Drawing cards can't save the weird world

Chapter 383 Danger Everywhere

Europa, Italy, Turin.

In the dance classroom of an art academy, a girl is wearing a tight dance skirt, dancing quietly solo.

It was late, but she was still training hard.

Looking at her graceful posture in the mirror, she finally nodded in satisfaction.

If you want to stand out in this academy, you need to go far beyond the hard work of others.

She planned to take a break and leave. The city has been a little nervous recently, and it's too unsafe to walk at night.

Suddenly, she had a weird feeling, as if someone was watching her.

After looking around suspiciously, she fixed her gaze on herself in the mirror.

What's going on, it must have been affected by the strange stories circulating among the classmates, and now I have become neurotic.

However, from the corner of her eye, she suddenly noticed that there seemed to be something wrong with herself in the mirror.

She looked carefully, and it was indeed herself. Stretch out your hand and shake it a few times, and the person in the mirror does the same.


She woke up suddenly, when she turned her head just now, the shadow in the mirror seemed to be a beat slower.

She made various moves with some hesitation, and suddenly there was a difficult split-horse, and the single shadow in the mirror really couldn't do it! She looked at herself helplessly!

"Ah!" She flinched back in a hurry, terrified.

As expected, the single shadow in the mirror no longer followed his movements, looking a little frustrated, staring at himself.

The girl hurriedly wanted to escape from here, but she hesitated when she was about to go out. Looking back at the mirror, she seemed to be very sad in the mirror.

The girl hesitated, then stopped and tried waving at the mirror.


The shadow in the mirror also waved to himself, and said hello to himself by looking at his mouth shape.

It turned out to be another self?

Doesn't seem to be in danger?

Seeing that the shadow in the mirror did not hurt herself, she gradually boldly approached and talked to herself in the mirror.

Those things in my heart that I couldn't say to others in the past seemed to have found an excellent confidant. Those classmates, teachers, boys, etc., girls always have a lot of things in their hearts. It seems to have found a best friend who can talk about everything.

Occasionally, the girl would dance in front of the mirror, and the self in the mirror would be very excited to follow suit, but "she" seemed to be clumsy, with uncoordinated movements and stiff limbs.

The girl couldn't help laughing, correcting the shadow's movements, explaining the essentials, and demonstrating it herself.

Soon it was late at night, and the shadow in the mirror also started to dance to a good shape.

The girl accidentally saw the moon outside the window, only to realize that it was already so late.

"Sorry, it's too late, I have to go." The girl hurriedly packed her things and was about to leave.

But the shadow in the mirror kept beckoning, not wanting to let her go.

"I'm really sorry, I really have to go. Can I see you tomorrow?" The girl waved her hand to leave.

But the self in the mirror turned cold and looked at the girl coldly.

The girl felt that something was wrong, and then saw the reflection in the mirror start to twist her arms. And the arm of the girl outside the mirror twisted uncontrollably.

"Oh my God! Wait, no, stop!"

"Crack!" The girl's arm was twisted and her posture was weird.

At this time, the shadow in the mirror tightly pursed her mouth, and the girl couldn't even open her mouth, even if she wanted to scream out in pain. The whole body trembled violently because of the pain.

The shadow continued to rotate the joints of his body, and in this silent and deserted dance classroom, there was a series of crackling crackling sounds of bones breaking.


In a mountainous area in the north of Canada, an ancient closed village was destroyed.

The log houses collapsed, some living tools and firearms were scattered and discarded, and the ancient guardian totem was pushed down...

In the night, several hunched figures made indescribable voices in the shadows, like whispering.

That kind of sound is extremely weird, and it can only be said that humans cannot make it at all.

Those figures crouched together, making chilling chewing sounds.

The night wind blew past, the clouds in the sky drifted away, the bright moon cast its light down, and those sneaky figures showed their whereabouts.

It was a humanoid monster whose whole body seemed to have no skin, but was wrapped in a layer of transparent pink rubber.

Their heads are irregular in shape, with high and low like raised hills and ravines, their eyes are a cold orange-yellow, and a large mouth is split from the left side of the head to the right, and the mouth is full of fangs.

And what they were tearing and eating was a corpse.

The corpse was wearing a shaman's unique multicolored robe, and was holding a cracked amulet in his hand, and his spiritual energy dissipated.

But a communication spell was sent out by him before he died.

On the third day, the foreign office of the Bureau of Mystery sent people to find it.

But the agents in black only found dozens of disfigured corpses that had been eaten, and about a dozen missing children under the age of ten.

A local Transcendent from Canada inspected the fallen totem pole, flipped through the diary of the local shaman, and checked the corpse for signs of gnawing. Finally, it was reported that the ghouls that had been suppressed and sealed in the local area for more than 300 years had reappeared, and there were a lot of them.

The ghouls mentioned here are not the kind of undead made by necromancers, but a unique kind of spiritual monster. Relying on eating intelligent creatures to maintain existence and even increase spirituality, the deceitful family of gods.

They have high IQs, even have their own language and characters, and master many mysterious and unspeakable spells and rituals, and can even communicate with some unknown existences.

And their way of reproduction is to rely on a series of rituals to transform the cubs of intelligent creatures into new ghouls.

Which deceitful god are they created by, and which world are they visitors from? It has long been impossible to verify.

There are even data showing that the ghouls created by some secret necromancers are made with reference to the images of these deceitful family members.


In Tianzhu, the origin of Buddhism, a father is taking his son to the ancestral land.

Their family has lived here for more than 800 years. As early as the Ghaznavid Dynasty, their family took on the important task of offering sacrifices locally. It's just that the dynasties changed later, and the family was not as good as one generation after another.

Because the local beliefs are very different, not even Hindu, their family was not included in the caste at that time.

In the end, the family was classified as a pariah. Until now, only father and son are left in the family.

The father and son are now impoverished. In this extreme embarrassment, the father remembered the strange thing in his childhood-his old grandmother.

His old grandmother was bedridden when he was his son's age. It was said that she was crazy. She was locked in a basement and given only a little food and water every day.

But the old grandmother was not mad or sick, but cursed. She turned into an immortal monster.

In the legend of their family, they guard the embryo of the true god. There is all the gold in the world.

But the heir of the true god died when he was not born smoothly in the embryo, so he also became a monster. If you are scratched or bitten by it, you will become a monster that will not die of old age and suffer from pain forever.

And their family, later mastered the method of obtaining the gold of the true god devil, and deceived the devil with a person made of sacrificial dough, and then took the opportunity to take out the gold wrapped in its back waist.

However, this approach is by no means foolproof.

Even the decline of the family is directly related to this method. I don’t know how many core members were eaten by the devil in the embryo of the true god because of obtaining the devil’s gold, or they were injured and returned to the ground to become monsters.

Now that my father has nowhere to go, he is reminded of the taboo that must not continue in this clan.

My father found the basement where the old grandmother was imprisoned. Twenty or thirty years later, the place is already in ruins, and even the roots of the trees on the ground have grown here.

But the old grandmother is still not dead, her whole body has been wrapped and penetrated by the roots, but the heart is still hanging on the roots and beating slowly.

The father tried to wake up the old grandmother's head, which was no longer visible. The old grandmother woke up, her eyes were gone, and her mouth was toothless, but she was still chanting the name of the devil involuntarily.

"Haskar~" The voice was like the dark wind blowing from Jiuyou.

The father set fire to the entire basement and rescued the old grandmother. Then he took his son through layers of obstacles and found an underground secret door.

Because of being too nervous and excited, the father and son were panting again and again, and finally opened the secret door together, and a blood-red light shone out.

In the underground space more than ten meters high, the surroundings are not stone walls or soil, but blood-red, wriggling, flesh-like things.

"Remember! Be sure to abide by the taboos!" the father told his son, and then put down the rope.

Came to the bottom, stepping on the wriggling flesh, my father was sweating profusely.

He sprinkled flour and drew a circle as a barrier, then took out a sacrificial dough man, and the father and son began to chant the name of the devil.




Suddenly, there was movement behind the son. Just as he was about to turn his head, his father grabbed his head, "Don't look!"

A monster on all fours, like a scorched black shadow, fell down from the red and tender wall.

He coveted the father and son, but he didn't dare to cross the round barrier painted with flour.

The father and son kept their heads down, not daring to look at the devil's face, because according to the clan motto, anyone who saw the devil's face would go mad and commit suicide in the end.

They lowered their heads, tried their best to look at Mozi's feet, and then looked for an opportunity to throw the mask aside.

The devil suddenly pounced on the face man, grabbed it and put it in his mouth, chewing it.

And his father took the opportunity to pull a black leather pouch on Mozi's back, dropping a handful of gold coins. Father took the opportunity to pick up four or five, and then rushed back to the flour circle.

"Quick! Climb!" The two fathers climbed desperately along the rope, and they breathed a sigh of relief when they reached the ground, covered the secret door, and shut the sound of the devil's roar inside.

The two of them were sweating profusely as if they had been fished out of the water, and they were depressed and dizzy, as if they had not rested for several days and nights.

Fortunately, it's all worth it. With these four or five gold coins, life is enough to live a prosperous life!

However, the money comes too quickly and the effort is lost.

It is said that with those few gold coins in exchange for money, with the capital to start some small business, there will be hope for life.

But how can a small business make as much money as this kind of moneyless business?

What's more, the father and son have been eating nonsense for a long time, and they can't stand such an ordinary life anymore.

I have to go, I have to go to the ancestral land to get gold, this time I have to get more!

It was a near miss again, and my father got eight coins this time!

But the hearts of the father and son have also grown, and the consumption is even more extravagant, even faster than last time.

Why not be a big one? I will not take this risk in the future!

My son suggested that we make more noodles!

As long as the devil doesn't finish eating it so quickly, he will have more time to get more gold coins from the bag.

The father and son descended into the embryo of the true god again, and this time they brought more than a dozen faces!




However, following the chanting of the father and son, more than a dozen devil son Haskar got out of the meat wall!

"Quick! Run!" The father knew that he had made a big mistake. He threw out all the doughnuts, and lifted his son to let him climb up the rope quickly.

But it was too late, the devils quickly ate up the donuts, faster than ever, and then they started destroying the donuts.

The father poured all the flour in his pocket on his son, "Climb quickly! Come on!"

The son was so frightened that he couldn't speak, so he crawled with all his strength, and quickly climbed to the ground.

Looking back, those demons had already destroyed the dough, tore off the half-climbed father, and immediately surrounded and gnawed madly!

"Father!" the son yelled in pain.

The father stretched out one hand and struggled in vain, yelling vaguely: "Close, close the secret door!"

The mission of the family is to guard the embryo of the true god. I don't know when they were dominated by greed and betrayed their responsibilities, which led to the decline of the family.

Now, we must close the secret door! Fulfill the final duty!

"Bang~" The son wept bitterly and closed the secret door. After resting for a while, I left in a daze.

But after a while, a fat man came over.

He was a merchant, a merchant who exchanged gold coins for father and son.

He had never seen gold with such a high purity, and the style of this gold coin was too weird and rough.

He wondered if these two poor bastards had any secrets?

I didn't expect to follow up this time, and I found something.

In fact, it is very difficult to find here. The fat businessman lost his way and was about to give up, but the son shouted "Father" to guide him.

He found this secret door with some flour scattered around it.

"Haha, did those two poor ghosts hide their treasure here?" The fat businessman excitedly opened the secret door.


Buddhism prevails and is still very prosperous in Siam.

After night fell, a group of monks dressed completely differently from ordinary monks, with two white ivory lines painted on their faces, carried a gorgeous bamboo chariot, on which lay an unconscious girl in Chinese clothes.

The monks walked forward silently, the road was remote and quiet, and some passing people or believers knelt down on the ground one after another, chanting scriptures they had never heard before.

After walking for more than an hour, a group of people came to the cave on their bodies.

Stalactites and various stalagmites emerged one after another, and the head monk began to chant scriptures, but his voice was not human-like.

While walking and chanting, the stone wall opened up behind the dead end and came to the huge mountainside.

Here, there is a huge statue.

On the lotus pedestal crouched a statue of a god with a long nose, big ears and a human body.

The monks cut a wound on the girl's wrist, causing the blood to trickle, but they chanted the scriptures with all their body.

After a while, the elephant-headed god's eyes opened slightly, and his long nose moved slightly, which turned out to be like the teeth of a leech or a lamprey, with a ring of tiny barb teeth.

The horrible long nose began to extend, and it came to drink blood from the wound on the good girl's wrist.


Dongying, a small town in Hokkaido.

A girl taking a bath in the bathroom... That's right, it's the kind of scene often seen in Japanese comics, please make up your own brain for details~

Suddenly, she smelled an unspeakable stench.

"Ugh, it stinks! What does it smell like?" She didn't care about anything else, and immediately picked up a bottle of crystal perfume beside her and sprayed it on her body.

This perfume is gorgeous in shape and expensive, and the most important thing is its charming fragrance.

Ever since she sprayed this perfume, which claims to make anyone fall in love with her, the girl's love luck seems to have flourished.

Earn a million dong this month!

So much so that girls feel that the world stinks if they don't spray for a day.

But today, for some reason, my body seems to be contaminated with filth, and the stench is hard to get rid of. It even made the girl's sanity collapse, just wanting to eliminate this extremely disgusting stench.

She rubbed and rubbed, and soon her body was flushed, but she seemed to be in a frenzy, gnashing her teeth and wiping it non-stop, even if her skin was broken, red, swollen and bleeding, she didn't care.

In the end, she even picked up the razor she used to shave her legs... Soon the tub was bright red.

And as the girl involuntarily crazily self-mutilated, a strange kind of spiritual energy turned into a kind of extraordinary spores, which seemed to follow some trajectory and flew out of the sewers, vents, etc.

At the same time, in the dozen or so streets in the center of this small city, dozens of hundreds of women had this experience.

Their lives and spirituality turned into extraordinary spores, and finally gathered at the top of the communication building in the center of the city, becoming a swollen, deformed, twisted and terrifying plant.

This plant spreads spores in the city, turns people into nourishment, multiplies and grows crazily, and quickly changes from being able to see with spiritual vision to an entity that can be seen by mortal eyes!

At this time, it was out of control, the plant roots broke through the road, and countless people who smelled the fragrant spores began to turn into dry bones!

A young sorcerer in an oriental monk's robe, with hair and a ring staff, stood on a nearby building with a serious expression.

"It seems that it is impossible not to make a big commotion."

With a stick in his hand, he had already inserted it into the concrete on the roof. With his hands in the mudra, he began to recite the mantra: "Namobi Nayeka...hold the King of Heaven's Blazing Curse!"

A mouthful of flames shot out, soaring into the sky, igniting countless extraordinary spores in the wind.

However, the giant psionic plant on the opposite floor was not affected by the flames. Instead, it sprayed out a large amount of strange liquid to extinguish the flames. And there are countless long and short tentacles stabbing towards him like spears and sharp blades.

"King Peacock King Dharma Protector!"

Immediately behind the young dharma body appeared a seven or eight-meter-tall golden peacock king dharma body. This is the secret biography of Mount Gaoye, who specializes in the true dharma protector corresponding to his destiny.


The whole world has begun a terrible irreversible change in silence.

Ordinary people are like ants on the pedestrian street, they may be trampled to death unintentionally at any time.

In this tide of changing times, it is unknown how many people will drown in it.

At this time, Zhao Hao was ready to go to the underworld for the second time, and attack the city of Zhulerui.

This time, not only did he have to bring all his summons, but he also had to bring one hundred and eight minions and those "player heroic spirits" who had become part of his dream.

Just to try the fighting power.

At the end of the year, something happened at home, and I was so troubled that I didn't even want to type.

But when I think that I will definitely have to ask for leave at the end of the year, I have to force myself to code, otherwise the leave slips at the end of the month will not be enough.

Ah~~~ Life is unsatisfactory in all likelihood.

I plan to stop for a week during the Chinese New Year. I haven't had a good New Year for several years.

we'll talk about it then……

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