Drawing cards can't save the weird world

Chapter 526: The Birth of a Savior!

Magdalene is located in the middle of the west bank of the Sea of ​​Galilee, about 8 kilometers southwest of the city of Capernaum, about 4.4 kilometers north of the present-day city of Tiberias, close to the present-day city of Magdalene.

And an innocent daughter was raised in this place since she was a child. She is called Mary by other believers.

In Europa, there are 100,000 of the most devout believers, who are conducting complex prayer ceremonies of the Rosary.

And at this time, it is time for the savior to come...

In the Netherland, a Bronze 4-star transcendent, holding an ancient bronze balance, easily subdued Sandro's three bronze and six hundred and seventy-two black iron undead followers.

They almost didn't work, and they all fell down and didn't move.

Because what this person is holding in his hand is the artifact of Anubis, the god of death in ancient Egyptian mythology-the scale of death. It weighs the sins of the dead. This can be said to be a dimensionality reduction blow to the Necromancer.

Not only did this man subdue Sandro's undead, but he also activated a mysterious spell, which directly suppressed Sandro and deprived him of all control over his own spiritual power.

The man smiled disdainfully, "You think you can escape your fate, but you don't know that we are watching your performance like a clown..."

Obviously, Sandro's arrival was arranged from an early age, which is a very important part of the Savior's plan. His origin has been tampered with, and all struggles are in vain. You can't hide, you can't run, you can't fight.

If it is said that Zhao Hao and the others have alternative spare parts, then Sandro is a must.

He is an oil titanium man, with the blood of the "betrayer" flowing in his body!

The man strangled the desperate Sandro to death with an ancient hemp rope, then hung him on a dead tree in the underworld, took off his clothes and put on a coarse linen robe, took off his shoes and socks and tied them around his ankles. The last bag contained thirty ancient Roman silver coins...

He, Sandro Yoda, was the final sacrifice of the entire messianic plan.

He must die at the end, because in the story of the Bible, Judas is the first apostle who hanged himself after Jesus was crucified (betrayers, there are also factions that only Judas really understood Jesus, and he completed it for him with a thousand years of infamy. Ritual of Resurrection).

And reversing the entire mythical ritual requires him to be the last to die.

With Sandro's death, the ceremony has come to an end.

Finally, three sages of the Holy See from the west came to the stable with gifts, and the cry of a baby sounded.

With the loud cry of this life, the sea of ​​psionic energy began to surge.

Countless psychic powers and concepts surged in the sea of ​​psychic powers, and Ami's more than 100 million people with brand marks began to burn hot, and there were cries in her ears.

A voice told them that this was their savior, to whom they should pray, repent, and surrender.

And that newborn baby started to grow, started to grow fast!


Originally, the savior plan was jointly carried out by Ami and many extraordinary organizations related to the Holy See in Europa.

This involves the power of more than half the world!

Preparations for the entire ceremony began more than 30 years ago. This time it finally worked!

However, the Holy See was surprised to find that after the birth of the Messiah, the plan began to go wrong.

According to the previous plan, the Holy See should pick up the Savior and teach him how to use the mighty power from God to resist the coming of the end. Under the leadership of the Messiah, the human world has once again become a pure land.

However, after the birth of the savior, the people on Ami's side lost contact!

When the new pope learned that the candles that symbolized life had been extinguished by the members sent to assist the ceremony and the three bronze-level sages, they were completely dumbfounded!

What exactly does the Skull and Bones Society on Ami want to do?

What do you want to do? Of course it is the exclusive power of the savior!

For Ami, the world is her own.

The necessary power must be in your own hands. This is the thinking of the overlord.

Isn't it a joke to hand over the savior to the Holy See?

Let you cultivate a new Jesus? What about our Amy?

As far as what we have done, if we really follow the teachings, we will have to suffer for a thousand years in hell!

Therefore, at the very beginning of the plan, Amei never thought about letting the savior out. I never even thought about living under the protection of the savior.

Utilizing the great power of the savior, not only preventing the doomsday from coming, but also controlling the whole world, this is the correct way to use it!

At this time, the savior, who had grown into a teenager but was still ignorant, had already been crucified by the Skull and Bones.

He wears a crown of rising thorns on his head, the cross is the holy cross, the nails are the holy nails, the body is wrapped in the holy shroud, the abdomen is pierced by the spear of Longinus and bleeding, and the holy ark of the covenant is placed in front of him. series of relics.

It turns out that the Skull and Bones have already found thirteen holy artifacts through their own means after the passive strike of the candidates for salvation.

For this reason, most of the resources and strength of the Skull and Bones were consumed, and it took several years.

But it's all worth it, these things are needed for the coming of the savior, and these things are also needed for the savior to "bear the sins of the world" now.

Eat more than one fish!

At this time, thirty or forty years ago, when the current president was just an ordinary member, Skull and Bones began to plan.

Now that it has finally blossomed, it's time to enjoy the fruits of victory!

What kind of red hairy bear, one of the world's bipolars, I laughed at him, Mao Xiong Shaozhi, was messed up by a cult organization.

What is the supernatural ancient country Great Song? I laughed at him for his great Song Wumou.

Count the countries of Merry, from now on I will see Americo!

He was beaten up by Da Song in East Asia, and faced off with Mao Xiong for decades, but now it's all gone.

From now on, the only overlord will be Americo, and only Skull and Bones!

We will control the whole world!

At this moment, the imprints of the Amis began to heat up, and then a voice rang in their ears. He is the old president of the Skull and Bones Society.

"The savior has been born, it is our Skull and Bones. Cheer, Amis, we will stop the doomsday and save the world. I will lead you to the peak and establish a heaven on earth!"

At this time, the Skull and Bones Society is obviously a little bit up and down, and even the old president who has always been calm and sophisticated, and has experienced countless wind and rain, is already flushed with excitement at this time, and through branding to publicize to the people of the United States that the Skull and Bones Society will take over the entire society. world!

Naturally, the Holy See has its own information channel. At this time, they already knew what the Skull and Bones had done, and almost exploded on the spot out of breath, and ascended to heaven on the spot.

However, the few angels who descended have all been broken.

Although the Skull and Bones can still be suppressed in terms of extraordinary power, the savior is now in their hands, which means that the source of power has been mastered.

It's like your factory has a huge production capacity and can suppress hostile factories. However, the power has been controlled by others, and they will directly cut off the power for you.

Ninety percent of the supernatural beings in the Holy See follow the path of sacred faith, and they are ordinary people without spiritual powers in front of the savior.

It's too late, I was completely fooled!

However, at this time, Zhao Hao also preached to countless people through the psychic network, such as psychic broadcasts, live broadcasts of phone bugs, and supernatural game spells.

"I'm Zhao Hao, one of the thirteen candidates for salvation. I declare that citizen branding violates human rights and freedoms and is illegal. They intend to use branding to sacrifice and sacrifice all people and turn them into their power, which is extremely evil... From now on, get rid of the false savior, arrest the terrorist organization Skull and Bones, and start the real salvation plan!"

After he said this, the brand of Amei's 90% of the people with the brand began to change drastically.

Everyone screamed and fell down in severe pain, watching the brand marks on their bodies turn fiery red, and then began to flow and deform like flowing flames... and finally turned into the shape of the dream game curse mark!

From now on, you have been in my shape.

That's right, since Zhao Hao already knew about the branding plan and the savior plan, he would naturally do something wrong.

The few times the Enderman shot, it was just to know the composition and proportion of the Skull and Bones branding plan, so that he could crack it.

In fact, Zhao Hao had already secretly added his own things to those branded extraordinary inks.

Ninety-nine out of ten people in Ami have been branded, and in the end there is something wrong with the branding of nine out of ten people. At this time, it has become a fantasy game spell seal.

In an instant, the number of fantasy game players exceeded 200 million!

The dream comes to the network is just opening, and the salvation plan is launched!

At this time, Zhao Hao flew into the air and broadcast live in front of more than 200 million players and hundreds of millions of phone bug users.

Psychic energy surged behind him, and the clouds gathered together in wonders and radiated light.

Zhao Hao: I am the real savior! I don't pretend anymore, you can call me Superman now!

At the same time, there are tens of thousands of senior players on Ami's side, who have come to major cities and began to take over various confidential parts and public facilities. Start appeasing the populace, distributing supplies, taking over the city and the armed forces.

Ami's officials still want to resist, and their military still has tens of thousands of this extraordinary army.

However, among the tens of thousands of people, more than 3,000 directly defected, more than 3,000 put down their weapons and remained neutral, and more than 2,000 directly ran away.

In the end, more than a thousand extraordinary soldiers were surrounded by groups, and they were stunned on the spot.

Soon Junjie dropped his weapon and chose to surrender.

They first experienced Skull and Bones' branded savior declaration, and then experienced Zhao Hao's branded tampering declaration, and they were already a little at a loss.

Even if you want to sacrifice your life now, you have to think about who you are selling your life for. All confused!


The members of the Skull and Bones looked at the live broadcast of the phone bug in the video, and then looked at the brand on their hands in amazement.

As I said before, branding is divided into grades. There are different permissions and restrictions.

Members of Skull and Bones are naturally the highest level and have many permissions. But now it is discovered that the number of brand marks is suddenly only a few million left!

"What, what's going on? Why is the brand missing?!"

"He, how does he know that we are going to sacrifice most of the people? Did the Heaven's Gate plan leak?"

"There is a problem with the branding! He is naive, playing dirty with us!"

"Not good! Something happened to the savior and Messiah!"

As the imprint was transformed into a game spell imprint, the crucified savior began to shrink from a middle-aged man.

The wounds on his hands and feet began to emit light, and finally his whole body turned into a beam of light and disappeared.

He wasn't considered a living body in the first place, but a mixture of concept and psionic energy.

At this point, the ceremony failed and the savior was gone!

Skull and Bones will all slump down on the chair with a mournful look.

Having just fallen from the position of world hegemon, from a supreme class that controlled the fate of hundreds of millions of people to a terrorist organization, almost everyone could not bear such a blow.

I thought I could finally return to Amei, make an upright appearance, take down everything that dissatisfied me, and rule the world from then on.

The result turned out to be so cruel...

What Zhao Hao didn't expect was that he just put shit on the head of the Skull and Bones casually, thinking that this kind of hierarchical branding must sacrifice the interests of some people, so he said that they would sacrifice everyone.

Unexpectedly, it was really wrong.

Since Skull and Bones' savior plan has pitted the Holy See, the so-called Heaven's Gate plan naturally does not open the gate of heaven.

In fact, the Skeleton Society has always had direct contact with the top Satanists, and even the devil in hell.

The so-called gates of heaven are actually the gates of hell.

After all, with their behavior and past, wouldn't it be uncomfortable to go to heaven.

On the contrary, hell is simply an eternal home!

The backup plan of Skull and Bones is to sacrifice most of the imprinters, directly open the gate of hell, and let the personnel of Skull and Bones become devil reincarnation hell.

Even if there are enough sacrifices, one can directly become a high-level devil, or even a demon god!

How fragrant is that?

Instead, leading hundreds of millions of people through the gate of heaven to be controlled in heaven, is that the first choice of the superior? !

As a result, now, Zhao Hao has directly drawn the salary from the bottom of the pot.

Since your branding plan is the foundation, I don't care if you are the savior or the gate of heaven, I will directly uproot you!

"President! President? Do you have any backup plans?" a Skull and Bones member called.

The others also looked at the old president with anticipation.

They have already returned from old age to adulthood, but looking at the president at this time, there are signs of premature aging.

"Yes! Let's get out of here first. It's not safe anymore!"

How about the Three Caverns of the Cunning Rabbit!

From Amei ran to Brother Mo to avoid Zhao Hao's hunting and hunting. Now I can't kill back, so let's continue to flee south! There is also a secret base of world view in the meeting, which can last for a while.

Going to Europa was also a good choice. The Holy See is powerful. He must be able to withstand that Zhao Hao!

Now, the Holy See and the related extraordinary forces on the sacred path have all suffered epic damage.

Not to mention being severely injured, even if it was not severely injured, the Holy See would already be eager to eat the flesh and blood of the Skull and Bones Society!

This wave, the road narrowed!

Old president: I didn't even see that there was a rebellion in the back of this Zhao Hao's head!


Just when Zhao Hao was fighting wits with the Skull and Bones Society and the Holy See, and who was more sinister than anyone else, in Eastern Asia, Song Dynasty was also conducting a nationwide ceremony.

This is a national ceremony, and preparations began more than 20 years ago.

This is also the reason why Da Song has been silent all these years, and this is no exception. Even when internal disturbances and turmoil occurred, this ceremony was the main focus.

The original idea of ​​this ceremony even goes back hundreds of years.

At that time, psionic silence hadn't even begun, and the gods were still there.

The source of the ceremony idea is a royal secret record.

This secret record, which only the emperor and the royal family can read, records the most critical moment of the Great Song Dynasty thousands of years ago.

That history has been erased from time.

So many people only know that the extraordinary races and creatures in this world all come from the intersection of stars.

But they didn't know when the first star-to-star confluence was, and they didn't know why.

Decades ago, the Qin Tianjian of the Great Song Dynasty had already discovered the signs of the end of the world. In the end, the royal family chose to ascend the whole country!

Since the ancestors and gods were able to ascend the entire island to other worlds, it must be feasible for the entire country to ascend as well!

I, Huang Song, want to ascend!

Thanks to the book friend "0980" "Mysterious businessman who likes to make trouble" for the 100 rewards!

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