Drawing cards can't save the weird world

Chapter 492 Dreamland Walker

Charlottesville, Virginia, near the University of Virginia.

A young man hurried past, and the cold wind blew his clothes, making him shiver involuntarily.

Winter has come so early this year that people don't even have time to change their clothes.

It’s only mid-to-late November at this time, but the temperature at night has occasionally dropped below zero.

It seems that the temperature has dropped a lot suddenly, and I can see the heavy footsteps of winter catching up.

The hurried young man called Seth, hugged his clothes tightly to try to stop the loss of body temperature, and hurried back to his rented apartment.

His face was ugly and dejected.

This is not only because of the sudden cold weather, but more importantly, one of his friends is gone.

Although it can't be said that the relationship is very good, after all, they have been classmates for several years in college.

The result suddenly disappeared.

Some time ago, the two of them went to Europa together, and they had a casual hunting trip @艳.

Although the result is not very good, almost died.

They had fun all the way in Europa, going to those places with famous names.

On the way, I met a young man at a bar. He said that Morocco is a good place to go. There are so many beautiful girls there, they jump on people, and they can't stop them.

The two heard that it was blood rushing down, and they believed it on the spot. Following this new friend, I went to Morocco.

Not to mention, there are so many girls in the bars and hotels there! That's cool~

However, it was a terrible deception.

This is a trap set up by a local Satanist organization, specifically to trick young men and women from other places to come here to make sacrifices.

The men I met in the bar and the women in the hotel were all members of this organization.

Just like those @pin and Karmayaozi, they are all deceitful.

Those ignorant young men and women were tricked into coming here, then drugged into a stupor, and brought to a secret stronghold to be brutally murdered and sacrificed.

It was also God's fault. When the two were stunned, one of the victims, a hunk from the sky, started to fight back, hacking and killing several executioners along the way, and escaped.

This can be regarded as letting them go by the way.

The two were so frightened that Jill couldn't even stand up, how dare they stay? I can't wait to carry the train overnight and run away.

When they got back to my big Americo, the two of them breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, even if you die here, you will die clearly—most of them are shot to death, so you won’t be killed and sacrificed by those ghosts like slaughtering animals!

This time they were terrified. After two weeks of slowing down, Jill didn't slow down.

Another young man was so frightened that he even ran away from school and healed his wounds in an old house in the country.

As a result, the person who healed the wound was healed.

The young man went to look for it today, but the house was empty, and it seemed that no one had taken care of it for some time.

Moreover, the door was not locked, and seeing that some daily necessities and personal items were there, the young man judged that his friend should not have left by himself.

The missing friend's parents didn't get along early, there was only one older brother, and the relationship was not very good.

But the relationship between the missing one and his sister-in-law is very good, and the young man often listened to his stories about their relationship.

Today, the young man went to his friend's old house in the country to search around. There was only a large bloodstain on the mattress, and there were no other clues.

He didn't dare to call the police for fear of getting into trouble, so he only found a weird Rubik's cube and left in a hurry.

It seemed that the missing friend had bought it from a quirky shop in Morocco.

Later, the haste that escaped with the train was brought back.

Not knowing what to think, the young man returned to the apartment with the Rubik's Cube.

Even after returning home, the young man was still in a panic.

He wondered if it might have something to do with the murderer he met in Morocco.

Those guys are organized and they all have a little tattoo of a dog's head. Maybe they will cross mountains, rivers and seas to chase him down.

He secretly made up his mind, "If it really doesn't work, I have to call the police! It's best to contact his brother and sister-in-law first to make sure that he didn't go to the two of them."

After thinking about it for a long time, the sun has already set.

The temperature is lower tonight, and under the light of the street lamps outside, it is snowing profusely.

Lying on the bed, the young man suddenly remembered the Rubik's Cube he had brought back.

It cost about thirty bucks to buy it!

Take it out and examine it carefully.

The Rubik's Cube is about a dozen centimeters long, and it is heavy and overwhelming. It should be made of metal.

It feels like bronze with a black coating. A bronze tint can be seen in the veins.

Its texture and module shape are very weird, not the kind of small horizontal and vertical boxes, but various irregular textures and patterns.

How does this turn?

The youth fiddled with the Rubik's Cube in various ways, trying to open it in various ways. As if someone was urging him, he fiddled tirelessly and without hunger.

Until the climax of the moon, there was a click, and the Rubik's Cube finally changed.

The young man found the right way, and soon he opened the Rubik's Cube, and the whole Rubik's Cube was fully unfolded, like a bronze plate, with many unknown symbols on it.

At this time, a wall in the room suddenly shook, and it actually split from it!

As the gloomy light projected into the room, a strange man with a head full of nails and a strange black leather coat came out.

He has a bald head, and the skin on his face and head has been cut into square lines very regularly with a knife. At the intersection of each blood line, there is an iron nail deeply nailed into it.

He is a monk from hell and the messenger of Leviathan.

After Beelzebub, the Lord of the Flies, another demon god of hell began to attack the world.

"The person who opens the mourning box will become a member of the Leviathan Labyrinth."

Following the gloomy words of the hell monk Nailhead, countless iron chains flew out from all directions, and the iron hook at the end was deeply embedded in the young man's flesh and blood, he was lifted up, and then began to tear...

The whole apartment began to echo with the young man's screams of pain. The strange thing is that the apartment with more than a dozen households seemed to be empty.

The sun rose the next day, and the street was as calm as before, without a single snowflake.

Five days later, the apartment manager, who could not be contacted, knocked on the door to collect the rent, but smelled a stench of corruption.

After opening the door with the spare key, I saw blood splattered all over the house!


Although there was a murder, the house still had to be rented.

After a good cleaning, the apartment is up for rent again.

This time the tenants are a mother and son. Mother Wendy with her son Danny.

Originally they also had a warm family, but until the tragedy happened...

Wendy has no skills, so she can only work as a cashier in a nearby store with a meager income.

Danny is a child with problems. He was a bit taciturn, but now after a huge change, he no longer talks to strangers, and only talks to his own fingers.

Now the poor mother takes her son to live in this strange city, and everything has to be saved.

They chose this very cheap apartment, this apartment.

Danny, who was unresponsive to the outside world, involuntarily shivered when he entered the room.

He shook his head slightly, his eyes were fixed, like a car interior with a spring in his neck.

"No! Tony doesn't like it here, Bruce doesn't like it, Rogers tells us to go, Natasha is scared, Thor is mad... They don't like it, not at all."

Tony was Danny Thumb's name, as were several others. He names his fingers and talks to them.

Seeing her son's state, Wendy's eyes flashed with pain, but she still pulled herself together, squeezed out a smile and touched his son's head: "Danny, we don't have a lot of money, so we can only choose this place. And It’s also very nice here! The walls are all newly painted, and the furniture is also replaced with new ones.”

She couldn't help twitching her nose, "Uh, although there's a little smell, it's good to just open the window and let it go." Wendy pushed the window up to ventilate the house.

Because it was newly packed, this saved the mother and son a lot of work.

You know, Wendy works eleven hours a day for a month without a break, but only $980. I was so tired that I couldn't even get up.

The financial crisis that broke out a few years ago has not passed yet.

Although President Li Genda introduced many policies after he came to power, the data generally responded quickly. It would take a long time for this D and that P to be fed back to the people at the bottom of society.

Because of Danny's own reasons, he can't go to school, and he can only stay at home alone during the day.

He seems to have become more autistic since he moved into the apartment. Not even much time to talk to my own fingers.

He began to have frequent nightmares, and even fell asleep when he was in a daze, and had terrible hallucinations.

He dreamed of all kinds of grotesque scenes, sometimes people he had never seen before, some terrible monsters and strange scenes, and mirrors with human faces.


On this day, Zhao Hao was feeding the minions and King Kong bananas in a dream.

The area of ​​the banana grove in the dream world is simply spectacular.

The magic mirror suddenly appeared, and it finally completed the devouring evolution a few days ago. Now it can be said that the shotgun has changed.

Even the load on the Dreamland game server has come down, and it has become easier to operate and control.

There is even "residual computing power" to monitor and interfere with the world inside and outside!

The magic mirror found him with a charming smile on his face: "The great master, the master of dreams, the man behind countless players, the creator of the metaverse..." This flattery is a series.

"Stop! Don't fart, speak quickly." Zhao Hao stuffed a banana into the magic mirror's mouth.

"Hey haha~ Thank you master for giving me bananas! These bananas are very precious, let the minions eat first!"


"No, master atones. It was the magic mirror that I found a seedling with great potential, so I came here to report to master."

Zhao Hao didn't take it seriously: "Potential seedlings? What potential seedlings? I haven't seen any potential seedlings?"

The magic mirror said: "Yes, yes, the master is well-informed, it's a small fuss. But that child is indeed a bit interesting, so..."

"tell me the story."

"Yes. That kid's name is Danny, and he is 8 years old this year. He can travel in dreams without awakening psionic powers."

Zhao Hao nodded: "It's not surprising that some people are so gifted that they can really control their dreams."

"But yesterday, he broke into the fantasy game!"

Zhao Hao was taken aback for a moment, "Broken into a fantasy game? What do you mean?"

"He is not a player, but he has penetrated the barrier of the game and entered the game. It seems that there is something chasing him in a dream. In a panic, he crashed into the game, and that's when I discovered it. "

Zhao Hao was silent.

If there is no game mark, if you are not a game player, then you must never enter the game? no.

The imprint of the game is to help those who cannot enter the game freely, but not everyone can enter the game independently.

It's like being an extraordinary person, although most people are stimulated or awakened through practice.

But there are also very few people who awaken naturally. Born to be extraordinary!

But even if you are born extraordinary, don't even think about entering the fantasy game privately.

Unless you are born with an excellent talent in dreams.

This kind of person should be in your own hands, and it may become a hidden danger if you put it outside.

Zhao Hao became a little interested, "Give me the information, I'll take a look..."


At this moment, Wendy is cooking.

She needs to cook, eat and go back to work in as little as half an hour. If you are late, you will be charged.

Although the rent here is cheap, she is relieved, but the pressure of life still pursues her all the time.

She made a mistake in her busy schedule, and because she was distracted, she was suddenly scratched by a knife.

The wound was not deep, but blood still flowed out.

In order not to worry her son Danny, and because she has no time for pain, she just wants to cook for him as soon as possible and then go to work.

She hurried to the house to find gauze to stop the bleeding, and then ran back to the kitchen to continue cooking.

What she didn't notice was that as she hurried past, a few drops of blood from her hands dripped onto the floor.

But those few drops of blood quickly seeped into the floor without leaving a trace.

At this time, a shriveled heart under the floor was moistened by a few drops of blood, and began to stretch gradually, and then began to beat slowly.

The young man who had become a demon from hell began to be resurrected!

Danny seemed to feel something. When his heart beat for the first time, his hands began to twitch, and then his whole body began to scream: "Blood! Death! Blood! Death...".

Wendy quickly dropped the kitchen knife, ran back to the bedroom and hugged her son: "Danny, Danny, mom is here, don't be afraid, don't be afraid..." While comforting her son, she began to cry involuntarily.

She thought of her husband's death, when Danny was the same.

She really couldn't hold it anymore, she wished she could die!

Die... She was stunned for a moment.

Just this past February, her husband Danny's father, Jack, died.

And a series of incidents before death caused the mother and son to almost collapse in their minds.

If they test their spiritual vision now, Wendy will have 6, because she has personally experienced the strange events and the tragic death of her husband, so she is far beyond ordinary people.

As for Danny, who looks very abnormal, he has 8, which is higher than when Zhao Hao first crossed.

In the afternoon, Wendy had no choice but to call her boss to ask for leave and stay at home with her son who was in shock and suspected of having an epileptic seizure.

The shop owner told her: Not only will today's wages be deducted, because she did not call in advance, but an extra day's wages will also be deducted.

At night, the mother and son were lying on the bed and sleeping soundly.

Wendy frowned as if feeling very uncomfortable, while Danny was struggling non-stop, his name-only hand was scratching everywhere on the bed.

In the dream, a skinless, bloody and terrifying monster was chasing Danny.

And there are five figures around Danny helping him, but the blood man is still chasing closer and closer!

"Ha~ Johnny is here!"

Suddenly, a somewhat bald man walked slowly from another direction with an ax in his hand, with a terrifying smile on his face.

It was Danny's dead father Jack.

He was frozen to death, so his face was ashen, and there were even icicles hanging on his face.

Even so, the playful and malicious smile on his face was still so obvious. He definitely wasn't here to help.

Even, in his last time, he took an ax to kill this girl.

In the watch world, on the floor of the living room of the apartment, a disgusting monster with no skin, only bones and a lot of mucus, and only the upper body slowly crawled out from under the floor.

On the walls of the house and on the floor, blood began to seep and flow.

It propped up its hands and came to the door of the bedroom. Its whole arm squeezed through the crack of the door as if it had no shape, and opened the door silently.

The lights in the corridor of the apartment went out one by one, and it began to "snow" outside the window...

Thanks for the 1500 rewards from the book friend "Beary Bear's Papa Bear"!

Thanks to the book friend "Li Hanqi" for the 100 rewards!

Thank you both~

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