Drawing cards can't save the weird world

Chapter 399 Superstitious Old Beauty Skin Dentist

The fat nurse was amazed and dubious that Zhao and Hao solved the weird singing incident in less than five minutes. I forgot to chew the donuts in my mouth ( ̄~ ̄)! up.

Nurse: Is this a professional?

However, she took the two of them to the dentistry in another building.

This hospital has been established for a long time, more than a hundred years.

It is said that it already existed during the Civil War, and many wounded were admitted and treated.

The building where the dentistry is located is an old building decades ago. It can be dilapidated, but it is still very strong. Therefore, the shareholders of this hospital insist on the doctors, nurses and patients to carry forward the spirit of hard work and simplicity.

Although the paint is very new, it is hard to hide the temperament of the old building. Zhao Hao and Nanayasaki walked in the corridor, as if they were walking in an old movie from the last century.

The fat nurse on the way finally couldn't control her mouth, and said mysteriously: "You know? There are so many weird stories in the dentistry!"

Then she started. After the patients who had their teeth pulled out received anesthesia, they broke down and ran away screaming, and finally passed out on the road. Some patients claimed that their newly extracted teeth were eaten by doctors and nurses. To nurses on duty who can always hear the sound of creaking and chewing bones in the empty dental office at night...

In short, it is the top ten unbelievable jokes of the hospital. But it's odd that so many stories focus on dentistry.

Amis are very superstitious, so there are some weird stories or customs at every turn.

Some of them are speechless.

Zhao Hao told Nanayasaki that he had heard some strange customs and "magic" among the people! That's right, magic!

"When I was in Texas, I heard that to cure a cold, use your hands, not your feet, to climb a tall tree and then jump off."

Nanayasaki was taken aback, "Then I guess after jumping down, the cold might be a small problem."

"Hahaha, and more! It is said that drinking kerosene can cure asthma."

Nanayasaki rolled her eyes, "Not only does she not have asthma, she can even stop breathing."

"Smear shit on a bag and wear it around your neck to drive away pain."

"It's disgusting~ It feels better to endure the pain..."

"By the way, they also said that drinking kerosene can cure hernia."

"Is Ami's kerosene a cure-all?"

"Yes, it is. If you let the kerosene in the oil lamp burn out, you will suffer bad luck. Hang a bottle of kerosene on the tree to prevent withering. Kerosene can stop swelling after a snake bite. Kerosene cures everything! "

"Oh, and some curses. It's said that if a woman is pregnant and drinks her piss, it will cause her to have a miscarriage."

Nanayasaki frowned, "This superstition is so obscene!"

Zhao Hao nodded in agreement: "Indeed, if this is true, wouldn't those who buy contraceptives go bankrupt? It's obscene, even more obscene than a frog's piss!"

"Hahaha~~" Nanayasaki laughed so hard that her branches trembled.

Although Elena has learned to dance since she was a child, she has nothing to say about her figure. But just judging from the point of being broad-minded, Nanayasaki is superior to all females!

Wait, how can I pay attention to these useless knowledge!

Did Elena know me better than myself?

"Oh, by the way, there are some customs formed for special reasons. For example, one match cannot light three cigarettes in a row."

"Why?" Nanayasaki had never heard of this one before. Her social circle is very small, and people like Zhao Hao don't smoke.

Zhao Hao climbed up the steps, gave Nanayasaki a hand, and said: "It is said that this saying comes from World War I, when a match was lit to light a cigarette, the time before and after the third cigarette was lit in a row was just enough for the enemy snipers to aim at it. Calculate and launch the attack so that the third soldier happens to be shot dead."

"Although this statement is unscientific, to this day, when Americans light cigarettes for others, they will light another match when they come to the third place to show respect and politeness."

Talking and laughing, even if the two deliberately slowed down, the dental department has arrived.

Not to mention, it's even more dilapidated. Although the walls have been painted and the waistline is painted with blue paint at waist height, it still gives people an old feeling. The quite big hospital is just like the old clinic in the old city.

Perhaps this building was also the latest building at that time, but decades have passed, and its glory is no longer.

"Hello." Zhao Hao saw a middle-aged man whose baldness was worse than that of Colt, and while greeting him, he glanced at Nanayasaki.

Nanayasaki smiled slightly.

"Oh, hello, hello." The bald doctor turned around and said, wearing black-rimmed glasses, he looked like the kind of honest and honest person. The sufferers in those emotional stories are probably like this.

"Are you patients? Do you have an appointment? Or are you here for a temporary dental checkup?" The bald doctor was very enthusiastic and smiled brightly.

Zhao Hao stretched out his hand, "We heard some strange stories here, so we came here uninvited."

The bald doctor shook hands with Zhao Hao, with an uncomfortable expression on his face, as if deeply disturbed by that strange story.

"Then what's the story, it's all the old hospital routine."

However, when he wanted to let go, Zhao Hao didn't let go.

"Uh, let go of my hand, sir."

"No, what if you run away?" Zhao Hao smiled.

At this time, Nanayasaki had already pinched the sword, summoned the tall and thin green ghost, and pressed the blond dental nurse who came after hearing the news to the floor of the corridor.

The green ghost was more than three meters tall with his back on his back. Even if he wasn't as burly as the red ghost, it almost filled the corridor at this time, and his face was the size of a door frame. The blond nurse was held down and couldn't even move.

At this time, Zhao Hao had already controlled the bald doctor in his hand with the enchantment. The doctor's mouth was so big that it could swallow a pig's head in one gulp.

"Unexpectedly, there are extraordinary beings pretending to be human beings in the watch world. The disguise of the two of you is really clever!"

In fact, even Zhao Hao only saw some clues at this close range.

After shaking hands, it was confirmed that the bald doctor in front of him was not a human being, but some kind of alien.

The Tooth Eater, a black iron 4-star monster, is similar to that kind of natural elf. They are natural monsters, which are generated by some negative concepts and emotions.

Zhao Hao also found more than 200 tooth fairies in the old ventilation duct of the dentistry where they were located.

The Tooth Fairy is the lowest natural elf, and there are different types, good and bad.

Like those raised by these two tooth-eaters, they are bad tooth fairies. They look like a large dragonfly, but they have a mouth full of small fangs. They have strong attack power and will pull out human teeth and kill them.

The tooth fairy is not uncommon. In fact, in many closed villages in Europa, ordinary people with high spiritual vision can occasionally see it.

Although the Tooth Eater is rare, it is not a powerful monster. But the "leather sheaths" worn by these two Tooth Eaters are very clever.

These two leather cover camouflages can actually seal off spiritual energy and even the weather. Even Zhao Hao's hope didn't find any dental problems.

Nanayasaki carefully touched the "leather case" of the bald doctor and the blond nurse, and then said with a serious face: "This is made of human skin. It has the ability to shield perception after being refined by secret methods. It is a secret method of camouflage created by some big monsters in Japan. .”

Zhao Hao was surprised: "Dongying? Could it be that the monsters of Dongying have extended their sphere of influence to the east coast of Ami? But this Tooth Eater is not a monster of Dongying?!"

Nanayasaki's expression was serious, her almond eyes widened, apparently recalling some unhappy things: "Although this secret technique was originally created by a big monster, some supernatural beings of the evil sect also learned it later. They even innovated. There is a way to eliminate the opponent His face, the human skin mask he created, can make many perception spells unable to see through..."

"You mean, there is an evil faction of Japanese Transcendents joining forces with Transcendent monsters?"

Nanayasaki nodded: "New Moon Ninja!"

If Nanayasaki suspects anyone, then New Moon Ninja is undoubtedly the number one.

The New Moon Ninjas were the group of ninjas who smuggled into Amei some time ago and served for some reason.

Their inheritance is very ancient, eight hundred years old, and it is an old ninja genre that existed before the extinction of psionic power.

However, it's not that they are old and decent. At first, the crescent ninjas were a very neutral force. However, during the period of spiritual silence, the ninjas began to use all means in order to survive and inherit, and even joined forces with demons to harm humans.

Because the situation in Dongpu is special, and the world in Chaofan is very complicated, so there are many evil schools of this kind.

The New Moon Ninjas are pretty good in Japan, so why not fly across the sea and become a mercenary of the Ami forces?

Zhao Hao asked, "Do you have any grudge against that New Moon Ninja?"

Nanayasaki nodded slightly, "It's not much."

"It's enough." Zhao Hao squeezed the two human skin extraordinary props in his hand, "Find out these bugs and crush them to death!"


Soon the black-clothed agents from the Bureau of Mystery arrived, cordoned off the scene, and began a rigorous inspection.

This pair of pediatricians and nurses have been working here for more than three years. During this period, at least seven or eight hundred people had their teeth pulled out, and some even had four teeth pulled out at one time.

Why do your wisdom teeth not grow well, they need to be pulled out!

Why is your decayed tooth severely decayed, it needs to be pulled out!

Your tooth is crooked. Pull it out and replace it with a porcelain one. It's white and bright.

These patients all need agents in black to confirm the situation one by one, and the ghost knows how they will be affected.

The two human leather jackets were probably made last year, and their original identities need to be investigated.

Colt also attached great importance to this matter, and sent people to investigate the process behind it and arrange the reason why Tooth Eater pulled his teeth in the hospital.

About half a month later, a major event happened in West Siberia.

An asteroid with a diameter of more than 20 meters fell on the wasteland!

The small star fell from space at a speed of 67,500 kilometers per hour, drew a line of fire in the sky in broad daylight, and exploded for the first time at an altitude of 24 kilometers from the ground...

Fortunately, this air explosion happened, otherwise it would be broken.

According to calculations, the explosive power of this asteroid is equivalent to the explosive equivalent of 440,000 tons of TNT explosives, and the power of about 30 small nuclear bombs.

If it didn't explode and disintegrate in the air, but hit the ground directly, it is estimated that it will be severely injured hundreds of miles away.

According to the information given by Colt, the red big brother actually used some powerful spiritual weapon to penetrate the asteroid in the air and smash it into pieces. It did not explode naturally.

Colt: "So the "asteroid" is definitely not simple. It's hard to say what the hell it is."

And this weapon is so powerful that it attracted Ami's attention.

The big red brother also has a supernatural institution, and it is not small in scale and powerful. It is said that even the eastern part of Europa has been influenced by the extraordinary secret service.

Colt also said an interesting thing.

After World War II, Big Brother had an asylum in Siberia. During its 50 years of operation, it housed more than 20 million prisoners of war, reformed prisoners, criminals, political prisoners, and polluted people.

The so-called polluted people are ordinary people who have been involved in extraordinary events. If their minds are determined to have been polluted by psionic energy, they will be locked up here for shelter.

Colt: "That's how the so-called potato digging in Siberia came about..."

The desire for violence and iron blood stimulates them, but there is no one to fight against.

Today's Big Brother aimed his iron fist at his insides, hitting his heart with one punch after another.

The strongest fortresses are often broken from within.

So far, there is no exact number, or the exact number has not been released, about how many people have been taken in and how many have died.

However, Ami has drawn some conclusions through Big Brother's official census data.

However, Big Brother's census team was also taken in because it revealed that the population rise due to the Great Famine was less than expected.

Let's just say that Big Brother jokes never go out of style. But now is the time for jokes.

It is said that the shelter is located in the permafrost wasteland, surrounded by hundreds of kilometers of uninhabited land.

When the mortals there want to escape, they will always bring a rookie...to eat on the road.

To manage these horrific polluted ones, Big Brother's paranormal agency, Unit 10003, is based here, a special psionic unit for paranormal events.

This smashing trend is their handwriting.

It is said that earlier, at the beginning of the 20th century, there was a "meteorite fall" in Tunguska.

At that time, the psychic silence was serious, and Big Brother was not yet Big Brother, and a meteor fell.

As a result, the entire Tunguska was destroyed, and so far no weeds have grown.

What's more serious is that the meteor penetrated the inner world, causing Big Brother's inner world to be dilapidated and riddled with holes.

There are some unknown creatures in Siberia at every turn, crawling from some "holes" in the inner world to the outer world. It often makes planes and artillery go over to encircle and suppress.

After joking a few words, Colt called Zhao Hao and Nanayasaki to the office, and opened all the spiritual protection and barriers.

"I'm afraid I can only ask the two of you to secretly investigate the previous tooth-devouring magic tooth doctor."

He looked out of the window with melancholy eyes, "I have sent people to investigate the group of ninjas and the people behind them many times. There is a huge power hidden in this east coast, and I can't find it. I suspect that there are traitors in the bureau. This It touched those people!"

"You have to be careful, I'm afraid these people are quite powerful in Amei." Colt stretched out his finger and pointed to the ceiling.

above? The official top of Ami? !

After coming out of Colt, Zhao Hao and Nanayasaki had a flat face, and they were dealing with some extraordinary events as usual.

However, the two exchanged their views on this matter in their hearts.

Nanayasaki was malicious towards those crescent ninjas because of some personal grievances.

And Zhao Hao didn't want to become the great hero of the Ami people in punishing rape and eradicating evil, he just wanted to help Nanayasaki get angry and kill a few more New Moon ninjas.

Therefore, it would be great if the upper echelon of Ami could not be involved.

Let them change a group of mercenaries...

(There is still 30 monthly tickets left, help)

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