I'm a little emotional, complain about it.

It's really hard to say when a person reaches middle age.

Last October, my grandparents passed away within one month. During that time, I had to follow the funeral during the day and keep vigil at night. I don't even know how I got here.

Up to now, my grandma has heart failure and is hospitalized, and my grandfather has a small intestinal hernia and may need surgery. But I can't go back here, because of the reason.

If they go back, they will have to stay with them in the hospital for at least seven to ten days. What's more, the hospital refused to allow it! You may have to quarantine for seven days when you go back. Worry about this all day.

My heart trembles when I hear the voice of WeChat messages every day!

Let's cherish the good times of our teens and twenties. It's really different after thirty.

So, the joy will disappear~

Speaking of which, I'm quite free during the day, but I don't want to code. When I was in front of the computer, I wanted to find something else to do, and I would not turn on the computer unless it was available. Everyone has misogyny.

I finally understand why some ancient people wanted to seek immortality and Taoism, and wanted to live in seclusion.

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