The dream is still going on, and Boris has done far more evil than that.

In this mental hospital, the vast majority of people are indeed real mental patients. Including female patients whom Boris considers an important resource.

And those locked in without mental problems are naturally precious resources, which should be properly utilized.

But those with various mental illnesses can't just go to waste.

But how can we make them obedient?

In fact, those who have no problems are also difficult to manage. There are always some rebellious ones, who still refuse to obey discipline even when they are beaten, scolded, confined and starved, and even try to ask for help from the outside world or escape, or even commit suicide.

Finally Boris hit upon a bright idea, a surgery that had been banned for thirty years.

Lobotomy is a neurosurgical operation that removes the connective tissue of the prefrontal cortex of the brain, also known as lobotomy, lobotomy, etc.

Each hemisphere of the brain is divided into four lobes, and the frontal lobe is the largest one, accounting for about 1/3 of the volume. After removal, people will lose many functions, including personality, will... Simply put, it is a soul removal operation.

In 1949, the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded to the Portuguese neurologist and scientist Egas Moniz, who invented the procedure.

"Lobotomy is a simple, safe procedure and may well be a highly effective surgical procedure for treating mental disorders," Monis said.

Soon, the lobotomy was recognized by more and more countries, and the doctors in the mental hospital seemed to usher in the dawn:

It can be regarded as a way to deal with those disobedient mental patients! As long as such a small operation, those violent patients will become like small pets at the mercy of others.

However, there is a problem with Monis's method, that is, complex procedures such as positioning the skull and drilling holes are required, which not only greatly prolongs the time required for the operation, but also places high demands on the doctor's skills.

So in 1945, Monis's most "crazy" follower, Dr. Freeman of Ami, made an "improvement" of this "operation".

He developed a quicker and simpler procedure that even any doctor in a small clinic could perform, the so-called "icepick therapy."

The specific operation plan is to use a long awl the thickness of chopsticks to poke in from above the eye socket of the patient, to the front of the brain, and pound it twice according to experience.

To be honest, the author was like this when I had my wisdom teeth pulled out. I was screwdriver and hammer back then.

But this is brain surgery!

What's more frightening is that Freeman is very good at propaganda.

He succeeded in convincing the press and, almost unilaterally, promoted the procedure to mental asylums, hospitals and clinics across the United States.

He also often toured with a tool kit that included electric shock tools, ice cubes, and a small hammer in order to promote his "brilliant" inventions.

This caused a stir among the public and the scientific community.

For a while, this kind of treatment, which was supposed to be the last resort for severe mental illness, has become a panacea that can solve all problems in the eyes of the public.

Because it is so simple and convenient, this kind of surgery that seems to cure all diseases has begun to be abused.

Because Freeman and others advocated that "mental illness should be killed in the cradle", thousands of people were pulled to do this kind of operation without careful examination. Many violent criminals, political prisoners and homosexuals have also been shot innocently because of this.

After all, those who are judged to be mentally ill have no human rights.

Especially after the Second World War, many veterans in various countries suffered from war trauma.

So, they were all tied to the operating table...

But as time went by, people found out that this thing didn't work at all, and it even had the opposite effect!

While the psychotic symptoms of the patients undergoing surgery were alleviated, serious sequelae also appeared:

These patients' high-level thinking activities are destroyed, and they become like walking corpses, docile, lethargic, dull, indifferent, listless, distracted, dull, at the mercy of others, and live in endless nothingness all their lives.

Others have lost their emotions and become extremely cruel.

Among the victims were the elder sister of the former commander whose head was shot and blown away by the assassin, as well as Hollywood superstars...

In the end, the inventor Monis had to admit that his research was flawed, but he still argued that the benefits of frontal lobotomy outweighed the risks.

In the decades after the surgery was invented, Ami performed about 40,000 to 50,000 such operations, and Freeman himself performed 3,500.

Although it was banned internationally, in fact, this kind of surgery was still used in Amei when Zhao Hao first traveled here.

Aramco's official medical agency believes that: in some cases, with good therapeutic effects...

This lobotomy was a good idea that Boris thought of.

Although there is no reaction, it is boring to some high-ranking people, and it is not exciting at all, they like to resist.

But others just love dolls at their mercy!

In Boris' dream, not long ago he arranged for an operation. It's the one that just came in.

The girl was not sick, but was sent in by her stepfather to inherit the property. Basically, she could be regarded as a patient with no relatives. So fiddle with it all you want.

But this girl was too noisy, she pretended to be obedient at the beginning, and secretly planned to escape, even thinking of colluding with other "good boys" who were already very peaceful to escape.

And in the process of escaping, he had to deal with the other four "good boys" who had been trained.

In the end, Boris had to send her to the operating table. As for the signature of the operation, just find someone to write it.

I hope she can still play the final value...

Unexpectedly, someone was killed afterward.

There was no trace, no murder weapon, and the doctor's throat was sealed with a knife.

It was the doctor who signed the surgery on the girl who died...

Zhao Hao seemed to have found a way of thinking.

That's the case, no wonder I have never seen this method before.

It was neither a spirit body nor a superhuman ability, it turned out to be a dream!

It's not the killing that happened in the surface world, but killing people using dreams!

This is really a path I never imagined.

Zhao Hao exited the dream, and began to check how many patients in this mental hospital had their white matter removed.

I checked the statistics and found that there are not many.

Because after this kind of operation, a person is like a piece of wood, losing most of his desires and impulses, even when he is hungry, he does not know how to eat.

This condition is not properly cared for and the patient can easily pass away. That's why there are fewer people.

And Zhao Hao also found the "murderer".

She lay on the bed blankly, not moving for ten or twenty minutes. In the past two days, I have been so hungry that I have lost weight. Her soul is gone.

This one is a bit special, her psychic potential is very high, and she may even have awakened psychic power after being sent to a mental hospital by her stepfather.

As a result, after the white matter of the brain was cut out, the connection between her soul and body was almost cut off, and she became a ghost that was not a ghost!

A living, or half-dead, ghost, a spirit that roams the dreams of the surface layer of the Psionic Sea.

And Zhao Hao also discovered another thing, the little bit of her remaining spirituality is very strange and mixed.

Zhao Hao didn't know what happened, but decided to find the spirit body first.

Because it is also dangerous in the dream world, if you encounter some nightmare monsters, the girl may be about to be eaten.

Even if she can't come back for a long time, in her state, the possibility of not being able to find her body is very high...

Zhao Hao closed his eyes, looking at Boris who was still dreaming of "climbing up to become a big shot".

"Wait, wait until I get her back and let her take revenge with her own hands!"

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