Drawing cards can't save the weird world

Chapter 511 Ma Long's Nightmare

"Uncle Tie, what happened to Ma Long?" Zhao Hao hurried to Lao Tie Antique Shop.

It is definitely not an ordinary thing for Uncle Tie to call Zhao Hao for help.

On the phone, Uncle Tie directly said that something happened to Ma Long and asked Zhao Hao to come over, but he didn't say what happened.

In the large warehouse behind the antique shop, Uncle Tie’s face was gloomy, and he had already put on a full set of outfits, a purple Taoist robe with various flowers, birds, and animals, a purple ribbon embroidered with talismans, a lotus crown on his head, and a purple gold gossip plate in one hand. Sitting on the grand master's chair with a Dharma sword in one hand.

In front of him is the altar he built, which has a history of more than 20 years.

Ma Long was lying in the middle of the altar, his face livid and ferocious, and the blood vessels all over his body were bulging and twitching non-stop.

It seems that Ma Long has been tricked, and Uncle Tie used the altar to temporarily suppress him and delay the deterioration.

Seeing Zhao Hao coming, Uncle Tie said in a deep voice, "Three days ago, Ma Long received a mission to investigate a psychiatric sanatorium on an island..."

It was not a small island, and it had been used as a mental hospital for forty or fifty years.

In the days after World War II, business was booming. Many patients who were considered mentally ill were sent here. At that time, ice pick therapy was still popular here.

That is to say, an iron stick is inserted above the eyeballs of a mental patient, crushing a certain part of the frontal lobe of the brain, and turning the person into a well-behaved walking dead.

This bloody treatment later turned into a prefrontal lobotomy.

However, just over a month ago, the island suddenly lost contact.

The local police sent two police officers to the island, but they never returned.

Later, a team of six armed policemen was sent, but there was still no news.

In the end, the Bureau of Mystery took over, and they sent two superhumans and two agents in black.

Unfortunately, as soon as the people here landed on the island, the explosion of extraordinary species brought about by the intersection of stars and stars began.

The whole world is in chaos. There are dozens of supernatural battles a day, and the supernatural beings of the Mystery Bureau are so busy that their heads are smoking.

It wasn't until Zhao Hao started to set up the city protection barrier, which effectively suppressed the extraordinary creatures from directly appearing in the city, that the matter basically subsided, and only then did someone think of these four people.

It turned out that the liaison officers and direct superiors of the four people had all died in the battle with the extraordinary creatures, and no one took over the task because of the chaos. As a result, for more than a month, no one cared about them at all.

And the last time they messaged back was three weeks ago and it was bad.

In the news that lasted for nearly ten days, the four of them just felt that there was something weird on the island at first.

Whether it is the guards, doctors, patients, or the person in charge, they all claim that the communication has been cut off for a long time, and the supplies will not last, but no one has ever seen anyone land on the island.

The previous two waves of police seemed to have evaporated.

But after all, extraordinary people are different. Their spiritual vision is higher, and they have more means and knowledge, so they are not so easy to fool.

They noticed something was wrong, but because everyone in the office was out of missions, no one responded to their requests and reports. They had no choice but to continue their investigation.

Finally, it was discovered that there were other extraordinary beings on the island, as well as some strange areas and special underground facilities.

Later, an agent in black died in an accident. They began to feel that they couldn't handle it and tried to evacuate.

The news that came later was already very bad. They first asked for support, then asked for a retreat, and finally claimed that one of the superhumans had a strange distortion and killed a black-clothed agent.

But the next day, the last person sent a message saying that it might be himself who might be deformed. He killed people too. He couldn't tell whether he was in fantasy or reality, and then he was gone.

After all, Ma Long is also the peak of the black iron 5-star, who triggered the promotion test.

After receiving the mission, he planned to lurk on the island quietly and investigate secretly.

As a result, just one day ago, he suddenly appeared on the bank of the Hudson River covered in blood.

Uncle Tie had already started to feel uneasy before, feeling that something bad was about to happen. Then he got a divination and found Ma Long who was unconscious for the first time.

"Now his three souls have been separated, not because they are wandering outside, but because they were taken away by some means." Uncle Tie looked at Ma Long who was twitching and struggling.

"However, there is an evil force in his body that is corroding the blood. His body is mutating!"

"I used the secret method before, and saw him fighting a deformed and very powerful monster. His chest was injured, and the enemy's blood infected him..."

Zhao Hao did see that Ma Long's fingernails became longer and sharper, like animal claws. It's just that every time it mutates further, it will trigger the talisman on the altar and the surrounding formations, and it will be suppressed after a burst of light.

If it weren't for this altar, Ma Long would have become some kind of unknown monster at this time.

Moreover, his three souls are absent, and the seven souls are in charge. With a good soul and an evil soul, he will definitely become a monster who only knows how to do evil and kill.

Zhao Hao's eyes shone brightly, and he watched Ma Long carefully, watching his gas cloud.

"Uncle Tie, don't worry, I probably already know about Ma Long's situation. It doesn't matter if the foreign blood in his body is eroded, it can still be suppressed. The most urgent thing is to find Ma Long's three souls, otherwise it will break down after a long time."

The three souls have been separated for a long time, and their spirituality will definitely be lost. When the time comes, there will be irreversible damage to the soul.

At that time, unless Zhao Hao fills it with his own artificial spirituality, and Ma Long becomes Zhao Hao's vassal from now on, his soul can only return to Zhao Hao's dream after death, otherwise there is really not much to do.

"I can use a secret method to find Ma Long's three souls. Uncle Tie, protect me."

As Zhao Hao said, he dropped a lot of things casually, Xiaoruan, Wangcai, Dashan, Xianhe, and created another enchantment.

With this lineup, two or three bronze medals won't be too much pressure.

Immediately, Zhao Hao walked into the altar, his body lit up with psychic light to resist the suppression of the altar. Sit down first, then put one hand on Malone's head, and finally close your eyes.

Where did Ma Long's three souls go, Uncle Tie didn't know. After all, it is not professional.

If he was thrown anywhere in the inner and outer world, or was tortured and detained, or fell into the underworld, Uncle Tie would have a solution.

But Ma Long's three souls have fallen into a dream! Uncle Tie has no ability in this area at all.

Zhao Hao followed Ma Long's psychic traces, chased his three souls, and came to a dreamland.

As soon as he got here, he realized that something was wrong, or that it was right.

This is not an ordinary dream, not even an individual dream, but a group of raving dreams composed of many individuals.

For example, Zhao Hao's current dream is a group dream.

The subject is Zhao Hao's own multiple dreams and spiritual world.

And the spiritual power of countless players, many players who became Zhao Hao's vassals because of the need to repair their spirituality, and the souls of those dead players who entered the dream, constituted the details of the group dream.

And this dream is such a group dream, and it is a strange dream that is absurd, eccentric and illogical, so it is called a raving dream.

Every dream constructor here will be devastated and hurt by this dream, and feel the pain and despair in the dream. Lose spirituality here and become the material of dreams.

At this time, Zhao Hao specially called the magic mirror, which was brought into the dream from the spirit, and shouted: "My great master, this old dream seems to be quite old."

Zhao Hao asked, "How do you say it?"

"Judging from the traces of dream construction, there are layers of structures and traces of changes. From the perspective of techniques, at least thousands of people have participated. It's like a ruin that keeps building and collapsing."

This is an ancient dream that was formed hundreds of thousands of years ago and has been left behind in a certain corner of the dream.

In order to form such a condition, the main structure of the dream needs to be high-end at first. That is, the instigator must be strong.

The second is that after so many years, some people have been continuing this dream, and many victims are finally trapped in this dream and become part of the dream.

Just like the magic mirror said, it is not quite collapsed, but people keep entering this dream, and finally trapped in this dream and become the building material of this dream, so that the dream can continue.

After thousands of years of construction by countless people, this dream has become so chaotic that it cannot be understood.

Zhao Hao looked down at his feet, a huge island surrounded by a cloudy and dark sea.

There is a huge town on that island, the main color is gray and black, and there are various styles. There are spiers, there are towers, there are Baroque, there are Gothic, there are modern squares, there are medieval cathedrals...

The streets are rugged and winding, twisted, wide and narrow. The buildings on the street violate the common sense of mechanics and general aesthetics.

Some small houses are crookedly stacked with a bigger house.

Some windows have a staircase outside, and some houses have no windows or doors...

There are some dead black trees with strange shapes at the corners of the streets, and there are some broken and weird statues where the streets meet.

It seems that there are still people in this large town, or there are active things, not necessarily people.

"This ghostly place is really refreshing." Zhao Hao took out a compass and compass, "But the most urgent thing is to find Ma Long first, so don't be affected by this rambling dream."

Dreams can affect people in reverse. Zhao Hao couldn't understand this well.

Think about those players who died frequently in the game and their spirituality was worn out, Zhao Hao filled it with artificial spirituality in dreams, and gradually became his vassals!

And many spooky creatures are also caused by the contactee's high spiritual vision, which affects the dreams and begins to mutate.


Just when Zhao Hao came to this unknown and strange raving dream, another 13th candidate for salvation - the crazy witch Farina, had been here for a long time.

Because of the fact that he has listened to the tune and not listened to the announcement, official intelligence channels such as the Mystery Bureau have stopped providing Zhao Hao with any information.

However, he has formed his own intelligence network through the players.

It's just that the player intelligence network has a flaw, that is, the concentration is too high.

They tend to focus on talking about fantasy games or information about being familiar with superhumans. There are some official information that players may not care about.

For example, many people in Europa have been put to sleep by some strange ritual. Zhao Hao didn't know.

As I said before, many people try to become extraordinary in this extraordinary chaos, so they try all possible methods of gouging out doors and stealing holes.

This is naturally very dangerous, not to mention there are people secretly doing things.

If anyone still remembers William Voss from the Black Shadow Organization, who changed from Holy Blood to Holy Dog, they can think of a long-standing organization-Holy Blood Church.

There are rumors that they pioneered the earliest bloodletting therapy in Western medicine.

They even secretly developed a more dangerous blood therapy.

People's pursuit of health and longevity stems from instinct, so although the Church of the Holy Blood has been hit hard all the time, it has never been able to completely decline.

What it comes down to is that they have the real thing—the corpse of a heir of a treacherous god.

Will God die? Maybe will.

Although the corpse was dead, it wasn't completely dead.

His body died, but his spiritual influence, or divinity, survived.

It affects all living things it touches, even eye contact.

The original members of the Church of the Holy Blood tried to use this corpse to improve themselves, gain divinity, and break away from the human realm.

But they were too arrogant. After the bright red liquid entered the body, although it brought about great changes, the body became stronger and more perfect, and the spiritual power also skyrocketed. However, after a long time, they began to contact with the divine nature left by the corpse of the god. in a dream...

Under this kind of soul distortion, the Church of the Holy Blood quickly changed from the idea of ​​using the corpse of a god to become a god at the very beginning, to become the ultimate goal of resurrecting the gods.

And this time, taking advantage of the great chaos and great changes at the intersection of the stars, they took advantage of people's desire for the extraordinary and acted again.

In fact, if someone counts, it will be found that the people in a coma in the dream are scattered all over the place, and the number exceeds 800.

And they are all the ones with psionic potential, and even a few of them are supernatural beings.

After they were injected with "divine blood", their souls and consciousness were drawn closer to this raving dream.

And the crazy witch Farina, because of this incident, tracked down this weird dream through her own ability.


"Puff~" Zhao Hao threw out the wind blade with a single blow, and chopped a three-meter-high monster that looked like a human, monkey and dog put together into two pieces.

The huge scythe in its hand fell to the ground.

Before dying, it finally began to shrink and regain its original shape. It was a young man in his early twenties. Only half.

"That kind of blood erosion is transforming their consciousness, turning them into all kinds of monsters. Even the spiritual body in the dream is the same. This is a manifestation of getting closer to divinity..."

Although some people may think that this extremely ugly monster is not divine in any way, but the bestiality is closer.

But human aesthetics cannot define God.

Looking at the cathedral, which was gradually lit up in the distance, Zhao Hao said, "One hair can move the whole body. There is an even more terrifying existence hidden in this dream!"

At this time, Farina was fighting with a group of aquatic monsters in the second dream.

Her magic is bloody and cruel, tearing, crushing, crushing, or some cruel black magic.

However, there are a lot of monsters, climbing up from the gravel-covered shoal, bleeding their own cuts...

Now, based on her own time, she has been here for forty-six hours, without sleep.

She found her target person in that dark and depressing town, but even in her dream, the task target still fell into a coma.

She got some information about this dream through some other people who didn't know how long they had lingered in the dream.

In the end, she decided to follow the mission target to the second layer of dreams, looking for his consciousness.

If the first layer of dreams is a strange town that is somewhat contrary to common sense, then the second layer of dreams is a dusty past that is upside down for a period of time and the content is disgusting.

Farina kept searching according to the clues, and found out what the extraordinary people who founded the Church of the Holy Blood did.

They found the god's corpse in the hidden cave in the ancient island village, and even used those villagers who had been affected for generations as experimental products. Let them eat the god's corpse, and even implant parts of the god's corpse into their bodies, so that the darker and more inhumane they are behind...

In the end, the entire island became the main body of this raving dream, and those "sacred blood" were obtained from here, diluted and weakened secondary products.

In the end, Farina followed the clues to the shallow cave where the god's corpse was found, and when she faced countless monsters gushing out of the sea, she realized that she was wrong.

I should go crazy...

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