red Tornado (the son of the big villain Frank) is right that so-called superheroes are more likely to believe in a similar person who also fights crime.

Red Tornado took advantage of this and easily trapped Dad.

Although there is the help of pig teammate Haibian Wang.

But it is undeniable that Dad himself has a big problem. Perhaps he is living in the dream of a superhero all day, hypnotizing himself.


The super killer took Wei Ziqi to visit their weapon room, and a dazzling array of weapons hung the walls.

Super Killer took a gun from the wall and threw it to Wei Ziqi: "MP5K, gun weight 6.45Kg, full length 680mm, ammunition capacity 30, effective range 200, rate of fire 800rpm, suitable for medium and long distance shooting..."

"Cool!" Wei Ziqi stroked the cold body of the gun, trying to raise the gun to aim.

"Never point the gun at a comrade-in-arms." The super killer stretched out the barrel and picked up a pistol. "HK-USP, full gun weight 720g, gun length 194mm, ammunition capacity 15 rounds, effective range 50m, more suitable for novices like you!"

"Yeah!" Wei Ziqi put down the MP5 and picked up the USP again, looking left and right, her eyes filled with radiance, "I like pistols."

"Me too." Super Killer shrugged, "However, I prefer butterfly knives." With that, she took out the butterfly knives that Dad gave her, and dazzled her in front of Wei Ziqi. Isabella, the most beautiful butterfly knife in the world!"

Wei Ziqi looked at the Super Killer with a look of admiration, and hid the nunchaku behind her back. Compared with the Super Killer, she felt that her nunchaku was like a child's toy.


"I have watched her videos, and I have to say that she is a born fighter." The old man looked at Wei Ziqi's back infatuatedly, his eyes eagerly.

"Yes! She has strength far beyond ordinary people." Li Mu nodded solemnly and sighed, "Unfortunately, she has never undergone orthodox training. She originally had a happy and happy family.

Resonance, the power of empathy is great.

The big dad suddenly grabbed the dagger next to him and threw it accurately on the wall of Frank's photo: "Damn Frank!"

"Yeah! Damn Frank!" Li Mu agreed softly, but what was in his mind was how to clear the level with Xiao Loli safely and quickly.

However, he hadn't thought of a way to deal with Frank, only thought of dealing with customers.

"Sorcerer, how are you going to let me train Wei Lori!" Dad asked.

"As long as you can't die, you can practice." Li Mu looked at Wei Ziqi, who was talking to a super killer woman with great interest, and smiled. "There is a saying in our ancient East that we sweat more in peacetime and bleed less in wartime. Her I have buried my parents, and I don’t want to collect her body again!"

"You are right." Dad suddenly became serious, "I will try my best to train her as a real fighter."

"Thank you." Li Mu said, "Damon, I suggest breaking through the conventional training methods and using extreme compression when training!"

"What is the ultimate oppression method?" Dad frowned, "Sorcerer, I have never heard of a similar training method!"

"Never sleep, use all methods to squeeze a person's potential, so as to let the trainee grow up in the shortest time." Li Mu smiled secretly, and took out a densely written training plan from his pocket. Handed it to Dad, "I roughly formulated a training schedule, but you need to master the specific training content."

The eldest dad took the plan in doubt, but after only one glance, his eyes widened, and he exclaimed: "F**k, are you the devil? It's impossible..."

His voice was loud, and attracted the attention of both loli.

Li Mu smiled and waved at them, and said softly: "Calm down, how can you know it's impossible if you haven't tried it?"

"Except for eating and drinking, there is no rest time. This is not training, this is killing. Even the real adult predator will be worn down! She is not a robot!" The old man was very angry, "Mr. Wizard , I can understand your eagerness to get revenge, but if this goes on, you will not train soldiers, only dead people!"

"Damon, it's the same sentence. How can I know if I don't try it!" Li Mu shrugged, "Wei Ziqi is my niece. I love her more than you, but I hope she can grow up quickly. Then, Survive in the future battle."

"I won't agree." The old man said stubbornly.

"Don't forget my nickname, I am a wizard from the East, with a powerful and mysterious witchcraft, and I promise she will be fine." Li Mu said.

"Witchcraft?" Dad sneered. "Children don't understand, don't you understand? Superheroes are tricks to trick children. I believe only guns and bullets in their hands. What you call witchcraft, I am afraid it is just a potion similar to stimulants! That kind of thing is more harmful to the body!"

"We can do an experiment." Li Mu shrugged and said, "I will show you a real superman."

Dad held his hand and sneered.

"Wei Ziqi, come here for a while." Li Mu summoned little loli.

Little loli was learning to turn the butterfly knife with the super killer. Hearing the words, put the butterfly knife away, walked over and smiled sweetly at Li Mu: "Uncle Wizard, what's the matter?"

"Big Dad wants to test your ultimate strength, so that I can make a training plan for you." Li Muxin said.

"No problem." Sharing Li Mu's strength, Xiao Loli Wei Ziqi was full of confidence, and she couldn't wait.

Super Killer showed her powerful fighting skills and knowledge of firearms.

The child's love to compare makes her anxiously want to show her muscles to the super killer.

Even if the muscles are not their own!

Li Mu asked: "Are you afraid of hardship?"

Wei Ziqi raised her head: "Don't be afraid!"

"That's good!" Li Mu gently touched the top of her head and smiled, "Super killer, take me to your training room!"

"Okay, Uncle Wizard." Super Killer glanced at her expressionless old man and nodded.


Training room.

Dumbbells, barbells, treadmills, thrusters, grippers, sandbags...

All training equipment is readily available, just like a small gym.

Li Mu scanned the equipment in the room and came to the side of the barbell. He started to add the barbell to 30 kilograms, then carried it a few times with one hand and tried the weight: "Let’s start with the barbell! Ziqi, Relax and lift as many times as you can. We need to test your ultimate strength."

As he said, he quietly blinked at Wei Ziqi.

Wei Ziqi knew, and secretly gave Li Mu a thumb. She still naively believes that Li Mu is cheating to save her face.

"Thirty kilograms?" The super killer looked at the weight of the barbell and looked at Li Mu proudly, "This is about 75% of my weight, and my limit is twelve sets!"

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