The Skull and Bones have a first-line witness in their hands, oh no, a witness.

The question now is how to turn him back into a human?

This incident stumped the member of the Skull and Bones, he couldn't directly alarm the entire Skull and Bones just because of this kind of thing.

That would be considered incompetent.

Besides, the warehouse in Chicago has been robbed. If he can't get it back quickly, he won't have good juice to eat. Now I have to call myself.

So what to do?

Shake people!

As one of the top members of the organization in this country, and even in the whole of America, he still knows many powerful extraordinary people.

After finding six extraordinary people in a row, a bronze-ranked blood wizard said to him before leaving: "I think this method is very familiar. You have to be careful, because it might be the work of the Lord of Ender .”

Although it is said that Zhao Hao often has Yujiro Fanma making waves in the world, breaking people's legs and eggs everywhere, and having a good time. But other vests have also moved.

Like Raistlin the Enderman.

Several years have passed, even if the whereabouts are surreptitious, the actions are completely unreasonable, and there are few survivors. But the existence of the Endermen gradually spread in the upper circles of the Amiri world.

For example, the Bureau of Mystery has been tracking down this Enderman.

Because when he first appeared, he joined the Black Shadow Organization and was the last member.

After that, Sombra was destroyed, and only one person was still active as a member of Sombra.

Usually, they would steal extraordinary items from people, raid the auction house in the world, or kidnap extraordinary people to torture secret techniques.

Its strength is powerful and its methods are secretive, and it is regarded as taboo by many extraordinary people. That's why he got the title of Lord of Ender.

Nowadays, if many extraordinary people hear that there is an activity of the Lord of Ender nearby, they will buy plane tickets overnight.

Go abroad and hide for a while before talking.

The enderman avatar comes out every once in a while to refresh the presence and character design, which will make the world in the Americas stop for a while.

After all, such a powerful bronze boss acts so recklessly, doesn't know anything, has no organization, and is simply reckless.

It's like a man with a gun walking on the street, who may get fired for something at any time. Why don't normal people run away quickly?

At first, Skull and Bones cared about Yujiro Fanma and Endermen, especially the latter.

Because the former feels like the type who can do whatever he wants and is completely out of control, while the latter has a style similar to Skull and Bones, and he feels that he can cooperate.

Skull and Bones has many similar collaborators. Handy for dirty work!

The Skull and Bones people didn't expect such a person to make trouble for the organization.

After much deliberation, he finally confessed everything to the president.

I can't afford this kind of thing by myself, and I can't afford it either!

Besides, since it's such a character looking for trouble, it's understandable that I can't handle the accident! It's not my fault!

Don't tell me, he now has a feeling that our army is not incompetent, and he blames the enemy bandits for being high, and he has a sense of pride!

You see, I've fought people like that before. He can only grab something from me, am I still alive? ! What can he do to me?

The Skull and Bones held an emergency meeting because the Endermen robbed their warehouse.

"If for some reason, the Enderman is interested in this batch of supplies, it's fine to snatch them away. I'm afraid he came here after us."

"That's right, this person is too mysterious. His methods are so vicious that people can't understand him at all. Up to now, he doesn't know whether he is a man or a woman, a human or a ghost."

"Then what should we do? Want him?!" Someone suggested.

The Skull and Bones hold powerful power and money in the Americas, and they generally don't have to do it themselves to deal with uncooperative Transcendents. They have various small organizations and connections under their hands, and they can directly issue rewards in the inner world.

Under the large bounty, there are many extraordinary people who will attack the target, deal with the enemy without bloodshed and with a strong sense of oppression, and maintain their own compulsion.

But this is not very useful when facing the bronze boss, and they don't eat crowd tactics.

So someone laughed: "What are you kidding? Is there a reward for the Lord of Ender? Who offered the reward last time? The Temple of Bones, right? They don't need to kill the Lord of Ender for a billion , as long as it hurts him. The result?!"

Someone went on to say: "As a result, the ender master felt that the money was too small and not worth his own worth. So he broke into the headquarters of the Temple of Bones alone. Twenty minutes later, a strong bronze man holding a bronze extraordinary prop, three All sixteen superhumans with black iron 3 stars or above have all disappeared. Those who are still alive and dead, even divination can't figure out whether they are alive or dead."

The member who said he was wanted fell silent.

He was used to picking up those extraordinary people, and he didn't think there was anything special about these extraordinary people. Isn't it still flattened and rounded by capital and power?

But how can a Bronze-level transcendent think with common sense?

In the end, the president discussed with several high-status members, and decided to speak out and chat with the Endermen.

If you don't want that batch of extraordinary ink, the twenty or thirty people who died will die in vain, and the Skull and Bones family can afford to die.

If the Endermen have any needs, they can directly mention them, and even the two parties can consider cooperation.

This is an olive branch.

If it was two or three years ago, this option was absolutely impossible.

At that time, the Skull and Bones Society was still aloft, and it was Ami's invisible official, controlling all aspects of the North and South Americas, which was extremely good-looking.

But the world is changing too fast.

The end of the world is approaching, so you have to let go of your face first.

And now that several plans for survival in the apocalypse have been launched, it is really better to have less than one more thing.

It's nothing to admit cowardice, it's the stupefied young man who will do his best at every turn.

Politics is the art of compromise, and the members of the Skull and Bones meeting know it well.

However, Hua has just been reported here, and it may not have been ten minutes. Before this word leaves the intelligence center, another accident happened in Los Santos.

Within 20 minutes, three large warehouses in Los Santos that were more than 20 kilometers away from each other were invaded. All the guards disappeared, and there was no trace of the scene.

But judging from the technique of the Chicago warehouse, it is undoubtedly an enderman!

Immediately, some bad-tempered Skull and Bones members slapped the table.

"Provocation! This is a provocation against us!"

"Maybe it really came for us?!"

"How did he know the location of our warehouse? Our own people don't know everything!"

"Did one of us offend him and was retaliated by him?"

Some people were dissatisfied when they heard the words: "What? If a member offended him, would he still have to hand it over? Don't you forget what the purpose of Skull and Bones is? When did we suffer such a big loss?"

"We have to show our strength. Otherwise, everyone will try it. We can't stand the temptation now."


Just when the Skull and Bones was being overwhelmed by the Endermen who came and went without a trace, Zhao Hao also made great progress.

After he dealt with those deformed murlocs casually, he extracted a lot of information from their distorted spirituality.

To his surprise, this matter of turning left and right really has something to do with Amei

According to the memories of these deformed murlocs, from the 40s to the 70s, in the past 30 years, Ami dumped countless chemical wastes into the nearby ocean.

From untreated wastewater from chemical plants, to chemical pesticides, from nerve agents to mustard gas agents, from mustard gas agents to waste liquids of psychic supernatural agents...

Ami simply regards the ocean as a waste dump for no money.

From the beginning, the big companies of Aramco tried to discharge them directly into their own coastal waters, but later found that there was a problem. They were all put into barrels, stuffed on board, and then pulled to the high seas or even the waters of other countries to discard them.

This directly and indirectly led to changes in the lives of these coastal fishermen.

There are fewer fish stocks, and the remaining fish are becoming unhealthy. Some even directly appeared toxins, or had large-scale mutations.

They didn't know what was going on at the time.

But later, in the coastal towns, a large number of deformed babies began to appear.

There are also many patients with strange mental or physical illnesses...

It was not until two years ago that it was finally revealed that it was caused by toxic waste exhausted by someone (Ami).

Oh, by the way, among them is the handiwork of the Mengshandu group.

However, this kind of thing can only be knocked out and swallowed in the stomach, there is no way.

And it is this kind of behavior that makes a feeling of hatred and hatred permeate and gather.

In the end, an old fisherman who hadn't caught a fish for 84 days, but still refused to admit defeat, caught a strange fish in the deep sea. But the fish quickly rotted away, leaving only a strange book with a cover like fish scales in its stomach...

After that, the gate to another world in the deep sea appeared, and indirectly killed Professor Sykes.

Zhao Hao didn't have time to worry about A Mei's troubles. After all, if you have too many lice, don’t worry if you have too many debts. Even Zhao Hao was already numb.

Too many to count.

There are countless crimes in the bamboo books in the South Mountain, and the evil in the waves of the East China Sea is endless.

The most urgent task is to quickly close this door to another world that does not know where it leads.

By analyzing the spiritual barrier left by Professor Sykes at the end, Zhao Hao finally figured out how he died.

It turned out that his death was not only because of this gate to another world, but because his spirit came into contact with the dream of a silver-level position, which caused some of his split personalities to go crazy. Naturally collapsed, in the end he could only explode a spiritual barrier with all his strength to block the entire gate to another world.

Although he has temporarily separated the gate of another world from the surface world, the environment inside the barrier is still deteriorating.

After Zhao Hao's avatar killed those deformed murlocs, it has been suffering from the damage of the corrupt environment.

It seems that there are countless tiny bugs trying to get into your body all the time, and the feeling of changing every cell in you is extremely exhausting.

There are often strange ravings whispering in my ears, and I can't hear anything clearly.

And the shadow clone finally saw the gate to another world...

At the other end of the gate is a sunken ancient city, in which a huge existence is sleeping.

Just the escape of his dreams can generate countless monsters. Many of them are bronze level!

The shadow clone killed a few monsters to try the difficulty, and then collapsed on its own.

Zhao Hao's body began to arrange a large-scale enchantment, and the space door should be closed after unlocking the spiritual barrier.

It has the silhouette of a human, but it has an octopus-like head with many tentacles, a body like jelly covered with scales, with giant claws, and a pair of long and narrow wings behind it.

"Such an existence cannot appear in this world. It's better to close the door quickly, so as not to wake him up."

Thanks to the time period when it appeared, and Professor Sykes blocked the external influence with a mental barrier. Otherwise, with this person's ability, it might pollute the spiritual energy sea.

At this time, Zhao Hao's enderman avatar went to Los Santos to rob several warehouses and arrested more than a dozen Skull and Bones outsiders.


Enderman clones have Sharingan, Illusion, and powerful psychic abilities.

So he doesn't have to do anything to torture the information, and even many details that he doesn't care about will be discovered by the Enderman and connected in series.

That's why skeletons were exposed in all three of Los Santos' secret warehouses.

As long as there are people participating in the link, there are no secrets for the Endermen.

And many of the people arrested in this operation were front-line leaders, so the Endermen put together more puzzles.

The Skeleton Society is obviously hoarding special extraordinary materials, and these materials have special uses.

Through the memory search of several bosses who were completely unaware of each other, the Enderman spelled out some information.

The Skull and Bones Society should be making extraordinary tattoos in large quantities!

This thing is not very unusual, after all, many gangsters like to ask something.

Some ancient paths of transcendence have similar related abilities.

Even in Japan, tattoos are a relatively mainstream supernatural ability.

However, there are too many materials prepared by Skull and Bones.

The ones confiscated by the Endermen alone are enough for hundreds of thousands of tattoos. After all, this thing is not expensive.

They must have other warehouses in other cities!

How many people have tattoos?

"It seems that I need to touch up along this line!" The enderman's voice hadn't fallen, but the person had disappeared.

Soon, a secret Skull and Bones stronghold is under attack. The defense lines of the enchantment and the psychic puppet hardly played any role, and all sixteen people disappeared in minutes.

This kind of trick that the victim can't see the life and death is the handiwork of the enderman.

And the Enderman also got more information through this wave of online members, especially a noun-the Branding Project.

"This is to brand people! What brand? Then what is the purpose? It seems that I have to catch someone with a higher status."

It's just that the membership status of the Skull and Bones Society is extremely confidential, and each member has anti-divination means. Endermen can only grab layer by layer.

Just when Zhao Hao's body blocked the gate to another world and began to close the space crack.

The Endermen got a message from an exposed Skull and Bones member.

It's just that this is a bit strange!

"It's interesting. Since you set a trap, I would be rude if I didn't step on it." The enderman clone knew it might be a trap, but decided to go in.

Because as long as you break the trap yourself, you can easily get the information you want.

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