Drawing cards can't save the weird world

Chapter 452 Extraordinary new force!

"Haha, Miss Tugong, we meet again." Erqian grinned.

Masara Tsumiya felt that her thighs were inexplicably hot, and she couldn't help but clenched the handle of the knife tightly, wanting to hit Er's previous face.

No one in Xianshan quickly stepped forward: "Thank you, thank you Lord Yasuo for sending you to help..."

It was Akiba Erzai who led the team.

After experiencing the pilgrimage ceremony of the thousand peaks in the inner world, and spending a "peaceful" weekend in Heianjing, his psionic level has rapidly increased to a black iron 4 star!

Zhao Hao: Well, it seems that Shuten-douji didn't lie to me, the effect of this spirit wine is really good. I drank it before and didn't see any side effects~

As for those who followed him, they were Hayate Naruto and others that Zhao Hao rescued from the spiritual disaster barrier of Honganji Temple.

At this time, Hayate Naruto was only 2-star black iron, and the people around him were not stronger than him, and even many of them were 1-star black iron. Obviously for soy sauce.

After all, the time to become a transcendent is too short, it is less than a week now.

The reason why they were able to become black iron 2 stars in such a short period of time is because they followed the "path of faith" and believed in the destiny of the happy man, as long as they are devout enough, they can get more and faster feedback.

The so-called more and faster feedback is naturally the task reward in the dream game.

Zhao Hao raised his hand a little bit, gave them more tasks that are easy to do and have high rewards, and then exploited less psionic rewards, and increased the share ratio, wouldn't they be promoted soon?

As the chief believer of Happy Fengnan Ri Tianming, Zhao Hao's daughter bought a horse bone, which can be regarded as promoting Hayate Naruto.

At this time, it was brought by the second to help the people from the Operation Team of the Countermeasures Bureau.

In addition to Tugong Gagaku's group, other groups also had help from other people. Even Chang Zong Wobu and the others were sent to the Yin Yang Hall to help.

That side deals specifically with transcendent beings who take advantage of the chaos and do evil, as well as the kind of spiritual disasters that are more harmful.

This time, Dongpu has achieved a rare efficiency, and it has not held a meeting for a year or so. After all, if it drags on for a few more days, Dongying might be gone.

Now the entire country is in a state of first-level security, military control has been implemented in various places, and many extraordinary organizations have been organized by the cabinet to maintain local order and security.

At this time, even the traditional conservatives resisted the spread of fantasy games regardless.

The belief in the happy man's daily destiny has spread to the surrounding eight counties in just one week.

Because you pray to His Highness Ri Tianming at the critical moment, it really works!

After all, relying on the 5 godhead fragments in Ri Tianming's hands, Zhao Hao can already invade the land of Dongpu under the influence of dreams.

As long as believers need it, he can issue missions and directly send game players to deal with extraordinary events, kill curse spirits, and rescue believers.

Just think about it, a monster that is several meters thick and has a mouth full of blood has crushed the door frame and rushed in to choke you and your family!

You are standing in front of your family, and behind you are children crying for their wives. Seeing that the big smelly mouth is already in front of your face, you can see the little tongue in your throat!

In such a desperate situation, with a sound of "Kucha", one or several "angels" descended from the sky, hacked to death the terrible monster that was about to eat you alive, and then told you not to forget the mission praise ...

That feeling of surviving after a catastrophe! ! !

The feeling of being alive again! ! !

That reborn parent feeling! ! !

The gods can be trusted today, and he will really come at the critical moment!

In this life, I will sell my faith to His Royal Highness Ri Tianming! please~

Then he frantically asked his friends and relatives to Amway his own life-saving god.

In a short period of time, thousands of households have enshrined the tablets of the Mandate of Heaven at home.

The ensuing game spell seal also began to spread.

After all, there are good seedlings among believers, so Zhao Hao can't help but give them a chance, right?

After coming and going, many believers became sleepwalking supernatural beings, and even under the organization of Hayate Naruto, they made a splash.

There are a lot of them, and although their strength is mediocre, they are enough to protect the environment and the people, and carry out self-rescue in a crisis.

This extraordinary new power that has sprung up is developing extremely fast, and sometimes it is really jaw-dropping.

In just one week, forty or fifty new superhumans were produced, and they were like old sows giving birth, one after another.

At this time, Zhao Hao felt more and more that this crisis was a great danger for Dongpu, but for him, it was a great opportunity!

During this period of time, Fantasy Games has opened up the "Eastern Game Area", and opened a new version of the map "Hundred Ghosts of the Night in the East". The amount of tasks and income of players has increased by more than 30%.

You know, Zhao Hao has a commission, the more players, the more tasks, the more spiritual powers!

Seeing that he is going to be a bronze 4 star soon!

"Made, if I don't wait for you for a few months, my surname will not be Zhao!" Zhao Hao secretly felt ruthless in his heart.

But there is another problem. The Bureau of Mystery sent you to take full charge of handling the large-scale extraordinary crisis in the East Ocean area. You can't just watch, or even drag your feet.

This foreign work also requires skill.

You're doing nothing and laughing while holding a mobile phone, even a fool knows you're paddling.

You have to pretend to be busy, clacking on the keyboard, frowning, switching programs and fiddling with tools from time to time. Hey, it's like that!

Zhao Hao also thought about how to improve his foreign skills.

I work! And work hard.

But I don't do things related to dealing with Yaqi. I deal with a large number of extraordinary events, quell spiritual disasters, and rescue civilians.

You can't say: You stop, don't save people, come and discuss with us how to deal with that Yamata no Orochi!

Then the rectification is not correct~

Zhao Hao: "I have all the people in my heart, and I can't see the people being harmed by cursed spirits and monsters. Even if I have the power to Weibo alone, I will be able to save one by one."

So, Zhao Hao went out early and returned late, slept five o'clock a day, rushed to the market every day to deal with supernatural incidents, rescued a large number of civilians, and set up a "supernatural safety zone", set up an enchantment, and recruited people to maintain safety and livelihood.

In just four or five days, he saved nearly 2,000 people!

Last night, he even felt that someone was praying to him (Happy Fengnan Ri Tianming), wishing him (Master Swordsman Yasuo) a long life and a safe return!

Look at it, look at it, the hearts of the people are against each other!

He was more focused on saving people, and even contacted the supernatural forces he had made friends with before, from the basics on the Shikoku side, to the forces contacted by the Nitten Shrine on the Heiankyo side, to the families who had received train tickets on the Kyoto side... and organized them to carry out Joint prevention and control, mutual assistance.

Now it's like a big city, which is more or less good. Although there will be some strange things in those dark alleys at night.

But if you follow the instructions of the official radio, TV, or the extraordinary rescue team: stay behind closed doors after sunset, worship the God of Destiny at home, or use some daily materials such as salt, beans, peach branches... to form a simple exorcism ceremony; It's still safe.

Of course, everyone wants to be safe in this situation. Naturally, it is hard to use both hands, while constructing an exorcism ceremony at home, and at the same time enshrining the god of exorcising evil and saving lives.

This deity, which I had never heard of before, became enshrined by thousands of families in a short period of time, which is no less than the belief in the God of Fortune.

But in those remote villages and towns, it's a bit miserable.

Because no one cares about that kind of place, not even the special tactical troops of the military.

Special Tactics units are ordinary soldiers selected to be trained and equipped to deal with otherworldly threats. It is no problem to deal with some level 3 and level 4 curse spirits, and ordinary little monsters.

But facing those level 2 curse spirits and monsters, they already belonged to the cannon fodder class.

Although the military expanded the special tactical force in a short period of time, the number has reached 4,000, but it is still stretched. It can only be saved by the big city.

However, after a short period of chaos, the background of the ancient country of Japan has also emerged.

The supernatural beings and organizations among the people have come to their senses and started to contain monsters and curse spirits as much as possible.

Not to mention the ancestral Buddhist schools, shrine priests and maidens from all over the world, ninja warriors with orderly inheritance, and folk mages and exorcists.

Even some little-known small genres resurfaced during this stage of leap-like eruption of psionic energy.

Although some of them are few in number, the means are really not stretching the hips at all.

For example, there is a judo gym called Billy Zhiyangliu. The owner of the gate lock is a superhuman gate lock with three stars of black iron, and he is a 1.9 meter tall man who is rare in Japan. He actually used a trick of the cross guillotine to strangle a black iron 5-star level 1 curse spirit abruptly!

This extraordinary judo technique is very meritorious, and its ability is quite outstanding.

It's just that there is a slight side effect, that is, as the cultivation level deepens and the body becomes stronger and stronger, it will have more and more affection for men...

This... Zhao Hao gave up his plan to open new professions to players.

In addition, there is also the Sumo clan who lived in seclusion in the mountains for many years before, and the Akiyama clan who has the ability to turn themselves into giants in a short time.

The owner of the Inuyang family inherited the skill of domesticating spirit dogs from their ancestors, and their family even enshrined a bronze-ranked spirit dog Hachiko.

It is said that it is the dog god that existed a long time ago, and even in the period of psychic silence, it has blessed the dog family.

Forget about these, what the heck is there to go too far!

On the other side of Hokkaido, a superhuman wearing an individual psychic mech unexpectedly appeared!

They claim to be magic messengers, saying that their ancestors came from the moon? ? ? ?

Forget about these three or four meter tall mana envoys after transformation, their patriarch actually drives a bronze rank mana mecha over six meters high.

He also said that a long, long time ago, there was an incomparable magical mech Thunder Dragon recorded in the family, but it was a pity that it was damaged for some reason.

In addition, a new mysterious organization appeared among the people of Dongying Kyushu Island-Kamen Rider.

Some people who suddenly became superhumans recently got strange spiritual components by accident. Once the combination is completed, they can transform into Kamen Riders.

All aspects of the body have been extremely strengthened, and many special abilities can also be obtained.

Some are even able to fight across stars, defeating a 3-star Black Iron curse spirit with the strength of a 1-star Black Iron!

Also, in a secret scientific research base in Dongpu, suddenly there was a power that had received visitors from outside the planet.

Some of them can actually use some kind of transformation device to become a kind of strange extraterrestrial life battle in a short time. The strength is very strong!

The black iron extraordinary can even transform into a giant bronze existence, but the time is a little short.

With the appearance of these strange and even unexplainable transcendents, the situation in various places has been barely stabilized.

Although ordinary people are still living in dire straits, at least there will be no direct collapse of order, the fall of the city, and large-scale death incidents.

Before, at the very beginning, there were incidents where the entire city was turned into ruins or ghosts because of the untimely response and the serious harm.

That is a terrible thing where tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of people died tragically, and the whole city was occupied by demons and cursed spirits!

But on the third day, it was snatched back by a team of bronze transcendents.

But what's the use of grabbing it back, except to prove that you can still hold on, the Japanese regime is still fighting, and those who have passed away can't survive!

There are also many places where areas of the inner world suddenly appeared. For example, a grove of the inner world suddenly appeared in a residential area. The grove is full of all kinds of extraordinary animals and plants!

There is also an apartment building in the outer world that fell into a sinkhole and appeared in the inner world. If it's a big city, it's okay, the supernatural beings go to the other world to rescue in time, there is still hope. If it's a remote area, it's over!

Now there are three things urgently need to be resolved in Japan!

The emperor succeeds to the throne, prevents the resurrection of Baqi, collects the fragments of the godhead of the Great Lord, restores the spiritual veins, and reorganizes the order of the world.


On the other side of Yamata no Orochi, the entire twenty miles around Mount Fuji is already a kingdom of demons. The thick cloud of miasma covers the sky and even blocks the sun.

There are no living people over there, and those who can be evacuated have been evacuated.

It is said that at least nine big bronze demons led their subordinates to garrison the surrounding area, intending to protect Baqi from rebirth.

It's not over yet!

There are also many big bronze monsters who have also revealed their existence, but they have not clearly stated that they are on the side of Yamata no Orochi.

But if humans fight against the Mount Fuji monsters, there is no guarantee that these big monsters and super-level curse spirits will not give you a bloody righteous chrysanthemum thorn from behind!

Among them, Emperor Sutoku is the most. This old man really spared no effort to cause trouble for the Japanese royal family.

Now that he has absorbed the "Dragon Qi" of the two princes, his strength has gone a step further. The curse and danger to the royal family are even greater!

Another example is the emergence of a long-abandoned magic city on Kyushu Island-Shimabara Castle.

A transcendent Amakusa Shiro who died two hundred years ago has come back to life!

That's right, it's not a ghost, it's resurrected. But the resurrection became an unknown monster!

Now the extraordinary forces in the entire Kyushu Island are doing their best to contain Shimabara Demon City's erosion and attack on the surface world.

Shiro Kusanagi was a believer in Christianity during his lifetime. The reason why he failed to start the turmoil and was danced in the "cloaked coir raincoat dance" (that is, put on a coir raincoat doused with oil and was burned alive) to death was also because of his faith. Tens of thousands of people in Shimabara City died with him—the city was massacred.

Today, the Shimabara Demon City is not simply an extraordinary city, it is a pawn that the demon world of hell erodes the surface world!

Yesterday, the onmyoji from Kyushu sent Shikigami to ask for help, saying that if he didn't send support, he would just turn to the Demon City and become a demon!

Look at how hard it is!

There is also a famous resentful spirit, called Yuan Yijing.

This is the hero who defeated the Heike family in the battle of Genpei. As a result, he made great achievements and was forced to death by his half-brother.

This man has left many legends among the people, and the "Four Heavenly Kings" under his command are all famous. Now they are all turned into dead ghosts to collect debts.

Minamoto Yoshitsune is said to have learned the art of war from Tengu, and now leads a group of Yin soldiers to stir up trouble in the Mutsu Kingdom, constantly digging up graveyards, destroying crematoriums and funeral parlors, and turning those dead souls into Yin soldiers.

Looking at that appearance, I can't wait to set off a natural disaster of the undead!

All the four heavenly kings under him also appeared, but they did not follow the master of the year, fighting each other in different places, looking for the path to liberation and becoming a Buddha.

For example, in the vicinity of Kyoto, there is a three-meter-tall and ugly monk, Musashibo Benkei, who attacks anyone who hangs ninja at his waist. He has to complete the Thousand Knife Hunting Ceremony before he can rest in peace.

During this time, more than a dozen extraordinary swordsmen were attacked by him, and seven or eight died.


Zhao Hao sat in the office and drank tea leisurely.

What? You ask, isn't Zhao Hao hunting down demons everywhere to save mankind?

Would it be possible for him to really risk his life for the Dongpu people?

Those are shadow clones. Can he go in person?

Suddenly someone knocked on the door, Zhao Hao asked, "Who is it?"

"My lord, it's me, Qiange."

Zhao Hao quickly put away the tea and cakes, put out some information and maps, and made a sad expression: "Come in!"

Miko Chika pushed the door open and entered, seeing that Yasuo-sama was still working hard to save the world and save people, she couldn't help being very moved.

But why is there an aroma of pastries?

Zhao Hao: Expert! Why don't you learn how to cook with me?

"My lord..." Qian Ge hesitated, then knelt down on the ground with a plop.

"Please forgive me, my lord!"

Zhao Hao:? ? ?

Quickly helped him up: "What do you mean? What's wrong with you?"

Qian Ge said with red eyes: "I lied to my lord!"

"What did you lie to me about?"

"I, I... I'm not actually a priestess of Tobira Palace. I have been fostered in Shikoku for a long time..."

Qiange began to tell about her life experience: "...This afternoon, Lord Aomori Dai Nagen found me and wanted me to inherit the throne of the emperor."

Zhao Hao:? ? ?

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