Drawing cards can't save the weird world

Chapter 387 Yellowstone Explosive Barrel! (Ask for a monthly ticket~)

Yellowstone Volcano is a super volcano located in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, Amy. It is the largest and still active super volcano in the world today.

Because the volcanoes in this area are still active, the geothermal resources in this area are also very rich.

Two-thirds of the geysers in the world are concentrated in Yellowstone Park, and Yellowstone Park has the most active geysers in the world.

Unlike ordinary volcanoes, the Yellowstone super volcano does not have obvious mountains like ordinary volcanoes, that is, there are no volcanic cones, and the whole is a flat plateau.

It should have a volcanic cone like an ordinary volcano. The reason why it is so unique is because the eruption is so powerful that the mountain is flattened by the huge eruption impact, leaving only a depression like a crater on the surface. This is called Caldera or caldera.

Yellowstone Volcano: From my distinctive appearance, you should see how awesome I am!

A few days ago, according to research by scientists from the University of Utah and the US Geological Survey, it is said that the crust under the Yellowstone crater has risen by 17 centimeters in the past three years, and this force that causes the crust to rise comes from the underground magma. gather.

The crust below Yellowstone Park is thinner than the surrounding areas, only more than 10 kilometers thick, and below the crust is lava, which is the source of magma during volcanic eruptions.

The year 1816, more than 160 years ago, was the darkest year in human history.

Because there were serious disasters all over the world this year, among which the disasters in Eurasia and North America in the northern hemisphere were more serious.

Rarely low temperatures in the summer have damaged crops in many affected areas, leaving farmers without harvests.

So this year is also called "the year without summer", a year without summer.

The cause of the abnormal global weather in 1816 was the previous year, that is, on April 15, 1815, on the island of Sumbawa in the southern hemisphere, a volcano called Tambora had the largest eruption in history. It can be called the best in the world.

The volcanic eruption that destroyed the ancient city of Pompeii in BC was only level 5 (the Tonga volcano in these two days was initially identified as level 5), while the eruption index of the Tambora volcano reached an astonishing sub-level 7.

The total volume of volcanic ash erupted that time reached 160 cubic kilometers, reaching a height of 44 kilometers in the stratosphere, and the sky seemed to be covered with a thick quilt.

In the European and American countries in the Eastern Hemisphere, you can see the colorful sunsets caused by volcanic ash. It was snowing in the scorching summer. Moreover, there is a large amount of volcanic ash in the snow, which appears in various colors, including red, yellow, gray, and even flesh-colored and so on.

A large amount of volcanic ash enters the atmosphere, which can block sunlight and change the climate of the earth. As a result, crops in many places may be reduced or even wiped out, eventually causing a huge disaster.

The general principle is probably that the sulfur dioxide in the volcanic ash will form aerosols in the air, which are very stable and can exist for a long time. The aerosols in the atmosphere weaken the solar radiation reaching the ground, causing the temperature of the earth to drop.

It is equivalent to playing a parasol for the earth~

The year without summer in 1815 was a level 7 volcanic eruption, and Samaras in 1257 was the largest eruption experienced in the history of human civilization, and level 7 was too large.

"...This time, if the Yellowstone super volcano erupts, it is conservatively estimated to be level 8!"

Colt put down the documents in his hand, his face was like a scapegoat, and while stroking his gentle forehead, he looked at Zhao Hao, Prada, Old Saipan, Sam, Lincoln, and Iron Transformer Thomas, several local candidates for salvation. .

The Bureau of Mystery obtained the exact information, and through the calculation of the supercomputer Mr. Feynman, it is said that the Yellowstone super volcano has a high probability of erupting!

However, the few people in the audience were like ducks listening to thunder.

After all, besides Zhao Hao who graduated from university and Thomas who has a Ph.D. in science and engineering, Sam, a young man who has not yet graduated from high school, has the highest education.

The others, Prada graduated from junior high school, took over her mother's position early and became priests to the family's Penna God.

Old Saipan is now in his sixties. Although he had the opportunity to study in a missionary school for a few years when he was young, he can only be regarded as a primary school graduate, and he is still partial to theology.

Lincoln didn't have a high degree of education. He joined the army after graduating from junior high school. To be honest, if he had a higher education, he could always be a major. Of course, this is superficial rhetoric, in fact, he can't be promoted because he is "black"~

Therefore, Colt's heavy narration, what is the eruption equivalent, what is the volume of volcanic ash, what is the stratosphere, ocean currents, and global climate, which directly confused the three of them.

"Oh, that sounds a little bad!" Lincoln said, looking at the others with his big eyes. An expression that I listened to carefully.

Prada didn't realize the seriousness of the matter, "So, do we need to block the volcano? I think it will be a bit laborious!"

"Oh, so Wyoming is going to be hit by a disaster? It seems that there will be a lot of monsters, and I'm going to get busy." Old Saipan tightened his leather belt, looking like he wanted to have a big fight .

In fact, none of the three had heard of what the Yellowstone super volcano was before. He also didn't realize the seriousness of the matter at all.

After listening to the speeches of the three, Sam covered his face: "God~"

Thomas, who seems to be a bit bipolar and depressed, couldn't stand it even more. He looked like I was on the verge of collapse, pulling his hair with his hands, and moaning in pain: "Why do I have to sit with them and listen to them talking stupid things?" ? I'm so uncomfortable!"

"Oh, this fellow seems to need help!" Lincoln exclaimed kindly.

He thought Thomas was unwell, but in fact Thomas couldn't bear the "stupidity" of the three of them.

Thomas now feels as if he is discussing the theory of relativity with a few monkeys, which doubles his mental stress.

Sam didn't want to listen to some people's nonsense, he asked Colt: "Is it serious? If the Yellowstone volcano erupts, will human beings become extinct?" After all, this is how it is played in movies!

Colt finally put down his hand caressing his forehead: "No, human beings will not become extinct."

Seeing a few people heaving a sigh of relief, he continued: "But Ami is definitely going to disappear. There are only a hundred people in North America who can survive, and those who survive are the children of destiny. And the entire human civilization may go backwards. "

There was a sudden gasp in the audience, making a small contribution to global warming.

Among them, Lincoln made the greatest contribution and the loudest voice, because of his good physique and amazing lung capacity.

The veins on Thomas's forehead were about to jump up and knotted. It seemed that the two were really not compatible.

It really makes sense for the Mystery Bureau to group the candidates for salvation. The muscles and minds are a bit instinctively repulsive.

"Well, I mean that, is there any way to fix it?" Sam asked hastily.

Of course, if not, what would Colt call them for? Just wait at home and it's over.

It saves time and effort, and it can be eaten while it's still hot...a good meal!

Colt turned on a huge high-definition projector, and it was Yellowstone Park on the screen. Like a satellite image or something.

And as the picture zoomed in, the crater also appeared.

In fact, it cannot be said to be a volcano, because there is no mountain. Volcanoes are tall piles of lava that solidify on the ground.

However, the Yellowstone volcano erupted for the last time about 640,000 years ago, but it was so powerful that the lava was blown away, and it was flattened on the ground and turned into a rocky plateau. Instead of leaving a volcano on the ground, it exploded There was a big crater like a giant crater.

Then the screen changed, and an underground profile similar to 3D modeling began to appear.

There are also a lot of if the volcano erupts, the direct impact range, the impact range of volcanic ash, the climate impact, and so on.

Comparing the information in everyone's hands, at least Zhao Hao, Sam and Thomas have realized the seriousness of the matter.

Once this breaks out, the global impact is hard to say, but the land in the west of Aramco may be directly impacted.

At that time, stone rain, lava rain, earthquakes, ground cracks, etc. will directly destroy this side!

Probably equivalent to the concentrated detonation of a dozen high-yield nuclear bombs!

Moreover, scholars from the Bureau of Mystery claimed that there is a large crack deep underground on the line from Los Angeles to San Francisco, which is more elevated in the west. If it is a huge disaster such as the eruption of the Yellowstone volcano, it is likely to trigger a chain reaction.

At that time, there will be an unprecedented earthquake that will directly separate the West Coast from the continental shelf. Maybe most of the current cities on the west coast will sink to the bottom of the sea!

"Vaco!" Thomas threw the documents in his hand on the table.

Because after looking at various parameters and models, he used his psionic brain to do a simple calculation, and found that it was really possible.

If such a disaster really happened, the whole of Amei might disappear completely.

"What should I do?" Sam panicked, "Is there any way to solve this problem?"

He suddenly looked at Thomas with an eager look on his face: "Mr. Thomas, if we depressurize the underground lava before the volcano erupts, will it be effective?"

Thomas quickly flipped through the thick stack of documents in his hand, as if flipping through them randomly, but Zhao Hao noticed the countless runes flashing in his left eye.

I heard from Winston that recently someone is researching psionic programming based on magic runes. It appears Thomas has accomplished something.

He quickly searched for information and calculated.

"Well, I hear it's a good idea to go," he said.

As soon as a smile appeared on Sam's face, Thomas continued: "However, this is an unrealistic idea."

"Now it seems that what we can do is to release the volcanic pressure in advance, artificially trigger several small eruptions, release the volcanic gas in it, and reduce the power and possibility of direct eruptions."

"However, the depth of the Huangshi volcano's magma chamber is 2-15 kilometers, which is much thinner than the normal thickness of the earth's crust. Although it is a way to release the underground pressure by drilling holes, the magma of the Yellowstone volcano is very viscous and contains a lot of high pressure. Gas, once the pressure is released improperly, it will explode, there are too many uncontrollable factors.”

"Have you ever played with balloons? If the balloon is full, you will directly cause the balloon to explode with a needle. This is difficult to control, and it may directly cause a super explosion."

"Even if everything goes well and the pressure is released several times, the effect may not be very good. Because the underground dome has long been formed, that is, the roof of the magma room, partly supported by magma and gas pressure. If the pressure is released Pressure, the dome may collapse without support, and the ground will sink directly, and the collapsed ground will smash into the magma chamber, and it will still explode in the same way!"

Zhao Hao couldn't help thinking of the movie "2012" in his mind.

Thomas leaned on his forehead without saying a word and began to think frantically, but he couldn't think of any effective solution until the psionic brain in his brain issued a high temperature alarm caused by overload.

Even if he claims to be a genius among geniuses, he is powerless.

Human beings are so insignificant in the face of this kind of power of heaven and earth!

He feels more and more desperate for human beings and human civilization. Humans have limits!

At this time, Prada and Lincoln have already started to discuss. After all, it seems that the matter is very serious. If you look at the side with "what's the situation", it will make you look dumb.

So you have to be busy, you have to chat, you have to look professional, and you have to fit in.

Prada said he might have to move, preferably to the East Coast.

Lincoln said that he would stock up on a batch of Coke, because he was worried that he would not be able to buy it by then.

And old Saipan is still paying attention to the possibility of his big fight. After all, after every natural disaster and man-made disaster, it is the time when demons dance wildly and demon hunters show their talents.

And Sam and Thomas are both holding their heads, and they have already started to lie flat.

Sam has already started to regret it, and he is talking about how he "almost" fell in love when he was in the freshman year of high school, but he didn't cherish it, and he still doesn't have a girlfriend.

Thomas is suffering from depression, destroy it, hurry up, tired! I decided not to be a human being anymore, being a human being is so useless!

Zhao Hao quickly knocked on the table, if this continues, this group of people will go home, clean up and die. I have to cheer them up.

At first I thought the sky was falling and there was a tall one holding it up, but I didn't expect myself to be the tallest, what the hell...

Zhao Hao slapped the table and said loudly: "Why are you panicking? Hasn't this exploded yet? Are you running for your life in a hurry?!"

Sure enough, his shout liberated everyone from that inexplicable emotion.

Colt breathed a sigh of relief, Mad asked you to come here to take the lead, how are you, let's pull your hips first!

Colt really felt that many candidates for salvation were not as high-quality as the black-clothed agents under him. That is to say, it is strong, and it is useless other than that! Why am I not a candidate for salvation~

At the critical moment, it has to be one of our own, and it has to be Zhao Hao who can stand up!

Then I heard Zhao Hao say: "Besides, even if it breaks out in a month, isn't there still a month to be cool? What are you afraid of! Keep playing music and dancing~~~"

Colt: How the hell do I want to block a volcano with you!

Fortunately, Zhao Hao was just joking, and didn't want to really block the volcano.

He asked Colt: "Having said so much, what is the reason that the Yellowstone volcano is about to erupt? It can't be because he didn't provoke him or provoke him, so it is about to erupt, right? Is it so sudden?"

When Colt heard this, he took out a document from a suitcase. There were only three simple pages, and it was a report.

"I didn't ask you to come here to block the volcano. Just like what Zhao Hao asked, I wanted you to investigate the reason why the Yellowstone volcano is so active."

He handed the report to Zhao Hao, Zhao Hao glanced at it and handed it to Thomas...

Colt continued: "Just half a month ago, the agents monitoring the inner world in the bureau suddenly discovered an abnormality in the data. In the inner world corresponding to Wyoming, there suddenly appeared abnormally rich and active fire attribute spiritual energy, and even began to disperse other Psychic phenomenon."

"And just a week ago, there were even a large number of fire attribute monsters that didn't exist, even fire element monsters. They even drove or wiped out the local supernatural creatures, and they have occupied a large area of ​​the world in Wyoming."

"Then, before our side could confirm what was going on, it appeared that the Yellowstone volcano was waking up and was about to erupt. The Bureau felt that there was a great possibility that there was a huge connection between the two."

"So, the higher-ups decided to send you to check it out! After the other candidates arrive, they will also be sent to support you."

Zhao Hao rubbed his chin, it turned out to be the case.

Sure enough, the inner and outer worlds influence each other, and such a major event cannot happen without changes in the inner world. Therefore, solving volcanic eruptions from the extraordinary realm is the field that the Bureau of Mystery is good at.

There is nothing to say about this, and there is no excuse.

Get ready, trigger to go to Wyoming in the other world early tomorrow morning...

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