Although Colt is from Amis, he first worked in the Security Council.

This is also the reason why he was able to serve as the branch chief on the east coast. At the beginning, Te was sent by the Security Council to be the branch chief. After all, the Security Council has to have its own talents, or else it will lose control?

This mysterious bureau is an international organization in name, although in recent years it has been reduced to specialize in Ami.

However, in recent years, Ami officials have begun to deploy personnel in various ways, with various small actions, and have begun to place a large number of confidantes in the mysterious bureau.

This is also unavoidable. You are on other people's chassis, and you use people from other people, and you will be emptied sooner or later.

In recent years, the extraordinary has come back too fast. In the early years, even some chaebol families who were younger didn't know much about the extraordinary and the world, but now some multi-millionaires can get along with the extraordinary as long as they are willing to pay the price. Get in touch.

Do you want some watches and medicines to treat diseases, or do something else, just pay for it.

Seeing the rise of extraordinary power, Ami officials began to feel shameless.

After all, it is one of the most powerful countries in the world, and although the United Nations is full of force, it is only a loose alliance after all. There is no right, no one, only righteousness and reputation. Once Ami is shameless, the United Nations can't do anything about it. Even have to cooperate with each other shamelessly.

After all, Ami is also an important member of it, and a member of the Security Council.

The relationship is so complicated that the effect of the United Nations can't be played much.

Recently, Colt has clearly felt the big move of Aramco.

Last year, they were still working hard on grassroots personnel such as black-clothed agents, at most intervening in some middle-level management, but now they are all starting to seek the level of sub-bureau chief.

Also, some plans and actions confuse Colt very much.

He would understand if it was cutting flesh from the Bureau of Mystery to raise the military's extraordinary forces. But some of the actions above are really incomprehensible.

For example, suddenly paying a huge price, let the Mystery Bureau "recruit" a group of people like Zhao Hao.

This task was assigned by the director himself.

It was only two days ago that Colt inadvertently communicated with friends in other bureaus, and learned the rough list of recruits.

The composition of these people is a bit complicated, and it is not wrong to say that they are recruiting security. In comparison, Zhao Hao can say that he is right and Miaohong.

Colt currently knows seven people.

The old demon hunter Brook Saipan, he suffered a big loss in the dark fairy tale a while ago, but after following him, he found that the death shepherd of the shadow organization was killed by the apostles of hell. It can be regarded as a sigh of relief.

That's all for him, although he was not a member of the Mystery Bureau before, but the demon hunter has more contacts with the Mystery Bureau. Not unfamiliar either.

And there's something wrong with Prada LaVue.

This woman, Zhao Hao, has also met several times, and she is that black-skinned woman. Voodoo, also known as Voodoo.

This woman's ancestral home is South America, her family has inherited voodoo witchcraft, and she even enshrines an unknown "god". Powerful, in several southern states where voodoo is prevalent, known as the voodoo queen.

Her mother was known as the queen of voodoo back then, and this thing was passed down in her family.

But at that time, psychic energy was quiet, and her mother could only do some small tricks such as psychic psychics, locating lost objects, and emotional restoration spells. However, many celebrities have gone to look for it, and it is said that it is very effective, so they have the name of Queen of Voodoo.

In fact, the voodoo forces in the south of Amei really all look at her face.

The Mystery Bureau has always kept this kind of person in check, and even secretly sent people to watch it. Unexpectedly, he was pulled closer to the bureau.

There is also the big belly hammer brother Karlus Graf, this person is not even from Ami, he is from Iceland, and he is a superman with blood, claiming to have the blood of the Asa gods in his body!

The ghost knows how the mysterious bureau brought him closer to the bureau, his family is in northern Europe!

There is also Francis Martell, a paladin of the Holy See, a French chicken man.

Although there is also the Holy See on Amei's side, Protestantism and Catholicism are not the same thing. Now that you have invited a Roman Catholic paladin, isn't that a bit of a slap in the face to the local Protestant denomination?

The paladin, Francis, helped the prince find Cinderella in the dark fairy tale world. Later, he became prosperous among several courts and forces, with a feeling of being all-round. Another way to make big money.

It's just that this guy disappeared as soon as the fight started, and his combat effectiveness was worrying.

And the prophetic poet Tiama Ciro, an Italian. That's right, in the world of black fairy tales, he was Zhao Hao's horse boy first, and then he had a duet with Gou Quan.

This guy got a collection of epic poems in the fairy tale world, and with his extraordinary ability, he actually has a certain predictive ability.

In fact, it can also be seen from the world of black fairy tales that this guy is more or less turning evil into good fortune.

He was also pulled into the Mystery Bureau, and even specially sent people to Yidali to pull him into the gang.

Another is Sandro Yoda, the necromancer.

At that time, this guy didn't know what he did in the world of black fairy tales, so he just rushed to the point of half-bronze. It's probably bronze now.

Back then, as a non-staff member, he had participated in the campaign against the Grays and Lizardmen at Dawsey Base, so he still knew Zhao Hao.

But the extraordinary path of the necromancer is really hard to describe in words. He had already lost contact with the Mystery Bureau, but unexpectedly he was approached and brought closer to the Bureau. I am afraid that the treatment given will not be low.

In the end is Zhao Hao, he can be regarded as the most upright and popular. It is also convenient to join, from a temporary worker to a full-time worker.

However, what is the purpose of this unnecessary and costly operation, which is still carried out secretly?

Colt was a little skeptical.


November 1st Halloween.

This is the ghost festival in the west, and it is also very lively!

Every household must prepare candy, or the bear will smash the glass in your house.

Zhao Hao got a card as soon as he woke up in the morning.

【Electric bag】

Black iron 3 star item card


This thing is actually two pieces of blush!

Just put it on your face, and you have blush. And this thing is actually on Pikachu's face!

No trade, no harm, one Pikachu is killed for every pair of electric pouches.

After sticking this thing, it can make you generate electricity.

Ordinary people can also use it, but it consumes a lot of physical strength. When someone else is numb by the electricity, their chest will stick to their back and their legs will shake.

But it would be great if an extraordinary person uses it. Consuming psionic energy to stimulate electricity is equivalent to having an extra extraordinary ability.

But after all, it is a black iron 3-star prop, and the improvement is too small. The black iron level can still be played, but the bronze level has become a play house.

Unless there is a slight current when you want to try something... Bah! Why did I start to think wildly again, the readers who voted monthly must have influenced my thinking.

Elena opened her eyes in a daze, and saw Zhao Hao leaning on the bed playing with two unknown "little red chips".

Leaning in Zhao Hao's arms, she asked, "What is this?"

"This, this is interesting. How about I demonstrate it to you personally..."

It turned out not to be the case afterwards, and it was already overwhelmed, and this thing was simply fatal.

The electric ignition causes the engine to be scrapped in minutes!

Zhao Hao, who was driven out of bed by Elena to decorate Halloween costumes, originally wanted to put this thing away, because he might not need it in the future.

I happened to see a white, fat mouse with a big tail eating cat food in the bedroom.

It was the treasure hunting mouse Laibao that Zhao Hao caught a few years ago. This thing looks like a combination of a flying squirrel and a chinchilla.

Zhao Hao didn't bother to take care of it after a few days. Later, he was fed by Elena, and more often as Juzuo's pet.

"Come here~" Zhao Hao grabbed it, "I'll give you a big baby~"

Put the electric bag on the face~

Treasure Hunting Rat Comes Treasure: What is it? (Holding his face) Hey electric hand!

The treasure hunting mouse ran away in a flash, releasing static electricity crackling while running.


Dressing up Zhao Hao for Halloween is the easiest way, release a few paper figurines to look like vampires and ghosts, put them in the yard, and it would be best to scare away the bear children who come to the door asking for candy.

This Western Ghost Festival is definitely not peaceful, Zhao Hao already had a premonition that he would have to work overtime tonight.

But it doesn't matter, the shadow clone can deal with it. Although it has become regular, it does not affect fishing.

Recently, the higher-ups don't know what to think about themselves, so try to keep a low profile.

At night, there are indeed many warnings.

There are all kinds of monsters and ghosts walking on the street, you don't know which one is pretend and which one is real.

Zhao Hao's shadow avatar led two teams of black-clothed agents to patrol the jurisdiction, extinguishing small incidents at any time.

That night, there were as many as 78 supernatural incidents of haunting in Liberty City, and some strange unknown monsters, dolls came alive and so on. cigarette.

In the evening, Gou Quan called and said that he was going to visit him, and he brought his new girlfriend with him.

Zhao Hao didn't realize it for a while, Xinjiao is... not right! Gou Quan wants to bring his girlfriend over? Are you serious this time? !

When I opened the door the next day, I found that Gou Quan's girlfriend was actually an acquaintance...

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