Drawing cards can't save the weird world

Chapter 410 Where did the raccoon come from?

A young man in his early twenties, his white kendo uniform was stained with blood on his chest.

His name is Erqian Qiuye, and he is a kendo practitioner with a surname similar to his.

Originally, I just joined the Kendo club in high school, and I had a dream of being a swordsman.

If that's all, it's fine. However, he awakened his psychic powers during an unintentional secondary act.

Inexperienced, Qiuye Erqian suddenly felt that her destiny had arrived. Destiny made her a unique superman, so she must have some extraordinary mission!

A feeling that the sky is about to send a big responsibility to me spontaneously arises, and I can't extricate myself.

Because he is from the four countries, and his hometown is still a small place in Kochi County, where there are really no inherited families and extraordinary organizations. Even a Kochi defender who claims to have a three-hundred-year family history doesn't know what a transcendent is.

The second former Qiuye who had just awakened her psychic powers, because her qualities had been greatly improved in all aspects, defeated many seniors in a row in the way of swordsmanship, which can be said to be the highlight moment of her life.

But what to do next, he was numb.

Didn’t I agree that there would be some kind of life mentor or childhood sweetheart to guide me in what to do?

where? I can not wait any more!

After being so impatient for more than a month, he couldn't hold back anymore. Gotta do something?

I know, it must be that my strength is not enough. I need to continue to hone myself!

I don't know which unlucky person reminded me, but I suddenly talked about the legend on the Sword Mountain.

It is said that there was a peerless swordsman practicing in Jianshan, because of his amazing perseverance, he moved the immortals and was taught the peerless swordsmanship!

It is said that even that Miyamoto Musashi came here to look for the swordsman!

Dongying has a thousand-year history, and there are many legends about it. Because there are some practitioners who follow the suzerain country Da Song.

What kind of Buddhism, what kind of Shintoism, what kind of witchcraft, what kind of Shugendo, what kind of branch of Christianity in the West or devil worship, in short, it is a mess.

Two years ago, Akiba had heard that a long time ago, there was a Yamabushi practitioner of Shugendao who practiced at Huifeng of Jianshan Mountain. He believed it!

The so-called Huifeng practice, the full name is Qianri Huifeng, is a very harsh way of ascetic practice.

The specific content is to climb the mountain according to special attire, special ceremony, and special time!

Don't think that mountain climbing is easy, this is no ordinary mountain climbing.

This practice stipulates that practitioners must spend 7 years to complete it. In the first 3 years, they must guarantee 100 days of round trips every year, 30 kilometers of mountain roads!

In the 4th and 5th years, 200 days of round trips are guaranteed every year.

This is not over yet. In the past five years, a total of 700 days of climbing time have been accumulated. After that, the "entrance" ceremony can be carried out.

What is "admission"? That is to say, do not eat, drink or sleep for 9 days, even if you are not able to move, you must recite the mantra of not moving 100,000 times within 9 days.

After the 9-day asceticism is completed, the remaining 2 years are to repeat the previous mountain-climbing trip.

However, the trip has to be increased from 30 kilometers earlier to 60 kilometers, and even increased to 84 kilometers in the last year.

To put it bluntly, this austerity is to insist on climbing mountains for 1000 days without interruption.

Not to mention boring, it is also an extremely severe test for the feet. The legs are running thin!

And this mountain is not safe, there are ghosts and ghosts.

The more advanced your practice is, the more you will attract these beings.

Just like those heavenly demons who prevented Shakyamuni from becoming a Buddha, they will also come out to hinder or even kill practitioners.

Because this is also a kind of practice for them!

The food chain is cycled, this is~

If it was a period of psychic silence, returning to the peak practice could only be a simple exercise of perseverance to grind the soles of the shoes, but isn't psychic recovery now? The practice is back, and so are the demons and ghosts.

Two days ago, Qiuye didn't understand anything, so she went up the mountain with a sword in her hand. So I was honored to be met by a monster. Although I was not eaten on the spot, I was seriously injured.

Now he was dying in the col.

Therefore, practice is something that cannot be messed up without anyone introducing it.

Because Er, after awakening his psychic powers, came into contact with the secret flyer sent by the local fantasy players in Dongpu, talking about joining the fantasy game.

After all, many players rely on the development of offline to increase the total amount of psionic energy and obtain task rewards.

It is a good way out for many players who are not capable of fighting, or who don't like fighting.

"Brother, have you heard of fantasy games?" It was already a code word with special meaning.

As a potential player, Akiba had received the attention of the magic mirror before Er, and when he was on the verge of death, the magic mirror took a look at it.

Generally, whether the player is alive or dead, the game does not interfere. Let alone watch the world.

If you take too many shots, you will inevitably expose your flaws and be discovered by others.

So Zhao Hao is unkind and treats players as straw dogs.

Zhao Hao didn't help the two who died in the seven martial arts under the king.

"Forget it, it's just him! I have to add to my Qi Wuhai. Get some more three generals, four emperors, eight colors, etc., make more lists, and get more reliable elites that will be used in the future! "

So Qiuye heard a man's deep voice when he was dying, "I ask you, do you want to live?"

"Live, live?" Akiba stretched out his hand dying two days ago, "My mission, my mission has not been completed~I can't die~"

Zhao Hao regretted it a bit, is it too late to change the target now?

This person is not suitable for Shichibukai, but for the Straw Hats!

Anyway, in Er's previous sight, his own blood-stained hand met a strange finger.

A complicated game spell was formed on the back of his hand, and Zhao Hao appeared beside him.

"This teleportation distance is far enough!" Zhao Hao looked at the surrounding environment.

Here is the dense forest, it is August when the vegetation is luxuriant, and the eyes are full of emerald green.

However, the psionic energy here seems to be relatively abundant, and it has a "higher content" than ordinary places.

At this time, the magic mirror has healed Er's previous injury through the game's curse seal.

His sternum was severely fractured, and his heart and lung injuries were serious. Being able to escape here by force, it can only be said that the soul of Zhonger is still very explosive.

"You, you are?" Erqian woke up and saw Zhao Hao. Then he subconsciously looked at Zhao Hao's hand.

He touched his chest, it was already sunken, but now it's healed, it doesn't even hurt at all!

"Immortal! Immortal, please accept me!" He knelt down in front of Zhao Hao two days ago.

"Fuck~" Zhao Hao was taken aback, he didn't expect the middle school youth to be so scary.

He just took two steps back to the side, and the two men caught up on their knees and hugged Zhao Hao's leg, "Master Immortal! Master Immortal, I have been looking for you so hard!"

Now he has become a fairy master? !

Zhao Hao lifted his leg, and a huge force sent the two people flying four or five meters like a straw, and fell heavily to the ground.

But he didn't care about the dog grabbing food and the pain, so he quickly got up, ran to Zhao Hao, slid one meter away and slid in front of Zhao Hao, "Master Immortal! I know this is a test! Please test me!" "

Zhao Hao rolled his eyes, and wondered if I punched him to death?

Just when Zhao Hao was hesitating, and the two were in the Schrödinger state of dying, suddenly there was a strange laugh, and a big black monster suddenly broke through the bushes and rushed out!

Zhao Hao took a look: Fuck~ Are there any gorillas in Japan?

The monster was covered in black hair, about three meters tall, and looked like a long-armed gorilla. Its head had the same weird bumps as the pen holder, resembling a sea patrolling Yaksha.

A big bloody mouth is filled with fangs, each of them has the length of a finger, and the smell is so strong that it makes you want to vomit.

However, there is only one bloodshot eyeball the size of a fist on the face of this thing, which shows that it is not a normal creature.

Moreover, Zhao Hao clearly felt the psionic energy around it, carrying negative emotions such as poison, resentment, ignorance, anger, and hatred.

Like people, supernatural beings have different psionic attributes.

In Dongpu, the psionic energy of these monsters is called miasma. There is a reason for that, because it generally has a strong negative effect.

Ordinary people will experience illness, mental shock and other states when they come into contact with it.

So here I feel that even seeing a monster is an ominous sign.

The monster in front of him is the condensed spiritual power of the mountain and the resentment of the people who died in the mountain——The Lord of the Mountain. The main ability is walking in the mountains and fields like flying, coming and going freely, and even a little elusive.

The greatest combat power is its strength and thick skin, and it can often pull out big trees as weapons.

Well, the 3-star Black Iron is really mediocre, Zhao Hao is a little bit unmotivated.

It was before it ambush Er, it was almost torn by his hands and eaten on the spot. Now it's here! It is quite advisable to chase the remaining brave to the poor.

"Bold and monstrous, don't be rude to immortals!" Schrödinger jumped in front of Zhao Hao, pulled out the sword that had been broken from his waist, and scolded the mountain master.

"Immortal, hurry up, I'll block it for you!" Two Qianqian whispered with a serious expression. A heroic and righteous expression on his face.

Those words saved him.

"That's all, evil fate!"

As soon as Zhao Hao reached out and snatched the sword from Erqian's hand, his figure flashed around the Mandrill Mountain Lord and returned to his original place.

Zhao Hao stuffed the Taidao into Erqian's hand, "Let's go, take me to the nearest county."

As soon as the words fell, the head of the Mandrill Mountain Master fell to the ground, the broken neck was as smooth as a mirror, and the black miasma gushed out from it.

And the head of the Mandrill Mountain Lord on the ground was still blinking in surprise, and he didn't know when his head fell off.

Zhao Hao just used Shunbu · Grass Fly, as for the sword technique, he must not understand it.

But the strength is strong enough and the speed is fast enough. It’s just a matter of chopping off the head. It’s very simple~

At this time, Zhao Hao suddenly stopped and looked to the side.

A fat civet cat with a green leaf on top of its head appeared because the spell was broken.

Er was shocked before: "Why is there a raccoon here?"

That raccoon got angry and jumped up and scolded: "Who is the raccoon? You are the raccoon! Your whole family is all raccoons!"

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