Drawing cards can't save the weird world

Chapter 463 Meet Sister Elena~

Yamata no Orochi was beheaded, or "sealed" again.

With the fall of Yaqi, the miasma riots of a national nature stopped.

After all, this guy is "the savior of demons", and he represents the spiritual vein of miasma.

In the two days since it was resurrected, the number of Japanese monsters has nearly doubled!

The fortune of the country has already declined because of the flowing spiritual veins. The barriers between the outer world and the inner world are broken like a sieve, and monsters and curse spirits in the outer world appear in large numbers. What is the concept of a tenfold increase now?

When you are sleeping, there is a little monster screaming under the bed. When you are eating, a little monster suddenly jumps out holding the rice bowl and runs away. When you are watching TV, a weird thing suddenly drills out of the screen and goes under the TV cabinet. When taking a shower, squeeze out miniature magic spirits from the shower gel, wriggling like tiny bugs...

During this period, it is said that more than 100,000 people died, and almost no one left saw anything "unusual". Originally, the suicide rate of Dongying people is high, and there are not a few people who have mental breakdowns like this.

If someone conducts a large-scale test now, they will find that the current spiritual vision value of the Dongpu people is more than ten points higher on average than before the disaster!

It can be described as an international leader!

Fortunately, Yamata no Orochi was dealt with in a timely manner, and it was eliminated in more than a day. Qiange also used three artifacts to block its main influence on the outside world. Otherwise, even if Baqi is dead now, it will be difficult for Dongying to go back to the past.

In fact, even now, many changes are irreversible.

Not to mention anything else, taking advantage of this excellent opportunity of the drift of the spiritual vein, the resurrection of Baqi, and the collapse of the old emperor, many big monsters have appeared in the world.

The eight legendary tengus, including Emperor Sutoku, all appear.

More than one person said that he had met Lord Tengu in the mountains, or was killed by Tengu.

There are also Lord Arakawa, Master Suzuka, Shuten-douji, Nine-Tailed Demon Fox and so on. How to live with it, or deal with it, is a difficult problem.

And they can only lean back, and what is more dangerous is Tiancaocheng.

It took less than six hours for Baqi to die here, and Zhao Hao and other people who were still capable of fighting had already reached the outskirts of Tiancao City.

This side is also quite serious. The influence of the so-called demon world has been spreading. The strength of the local transcendent is not good enough. It is not easy to block the countless monsters rushing out in front of them. They will retreat one kilometer almost every hour. It seems that the scope of the demon world has expanded quite a bit.

However, Yamata no Orochi fell surprisingly fast, probably because it frightened the master behind the so-called Amakusa Castle in the Demon Realm. Seeing that there was no chance, he simply withdrew.

Anyway, back then, it was just a casual move, and nothing could be achieved.

As for Amakusa Shiro, who was full of confidence to avenge the whole world, it was miserable. He was killed by Zhao Hao and the others in Amakusa City and hacked to death again. Amakusa Castle also fell into the inner world and then dissipated.

Afterwards, it is speculated that this so-called demon world should be the world of hell, and it was a certain monarch and demon god in hell who fooled the people of Tiancao City.

Thinking about it, I started to believe in God, then died a miserable death, and converted to the devil in anger... Isn't this the oriental version of Count Nicholas' drama? This is what those devils are good at.

But at this time, seeing that there was no hope, he decided to sell the cheap pony under his hands. This is also an excellent tradition of the devils.


Solved a few dangerous elements such as Amakusa Castle who couldn't get along with each other, and sat down with some big monsters to talk—to be harmonious, not to be human @首战霸.

Then Qiange's grand enthronement ceremony began.

The enthronement of the new emperor is not a trivial matter. At a small level, it is to appease people's hearts. At a large level, it is also a part of the ceremony, which will help restore the barrier of national destiny.

It's really a spectacle for the empress to ascend the throne.

However, because the local stubborn forces suffered a devastating blow, and the Gongqing family urgently needed to restore order, they also had backers like Zhao Hao to support them.

Now it can basically be said that everyone is united in one mind, and they all look forward to Qiange's enthronement as soon as possible.

The grand ceremony was held for one day, and then Qiange promulgated a new era name as the emperor: Haohe!

Afterwards, they began to organize supernatural beings from all over the country and dispatch official supernatural agencies to eliminate demons, not to mention ensuring the safety of the people.

On the other hand, Zhao Hao received a secret mission to lead people to disband the shogunate.

Originally, the shogunate had a lot of plans this time. Even if they couldn't return to the peak period to take power, they should take the opportunity to return to the center of power for future generations.

Unexpectedly, the old emperor was even more ruthless, and took him away in a wave. The body dies and the road disappears, it's over.

Old Emperor: Whoever dares to rob our Dongying guard, I will take him away!

Now even the general Tokugawa Shigekuni is gone, and those key elites under him have also been secretly imprisoned. The remaining 100 small shrimps in the shogunate can make no waves.

Directly banning the shogunate can be regarded as fulfilling the long-cherished wish of the emperor's family for many years.

In the next few days, a special envoy from the Bureau of Mystery came to have a friendly exchange with Emperor Chika—you see, you are all like this, Da Song didn’t say to help you, and we still need our people to help you, why not cooperate with us more ? Our Mystery Bureau is a first-class large organization, and Ami is behind it!

But Qian Ge is not a fool, she said that it is okay to cooperate, but only with Zhao Hao.

Zhao Hao looked at Fang Liang, but didn't even look at the so-called special envoy.

What dares to pick peaches? Dongying is so dangerous now, if some monster suddenly comes out and takes you away, no one can save you.

Sure enough, Zhao Hao's guess was very accurate. That night, an unknown monster infiltrated the defenses and took the Ami man away in the posthouse.

Ami was very angry, but there was really nothing she could do.

You guess OK, but have no proof how can you?

Besides, your matter is unreasonable in the first place, so you will admit it if it can be done, and you have to admit it if it doesn't work out.

Now it seems that Ami's infiltration of the mystery bureau has been very serious. This organization has gradually ceased to be an international neutral organization and began to be controlled by Ami.

Qian Ge and Zhao Hao discussed for a long time, and the two sides conducted in-depth discussions on the field of cooperation and reached a basic consensus.

Qiange will allow fantasy game players to engage in legal activities and develop personnel in Japan.

Of course, in return, Zhao Hao also gave Qian Ge a very high level of authority, and she developed official players.

In this way, Qiange can use the imprint of the game to develop his own superhero, and avoid being ostracized by the ministers. Moreover, the more direct descendants, the stronger they are, and the stronger the feedback they will give her, making her strength grow rapidly.

Qian Ge thought that Zhao Hao was a player who joined the fantasy game at the early stage and had a high level of authority.

This also explains why he is so strong, and he is already a bronze boss at a young age.

Zhao Hao can be described as "confidential": "As you can see, those Ami devils have no good intentions, and they don't really treat me as one of their own. So I also want to leave a way out. Fantasy games are one, and I leave the other one." It's here with you. That happy windy man, Ri Tianming, is me."

"You want to become a god?"

"That's not necessary. It's just that if something goes wrong, it won't end in death."

Qiange nodded, believing it.

After all, Zhao Hao's statement of retreat is indeed true.

Although in fact it is not the case at all, but you are fooling people~ then let it go without opening your mouth~


Heian-kyo, four avenues. Two men are chatting.

"Ah! Junxiong, you are already a player! Congratulations, you finally passed the assessment!" The older man patted the young man on the shoulder and said.

"Yeah, it's hard! By the way, Naruto-sama is recruiting people now, Ryuji, don't you really want to try?" said the young man named Toshio.

Long Si shook his head: "No. I want to go to Kyoto."

"Go to Kyoto? But followers of His Royal Highness Ri Tianming have many unique abilities!"

"I know, I know, His Highness Hitenmei is great, and it is very proud to be his believer. But I still want to go to Kyoto, become a super player directly under Emperor Chika, and play for this country that is riddled with holes." The ideal light shone in the eyes of the man named Ryuji.

In the end, a pair of friends with a considerable age gap parted, and Toshio watched Ryuji get on the Shinkansen to Kyoto.

"Hey, Dadala, do you think Brother Longsi will succeed? He will definitely, right?" Junxiong said.

A rodent with red eyes, big ears, long beard, purple back and white belly emerged from his arms, nodding straightly.

This is a special reward for joining the Temple of Destiny, Pokémon Radha~

Now that he has completed some exorcism missions in Japan, he has a chance to get Hyakki Shikigami as a battle pet.

Pokémon are premium rewards only available in limited edition special missions.

After joining hands with local official forces, many plans can be carried out with great fanfare.

In less than a week, the number of game players in Japan has increased several times, which is not worse than that of Ami, and not worse than the total number of Europa. You can even try to make some localization changes!

It would be great if I could catch a bumpman and study it, or get their transformation device. It can be regarded as adding an extraordinary path to the players~

Bumpman bubble wine, the more you drink, the more delicious it is! ~


After staying for so long, there is nothing more important here, the rest is to rest and recuperate for the future, and it is time to go back.

Before leaving, Zhao Hao had to arrange for his own cheap apprentice.

Chang Zong Wobu lived up to the expectations. In Zhao Hao's dream arena, he passed 264 duels, finally defeated the Yaodaoqi cemetery, completed an alternative promotion test, and became a bronze.

Although it was the same as when he became a black iron 5 star, he was a little watery. But once this threshold is crossed, things will be easy to handle later, just make up for it slowly.

Now Chang Zong Wobu has returned to the four countries, where he unites the local supernatural forces and suppresses demons and gods. He is an important supporter of Qiange in the four countries.

Before the second, because of the weak foundation of Qiuye, there was no chance of promotion in the end.

But being able to rise from 2-star Black Iron to 5-Star Black Iron in just over a month is already a rocket.

Whether he can be promoted in the future depends on his good fortune.

However, although he is not as good as the cheap junior brother in terms of strength, he has gained love.

That Tumiya Gagaku was the one who was bumped into the thigh by Er during the competition before. After these days of cooperating with each other in exorcising demons, the two came together with a good feeling in their hearts.

The Tugong family is also an extraordinary family. How could this wild extraordinary person be eligible to match?

But he is His Excellency Yasuo's eldest disciple!

Tugong Yale's father, the patriarch of the Tugong clan: Hey, no wonder I was amazed to see your skeleton, a ray of spiritual light gushing out from the sky, it's amazing. Elbow, go into the house and have a drink with uncle and me!

Zhao Hao used spirit wine to make up for the innate deficiency of Miyoshi Shochu, who was weak in body and bones, and he was in good health, alive and kicking.

And Zhao Hao also broke her fate with that water god.

This kind of fate is often a burden. The Celestial Dynasty is called Tong Zi Ming, and it is difficult to live to adulthood.

Now Sanhao Shaojiu's father wants to betroth his precious daughter to his old enemy's son, that is, Chang Zong Wobu. This can be described as bearing the burden of humiliation.

But Zhao Hao is not optimistic, Zhang Zong Wobu has an elm head, only a sword in his mind, he has not yet enlightened, and does not know what a woman is. Just let it happen.

The little monk Shang Zongchun was left in the court by Qiange. He was not a big official, but he became a close staff member and gave her advice.

This little light has a bright mind, and he saw that there was something wrong with her identity at the beginning.

Aobozu Wujing was enshrined in the imperial shrine, and Ramenmaru became the leader of the Tanuki in Kyoto.


In the end, after getting acquainted, Zhao Hao didn't make many arrangements for his friends, and there was only one last thing left.

Remember Nanayasaki had an enemy, right? The new moon ninja is a genre change from the original moon hidden ninja.

Since changing to New Moon Ninjas, these grandchildren have never done anything bad.

Nanayasaki's mother died because of their plan.

This is coming, and we must not let it go.

Now with the support of the emperor, it is very difficult to do anything in the land of Dongying.

It took Zhao Hao three days to find the new moon ninja's lair.

Taking advantage of the chaos, this group of grandchildren actually plundered many children with high psychic potential. These children will undergo brutal training and brainwashing to become a new generation of Crescent Ninjas.

First save people, and then Zhao Hao spent ten minutes, from the inside to the outside, from top to bottom, not even letting go of the ground, leaving no dog or dog, even a bug had to be crushed to death.

In the end, a spiritual fire was set and burned for three hours at the base of New Moon Ninja, until even the sand and gravel turned into glass.

Erase completely!

Now there is still a little bit left in Ami, and there are no new moon ninjas in the whole world.

Before leaving, Zhao Hao secretly came to Lipinganjing, the shrine of the happy wind man Ri Tianming.

Below this is a spirit vein.

Zhao Hao put his Huanglong Yanyue in the spiritual vein.

He wants Huanglong Yanyue to go further, which requires the cultivation of the main spiritual vein of a country...

When I went back, I went back aboveboard and took the plane.

Don't tell me, you are more timid if you are close to the hometown, and you dare not ask people. Zhao Hao is still a little nervous!

Well, actually, I don't know what will happen when Nanayasaki meets Elena, and what expression will I use to face Elena?

Nanayasaki next to her was even more nervous, feeling as if the outer room was being carried into the house to meet the doctor.

As a result, Elena was waiting to be picked up at the airport.

"Eileen, we're back." Zhao Hao showed an awkward but polite smile.

"It's good to be back." She glanced at Zhao Hao, and then took Nana Saki's hand, "Qiye, you have suffered. I asked him to bring you back, and I don't know why it took so long. I usually brag so much Great, at the critical moment, it became a silver-like pewter gun head!"

As he said, he pulled Nanayasaki into the car, Zhao Hao didn't dare to argue, so he quickly got into the driver's seat and became a full-time driver.

On the way, Elena held Nanayasaki's hand and kept asking about her health, Zhao Hao and Nanayasaki both heaved a sigh of relief.

Zhao Hao: Huh~ It's fine if you don't get mad. In the evening, I will show off my might and let you know what a diamond drill tip is!

At that time, Elena should be grateful to have Qiye to help share the burden~

I am indeed a genius, with first-rate eloquence~ I am also very good at sleeping~

As a result, after dinner, Elena dragged Nanayasaki back to the room to talk, saying that she would fall asleep at night and let Zhao Hao find a place to sleep by himself.

Never give Zhao Hao a chance to sleep in clothes!

Wait, I haven't got in the car yet, I haven't gotten in the car yet~


Needless to say, I will meet up with old friends later.

After several months, Zhao Hao was idle. He could clearly feel that he was put on hold.

It should be that the performance in Japan still exceeded the expectations of Amei and the group, which made them nervous.

So much so that during this period of time, I was testing my attitude and real strength, and at the same time I didn't want to have too many activities.

But this is better, Zhao Hao is too lazy to run around.

The days passed quickly, and the people of Ami were very nervous. They were used to shootings in the early years, and now they are also used to extraordinary events.

Three months have passed in the blink of an eye, and it is the end of the year.

During this period, on the Mid-Autumn Festival on September 21, Zhao Hao signed in and got the Black Iron 5-star item card [Ghost in the Shell Electronic Brain].

The so-called electronic brain refers to the original human brain implanted with micro-machines and interfaces to form an electronic brain.

Transformers like Suzi, the protagonist of Ghost in the Shell, will also stuff various components into their brains to enhance their ability to manipulate prosthetic bodies and hackers, leaving only a small part of their brains.

However, just like a computer, this thing has the risk of being hacked, rewritten or even destroyed.

For Zhao Hao, this thing has little use value, but it is very inspiring. Especially for Winston, who is bent on mechanical ascension.

He has never dared to touch the brain's psionic mechanical transformation. The technology of this thing is a reference.

On the Double Ninth Festival on October 14th, Zhao Hao signed in and got the black iron 5-star summoning card [Desperate Mechanical Dog].

It is the sound wave of the Transformers Megatron school, the kind of lurking spy mechanical dog under his hand, which can also spit out countless mechanical bugs like steel balls, it is a very powerful sneaking spy robot.

In Transformers 2, this thing sneaked into Ami's military base to steal the fragments of the fire source, and it was as easy as pie.

Leave it to the little yellow people to toss about, there are shock gold, Mandela metal, T800 mechanical stump, liquid metal and so on, let them toss.

On Thanksgiving Day on November 24th, Zhao Hao signed in and got the black iron 5-star disposable item card [banana peel].

This thing is from a go-kart... Throw it and anything that's holding it down will slip out of control.

Thanksgiving once a year, are you just perfunctory me like this? I thank you hammer!

I finally fell in love once, but you hurt me so thoroughly. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...

On Christmas Eve, December 24th, Zhao Hao signed in and got the black iron 5-star ability card [Transformation].

This thing is good, it can turn the target into a small animal! Little sheep, little pigs, little turtles and so on are very interesting. Minions queue up to experience what it's like to be a sheep or a turtle.

December 25 Christmas, this time luckier, Zhao Hao signed in and got a bronze 1-star item card [Telephone Worm Egg].

Such props like eggs and seeds require special attention.

Because if you are not careful, it is easy to cause alien species to invade.

There are even T-viruses, G-viruses, black light viruses, Jenova cells, etc. Don't be a bad person and cause the end of the world.

It took Zhao Hao five days to hatch the phone bug mother bug. It was a snail-like thing, and it was the phone bug in One Piece. But this female worm grows very fast. Eating and eating, it grew as big as a millstone in a few days, and it continued to grow.

And on the last day of the year, they also start laying eggs.

This phone bug is an extraordinary creature, and Zhao Hao found traces of artificial modification on them.

It's the kind where the alchemist big brother comes to play.

Of course, it's not synthetic beasts, they should be extraordinary modified creatures. Species modified for certain needs.

This thing is quite high-end!

Zhao Hao decided to conduct more in-depth research.

Since it is possible to communicate by voice across thousands of miles and imitate the expression of the other party, can it transmit signals, psychic power and so on?

If it is possible to transmit psychic energy over long distances, or even construct a huge network of psychic energy signals on the ground...it will be tricky!


By the time he killed Yamata no Orochi, Zhao Hao had already upgraded to Bronze 4 Star, +10000 Fate Points...

In addition to the wave of harvesting in Japan, more than a dozen bronzes were killed, with an average of 3,000 to 4,000 destiny points, plus the benefits brought about by the increase in the number of players during this period, and finally at the end of the year, they finally collected 90,000 destiny points. Finally, I can draw ten consecutive silver draws!

Thank you for the 1500 rewards from the book friend "Shang Lin complaining about being poor"!

Thanks to the book friend "Star of Origin" for the 100 rewards!

thank you~

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