Drawing cards can't save the weird world

Chapter 496 The Snakeman, who had been prepared for a long time, was blocked by land

The snake man's big ceremony was more violent and faster than anyone imagined.

When Zhao Hao and other candidates for salvation were meeting, large-scale disappearances of people began to occur in Peru, Chile, Argentina, Bolivia and other places in South America.

It was the kind of serious situation where dozens of hundreds of people, or even entire villages, went missing.

In some remote villages, there were still people passing by two days ago, but suddenly the buildings were empty.

The property in those villages has not been moved, and some families even left the cooked meals in the pot, but the people are gone.

Elderly people in their 70s and 80s, down to children of a few years old, don't even keep a pet chicken or duck.

According to the incomplete statistics of the local extraordinary forces, the number of missing people is between 6,000 and 8,000! It's just a few short days!

All the large supernatural forces on the American side were alarmed, and the Eight Immortals crossed the sea to show their magical powers. It is deduced that this matter has something to do with the snake man.

Snake people and lizard people are not very close to humans and other extraordinary races. Even in the other world, they are very difficult to approach and difficult to talk to.

Be extra careful when dealing with them, because they may kill you because of a certain action or disagreement.

They have their own organizational structure and contact methods internally, and it is basically impossible for non-other races to break into it. Unless it is the kind of person who wants to change blood.

During the period of psychic power silence before, ordinary people no longer have the chance to live forever.

However, for some high-ranking people, life is really not enough to enjoy in just a few decades, so what should we do?

If the proper path is blocked, you will go the unscrupulous one.

Both the snake people and the lizard people have a natural lifespan of hundreds of years! Very long!

Up to now, some people still say that the old lady of the Great Empire has actually changed her race!

But it should be nonsense, there are still three catties of nails in a rotten boat. After all, the Daying Empire also claims that the sun never sets, and its extraordinary power is not weak. It's impossible to turn my old lady into a lizard old lady, right?

But it's strange to say that the old lady can really live.

Fatty had talked with Zhao Hao before and said that Da Ying would change the king at some point.

Zhao Haoxin said, maybe she could boil you and me to death.


Now that the snake-men and lizard-men directly launch such a large-scale invasion of the surface world, they are obviously well prepared.

Except for parts of Brazil, the entire South America has no ability to resist.

Especially the supernatural beings were almost always killed immediately. It is obvious that the snake people have detailed information about these extraordinary people.

It is not wrong to say that South America has fallen into the hands of foreigners.

Even in Central America, that is, the Aztec area, there are still a large number of snake people and lizard people performing ceremonies, and it seems that they want to open the barrier between the inner and outer worlds on a large scale.

Could it be that they want to use the dangerous terrain of the inner world to separate the north and the south?

It is extremely urgent without delay, and Amei took action immediately.

In a few days, Amei has sent thousands of soldiers to the territory of Brother Mo Du on transport planes.

For Amei, places like Brother Modu are her back garden.

American intelligence agencies such as the FBI and CIA all regard these places as breeding grounds.

Behind those big drug lords and big capitalists, there are their shadows.

After all, you can't just rely on the appropriation from above, you have to make money to generate income yourself, right?

They even discussed and drafted a plan before, saying that they would legalize marijuana in Canada and Ami!

What the hell!

Now, they have finally tasted the pain.

After all, behind the snake man and lizard man is a deceitful god. It's different from those messy Transcendent organizations.

The Church of the Holy Blood and the Church of Original Sin, even if they have some special means, but there is no one behind them, they can only show their courage for a while, and they often cannot bear it when they encounter some powerful enemies and violent setbacks.

But it's different if there are deceitful gods and true gods behind them.

There is so much help they can get.

Other organizations that believe in deceitful gods have to worry, because the reason why deceitful gods are deceitful gods is because they cannot understand. Often a small action will bring unpredictable and terrible consequences.

Maybe their master just wanted to give them a little new knowledge, and as a result their heads exploded, or they mutated into a puddle of mud or something.

But Father Snake is the creator of snake people and lizard people, so he is not an ordinary believer.

Don't cheat your own family. At least the pit is much lighter.

They will be able to borrow more of the snake father's strength and abilities.

In particular, many high-level priests can predict the future through the snake father, and make arrangements in advance.

Although the changes in the river of fate are complicated, there are traces to follow in the eyes of the treacherous god.

So in many cases, they are prepared in advance.

For example, the spiritual silence period.

Psychic silence cannot be stopped or delayed, but it can be advanced.

So the snake people knew about the emergence of psychic silence hundreds of years ago and made preparations early.

Since silence is unavoidable, it is better to actively prepare for possible awakening in the future.

As long as you are ahead of everyone, you are equivalent to being ahead of everyone. Isn't this an opportunity for a big reshuffle?

If it is done well, there is even hope that God the Father will come to this world!

Although there are many high-end deceitful gods, such as Sally and Toad God believed by the four major cults, they don't look down on this world.

This planet is a different egg in the universe, but for existences like them, it is just a beautiful stone.

Believers in this world feel great power, and believing in them is just like using the shadows cast by them to cover the shade.

But a deceitful god like Father Snake is more coveted for the egg of the universe.

They all want to suck a big mouthful of energy from this egg, and some even have crazy plans to occupy the magpie's nest.

In short, hundreds of years ago, when the silence of psionic energy was about to begin, and the gods born in this country began to run away, the snake people and lizard people in South America were also actively making arrangements.

Although this arrangement took hundreds of years, they finally waited for this day.

South America is different from other places. The influence of the deceitful gods is so great that it even once prevented humans from setting foot on other continents.

Even if the Great Voyage later broke the blockade, the influence of thousands of years is not so easy to remove. It can even be said that it has penetrated into the bone marrow!

And Amei regards Brother Modu as his back garden. Their special agencies want to make money here and vigorously support the local forces, but they don't know that they have fallen into the trap of the snake man. It belongs to my prediction of your prediction.

Those big plantations and big drug lord groups have been secretly controlled. Although they have been lurking for decades, as if they are really making money, the purpose of the snake people is actually for today.

Those big drug lords or big warlords who have hundreds of guns in their hands and control countless manpower and financial resources, shoot at the same time, Brother Mo Du will be gone immediately!

Before everyone could react, hundreds of snake priests held a grand ceremony that had been prepared for decades on the temporary pyramid built by Brother Modu.

As thousands of corpses were drained of blood and their bodies thrown into the sea, the sky began to darken and winds rose. The stormy sea turned up blood-colored foam, and a large-scale local psychic riot... The inner and outer barriers that were not very reliable were directly torn apart!

When Ami's soldiers and supernatural beings arrived, the Panama region where the two continents were connected was blocked by a large area of ​​lush primitive jungles and mountains in the other world!

The extraordinary army general on Amei's side immediately took over the command and dispatched a transport plane to try to bypass the sea. However, there are also many internal and external passages in the sea that have been opened.

In other words, a vertical strip of inner world separates the two continents.

There are many extraordinary creatures in the sea, and they are aroused by bloody sacrifices, so ships and submarines can't get through.

The 100-meter-long cruiser was riddled with holes by the superhuman beings who came forward, and barely retreated under the cover of more than a dozen bomber missiles.

And because the scene was too exciting, the soldiers on the ship basically had psychological problems. Not only the ship needed to be changed, but the people had to be changed as well.

After trying it, it is not impossible to go around, but it can only be done with a small-scale manpower. If you want to send a large army, you must break through the barriers in the inner world.


"We need to break in, repair the inner and outer barriers, and send this primitive forest back to the inner world. Otherwise, if this forest stays here, the area of ​​the inner world will continue to expand!"

"How to repair this? It is a huge crack that is 22 kilometers wide and over 100 kilometers long!"

"That's right! We've only advanced less than two kilometers, and we've already encountered a third Bronze-level extraordinary creature. How do we fight this? Unless it's paid for by the lives of soldiers!"

"At least one-third of the soldiers in a fight will have serious psychological problems. Individuals even go crazy. There are dozens of soldiers who died at their own guns!"

"No matter what you say, you have to fight! I will lead the team tomorrow!"

Ami's transcendent also quarreled.

Even a large organization like the Gospel Society, which has a significant influence in America, is starting to have a headache at this time.

The action of the snake man is too fast! It was out of control like a mountain torrent!

After all, people have been planning for too many years.

In fact, if it hadn't been accidentally discovered by the old Symbian, it might have been lurking for a year or two.

When it explodes at that time, it is not a question of whether it can be stopped. At that time, I am afraid that the priest will come to the watch world!

"You said, can we fight from the other world?"

Seeing that the soldiers and artillery were somewhat hopeless, the transcendent proposed to have a superhuman battle with the snake-man and lizard-man in the other world. Beat them directly in the other world!

Finally decided to take multiple approaches.

The extraordinary organization began to prepare manpower for a battle between the extraordinary and the snake-man-lizard-men in the other world.

Here in the world, Ami contacted several countries in Europa, sent additional manpower and supplies, whether it used a large amount of chemical agents or large bombs, even if it used miniature nuclear warheads, it would completely wipe out the mountains and rivers in the other world within a month. The jungle is eradicated from the table world.

Otherwise, the wounds in the inner and outer worlds will be further enlarged, which may cause more serious consequences.

And Zhao Hao and others were sent to the South American continent with their own small teams, using various means to rescue the humans there.

The fat white director of the Mystery Bureau also sneakily told Zhao Hao and the Ami local savior candidates that he wanted to rescue some pro-American upper class people.

Zhao Hao nodded on the surface, but he had already decided in his heart that these two devils would die there.

For the next half month, Zhao Hao escorted a group of transport ships to and from South America.

This side transports soldiers and munitions to some designated islands to build forward positions, while the other side quickly transfers those local refugees.

At this time, several countries in South America have become a mess, and the official disintegration of the snake-men and lizardmen will even attack human gathering points in broad daylight, plundering the population and returning them as sacrifices.


Zhao Hao dropped a huge snake head in his hand, this bronze snake warrior was really cunning, almost let him run away.

Dozens of people were rescued from the snake man's transport vehicle. The soldiers are busy identifying the hostages and transporting them to the seaside.

Zhao Hao was sitting in the cab of a car, and Colonel Max on the side handed over an apple wrapped with a ribbon.

"Hey, Zhao, this is for you. I wish you a safe Christmas Eve!"

Zhao Hao was taken aback, Christmas Eve? Is it Christmas Eve already? The year is almost over again.

Wait, you also give apples on Christmas Eve? No!

In the end, after careful questioning, it turned out that for some reason, the Christmas Eve apple delivery spread from Zhao Hao has become popular in several states on the east coast!

At the beginning, Zhao Hao just made a joke with Elena, and only gave apples to a few friends!

This, this also works?

... This fruit merchant has to pay me for advertising!

Zhao Hao and other candidates for savior blossomed all over South America, often intercepting and killing some snakemen and lizardmen who were catching humans. But South America is too big, and no one can stop the long-planned snake man when the incident happened suddenly.

During this period of time, at least tens of thousands of people were sacrificed one after another! And there are probably more than ten times as many humans in their dungeons!


Just when most of the eyes of the world were attracted by the region of South America. There was trouble again in the Pacific.

In the Marshall Islands in the Pacific Ocean, there is an island reef called Bikini Island.

That's right, that three-point bikini.

Since last year, Aramco has passed a document to vigorously carry out nuclear explosion tests on nearby islands and reefs.

The frequency of throwing one in a month or two.

To make matters worse, Ami officials told the aborigines on the local island that this thing was harmless and was just thrown away for fun.

In fact, they are treated as natural test subjects to observe the effects of radiation on ordinary people.

Paper can't hold fire, and this matter was discovered.

It is the International Atomic Energy Agency of the Security Council of the United Nations, the agency that owns the doomsday clock that can calculate the end of the world.

Now, they are sending people to negotiate with the upper management of Ami.

And a Greenpeace organization called the "Human Council" has already started to implement the "Escape Plan" to help the local aborigines escape from the homeland polluted by spiritual energy radiation.

Even the means of human relations are more radical, and they have already begun to clash with the local Aramco navy.

On the one hand, Amei's back garden was on fire, and on the other hand, her little trick was discovered. It can be said that she was devastated.

Reluctant to update

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