Drawing cards can't save the weird world

Chapter 501 Psionic Internet of Things

I won, but I don't know how. Even a little confused.

This is the official feeling of Aramco and European countries.

But because most of the Extraordinary Death Squad survived, even though they almost lost half of their lives in the meteor crash and meteor shower, at least they survived.

So the news came out quickly.

The Broken Leg Boxer, the egg-exploding maniac Fanma Kenjiro, and the mysterious Enderman, two of whom are now almost certain to be Bronze 5-star superhumans, solved the problem of the snake father coming.

Then Shadowman's Sky Obstacle Shocking Star Five-Strike Combo descended from the outer world, penetrated the inner and outer barriers and entered the inner world.

At that time, it was impossible for the meteorite to appear directly in low-Earth orbit, and then crashed down. The entire western hemisphere could see the atmosphere as if a hole had been penetrated. Five burning "little suns" fell in a straight line, and then Disappeared in mid-air.

After all, it was the enderman Raistlin clone who stole the psionic energy accumulated by the snake people for hundreds of years, and forcibly summoned them. At that moment, Zhao Hao even had a feeling that he was omnipotent, that I had become a god!

Later, it was calculated that the Wuke meteorite was not an ordinary meteorite, but a metal alloy meteorite. If five meteorites fell on any city on the surface, it would be enough to destroy any city.

In other words, some small countries can be destroyed.

Experts from Western countries all started to work that day and came out to refute the rumors.

You can say anything, and the core idea is just one word - stability! Very steady!

There is nothing to do, everyone should eat and drink, buy a house and sell a house for a loan, and enter a factory for a baby.

Don't worry about it, don't think about it, just do it!

However, white Westerners don't like your tricks. After all, they have been deceived for two or three hundred years, and they have already developed "drug resistance".

It may be okay if the experts don't refute the rumors, but once they refute the rumors, there will be problems. Unexpectedly, people who had a problem began to wonder if there was a problem—experts came out to refute the rumors!

Originally, there have been many specious rumors in the world that something happened in South America in the past twenty days.

Some of them went so far as to exaggerate, saying that aliens have already occupied South America and are destroying the South Americans.

Uh...it doesn't seem to be wrong. This time South America can be said to have suffered a catastrophe.

Even if the forces of all parties responded in a timely manner, they still caused great harm.

According to incomplete statistics, the number of people sacrificed to death exceeded 200,000!

The big cities were basically damaged to varying degrees. Those snake-men and lizardmen sneaked into the city three times a day to destroy and grab sacrifices. Large areas of the city were devastated, and hundreds of thousands of people suffered mental or spiritual problems. The subsequent surge of aberrants is a big problem.

But what is even more frightening is that in those remote rural areas, basically 90% of the villages and towns have been wiped out. There are countless situations where there is no one left in the entire village.

Of the 200,000 people, perhaps 150,000 are from villages, towns and other small places without troops.


After all, it is already a modern society. Although the Internet has not yet developed, the communication technology is already very developed.

For example, the entire South America lost contact, the countries of America and Europe sent troops, the war in Central America, and even the terrain changed. A brand new horizontal mountain range and a large tract of virgin forest were discovered from the satellite, separating Central America and South America.

How can such a huge matter be covered up airtight?

So after more than 20 days of gossip fermenting, the people in Europa and Amei are already very restless and anxious.

Those doomsday freaks and insecure people are already stockpiling supplies.

Now that meteorites are falling continuously, the sky seems to have leaked a big hole. This is clearly a doomsday scene!

Now some experts have finally come out to refute the rumors, isn't it true?

Dry! Take to the streets! Zero yuan purchase!

Then defend the underground fortress of your own home and prepare for the doomsday survival.

The snake father came and threatened to disappear, but there are still nearly ten thousand snake people and lizard people.

These are all supernatural beings. How to deal with it has to be discussed. Of course, with the style of the Onsa White Bandit, such things that are obviously threatening must be eliminated immediately.

But how to eliminate it is also a problem.

Before the danger of alien transcendents over there was resolved, chaos broke out in the country here.

In the past few years, the heartstrings of the people have long been tense due to the extraordinary incidents that have emerged one after another and cannot be completely covered up. Now they are suddenly filled with such a big material, and they immediately collapsed.

For example, in Ami, more than a dozen large cities on the east and west coasts are basically out of control. Traffic everywhere has been artificially closed.

All kinds of roadblocks and abandoned cars lay across the road, and several violent groups immediately started looting.

It is also because of the abundance of Amiwude, and those with long guns and short cannons started street fighting in the city.

For example, in places where Song people gather in various places, Songren Street and Songren City, sandbag bunkers have been set up on the roofs of the buildings, firepower points have been set up, and patrol teams have been organized, all of which are armed with submachine guns and grenades.

Good guy, since the Civil War, America hasn't been this lively!

Compared with the frequent shootings before, it was too small to fight. You have to watch this for the real big scene!

Amei even dispatched troops to enter the city to maintain order, and even small-scale companies were attacked by criminals with rockets!

Europa was not much better, and the French chickens started to parade again, wearing yellow vests, and a large number of people began to smash glass and overturn vehicles, with great momentum.

The Champs-Elysées was littered with excrement again... It can be regarded as an ancestral craft.

In the extraordinary world, this matter is even more serious.

After all, a lot of news cannot be hidden from the Transcendent.

Ordinary people will also be fooled because they cannot get access to supernatural information because of their spiritual vision.

But extraordinary people won't. They can directly see, hear, and accept what happens.

Not to mention that after several years of dissemination, fantasy games have developed in all countries in the world.

Extraordinary people are already one step ahead of ordinary people, and have entered the information age ahead of schedule.

They can chat all over the world in the fantasy game forum, what happened to Amei, and the players in Europa Iceland will know in a second. There is nothing to hide from them.

And during this period of time, only one thing was discussed in the entire forum, and that was the South American snake man.

Are there any players among the snake people? have! Zhao Hao checked the big data when the snake man jumped back.

There are a total of six snake players in the world, four of which are not South American snake people, but further branches, belonging to marginal snake people, and did not participate in this matter.

And the two players, Zhao Hao, directly opened the can to avoid revealing information.

Of course, fantasy games have relevant defensive measures, and generally it is impossible to expose the content of the game. But be careful sailing for ten thousand years is not the ship.

Now the entire supernatural world, even the solitary transcendent in the deep mountains and old forests, knows that the snake people and lizard people in the other world are reversed. They want to overthrow the rule of humans and establish a kingdom of snake-men and lizardmen.

Mo Dao and the two eyes of the snake man provoked rebellion in South America!

Then there were videos of Heaven's Descending Justice Five Stars, and later Tianma Meteor Fist's hundreds of meteor showers on the forum.

I have to say that the number of players is too large, and there are still a lot of talents.

He was able to observe the entire battle from a distance of fifty kilometers.

This video is really well shot, the camera capture is quite in place, and the commentary is also very professional, and it is actually a high-definition Blu-ray. I'm afraid it's not all about voyeurism.

All of a sudden, the discussion about the strongest transcendent in the world began.

In the past, the few bronze 4-star transcendents recognized by the world in the past probably couldn't do this kind of thing, right?

This is no different from a god!

Several of the veteran powerhouses stood up and said that they couldn't do it, so it's better to be far away.

Now A Mei was glad that someone took action to solve the big trouble of Father Snake's arrival, but at the same time began to mutter calculations in her heart: These two extraordinary people will not threaten me, right? How can I get both of them?

Of course, dealing with snake people is also a big problem. It is not a small move to encircle and suppress the stubborn snake people and lizard people in the other world.

Now we have to trap them and solve the problem once and for all. If you let them escape a little bit, then the follow-up will be troublesome.

After all, among Onsa and the Jewish people, many high-ranking people have transformed into snake people or lizard people because of lifespan issues.

If you don't take advantage of this big incident to deal with it, maybe another big incident will happen. The penetration of the snake people for hundreds of years is in all aspects.

Although Ami's army has dialed back. But the elite of the Extraordinary Legion still stayed in the inner world, cooperating with the extraordinary of Ami and Europa to encircle and suppress the Snakeman.

The accumulation of hundreds of thousands of years is not boastful. Even if the upper echelon is beheaded in a wave, the remaining snake-men and lizardmen still have strong fighting power.

This dozen is three or four months.

During this period, Zhao Hao was not idle either.

After all, on the land of Panama, the mountain ranges and primeval forests of the Inner World are indeed still outside the world, and this thing has to be dealt with.

The solution is the super-large enchantment proposed by Zhao Hao. The funds have been allotted, and it is impossible for you to go back.

Zhao Hao started his first large-scale experimental attempt in the world of watches - the realization of a large-scale functional enchantment.

Although in the dreamland, his own territory is already very large, and there is also a small world as a logistics resource production base.

But Zhao Hao always wants to do something in the watch world.

After all, the crisis of annihilation would not be prevented just because he was extremely powerful in the Psionic Sea Dreamland. In the end, it has to fall into the watch world.

Moreover, Zhao Hao had to prepare early for A Mei's swaying appearance.

Take their money to try to deal with them, this is the correct way to open.

Even with the support of spiritual dolls and minions, it took Zhao Hao more than a month to complete the encirclement plan around the inner world mountain range that can cut off the connection between the two continents.

The design manuscript alone has been changed six times, and there are more than 70 copies.

One hundred and eight little yellow men, more than two hundred players who have been "spiritualized", and thousands of spiritual dolls who worked together, managed to arrange a large barrier.

In addition to many mistakes during the period, rework, repetition, demolition, and rebuilding...that is a common thing.

But the final effect is very good - the mountains and virgin forests in the inner world are surrounded by enchantments, and they are hidden from the outer world.

Of course it just disappears, it doesn't disappear from the outside world and return to the inner world. It's just that I can't see it anymore. It's a large-scale blindfold.

This thing can appear in the surface world, it is the snake people who use the psionic energy and planning accumulated for hundreds of years, and take advantage of the psionic energy to revive the general trend of the unity of the outside and the inside to tear open the hole.

Unless Zhao Hao advances to Baiyin, don't expect to be able to squeeze this hundreds of kilometers long mountain range back into the inner world with his own strength.

After all, in the official eyes of Ami, Zhao Hao is a bronze 3-star less than 4-star character who is good at spell enchantment and raising pets.

And if the problem is really solved, the person who solved the problem is not important.

It is a kind of wisdom to raise one's own self-respect!

Zhao Hao kept the mountain range and the large primeval forest where extraordinary creatures lived, so that he could keep asking for funding in the future.

But if he wanted to pass through the Golden Hengduan Mountain Range and the Southern Cross Supernatural Forest, he could only take the road specially opened up by Zhao Hao.

Every time you pass, you have to pay tolls for toll maintenance. After all, opening up channels requires continuous consumption~

Later, many transcendents who passed said, "The name of the Golden Hengduan Mountain Range is good. Hengduan embodies the characteristics of the mountains, and gold embodies the characteristics of character!"

The super-large toll booth on Zhao Hao's side...the super-large enchantment has been completed, and Ami and Europa over there have not yet been able to completely take down the snake man.

After all, the risk of a world-class disaster has disappeared, and many extraordinary people and organizations are less willing to help.

Ah Mei's character is on display there, she is not very popular.

Zhao Hao had nothing to do, so he remitted the fees withheld from fraudulent accounts to Dongpu, and began to build a super-large national alchemy barrier there. This function is more cumbersome and complicated.

The Celestial Dynasty has a Kyushu barrier, which is very strong against supernatural hazards.

If the super-large national alchemy enchantment of Zhao Hao is completed, then Japan will also have its own national defense system.

Of course, Zhao Hao has the final say.

Although Xiao Baga has various problems, there is one thing that is good, and that is Mu Qiang!

As long as you are much stronger than him, even if you abuse him, he will feel happy. Don't worry about overdoing it at all.

Of course, you don't have a day when you pull your hips.

By the time the snake man incident was basically over, the siege and follow-up processing had basically come to an end, it was already more than June.

This has been going on for half a year.

America, Europe and the countries of Europe are exhausted and exhausted, and the time of the sages has begun. I don't even want to move.

But Zhao Hao is not the case. He has passed two successful experiments in the Golden Hengduan Mountains and the Enchantment of the Four Kingdoms in Japan, and has perfected a mature large-scale enchantment plan for the watch world, and even designed different styles to meet different situations and needs.

In the boundary of the Four Kingdoms, he even opened up the Underworld through the spiritual veins - the inner world - the outer world - the psionic sea dream, four barriers!

Let this place be directly connected to the Spiritual Sea and Netherland City. Completed the direct communication between the three realms of human, god and ghost!

Possesses the canonization of the "gods" of the lands of the four kingdoms, and all-round control over the sacrifice of the souls of the dead!

Speaking of the Kingdom of God on Earth, it’s not too far away.

Inspired by this, he started to "erode" the watch world!

He feels that there must be this kind of watch world enchantment everywhere in the world, and of course they don't need to be so big.

A smaller one is enough, in order to form a wider network of enchantment spirit veins.

Through the psychic phone bugs laid in the psychic veins, psychic communication is realized and all enchantments are connected.

Zhao Hao even tried to use the enchantment spirit vein network to realize the material transfer in the surface world.

It worked, but the cost was huge. Still need to continue to optimize the program.

This belongs to the Psionic Internet of Things!

In the second half of this year, it was quiet for a while.

Apart from the fact that Europa Lord of the Flies had a few fights with the Arrival Angel, and there was a lot of trouble, there was no other major event.

The previous pope has passed away, and the curse of Lord of the Flies is really strong.

Even with the help of the power of heaven, it can only support the Pope for a year or two.

And it's said, it's said—a middle-level and high-level fantasy player of the Holy See communicated with his colleagues in the game communication, and the information was intercepted by Zhao Hao.

It is said that because the soul of the old pope has been polluted, he cannot go to heaven, but can only go to hell, so he was sent to the angel to kill his relatives righteously!

As for the descending angel, that was a plan that the Holy See had prepared decades ago.

Because of the existence of heaven, the Holy See had foreseen the recovery of spiritual energy more than ten years earlier, and was fully prepared.

The descending containers of these angels were selected and cultivated at that time.

Angels and demons are actually the same, they have no human body, let alone gender. To appear in the table world, a "container" is required.

Devils and devils generally use some kind of devil's son, sacrifices, and the like.

Those holy sons and saints cultivated are all spare parts of the Holy See.

It is said that several angels are still very powerful. With the help of many ancient organizations in Europa, they have already forced Lord of the Flies back to Bulgaria.

And at the end of the year, "good news" suddenly came from East Asia—it was our turn for something to happen!

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